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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCSII.2021.3125575, IEEE
Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs


Constant Absolute Bandwidth Tunable Symmetric

and Asymmetric Bandpass Responses Based on
Reconfigurable Transmission Zeros and Bandwidth
Nagendra Kumar, Shriman Narayana and Yatendra Kumar Singh

Abstract—A two-pole reconfigurable and tunable bandpass

filter (BPF) with constant absolute bandwidth (CABW) and
tunable transmission zeros (TZs) is presented in this paper. The
BPF consists of asymmetrical spiral resonators having open ends
on one side and capacitor loaded on the other side. The varactor
loaded coupled-feed scheme is used at input and output. The two
coupling feed-lines are also coupled to each other. It is shown that
the control over TZs using the coupling-capacitor loaded between
the two resonators leads to two different symmetric frequency
responses − first with one TZ on each side of the passband,
second with no TZ on either side of the passband. Further,
asymmetrical frequency responses having single TZ either on
lower or upper side of the passband are achieved by varying the
capacitors loaded to the end of coupling-line. CABW while tuning (a) (b)
as well as tunable bandwidth (BW) are achieved in all type of
Fig. 1. (a) Proposed Second-order BPF. (b) Capacitor loaded resonator.
responses by using the coupling-capacitor. While tuning, quality
factor is maintained by varying the capacitor loaded at the end
of the coupled-feed. For the demonstration of the concept, a two-
pole tunable BPF is designed and fabricated. The fabricated BPF
having size of 13.1 mm × 9.4 mm, shows four different responses
based on the position of TZs. All four CABW responses of the lower side (LTZ), only on the upper side (UTZ), on both the
BPF have a tuning range of 300 MHz. Also, a tunable bandwidth sides (BTZ) or no transmission zeros (NTZ) - will give user
is achieved in every response of the BPF. a flexibility in deciding the level of suppression on any side
Index Terms—Constant absolute bandwidth, tunable BPF, of the passband.
reconfigurable BPF, quality factor, coupling-coefficient.
Bandwidth reconfigurability is also an important desirable
feature in BPFs. In [7], a quadruple-mode stub-loaded res-
I. I NTRODUCTION onator based BPF is presented to achieve a tunable bandwidth.
Switchable bandwidth using stepped-impedance stubs loaded
R Econfigurable and tunable BPFs play significant role in
communication system by reducing size and cost of the
circuit [1]. In tunable filters transmission zeros around a pass-
ring resonator is presented in [8]. Dual-mode resonators with
tunable bandwidth is proposed in [9]. PIN diodes has been
band are responsible for determining the level of suppression used to achieve three different states of reconfigurable band-
in both the lower and upper stop bands. width in [10]. In some previous works, bandwidth reconfig-
In past, there has been significant research in attaining TZs urability has been achieved along with tunable TZs. For ex.
across the passband. Stub-loaded dual-mode open loop and E- in [5] and [6], bandwidth reconfigurability has been achieved
shaped resonators are presented in [2] and [3] respectively in addition to tunable asymmetric responses but having TZs
with tunable transmission zeros either on lower or upper only on one side of the passband.
side of the passband. But the TZs didn’t tune across the With reconfigurability, tunable passband with constant band-
passband. In [4], modified coupled lines are presented with width is also highly desirable. Varactor based dual-mode
tunable passbands and TZs. T-shaped dual-mode resonators BPF with a fixed BW is reported in [11]. Tunable LC BPF
are reported to achieve asymmetric responses in [5]. But again with constant bandwidth is investigated in [12]. The separate
in these two works tunable TZs are located either on lower or electric and magnetic coupling paths are analyzed in [13], to
upper stopband of the BPF. In [6], two tunable TZs both either achieve tunable filtering responses with a small BW variation.
on lower side or on upper side of the passband are achieved. In [14] location of varactors has been properly chosen to
A tunable bandpass filter in which the transmission zeros can achieve CABW.
be in any of the following four configurations - only on the
As per authors knowledge none of the reported filters with
Manuscript submitted on Jan. 01, 2017. bandwidth and center frequency tuning have such a control on
Dr. Nagendra Kumar is with Indian Space research organization, Bengaluru,
India. Dr. Shriman Narayana and Dr. Yatendra Kumar Singh are with NIT the transmission zeros that the four different responses ((LTZ,
Mizoram and IIT Patna respectively. ( UTZ, BTZ and NTZ)) can be achieved in the filter.

