ICTimes June08

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I ndo- Caribb ean


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Canada celebrates Crime is driving out

100 years of Indo- Trinidad business
Caribbean arrival people permanently
This has been a year like no other in the The Trinidad and Tobago Chamber of In-
history of Indo-Caribbeans in Canada. dustry and Commerce says bluntly that
Many in our community woke up in sur- business owners are leaving the country be-
prise on realizing that we have marked our cause of the continuing escalation of crime,
first hundred years, and gone past 200,000 even though there has been a significant re-
members in this country. duction in kidnappings for ransom.
That’s more people than any city in Chamber president Ian Collier has said
Guyana, Trinidad or Suriname, and more yesterday there is a broader concern about
than most of the small nations in the young people, including potential business
Caribbean like Grenada, St Lucia, and St
Guadeloupe Indians pay homage to Indian activists
owners, who leave Trinidad and Tobago
Vincent. and are "thinking twice" about returning
We have grown up in more than numbers home. Indians from the Caribbean island of Guadeloupe gathered recently to pay homage to
and time. First, second and even third gen- Collier said at a press conference that two revered Indian heritage leaders Henri Sidambarom and Tamby Soupragen in song,
erations of Canadian born Indo-Caribbeans some people are migrating and have been and by erecting monuments in their honour. hoto courtesy Jean Sahai.
are coming up.Their elders now know for doing so since 2002 when crime levels first
Bomb at Cultural Centre, hijacking of Aroaima bus by armed gang
Violent incidents rack up tension in Guyana
certain that most of them will not be re- began to significantly increase.
turning to the Caribbean for more than short He acknowledged that kidnappings for

Bomb found at
visits. Our destiny is here, though we will ransom have gone down from its all-time
long keep our memories and ties with the highsm but he was not impressed by cur- major venues for theatrical and other per-

Cultural Centre
rent efforts to control crime. formances for Carifesta 10 scheduled to
The Indo-Caribbean Times is proud to be He said there can be no real diversifica- begin in August.

Bus hijack
associated with this historic celebration of tion of the economy if there is no signifi-
Indo-Caribbean Arrival in Canada. We cant reduction in the crime levels. “If you
highlight some of the activities in this issue, are going into a diversified economy, then tA small fire at the National Cultural Cen-
and pledge to continue to focus on our com- clearly one would have to have a very se- tre (NCC) on Sunday night damaged the

Guyana Festival on this weekend

munity’s growth and progress in Canada. cure environment. " stage and curtains and led to the shocking Gunmen have hijacked and robbed a bus-
discovery of an apparent explosive device load of passengers travelling from Aroaima
underneath the stage. to Linden on the Aroaima trail and forced
Just after 9 passers-by as well as persons the driver to take them to a destination un-
in the vicinity of the cultural centre saw known.
smoke coming from the top of the building Police later arrested a teenager who they
and the Guyana Fire Service was sum- believed was part of the gang, but up to
moned. The acrid fumes emanating from press time last night there had been no
burnt wires and the stage curtains were con- sighting of the others who hijacked the
tained about 20 minutes after firemen ar- minibus. There are believed to be the men
rived. But just as they were assessing the could be those who escaped with Rondell
damage in the presence of Minister of Cul- Rawlins from Christmas Falls after a sur-
ture, Youth and Sport, Dr Frank Anthony, prise police attack on June 6.

