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Modern Art - an art movement that emerged in the late 19th and early 20th
centuries. It was characterized by a shift away from traditional styles to a more
abstract, experimental approach to creating works of art.
Art Movements - collective titles that are given to artworks which share the same
artistic ideas, style, technical approach or timeframe.
Impressionism - a style of painting that used a more scientific analysis of color to
capture the effects of light in nature.
Expressionism - works with more emotional force, rather than with realistic or
natural images: to achieve this, artists distorted outlines, applied strong colors,
and exaggerated forms.
Fauvism - a style that used bold, vibrant colors and visual distortions.
Dadaism - a style characterized by dream fantasies, memory images, and visual
tricks and surprises.
Surrealism - a style that depicted an illogical, subsconscious dream world
beyond the logical, conscious, physical one.
Social Realism - expressed the artist’s role in social reform. Addressed different
issues in the hope of raising people’s awareness and pushing society to seek
Cubism - used exaggeration, distortion, and shock technique of expressionism.
Cubist artworks were, therefore, a play of planes and angles on a flat surface.
Representational abstractionism - the resulting works ranged from depicting
still-recognizable subjects.
Pure abstractionism - no recognizable subjects could be discerned.
Futurism - a style the futurist created art for a fast-paced, machine-propelled
age. They admired the motion, force, speed, and strength of mechanical forms.


Abstract Realism - is a real Art form that is a marriage of two contradictory terms,
Abstract art and Realistic art.
Pop Art - movement presented a challenge to traditions of fine art by including
imagery from popular and mass culture, such as advertising, comic books and
mundane mass-produced objects.
Optical Art - is a perceptual experience related to how vision functions. It is a
dynamic visual art that stems from a discordant figure-ground relationship.

Sex, Sexuality and the RH Law
Gender and Sexuality - gender-based discrimination often starts with the wrong
notion that some things or tasks are for men only or women only.
Sex - refers to the biological basis of an individual which includes primary sex
characteristics. An individual can be categorized as female, male or intersex.
Gender - is the sociological or cultural distinction often associated with being
female, male or intersex.
Sexuality - refers to the interest and sexual attraction toward other people,
including the capacity to have erotic experiences and responses.
Gender Identity - refers to how an individual looks at their self as a member of a
particular gender.
Examples of Gender Identity:
Lesbian , Gay , Bisexual , Transgender , Queer , T+
Gender Roles - refer to tasks often associated with women and men based on
what society dictates.
Sex Roles - refer to tasks that can be done by women only or men only based
on their biological or physiological characteristics.
Gender Ideology - refers to the collective beliefs and treatment regarding what
appropriate roles women and men can have or do in society.
Factors that shape Gender Ideology:
● Family - is the first institution we first encounter in our life, whatever we see
in it becomes the basis of our beliefs regarding the appropriate roles for
men and women.
● Education - as soon as we begin our schooling, we can also see certain
tasks done basically by men and women.
● Religion - plays an important role in shaping gender awareness, which is
why it is essential to examine the state of women and other gender
identities in different religions.
● Media - At present, when children are exposed at an early age to mass
media and social media, what they see becomes a major influence in the
development of their gender awareness.
● Friends - Aside from family, the youth are often with their friends. This is why
friends also have a huge role to play in shaping an individual's gender

Reproductive Health - As defined by the World Health Organization, is a state of
physical, mental, and social well-being in all matters relating to the reproductive
system at all stages of life. Implies that people can have a satisfying and safe sex
life and that they can reproduce and have the freedom to decide if, when, and
how often to do so.
Fin Fish & Shellfish
tools and equipment
-fish bone tweezer
-kitchen shear
-knives & cutting board
-frying pan
-plastic packaging
-baking sheets -fish scale
Types finfish
-fat fish — omega3
-lean fish
Classification of fish
-fresh water
-salt water
Types of seafood/shellfish
1. mollusk - pair of shell/univalves - abalone
2. crustaceans - segmented shell & jointed legs
3. Cephalopods - squid, octopus, cuttlefish

Market form fish

1. whole
2. drown
3. steak
4. dressed
5. fillet
6. sticks

market form shellfish

1. live
2. shucked
3. canned

1. fresh & mild odor
2. eyes are clean, shiny & bulging
3. gills - red/pink
4. texture of the flesh film/elastic
5. scales - shiny & tightly cling-on the skin

1. alive - tightly close shell
2. smell - very mild, a little bit sweet
3. not hollow
4. strong fishy smell/ brownish color - spoiled

Preparation of finfish
1. scale
2. fillet
3. skin
4. debone

Methods of cooking
1. baking
2. broiling/grilling
3. sauteing/pan-frying
4. deep fry
5. soup
6. steam


fundamental of plating
1. balance
2. portion size - perfect plate
3. serve hot food on hot plate, cold food on cold plate
Principles of Preparing Stocks
Stocks are among the most basic preparations found in professional kitchens.
The French word for stock is fond, meaning bottom, ground, or base

Elements of a Stock
A stock is composed of four ingredients: the nourishing element, mirepoix,
bouquet garni, and liquid. These ingredients are usually mixed in the following
proportions to make most stocks:
5 parts nourishing element
1 part mirepoix
bouquet garni
10 parts liquid
Nourishing Element
The most important ingredient in a stock is the nourishing element. A nourishing
element includes any one or a combination of the following:
● Fresh bones (beef, lamb, chicken, fish, veal, or game)
● Meat trimmings
● Fish trimmings for fish stock
● Vegetables for vegetable stock
The nourishing element provides flavor, nutrients, and color.
Mirepoix is a mix of coarsely chopped vegetables that is used in a stock to add
flavor, nutrients, and color. Usually include two parts onions, one part celery, and
one part carrots.
Bouquet Garni
A bouquet garni is a combination of fresh herbs and vegetables, such as carrots,
leeks, celery, thyme, and parsley stems, that are tied in a bundle with butcher’s
Liquid, almost always in the form of water, makes up the largest portion of stock.