1549-7747 (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCSII.2021.3125575, IEEE
Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs


Fig. 2. Degenerated mode study of C2


Fig. 1(a) depicts the layout of the proposed two-pole BPF.
The layout consists of coupled spiral resonators with loaded
capacitors, C1 . Coupling capacitor, C2 , is placed between the
two resonators. The coupled feed input/output scheme with
loaded capacitors, C3 has been used to design the BPF. Also
the coupled-feeds are coupled to each other as shown in
Fig. 1(a). Fig. 1(b) depicts the proposed resonator. Neglecting
the intra resonator coupling, the input admittance of the loaded Fig. 3. Degenerated mode study with varying C3 . (a) Asymmetrical response
resonator, Yin can be written as: with TZ on higherside. (b) Asymmetrical response with TZ on lowerside.

Yin = jYr tan(βlo ) + j2πfo C1 (1)

the second degenerated mode decreases to a lower frequency,
where Yr , fo , β and lo are the characteristic admittance of
fp22 , which results in the decrement of the magnitude of M12 .
the resonator, the resonating frequency, the propagation con-
For C2 = 0.45 pF the second resonant peak merges with first
stant and the length of resonator respectively. The resonating
resonant peak at frequency, fp1 , to give a single resonant peak.
frequency, fo , can be obtained by solving Yin = 0. In the
This corresponds to M12 = 0. For further increase in C2 ,
absence of C1 , the length of the resonator is λg /2, where λg
the second resonant peak crosses the first resonant peak and
is the guided wavelength at fo . The resonator length, lo , is
reaches to the left side of the first one, e.g. for C2 = 0.65 pF,
obtained by equating (1) to zero and solving it for chosen
the frequency of second resonant peak, fp24 , is less than fp1
value of fo , Yr and taking C1 in the middle of the available
so M12 becomes a positive quantity. It can be seen from Fig.2
tuning range. All theoretical and fabrication work reported in
that both the transmission zeros vanish as soon as the second
this paper has been carried out on a low-loss RT/Duroid 6010.2
peak becomes smaller than the frequency of the first one, i.e.
having dielectric constant and thickness of 10.2 and 0.635 mm
for the positive M12 . So as the polarity of M12 changes the
TZs behavior around the resonant peaks changes as well. This
demonstrates the effect of C2 on M12 and on TZ. Also C2
III. T UNING OF COUPLING - COEFFICIENT AND can be used to change the BPF response between two TZ and
The relation between the number and the location of the Furthermore, the relation between C2 and coupling coeffi-
transmission zeros, and the tuning capacitor values is quite cient M12 can be derived using even and odd mode analysis
clearly evident from the degenerated study. For the degener- of the proposed circuit [16] leading to:
ated mode analysis, the gap between the feed line and the
2 tan θ(Yre − Yro ) − 4ωo C2
resonator, gc , is chosen as 1.5 mm. Fig. 2 plots the two M12 = − (3)
resonant peaks of the proposed BPF shown in Fig. 1(a) for (Yre + Yro )(θ sec2 θ − tan θ)
few values of C2 with the fixed value of C1 = 0.50 pF and where, Yre and Yro are the characteristic admittance of one of
C3 = 0.23 pF. If the frequencies of first and second resonant the resonators when the coupled resonators are analyzed in the
peaks for different values of C2 are denoted as fp1 and fp2i even and odd mode respectively. θ and ωo are the electrical
respectively, then coupling-coefficient can be calculated from length of the resonator and the resonating frequency of the
the frequencies of two resonant peaks as [15]: BPF respectively.
fp1 2
− fp2i Fig. 3(a) and Fig. 3(b) plot the wideband response of the
M12 = 2 + f2 f or i = 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 (2) BPF shown in Fig. 1(a). Fig. 3(a) plots the case of the two
fp1 p2i
resonant peaks without any TZs pair near the peaks. For C1
For C2 = 0.01 pF, two TZs exist − one on each side of the two = 0.10 pF and C2 = 0.01 pF, as C3 increases, TZ near to
resonant peaks as shown in Fig.2. As fp21 > fp1 so M12 is a the second harmonic shifts to lower frequency. This TZ can
negative number for this case. As C2 is tuned to 0.03 pF, the be adjusted near the resonance of the resonator. Similarly,
frequency of first degenerated mode, fp1 , remains constant but Fig. 3(b) plots the case of TZs pair around the resonant