ranks began to break open parts of the cul- Police said they received a report that at
uyanese and their friends from far and the arts and crafts fair, the display of books tural centre stage fearing that there might around 4:30 am last Tuesday a number of
wide will be gathering in Toronto for by Guyanese writers, the cultural shows, be a fire underneath. It was then that they armed men stopped a mini-bus which was
the Guyana Festival on June 20-22, easily the food festival, and the famous duck curry discovered the device which sent everyone en route from Aroaima to Linden on the
one of the largest gatherings of the Guyana competition are just a taste. scampering for safety. The device com- Aroaima Trail. The armed men robbed the
diaspora in the word. Sports minded folks have to take in the prised four small blue cylinders enmeshed passengers, the exact items are yet to be as-
Guyana president Bharrat Jagdeo will be celebrity cricket match, the 20-20 cricket in wires and part of it was covered in a certained, after which they took the passen-
dropping in to the L’Amoreaux Commu- competition, the softball, soccer and domi- black plastic bag. gers out of the vehicle and ordered the
nity Centre at Kennedy and McNicoll, noes tournaments, after which there’s the It appeared to have been deliberately set driver to take them to an unknown destina-
along with numerous other Guyanese from famous Independence lime. there so that the burning curtains might ig- tion. The driver was later released, the po-
the Caribbean, the United States and This festival also provides a rare oppor- nite it. The second and third blocks of the lice added.
around the world. The two day extrava- tunity for Guyanese to come together and curtains were severely burnt and the debris A teenager who appeared to be not older
ganze also attracts a fair amount of other renew acquaintances with others scattered was still smoking on the stage where it fell than 14 years old stopped the bus and pre-
Caribbean visitors and Canadians who throughout Ontario and every other and also caused the stage floor to start burn- tended to be joining it when a group of
have come to know and appreciate the tens province and territory in Canada. This ing. Firemen opined that the fire started on other men approached the bus. The men
of thousands of Guyanese in Canada. greats sprawling country and its millions of the curtains and as the burnt pieces fell, were decked out in army-type clothing and
There is no shortage of activities to keep people over thousands of miles is not as flames spread to the floor. wore bulletproof vests. Among g items
the attention of the 20,000 plus expected to friendly to association as the Caribbean. The cultural centre is currently hosting taken from the passengers were their cellu-
attend. The trade show and tourism display, May this festival be a memorable one. a number of stage shows and is one of the lar phones and identification cards.

