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Received: 27 January 2021

DOI: 10.1002/mop.32939


Dual-band bandpass to Many research papers have been published on center fre-
quency tunability and bandpass (BP) to bandstop (BS)
bandstop switchable filter with switchability.1,2,3 In Reference 1, the resonators are tuned
with a piezoelectric actuator induced on the deformed copper
independently tunable center membrane resulting in the complex circuit. The switching
from BP to BS is achieved by introducing the p-i-n diodes
frequency and bandwidth between source and load in Reference 2 whereas in Refer-
ence 3, inductive coupling between the two resonators is
Shriman Narayana | used. A reconfigurable BP to BS tunable microstrip filter
with selectable 2- and 4-pole responses is presented in Refer-
Yatendra Kumar Singh
ences 4 and 5. Two and four parallel λ=4 resonators are
employed to generate 2 and 4 poles, respectively. But the
Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Patna, bandwidth tuning has been achieved only in a 4-pole filter.
Bihta, India
In Reference 6, BP to BS transformation is realized by
Correspondence simultaneously reconfiguring the transmission zeros. Sub-
Shriman Narayana, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of strate integrated waveguide-based BP to BS reconfigurable
Technology Patna, Bihar 801106, India.
filters is presented in References 7 and 8. In Reference 7, a
new type of mode control reconfigurable filter is reported
where series cascading of BP filter and BS filter is used. The
Abstract above-published BP to BS filters is only designed for a sin-
This article presents a dual-band bandpass (BP) to bandstop gle band. A RF-MEMS-based dual-band BP to BS switch-
(BS) switchable filter with independently tunable center able filter is presented in Reference 9, where only bandwidth
frequency and bandwidth. Two different length half- tunability is achieved. Whereas in Reference 10, the shunt
wavelength resonators are coupled with two separate cou- switches are used to select the BS and bandstop mode of the
pling lines. Each resonator consists of a varactor-loaded stub filter. In References 9 and 10, center frequency tunability is
at the center to tune the even mode frequencies, whereas not present. In Reference 11, a BP to BS tunable filter
two identical varactors are connected at the ends to tune is designed where two pairs of λ=2 resonators are used to
odd and even mode frequencies simultaneously. The center form a dual-band filter. The above-published dual-band fil-
frequency of the first passband is tuned from 1.03 to ters have either center frequency tuning or bandwidth tuning,
1.4 GHz with constant fractional bandwidth (CFBW) of but not both.
3.4%, and second passband from 1.35 to 1.74 GHz with In this article, a dual-band tunable BP to BS filter is
CFBW of 2%. BP to BS switching is achieved by con- presented where the fractional bandwidth (FBW) of both
necting a p-i-n diode between input and output feedlines. passbands is constant over the entire tuning range of the filter.
Bandwidth tuning for both passbands is also achieved. As per
the author’s knowledge, none of the published research article
switchable filter, tunable BPF, varactor has a dual-band BP to BS filter with tunable center frequency
and bandwidth tuning of both the passbands.

2 | F I L T E R A N A L Y S I S A N D D ESIG N

Recent advancements in wireless communication systems Figure 1(A) shows the layout of the proposed filter. Two dis-
have lead to huge demands of microwave devices with tinct resonators have been used to form two passbands by
multifunctional abilities such as multiband operation. A tun- using their first odd and even modes simultaneously. Each
able and reconfigurable filter is a crucial component that resonator, whose simplified model is shown in Figure 2(A),
efficiently fulfills multiband operation requirements; hence, consists of a varactor-loaded stub at the center and two
it is a popular research topic. varactors at the ends (coupled with input–output ports in two

Microw Opt Technol Lett. 2021;1–6. © 2021 Wiley Periodicals LLC. 1



FIGURE 1 Proposed filter. (A) Layout. (B) Photograph of the fabricated filter [Color figure can be viewed at]

(A) (B) (C)