1549-7747 (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCSII.2021.3125575, IEEE
Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs


peaks. As C3 increases for the fixed value of C1 = 0.50

pF and C2 = 0.01 pF, TZ near the second harmonic of the
BPF shifts to lower frequency. At C3 = 0.35 pF, the shifted
transmission zero merges with the transmission zero present
on the higher side of the resonant peaks such that both TZs
disappear leaving TZ only on lower side of the resonating
peaks. So an asymmetric response having TZ either on lower
or higher side of the passband can be achieved by controlling
C3 . Also a better suppression level in upper or lower stopband
near the degenerated modes can be achieved in asymmetric
responses due to the influence of C3 over TZ. The dimensions
used for the degenerated mode analysis are la = 6.0 mm, lb
= 2.0 mm, lc = 12.0 mm, ld = 7.7 mm, s = 0.3 mm and g Fig. 4. Layout of the two-pole fabricated BPF .
= 0.3 mm. Effect of C1 and C2 on the asymmetric responses
of degenerated modes are similar to the case of symmetric
responses as discussed in Fig. 2.

To verify the above discussed theory, a filter prototype
centered at 1.7 GHz with an FBW of 7.09% is used for
initial design. Using (1), the length of the resonator, lo , is
chosen to resonate it at 1.7 GHz, when C1 is in the middle of
the available tuning range. The required coupling-coefficient
and quality factor can be determined as 0.0324 and 14.01
respectively. For initial design of filter with no TZs on either
side of the passband, capacitor, C3 is kept at available lowest Fig. 5. Fabricated BPF.
value. The gap between the resonator and the coupled-feed
and the length of coupled sections are decided by the required
quality factor as discussed in [15]. The coupling-coefficient B. Tunable passband with single TZ on higher side of the
determines the gap between the two resonator, s, when the passband
capacitor, C2 , is in the middle of the tuning range [6]. Fig. 4
depicts the layout of the fabricated BPF. The varactor diodes Fig. 7 plot the response of the BPF having single TZ on
have been used to implement the variable capacitors, C1 , C2 the higher side of the passband. Fig. 7(a) plots three curved
and C3 used in the circuit shown in Fig. 1(a). Varactor diode, of S11 with value less than -14 dB over the passband at each
D1 is SMV1234 which is used for capacitor C1 . SMV2019 is
used as varactor D2 and D3 which is used for the low value
capacitor C2 and C3 respectively. Thick film chip resistors of
10 KΩ are used for bias voltages. Capacitors from Murata
electronics of 100 pF are used as CDC to block DC bias
voltages. The BPF is designed and simulated in Keysight
Advanced Design System (ADS). The dimensions used in the
filter design are l1 = 7.0, l2 = 5.0, l3 = 2.0, l4 = 6.0, w1 =
1.0, wc = 0.2, w = 0.59, s = 0.3, gc = 0.2 and g = 0.3 (All
dimensions are in mm). The photo of the fabricated filter is
depicted in Fig. 5. (a)

A. Tunable passband with No TZs on either side of the
Fig. 6(a) and 6(b) plot the measured S11 and S21 of the
response having no TZ on any side of the passband. The
passband tunes from 1.48 to 1.78 GHz with the corresponding
insertion loss variation of 2.52 to 1.05 dB. The passbands are
controlled to achieve a 3-dB CABW of 119 MHz. The FBW
of the BPF varies from 8.04% to 6.68% within the specified
tuning range. The measured S11 is less than -10 dB for each Fig. 6. Measured and simulated response of tunable BPF with no TZs. (a)
tuned state of the BPF over the passband. S11 . (b) S21 .

1549-7747 (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCSII.2021.3125575, IEEE
Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs


(a) (a)

(b) (b)

Fig. 7. Measured and simulated response of tunable BPF with TZs on Fig. 8. Measured and simulated response of tunable BPF with TZs on both
higher side of the passband. (a) S11 . (b) S21 . side of the passband (a) S11 (b) S21

tuning state. The center frequency varies from 1.47 to 1.8

GHz as depicted in Fig. 7(b). A CABW of 105 MHz has been
achieved in this case. Within the tuning range of this case,
insertion loss varies from 2.8 to 1.3 dB. Due to the control
on the transmission zeros, a suppression of 50 dB has been
achieved at 150 MHz away from the passband centered at 1.59
C. Tunable passband with TZs on both side of the passband
The bandpass response having TZ on the both sides of the
passband is depicted in Fig. 8. The BPF tunes from 1.27 GHz
to 1.6 GHz and insertion losses varies from 3.4 to 1.5 dB as
depicted in Fig. 8(b). The bandwidth is kept constant at 92
MHz within the tunable range. Also a return loss of less than
-15 dB over the passband is achieved in each tuning state as
depicted in Fig. 8(a).