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CANADA & COMMUNITY NEWS Indo-Caribbean Times JUNE 2008 Page 3
South Asian Heritage Month in GTA
ayor of Markham congratulated community encouraged them to make it an
the Vedic Cultural Centre on its annual event.
10th Annual South Asian Her- He added that MPP Raminder Gill who
itage Month Celebrations held on May 31 attended the first program was so impressed
The honorable Consulate General of with what he saw that he went on to pilot
Guyana, Danny Doobay who along with the the bill in Parliament that designated the
Mayor of Markham declared open the cul- month of May as South Asian Heritage
tural extravaganza at the Vedic Cultural Month and the 5th of May as Indian Arrival
Centre at its 10th Annual South Asian Her- Day.
itage Month Celebrations on Saturday, May Since then the Vedic Cultural Centre ex-
31, 2008 recognized the Centre for its con- panded its program to celebrate South
tribution in maintaining the heritage and Asian Heritage as a whole rather than limit
culture of its ancestors in this Multi Cultural it to Indo-Caribbean Heritage and the com-
country. mittee was renamed as Vedic Cultural Cen-
In his address he congratulated the or- tre South Asian Heritage Month Committee
ganization and presented an award to the which was tasked with producing this show
Vedic cultural Centre for its celebration of every year, with this year marking the 10th
the 100th anniversary of Indo-Caribbean successive year of the celebrations.
presence in Canada, 170 th Anniversary of Every year the committee chooses a dif-
Indian arrival in the western world and its ferent theme and this year the theme was
Mayor of Markham Frank Scarpatti, Amar Umadas president of Toronto Arya Samaj, 10th Annual South Asian Heritage Month celebrating 100 years of Indo-Caribbean
Adit Kumar Chairman of Vedic Cultural Centre South Asian Heritage Committee, Program. He acknowledged the organiza- presence in Canada, recognizing Dr Ken-
Anand Rupnarain past president TAS, Danny Doobay and Amar Erry president of tion for its role in forging greater linkages neth Mahabir and M N Santhoo who came
Arya Samaj Markham share in the presentation to the Toronto Arya Samaj by Guyana between Hindus and other communities and from Trinidad and Guyana respectively as
Consul General Danny Doobay ( second from right). in building partnerships with other cultures the first Indo-Caribbeans to settle in
aimed at creating a greater understanding, Canada.
tolerance and a stronger Canadian Mosaic. The exhibition which preceded the cul-
Mayor of Markham, Frank Scarpitti also tural show focused on the 100th Anniver-
presented a plaque to the Vedic Cultural sary of Indo-Caribbean presence in Canada,
Centre, on the occasion recognizing their recognizing Dr Kenneth Grant Mahabir and
achievements. The plaque reads as follows: MN Santoo who came from Trinidad and
Camille Ross is a first generation Canadian “The Mayor and Council of the town of Guyana respectively as the first Indo-
of Guyanese heritage. A recent graduate Markham extend congratulations and best Caribbean immigrants to settle in Canada.
from the School of Journalism at Ryerson wishes to the Vedic Cultural Centre as it Huge life size scrolls depicting several
University, she is the creator and host of celebrates and presents its 10th Annual Indo-Caribbean achievers with their contri-
Guyana Beat, a weekly television pro- South Asian Heritage Month Program rec- butions and achievements were promi-
gramme in Toronto, Canada. ognizing your educational and cultural nently displayed and a commemorative
“I studied journalism at Ryerson Univer- achievements”. Canada Postage stamp recognizing 100
sity and always had a particular interest in He congratulated the organization for its years of Indo-Canadian presence in Canada
community reporting. While volunteering outstanding contribution in promoting cul- was launched as part of the celebration.
Camille interviews Adit Kumar of the tural diversity in the City of Markham and The Indo Caribbean achievers who at-
with a community television station, I
