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Personal Statement

I am Mishal Ashraf D/o Muhammad Ashraf. I was born on 31 Aug 1996. I did SSC from
Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Sargodha in 2015. I did HSSC from Board of
Intermediate and Secondary Education Sargodha in 2017. After that I did BBA from Quaid-e-
Azam University of Pakistan in 2022. I am working as an Account Manager at Universal Study
Adviser from 01 Oct 2022 to till date.

Why did I choose MBA (Management)?

My journey towards an MBA in Management stems not just from a natural curiosity about the
complexities of business, but from a deliberate decision to build upon the foundation I laid
through my BBA degree. My undergraduate years ignited a passion for understanding the inner
workings of organizations, from navigating financial challenges to orchestrating effective teams.
However, I yearned for a deeper dive into the strategic mind of a leader, the one who envisions
not just day-to-day operations but also the long-term trajectory of success. My BBA provided
me with a strong base in core business functions like marketing, finance, and human resources.
It opened my eyes to the intricate dance between different departments, each playing a crucial
role in the symphony of success. Yet, I longed to grasp the baton and conduct the orchestra, to
not only understand the individual instruments but also harmonize them into a powerful
collective force. An MBA in Management, therefore, is not just the logical next step in my
academic journey; it's the missing piece that will transform me from a skilled musician into a
masterful conductor. I dream of leading teams in solving complex problems, navigating shifting
market trends, and spearheading innovative initiatives that drive growth. I envision myself not
just managing projects but influencing entire organizations, guiding them towards their full
potential. The comprehensive curriculum, diverse faculty expertise, and real-world case studies
offered by your esteemed program resonate deeply with my aspirations. I'm eager to engage in
collaborative learning, soak up the wisdom of experienced professionals, and hone my
analytical and decision-making skills. Beyond academics, I see this program as a launchpad for
building a robust network of like-minded individuals, future colleagues who will share my
passion for shaping the business landscape of tomorrow. In conclusion, choosing an MBA in
Management wasn't simply a matter of "what comes next"; it was a conscious, deliberate
choice fueled by a desire to evolve from a competent practitioner to a visionary leader. It's a
chance to translate my knowledge into action, to orchestrate not just individual notes but the
entire symphony of success. I am confident that within the walls of your institution, I will find
the tools and guidance to turn my ambitious dreams into impactful realities.
Why did I choose Bangor University?

My decision to pursue my academic journey at Bangor University wasn't simply a random

placement on a map; it was a carefully considered choice driven by a potent blend of academic
excellence and captivating surroundings. Bangor's esteemed reputation, consistently
acknowledged through top rankings and glowing accolades, resonated deeply with my desire
for a transformative educational experience. The university's impressive ranking in the UK and
beyond whispered promises of world-class teaching, delivered by seasoned experts at the
forefront of their fields. I envisioned myself immersed in stimulating discussions, challenged by
rigorous coursework, and mentored by professors whose passion for knowledge would ignite
my own. The prospect of delving into research alongside these luminaries, contributing to
impactful projects with global reach, sent a thrill through me. But Bangor's allure extended far
beyond the confines of the lecture halls. Nestled amidst the breathtaking beauty of North
Wales, the university offered a sanctuary for both scholarly pursuits and personal growth.
Picturesque mountains and rugged coastlines beckoned exploration, promising a welcome
escape from the academic grind. I pictured myself invigorated by the fresh sea air, my mind
cleared and recharged for further intellectual exploration. The vibrant student community of
Bangor also played a pivotal role in my decision. With its rich tapestry of cultures and interests,
I knew I wouldn't just be a student, but an active participant in a dynamic, supportive network.
The thought of collaborating with peers from diverse backgrounds, forging lifelong friendships,
and learning from each other's unique perspectives excited me to no end. In essence, Bangor
wasn't just a university; it was an ecosystem for growth, a fertile ground where academic rigor
blossomed alongside personal fulfillment. It promised not just the acquisition of knowledge, but
the forging of a well-rounded individual, empowered to make a mark on the world. And that, I
knew, was an opportunity I couldn't afford to miss.

Why did I choose UK?

I decided to study in the UK because of the country's reputation for having strong academic
standards. I selected UK over places like Canada and Germany because there is a language
barrier in Germany and the temperature in Canada is unsuitable for on-campus studies, in
contrast to the UK, which has neither a language barrier nor a climate that is unsuitable. The
courses offered in other countries are expensive and are of long duration as compared to UK. In
comparison to other nations, the UK has substantially cheaper living expenses. The course
duration for a postgraduate study in UK is short that is 1 year whereas in other countries it
consists of 2 years. UK degree is acceptable in more than hundred countries worldwide.
Academic standards are on high prestige and the education of UK provides a solid foundation to
boost potential skills. In contrast, in other developed countries like Australia and the USA, the
duration of the postgraduate courses is two years, and their fee structure is way more than
enough. Further talk about UK, living expenses are less 12006 pounds per year as compared to
the USA and Australia 22,000 dollar per year. In UK, Employability rate is 97.1%. In contrast,
according to the Australian Bureau of statistics, the Australian Employability rate remained the
same as 66.6% in 2022. UK has a multi-environment and such unrivalled cultural diversity will
give me opportunity to experience different cultures.

Career Goals:

After completion of studies, I will come back to my country Pakistan and I will start my career as
Business Developer Manager at Macdonald’s. As Business Developer Manager, I will be
responsible for driving business growth within a company. I will develop a network of contacts
to attract new clients, research new market opportunities and manage expansion initiatives,
estimating revenue and sales to stay below budgeted limits. I hope that I have stated all the
information about myself and you will be satisfied reading my statement of purpose. I am
waiting for your positive response. Thank you.


Mishal Ashraf.

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