CS Paper1 Answer MT

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As an AI language model, I can provide sample answers for each question, but keep in mind that

the actual grading of these answers would depend on the specific marking scheme and criteria
provided by the exam board. Here are some sample answers:

**Question 1:**
(a) The result displayed on the screen will be `16` because `(5 + 3) * 2 = 16`.

(b) The `SET` keyword in pseudocode is used to assign a value to a variable.

(c) To modify the pseudocode to display the result of subtracting `y` from `x` and then
multiplying the result by 3, you would replace the calculation expression with `(x - y) * 3`.

**Question 2:**
(a) One problem with using simulations to predict the effects of changes is that they may
oversimplify real-world complexities, leading to inaccurate predictions.

(b) One measurement of image resolution is pixels per inch (PPI) or dots per inch (DPI).

(c) One difference between system software and application software is that system software
manages the hardware and provides a platform for running application software, while
application software performs specific tasks for users.

(d) The image after running a defragmentation utility would show the files organized
contiguously on the storage medium.

(e) Applying a run-length encoding algorithm to the data file would compress the file by
replacing consecutive repeated values with a count of the repetitions.

**Question 3:**
(a) The expression to give the number of unique binary patterns that can be stored in six bits is \
(2^6 = 64\).

(b) The result of applying a logical shift right by two to the binary pattern \(0101 \ 1100\) would
be \(0001 \ 0111\).

(c) The denary unsigned integer 60 in 8-bit binary is \(0011 \ 1100\).

(d) The binary bit pattern \(1001 \ 0110\) in sign and magnitude format represents \(-86\).

(e) An expression to convert 13 kilobytes to kibibytes would be \(13 \times 1024\).

**Question 4:**
(a) The measurement of network speeds is usually given in Megabits per second (Mbps) or
Gigabits per second (Gbps).
(b) IPv4 addresses consist of 32 bits, and IPv6 addresses consist of 128 bits.

(c) One difference between the media used by a wired network and a wireless network is that
wired networks typically use physical cables (such as Ethernet cables), while wireless networks
use radio waves for communication.

(d) The components in the correct order are: Internet, Router, Modem.

(e) One difference between validation and authentication is that validation ensures data meets
certain requirements or standards, while authentication verifies the identity of a user.

**Question 5:**
(a) Input: Direction (North, East, South, or West)
Output: New position coordinates (x, y)

(b) ROM (Read-Only Memory) stores firmware and boot-up instructions.

(c) Cache is used in a computer to temporarily store frequently accessed data or instructions,
which helps to improve the overall speed and performance of the system.

(d) Another example of an embedded system found in a washing machine is a temperature

sensor used to regulate water temperature.

(e) The operating system enables processes to share a single CPU by using scheduling
algorithms to allocate CPU time to each process in a fair and efficient manner.

**Question 6:**
(a) An appropriate method for writing the algorithm to a group of non-technical managers could
be using flowcharts or diagrams. This visual representation can help simplify complex concepts
and make it easier for non-technical individuals to understand.

(b) The selection statement on line 7 is not required because if `inNum` is not equal to 1, it must
be equal to 2 due to the previous condition `(inNum = 1) OR (inNum = 2)`.

(c) When line 5 is executed in Figure 2, the variable `oldIndex` is decremented by 1.

(d) Benefits of using cloud storage include accessibility from anywhere with an internet
connection and scalability. Drawbacks may include security concerns and reliance on internet

These sample answers provide a general idea of how one might approach answering each
question. It's important to note that examiners may have specific criteria for awarding marks, so
students should tailor their responses accordingly.

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