Vedic Cultural Centre on the May 31 reminded the audience that Canada does not tended the exposition were each presented
learned they were searching for ethnic pro-
Indo-Caribbean Centenary celebration ask you to give up your heritage but rather with a plaque with the keepsake commem-
gramming to reflect the various cultures in
Toronto. When I found out that they did not Captain Gerald Gouveia, and Bing Serrao encourages you to use those values to en- orative stamp and they all paid tribute to the
have a Guyanese program- I pitched them and the Ramblers. rich the Canadian Mosaic. He also com- Indo-Caribbeans as well as all peoples of
an idea for a show, and they loved it. In hosting and producing this program I mended them for issuing a commemorative the Caribbean for their contributions and
“I knew that with our active Guyanese Di- have learned that there is no shortage of Canada Postage stamp recognizing 100 achievements and exhorted them to give
aspora there would be more than enough successful good hearted Guyanese in years of Indo-Canadian presence in Canada back something to the community.
content for a fresh and informative show Toronto. which was launched as part of the celebra- Minister of Citizenship and Immigration
twice a month. This production shows young Guyanese tions. Michael Chan who declared open the exhi-
Given the diversity of Guyanese people, what others have done, and what they can Adit Kumar, Chairman of the Vedic Cul- bition read a message from the Premier of
I decided to stay away from religion and do too.lease take some time to visit tural Centre South Asian Heritage Month Ontario in which he offered congratulations
cover the culture and activities of our na- www.guyanabeat.com and click on “previ- Committee accepted the award on behalf of to the organizers and the community on the
tion’s six peoples as they live here in ous shows” to see the videos. the organization and thanked the Consulate occasion and also paid tribute to the contri-
Toronto. Please take some time to sign our guest- General and Mayor of Markham for recog- butions of the South Asians to the Canadian
Guyana Beat takes viewers inside the book afterward. nizing and acknowledging the work of the Mosaic.
lively culture of the Diaspora in the GTA. We are embarking on a new Generation Centre in promoting cultural diversity in the The exhibition also featured artifacts com-
Each week we go around the city to learn of Guyanese – hyphenated Guyanese. For town of Markham. memorating the 170th anniversary of the
about the cuisine, entertainment, history, me, I’m a Guyanese-Canadian and couldn’t Adit Kumar pointed out that the organi- Arrival of Indians in the western world, the
politics, social life, and more surrounding be more proud. zation started this program 10 years ago to first batch of Indian immigrants having ar-
the community. Camille was intensely involved in the raise awareness to the 5th of May, 1838, the rived in Guyana (formerly British Guiana)
The events that are put on by the Centenary Celebrations put on by the day that the first batch of Indian Indentured on May 5th 1838.
Guyanese community each month are end- Toronto Arya Samaj at the Vedic Cultural immigrants arrived in the Western World. The interactive booths and artifacts cap-
less, Guyana Beat takes its viewers behind Centre, and will be involved in the Guyana They went to British Guiana now known as tured the immigrant experience in the
the scenes for a sneak peak. Festival coming out this weekend. Guyana, the country of birth of many of the colonies and a very popular booth was the
The show also features success profiles of She welcomes input from the community immigrants who have now migrated and mini logie which highlighted the living
members of the Guyanese community who and can be reached at the program’s web settled in Canada. quarters of the immigrants.
are making their mark in Toronto. I’ve pro- site at www.guyanabeat.com or by e-mail That inaugural program generated
filed some of the greatest; Auntie Comesee, at camille@guyanabeat.com. tremendous interest and excitement and the