D. Tunable passband with single TZ on lower stopband of the (b)

Fig. 9. Measured and simulated response of tunable BPF with TZs on lower
Fig. 9 plot the response of the BPF having asymmetrical side of the passband (a) S11 . (b) S21 .
response with single TZ on the lower side of passband. The
BPF tunes from 1.27 GHz to 1.6 GHz with a CABW of
108 MHz as depicted in Fig. 9(b). Insertion loss varies from reconfigurability is achieved in other modes of proposed BPF.
3.35 dB to 1.6 dB as BPF tunes from 1.27 GHz to 1.6 GHz The BW tuning range in each mode of the BPF is shown in
respectively. Also a suppression of 40 dB is achieved on the Table I.
lower stopband at a frequency of 160 MHz away from the
passband centered at 1.36 GHz. F. Lineraity and power handeling
The two-tone test signal method is used to determine the
E. Reconfigurable bandwidth the input third-order intercept point (IIP3 ). The frequency
Fig. 10 plots the measured reconfigurable bandwidth re- difference between the two-tone signals is taken as 1 MHz.
sponse when no TZs exist on either side of the passband. The measured IIP3 varies from 14-21 dBm as the frequency
The 3-dB absolute bandwidth of the BPF tunes from 88 MHz tunes from 1.27 to 1.8 GHz. The minimum and maximum
to 179 MHz centered at fo = 1.78 GHz. Also similar type of frequencies of tunable range of BPF are considered. The power

1549-7747 (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCSII.2021.3125575, IEEE
Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs


BPF nature Tuning Circuit CABW (MHz) Suppression label BW tuning Insertion
Based on TZ range (GHz) Size (λ2g ) (Variation %) (MHz @ fo GHz) loss (dB)
[5] 1 Tz on upper or lower side 0.75-1.24 18.2×10.9 mm2 115±55 (47)∗ 28 dB at 200 MHz (both) from 1.0 GHz No 2.9
[4] 1 Tz on upper or lower side 0.95-1.55 0.28×0.23 120±0 (0)† 30 dB at 150 MHz from 0.95 GHz No 2.8-2.4
[3] 1 Tz on upper or lower side 1.06-1.12 41×20 mm2 - > 20 dB at 250 MHz from fo No -
[14] 1 Tz on upper and lower side 1.60-2.27 20.5×18.15 mm2 137±2 > 30 dB across tuning range No 4.17-1.99
[2] 1 TZ on upper side of fo 0.86-0.905 0.14×0.12 - 34 dB at 40 MHz from 0.90 GHz No 4.26-3.31
1 TZs on lower side of fo 0.866-0.977 0.14×0.12 - 30 dB at 24 MHz from 0.98 GHz No 3.83-2.63
[6] 2 TZs on upper side of fo 1.25-2.1 39×18 mm2 67±17 (25)† > 60 dB at 200 MHz from fo - 8.5-3.5
2 TZs on lower side of fo 1.5-2.1 39×18 mm2 99±16 (16)† > 55 dB at 250 MHz from fo 54-162 @ 1.8 GHz 6.5-3.5
Fig. 6 No TZs around fo 1.48-1.78 0.18×0.13 119±0 (0)† 19 dB at 1.43 GHz @ fo = 1.78 GHz 88-179 @ 1.78 GHz 2.52-1.05
Fig. 7 1 TZ on upper side of fo 1.47-1.8 0.18×0.13 105±0 (0)† 50 dB at 150 MHz from 1.6 GHz 88-157 @ 1.59 GHz 2.8-1.3
Fig. 8 1 TZ on both side of fo 1.27-1.6 0.16×0.11 92±0 (0)† 30 dB at 150 MHz (lower) from 1.5 GHz 65-116 @ 1.47 GHz 3.4-1.5
Fig. 9 1 TZ on lower side of fo 1.27-1.6 0.16×0.11 108±0 (0)† 40 dB at 160 MHz from 1.36 GHz 67-107 @ 1.62 GHz 3.35-1.6
† 3-dB BW; * 1-dB BW; λg is the guided wavelength at centre frequency of tuning range

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these purposes. The fabricated BPF shows a CABW of 300
MHz in each reconfigurable responses based on TZs position.
Also a tunable bandwidth has been achieved in each responses.
The measured and simulated results are in well agreement.

1549-7747 (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

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