● White Stock (Fond Blanc) - made from beef or veal bones or fish bones
simmered with vegetables. White stock is generally colorless while it is
● Brown stock (Fond Brun) – made from beef or veal bones that have been
browned in an oven. It gets its color from roasting the ingredients without
water, in a hot oven. The browned bones, mirepoix, and tomatoes or
tomato product combine to give a brown stock its color.
● Fish stock (Fond de poisson) – made from fish bones and trimmings left
over after filleting. The procedure to make fish stock is the same as to
make a white stock, although the cooking time for fish stock is shorter.
● Chicken stock (Fond de poulet) – can also be called as white stock. It is
made from chicken bones. It is prepared the same way as the white stock
but simmered for 2 to 3 hours only.
Different types of stocks by their French names:
• Fond de boeuf - beef stock
• Fond d’agneau - lamb stock
• Fond de veau - veal stock
• Fond de gibier - game stock
•Fond de volaille - poultry stock
• Fond de legume - vegetable stock

Ingredients in Preparing Stocks

1. Bones - most of the flavor and body of stock
2. Mirepoix - is the French term for the combination of coarsely chopped
onions, carrots and celery used to flavor stocks.
3. Meat - The skin or shoulder of a beef or veal are often used
4. Seasoning and spices - bouquet garni
5. Tomatoes - It adds flavor to brown stocks.
6. Wine - This is occasionally used. Its flavor contribution is more important
than its acidity.

Classifications of Soups
1. Clear Soup - They are soups based on a clear, unthickened
broth or stock
● Broth and bouillon - are similar to stock in technique and in cooking time.
The major distinction between broth and stock is that broths can be
served as is, whereas stocks are used in production of other dishes.
● Vegetable soup – clear seasoned stock or broth with the addition of one
or more vegetables, meat, or poultry.
● Consommé – rich, flavorful stock or broth that has been clarified to make
it perfectly clear and transparent.
2. Thick Soups - are soups that are thickened to provide a heavier consistency.
A béchamel sauce is milk thickened with roux.
● Cream soups – are soups thickened with roux, beurre manie, liaison or
other thickening agents, plus milk, or cream.
● Purees – vegetable soup thickened with starch
● Veloute’s – soup thickened with egg, butter and cream.
● Specialty soups - highlights the cuisine of a specific region, or reflects, or
shows, the use of special ingredients or techniques. Some examples of
specialty soups include bisques, chowders, cold soups.
● Bisques – are thickened soups made from shellfish.
● Chowders – are hearty soups made from fish, shellfish or vegetables
usually contain milk and potatoes.
3. International and other Soups - are linked to different nations or culture.
a. Dessert soup
b. Fruit soup - can be served hot or cold.
c. Cold soup - the temperature when served is kept at or below
d. Asian soup - typical broth, clear soup, or starch thickened soup.
Different types of soups from all diff country:
Ginataan - philippines
Oshiruko - Japanese
Tonge sui - chinese
Egg drop - china
Bouillabaisse - french fish soup
Gumbo - American South
Mulligatawny soup - India
Menudo - Mexican
Pho - Vietnamese

Clear Soups
Clear soups are made primarily of broths that can stand alone as a dish.
Sweating, or cooking vegetables in fat over low heat, is a process that allows
the vegetables release moisture.

Consommé is made from stock or broth. A consommé means to remove the
particles as they float to the top.

Purée Soup Preparation

Purée soups are also thick soups.

Cream Soups
A cream soup is a velvety-smooth, thick soup.

Presenting and Evaluating Soups

1. Color
2. Consistency
3. Seasoning
4. Garnishes
5. Accompaniments
6. Service Ware

Prepare Sauces
Mother Sauces - The five basic sauces are known as mother sauces, or
grand sauces. These sauces are all made by combining a liquid with a
thickening agent.
1. Sauce Espagnole - made from thickened brown stock, sauce espagnole,
which is French for Spanish sauce, also contains some type of tomato
product. Demi-glace is made from sauce espagnole.
2. Tomato sauce - is made by simmering a tomato product with flavorings,
seasonings, and stock or another liquid.
3. Bechamel sauce - is made by thickening milk with a white roux,
seasonings, and flavorings. Also known as cream sauce or white sauce.
4. Veloute - is made by thickening a light colored stock with a light-colored
roux. Also known as blond sauce.
5. Hollandaise sauce - is made from emulsified egg yolks, clarified butter,
seasonings, and often lemon juice.
Other sauces:
Salsa & Relishes

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