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COMMENTARY Indo-Caribbean Times JUNE 2008 Page 4
Indo-Caribbean Times is From the editor’s desk Dentist migrates
Arrival in Canada stories need telling after second
published monthly in Toronto
by Indo-Caribbean Times Ltd.

Editor/Publisher: Ram Jagessar n this Centenary of Indo- and Montreal.

robbery and
enough arrival stories to know so few of them. Our history is mostly spouse’s murder
Caribbean Arrival in There are tens of thousands of stories of
Canada I’ve heard Indo-Caribbean arrival in Canada but we
Editorial Committee:

Reynold Ramdial, Gulcharan convince me we have a hid- oral, so very few of those stories are written
Mohabir, Lloyd Harradan, Sandy den treasure of oral history down and available. ust as dentist Dr Ella Mae Jurawan-John
Kissoonsingh, Roop Misir, Deoraj among us in the tales of the We have to do something about that, and was putting her past behind her and get-
Ram Jagessar Indos who came to Canada. make the effort to record the lives and ex-
Narine, Krishna Nankissoor, ting over the robbery incident in which her
Some are just funny “stranger in a strange periences of the Indo-Caribbeans who came
Rudy Lochan to live in Canada. It may sound strange, but
husband lost his life almost one year ago,
land” episodes, like the Indo at Pearson she again became the victim of a crime last
Airport changing his mind about returning we are the jahajis in this land, though most month.
ficce: 17 Gaiety Drive, home immediately when a white porter of us came by plane rather than by boat. This time, the consequences were not
Toronto ON Canada M1H 1B9 took his bags and called him “sir”. There The jahajis in the Caribbean mostly lived fatal, but equally life-shattering, as the cul-
was the lady who for two years kept paying and died without anybody asking them prits sexually assaulted a close friend.
new TTC fares every time she made a trans- about their lives and recording the answers. May 17 marked exactly one year since Ju-
Tel: 416-289-3898 We can’t let that happen to us in Canada, so
fer, without knowing she could get a trans- rawan-John’s husband Dr Russel John was
fer slip for free. One man recollects we have to do the job for ourselves. fatally shot at the couple’s Madras Street,
E-Mail: ictimes@rogers.com wandering around a giant mall parking lot Since last year the Indo-Caribbean Times St James, dental centre.
for hours trying to find the car he had bor- has been collecting arrival stories and pub- John, son of former trade unionist Sel-
rowed - he couldn’t remember where he lishing them in our paper and on the
Opinions given in this newspaper www.indocaribbeanheritage.com web site.
wyn John, fought for three days at hospital,
had parked it, what make and model it was, but died almost at the side of his killer
are those of the authors and do or the license number, but only that it was But we have only a few on hand, nothing whom he managed to shoot in the exchange
not necessarily reflect the views red. representative of the 225,000 odd Indo- of gunfire during the robbery.
of the Indo-Caribbean Times. There are the stories about finding a job Caribbeans in Canada. We want much And following the robbery at Jurawan-
in a place where your past experience more, and we need them to be available for John’s home in Santa Cruz, the widow is
means nothing, and sending in that first anyone who is interested. now planning to migrate.
We welcome letters, e-mails and These histories and remembrances are
Trini style application “ I humbly beg to According to Selwyn John, his daughter-
comments on matters relevant to apply for the position of …” Who can for- not just for our youths to use as research in in-law is now fed up.
Indo-Caribbeans in Canada and get those tales of trying to find a place to their school papers on their Caribbean her- In a phone interview, John lamented the
itage. The people who tell them often say
abroad, and also those at home in live, while puzzling over ads like “2 bdrm fact that he would be away from his grand-
bsmt first & last, incl heat & hydro”. what they have learned from being in
the Caribbean. All content must Canada, what mistakes they have made and
children, but said that it has now become
Young people have memories of entering necessary.
comply with the requirements of schools where students were smoking in the what successes they have had. They invite “It is regrettable that people would have
Canadian law. school yard, nobody wore uniforms, and us to learn from their experiences and do to leave,” said John.
people assumed they could not speak Eng- the things that have proven to work in According to John, he would much rather
building up proud and confident Indo-
A copy of this newspaper is lish.
Caribbeans in a strong community.
travel abroad and visit his grandchildren
We have wonderful stories about learn- than have them live in Trinidad and risk
posted on the internet in as a pdf Those who come later don’t have to re-
ing to adapt to an often frigid climate, with getting killed in a third robbery—which
file immediately after publication, cooking curry acting like tear gas in apart- peat their mistakes. The stories can be en- seems likely, given their luck, he said.
and the entire contents can be ment buildings, doing lawa in the basement, tertaining but teach us something useful He said he was saddened that his six-
read online by anyone with a and the trouble of finding a decent mango year-old granddaughter had to face the gun
leaf for a puja. That is why I’m inviting our community
computer and an internet con- to get moving with pen and paper, comput-
again after having witnessed her father get-
There are tragic tales of Indos deciding ting shot.
nection. to have nothing to do with others from the ers, tape and video recorders to record our John admitted that he, too, still had not
Past and current issues of the IC- home country, only to realize ten years later arrival stories, especially those of the Indos come to terms with his son’s death.
Times can be found at what a mistake that was. Some of us have who came several decades ago. It’s our “I still feel like he is around me,” he said.
duty to tell the youth and the still arriving
http://www.esnips.com/web/Indo learned to remake a support group in
newcomers how we got here and what we
John said he could not help but wonder
Canada and make a good life here, while why he was robbed of his son.
-CaribbeanTimes did to make this our new homeland.
others have not, and live here hating every A memorial service was held to com-
minute and thinking of going back but We can promise them a place in the in- memorate the one-year anniversary of Rus-
Readers are also invited to look at never managing to do so. docaribbeanheritage.com web site and pos- sel John’s murder.
sibly in the Indo-Caribbean Times. Either
the website Almost unknown are the stories of brave On May 17, Jurawan-John was at her
Indo-Caribbeans who have ventured into way, they will become available to the
www.indocaribbeanheritage.com world via the internet. E-mail the results to
Saddle Vale home with her children and
places like Calgary, Vancouver, Regina, two friends when an SUV pulled up outside
which contains abundant infor- Winnipeg, Thunder Bay, London, Waterloo, ictimes@rogers.com, mail to Indo- the house.
mation on Indo-Caribbeans in Quebec City, Timmins and Whitehorse, far Caribbean Times, 17 Gaiety Drive, Toronto Three men alighted and announced a hold
Canada and our Caribbean her- away from the huge mass of their fellows ON M1H 1B9 and we guarantee a place in up.
our community history collection.
itage and history. comfortably settled in Toronto, Mississauga The men—one masked and two others

Crime crisis in Trinidad needs answers AIR INDIA OFFERS

unmasked—made off with several thousand
dollars’ worth in cash, jewelry and elec-


tronics, but not before assaulting another
the commission of serious offences and the woman, who was in the house.