FIGURE 2 (A) Basic structure of resonator. (B) Odd-mode. (C) Even-mode circuit

different paths). A p-i-n diode is connected between the wavelength has increased to λe = 2 l (from λe = l for
input and output feed line in both paths to switch the filter C 2 = 0 pF case), so the resonance frequency reduces to that
from BP to BS. of the first odd mode as shown in Figure 3(B). This is the
The odd and even mode resonating frequencies, f o and maximum change in the frequency possible using C 2 . The
f e , of the resonator can be calculated by equating their stub, however, further increases the wavelength as its length
respective input admittances, Y ino from Figure 2(B) and Y ine can be increased even more. As shown in Figure 3(A), as the
from Figure 2(C) to zero as follows: length of the stub increases, the voltage starts to increase but
 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi  negatively. As seen clearly from the Figure 3(B), the first
πf o εeff l1 Y co even mode frequency, f e1 decreases continuously for
f o  tan ¼ , ð1Þ
c 2πC 1 increasing value of l2 , whereas for a very high value of C 2 ,
   pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi  f e1 almost reaches to f o1 . Hence, the connection of varactor
fe Y ce πf e εeff ðl1 þ l2 Þ 2C1 þ C 2
 2 tan ¼ , loaded stub at the resonator center provides the more flexi-
Y ce 2π f e C 1 C 2 c 2πC 1 C 2
ble tunability of the even mode frequencies. As all the odd
modes have zero voltage at the resonator center hence their
where Y co and Y ce are the characteristics admittances of odd wavelengths (or frequencies) cannot be affected by center
and even mode circuit. The above equations convey that the stub or C 2 . However, both the modes have non-zero voltage
odd mode frequencies can be controlled using C 1 whereas at resonator ends, therefore varactor C 1 will affect the fre-
even mode frequencies are controllable using both the quencies of both odd and even modes.
varactors C 1 , C 2 and the stub l2 . Effect of the stub length, l2 , and varactors, C1 and C 2 , on
Figure 3(A) shows the first even mode voltage wave, P1 , mode frequencies is studied using S21 of half of the proposed
of the resonator decreases at the center for increasing C 2 filter shown in Figure 2(A), whose S-matrix is derived in
(or stub length l2 ) due to finite impedance path created two steps. First, its Y-matrix, given below by Equation (3), is
between the resonator center point and ground, resulting in derived:9
wavelength increment (as marked by the curve P2 , P3 , P4 ,     
and P5 ). For C2 ! ∞, the center point gets grounded, mak- IA Y 11 Y 12 V A
¼ , ð3Þ
ing voltage zero (curve P3 ). For this case, the voltage IE Y 21 Y 22 V E

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

F I G U R E 3 (A) Variation in first even mode voltage waveform, and it is (B) mode frequency according to stub length, l2 or C2 . Mode
frequencies of a dual-mode resonator with capacitances and length for (C) first passband and (D) second passband [Color figure can be viewed at]

