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2. Yawn
3. Set alarm
4. Pillow
5. Comforter, Blanket, sheets,
6. Fall asleep
7. Snore
8. Nightmares
9. Oversleep
10. Keep you awake
11. Insomnia
12. Sleeping pills
13. Nap/siesta
14. Log
15. Jet lagged
16. Fast asleep

Recurring dream – Повторяющие сны

Bizarre – странный

doom and gloom – Мрак и ужас

eerie – зловещий

goosebumps - мурашки по коже

lyrics – текст песни

tune - музыкальный

grip –хватка

prophetic – пророческий

prophet – пророчество

owe – быть должным

seekers – искатели

inexplicable – не объяснимо

deck – колода

Brummie accent- бруми акцент

Scouse - акцент


Rivalry – соперничество

reflects the sun's rays – отражает солнечные лучи


lunatic asylum + псих.болница

приливы и отливы - The tides

sleepwalker –лунатик

Axis –ось

Wеrewolf - оборотень

Feared – Напуганный

echoes of the past – отголоски прошлого




aspen stake осиновый кол

flutter – развивать я на ветру

bury – захоронен

plot / hoax - заговор

to commit a suicide – совершить суицид

cover up the truth – скрыть правду

to debunk a myth – развеять мифы

the guys who hold the oars and they sit //// A small orange boat

The hidden big crocodile

1. 2



4. 3

5. 6

Rare Old silver

A red and white woolen

Large red and green

handsome young film

Tall young and beautiful

Large grey Indian

If you think this is a typical story about what happened in a dark night forest on a full moon, you're
right. It was the middle of the night, I couldn't sleep, I decided to take a walk, but quickly my legs got
tired, I decided to sit down under a huge tree, take a break, the night was clear, the moon illuminated
the lawns. which was a little scary, but the grass was soft as a feather, several tulips were growing,
suddenly a beautiful deer came out to the edge, his eyes shone from the moon, either he wasn't
afraid of me, or he didn't notice, he came up to me, sniffed me, he didn't even scare me, but on the
contrary, I felt light until his eyes turned red.



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