By Gillian Lucky, former MP statistics prove beyond all reasonable doubt The vehicle was recovered at Aucono
that crime is not going away. Road in Maracas soon after. Two men are
With detection rates at an all-time low
and no significant strides being made in the The criminals do not fear the system and awaiting trial for John’s murder.

fight against crime, the question on the the police and other members of the pro-
mind of every law-abiding citizen is: what tective and armed forces are ill equipped to
next? We cannot give up hope or throw our match the resources of those they are meant IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE
hands in the air signifying defeat or, worse to unearth, detect and arrest.
My professional experience and the sev- For North American residents, Air India
yet, surrender our entitlement to live in a se-
eral years that I worked in the Office of the has offered a Special Economy Class IN THE
cured society. The complaint that this ad-
ministration has failed miserably in the Director of Public Prosecutions tell me that fares of $549 to $808 from New York's

fight against crime is an indictment for the problem of unabated criminal activity JFK International Airport and Newark
which it has already been foundguilty as is worsening and the time for implementa- Liberty International Airport for se-

charged. tion of viable solutions can no longer be lected dates (excludes June 13 to July
Citizens from all walks of life have postponed. 13) from June 1st to October 31st. De-
If that be the case, then the immediate es-

stepped forward including the business parture taxes airport security and other
community and asked this Government to tablishment of an implementation commit-
tee along the lines of the Criminal Justice fees, and fuel surcharges (ranging from
do something meaningful in ensuring that
Board (UK) is all that is needed to address approx. $411 to 511) not included. Sale
we are protected from the hands of bandits
the problem. ends June 20th. Call Air India at 800-
who know no mercy.
223-7776 or visit www.airindia. in
The papers are flooded with reports of
gilly@tstt.net.tt 416-289-3898
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO NEWS Indo-Caribbean Times JUNE 2008 Page 5
Rice mill sold as Sprint Airlines
Police and soldiers break farmers gear up opens up route to
the law in record numbers to plant rice Ft. Lauderdale
C rime is reaching record breaking num-
Women warned to A new airline has entered the Trinidad

wear less jewelry in

bers in Trinidad and Tobago, and not Rice farmers were in a quandary last week-
just by criminals. Police and military offi- market, hoping to make it easier and
end after they learned the National Flour cheaper for Trinis to fly to the US. Spirit
Port of Spain
cers are being charged with criminal of- Mills had put its rice milling operations at
fences almost every day for offences Airlines, which already works in several
Carlsen Field, Chaguanas up for sale. destinations throughout the Caribbean,
ranging from kidnapping to sexual assault
Women visiting Port of Spain have been Latin America and the United States, made
to simple robbery. More than 150 farmers occupying 100 acres
asked to temper down on the amount of its first flight to Trinidad last week. With a
The Indo-Caribbean Times reviewed of land running from Clarke Road in Penal
jewelry they wear, so they will not attract reputation of being a low cost carrier, Spirit
crime reports for the last month and found to Valley Line, Barrackpore had already in-
the eye of bandits prowling the city. which will make a weekly trip from Piarco
a worrying trend of law breaking by the vested in land preparation to resume rice
ASP Glen Hackett, of the Criminal In- to Fort Lauderdale, Florida will be in direct
guardians of the law. Some examples are: cultivation after 10 years.
vestigation Department, made the plea after competition with state-run carrier,
Woman police officer Choylin Salvary,
a woman was robbed of her jewelry on In- Caribbean Airlines, (CAL).CAL began fly-
36, was charged with attempting to defraud Pankaj Ramlochan said that he had
dependence Square. The thief was caught ing to Fort Lauderdale last month, offering
the Telecommunication Service of T&T ploughed five acres of land and awaited rice
on Henry Street moments later. four weekly flights to the city in South
(TSTT) of $30,629.50 worth of mobile seeds imported from Guyana.