2 3
where I A =I E and V A =V E are currents and voltage at the ports 0 0:7 0:8 0
A and E. The current equations of the individual section of 6 0:7 1:3 0 0:7 7
6 7
the circuit λ such as coupled section ABCD (or EFGH) and m1 ¼ 6 7,
4 0:8 0 1:3 0:8 5
section CG – are calculated as done in Equation (6) to obtain
0 0:7 0:8 0
the Y-parameters of Equation (3). In step two, the derived
Y-matrix is converted into S-matrix. Figure 3(C),(D) shows 2 3
0 0:8 0:6 0
the magnitude plot of S21 obtained after following the above 6 0:8 1:1 0 0:8 7
6 7
steps for the loosely coupled resonator. The odd and even mode m2 ¼ 6 7, ð4Þ
4 0:6 0 1:1 0:6 5
frequencies can be tuned simultaneously with varactors C 1 and
C 2 resulting in the center frequency tuning of the filter. How- 0 0:8 0:6 0
ever, varactor C 2 can only tune the even mode frequency for
the fixed value of C 1 resulting leading to bandwidth tunability. Qex ¼ , ð5Þ
m21i FBW
The RT/Duriod 5880 substrate with dielectric constant of (εr )
3.38 and substrate thickness of (h) 0.508 mm has been used  
mii FBW
for theoretical analysis, simulation, and filter fabrication. fn ¼fc 1 , ð6Þ
The design steps of the proposed filter are as follows: (i) Select
the specifications of the filter, for example, filter order = 2, center where, m1i and mii (for i = 2, 3) are the elements of the cou-
frequency at f c1 = 1.12 GHz and f c2 = 1.5 GHz, FBW of pling matrix, and f c is the center frequency. (iii) The pro-
3.2% and 2%, and return loss 16 and 14 dB respectively for posed filter resonator length and stub length are calculated
the first and second band respectively. (ii) The generalized using Equations (1) and (2) for mode frequencies obtained
coupling matrices m1 and m2 for the first and second band are from Equation (6) by keeping the capacitance values in the
determined for the given filter specifications,12 and based on middle of their tuning range. (iv) Finally, if required, the fil-
that, the external quality factor (Qex ) and associated mode fre- ter dimensions are optimized in a simulator (Keaysight
quency (f n ) are calculated as:13 ADS) to achieve the needed results.

(A) (B) (C)

(D) (E) (F)

F I G U R E 4 Bandpass filter response: First band fixed, second band center frequency tuning (A) S21 and (B) S11 . Second band fixed, first band
center frequency tuning (C) S21 and (D) S11 . Bandwidth tuning of (E) first and (F) second band [Color figure can be viewed at]

(A) (B) (C)

(D) (E) (F)

F I G U R E 5 Bandstop filter response: First band fixed, second band center frequency tuning (A) S21 and (B) S11 . Second band fixed, first band
center frequency tuning (C) S21 and (D) S11 . Bandwidth tuning of (E) first and (F) second band [Color figure can be viewed at]

TABLE 1 Comparison of measured results with published dual-band BP to BS switchable filters

First/second passband First/second stopband

Reference % FTR IL (dB) BWT (MHz) % FBW % FTR Rej.(dB) BWT (MHz) % FBW
9 F/F 2.4/4.7 32–180/49–143 4.5–24.0/4.5–13.0 F/F ≥14/14 48–91/16–39 6.5–13.2/1.5–3.6
10 F/F 2.57/2.46 F/F NA F/F ≥30/40 F/F NA
11 25.6/20.4 5/5.6 F/F NA 30/23.1 16.4/20 F/F NA
Figure 1 30.4/25.2 2.6/3.1 24–50/20–40 3.4/2.0 40/22 ≥11/11 9–21/18–33 0.9–1.4/1.3–1.9

Abbreviations: BWT, bandwidth tuning; F, fix; FBW, fractional bandwidth; FTR, frequency tuning range; NA, not available.

3 | FABR ICA TIO N AND measured results are presented. The percentage of the
MEASUREMENT OF FILTER frequency tuning range of the first and second passband is
observed as 30.4% and 25.2% whereas stopband center
The proposed filter is fabricated (Figure 1(B)) with physical frequency tuning is measured as 40% and 22%.
dimensions as (in mm): L1 = 20.75, L2 = 17.42, L3 = 14,
L4 = 10.85, L5 = 4, W 1 = 0.3, W 2 = 0.6, and g = 0.12. The DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT
varactors and p-i-n diodes used in the fabricated filter are Data sharing not applicable - no new data generated
from Skyworks as: SMV1232 for C 1f 1 and C 2f 1 ,
SMV1236 for C 1f 2 , SMV1235 for C 2f 2 , and SMP1345 OR C ID
for Sw1 and Sw2. Figure 4(A),(B) shows results of tunable
Shriman Narayana
dual-band BPF with the first passband fixed at 1.12 GHz
while the second passband is tuned from 1.35 to 1.74 GHz
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