"People should not make themselves too Florida.Spirit currently flies of over 40
phones.t is alleged that Salvary and the two
conspicuous by wearing an exorbitant cities within the Western Hemisphere.
others pretended the T&T Police Service, "Farmers have been meeting and making
amount of jewelry. This essentially makes
Finance Branch, requested and authorised plans to get back to the lands again," he said
you a target for bandits," Hackett said.
them to order and receive cell phones from

Alocal newsaper asked various women adding that following the harvest of rice,
TSTT. farmers planted bodi, tomatoes, water-
in downtown Port of Spain what they
Cpl Nirmal Ramjattan and PC Kilson melon, cucumber and other short term
thought of the ASP's advice. Most agreed,
Wynn appeared in court charged with rob- crops as their parents and grandparents had
stating that they had already reduced the

births at
bing a baker of more than $160,000 worth done before them.
amount of jewelry they wear in public.

Killers took
of items. They were charged with robbery
with violence under the Larceny Act. "Our homes were always filled with food
Corporal Nirmal Ramjattan, 35, along

vacation during
and our gardens were our pride and joy," he

with Constable Kipson Wynn, 32, are ac- said adding that he missed the days when
cused of beating and robbing businessman farming was a way of life.

last elections
Horace Seedansingh, during an incident at
Seedansingh's, Bowen Street home, in Tu- Nimchan Ramoutar said that farmers suf-
napuna on April 6. fered anxious moments as they searched for
The duo were part of the Tunapuna Police rice seeds.
Station's elite anti-crime control unit. The Cold statistics have confirmed the sus- Girls are having sex from the age of nine,
detectives are alleged to have stolen more picion that criminal gangs deliberately took and there are 18,000 abortions a year in
"Just as we managed to get the seeds, we
than $165,000 worth of items from a murder break during the last general elec- T&T. There also were 18,000 babies born,
hear about the sale of the milling opera-
Seedansingh, including $90,000 in cash and tion and then went back to business once with 7,000 of the mothers being teenagers.
tions," he said.
a $70,000 Nissan Almera. the election was over. The claim came from gynaecologist, Dr
Three police officers attached to the Tu- Opposition politicians here have claimed Tim Gopeesingh, during debate in the
He said that Penal farmers had ordered
napuna Police Station have been charged that criminals supporting the ruling PNM Lower House of Parliament. He said Social
5,000 pounds of rice seeds that would be ar-
with robbing a businessman who had just party phased down activities during the Development Minister Dr Amery Browne
riving from Guyana soon.
won $80,000 at the Grand Casino in Val- campaign to benefit the PNM. could confirm the statistic, a claim Browne
sayn. Police statistics show there was a dip in did not deny when he wound up debate on
Officials at the Ministry of Agriculture said
They followed the man as he went home, homicides in Trinidad and Tobago last No- a Bill to Amend the Children’s Authority
that NFM received $400,000 a month from
beat him to get his personal identification vember, when the last general election was Act, 2000.
government to keep the rice mill open.
number and bank card, and withdrew held, and in December, only to be followed The hospitals were flooded with women
money from the man's account. A security by a disturbing 81 per cent increase in seeking treatment for botched abortions;
NFM manufactures and sells flour, soybean
camera at the ATM caught the crooked cops homicides from January 1 to June 11. some died, and the internal organs of some
meal, rice and oils and is listed on the
in the act Figures showed a steady rise in the num- were so”damaged” they were no longer
Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange with
Two soldiers from Teteron Barracks and ber of homicides from around February able to become pregnant.
51 per cent of its shares held by National
Camp Ogden were arrested on Saturday 2007 to September 2007, when the election At Port-of-Spain clinics, ten out of 15
Enterprises Limited. According to market
night and charged with kidnapping a 19- campaign started. Then came a dramatic women seeking pre-natal treatment were
experts, the rice mill is valued at $14 mil-
year-old man. fall just before, during and immediately teenagers; in other areas it was ten out of
lion. Sale of the rice milling operations
The victim, Jerome Raymond of St after the November 5, 2007 general elec- 25.
were advertised recently in the daily news-
Joseph was at his home on Saturday, when tion. The graph also shows an equally dra- He said the fathers were men in their 40s

Water taxis
two men stormed his home and forced him matic 81 percent increase in homicides and 50s who were, in fact, guilty of statu-
into a waiting car. Raymond was robbed of from January 1, 2008 to the middle of June. tory rape, but who escaped punishment. In
From January 1 to June 11, 2008, there

ready by August
his cellular phone, cash and jewelry. many cases, he said, they were not even
Raymond managed to jump out of the were 226 homicides, as opposed to 125 dur- taking care of their offspring.
car and made his way to the St Joseph Po- ing the first months and 11 days of 2007. The State should set in place a plan to
lice Station where he lodged a report. An all More than half of those homicides, 59 identify these fathers and hold them re-
Points Bulletin (APB) was issued and the per cent, for the first six months of 2008 Passengers using the water taxi service sponsible, urged Gopeesingh, UNC-A MP
car with the suspected kidnappers was in- were gang related, 11 per cent due to rob- in Port of Spain will be temporarily housed for Caroni East.
tercepted at Riverside Road in Curepe at beries, nine per cent due to altercations, six at the Cruise Ship Complex until a proper He said the medical fraternity was
about 10 pm. per cent due to domestic violence and five structure is built specifically for the hub, shocked to see women aged 20 suffering
per cent classified as drug related. says Works and Transport Minister Colm from cervical cancer, and that was because
Imbert. they started having sexual relations from
He added that prefabricated structures age ‘nine or ten.”
were to be erected near the Breakfast Shed He also lamented that infant mortality
to accommodate the passengers but until was not at first world standard,and children
they are ready, the Complex will be used. who grew up would either face the fate of
Three of the four vessels, should arrive by being kidnapped,or would die or be injured
the end of the month via a heavy lift ship, in road accidents because the breathalyser
Imbert said. was not in place.

Celebrate 2008
The fourth vessel, to be acquired by gov-
ernment for the service, is still undergoing
maintenance and should arrive by July, the
Express was told. Centenary of
"By August, all four vessels should be in
Arrival of Indo-
Caribbeans in
operation," said Imbert. The water taxi
service would allow members of the public

the option to travel from San Fernando to
Port of Spain via the Gulf of Paria.
Naail never
Indo-Caribbean Times JUNE 2008 Page 6
“It could be anybody” murders have Trinidad rattled
It’s not the gang murders or the family morning of May 15. A 16-year-old Servol KILLED MAKING HIS
thought he
would be
squabbles that lead to homicides that have student has been charged with his murder. COMMUNITY SAFE
Trinidadians uneasy. These things happen Coniel Providence, a
everywhere. But a rash of “it could be any- DRIVER KILLED AS WARNING Laventille based a liaison

body” murders, some of them clearly inno- Basdeo Chunin, a 66 year old bulldozer officer with the Ministry of
cent, is another matter. Today we look at a driver of St Helena Village, Piarco was shot Community Development,
small sample of 21 such murders that have and killed at his Beetham worksite at mid- was shot dead near his home
taken place in the last month to understand day on May 21.Chunin was shot in the left on June 1 after collecting a
the problem. thigh and right calf while operating the ve- questionnaire about crime in
hicle on the southern side of the Beetham his area. He was trying to make Laventille
PENSIONER LEFT TO DIE Highway in the vicinity of the New safer but was accused of being a police in-
Beetham Waste Water Treatment Plant. former.
Harry Gokool, an 84 year old pensioner
of Fyzabad, was killed on Father's Day by .Chunin reported before he died that "a
young man cross the highway, walked up to SHOT DEAD IN BED
a man who entered his home and stabbed
the backhoe and shot him. Before running San Juan clothing store businessman
him, leaving him dying with a knife left
off the shooter said 'This is a warning'." Marlon Edwards never woke up from a
sticking out in his right eye. Gokool saw the
sound sleep in his bed at Santa Cruz at
man on his property around 5 pm in the af-
SHOT FOR PAYROLL 12.45 am on the night of June 3. Masked
ternoon and as he tried to chase him away
gunmen kicked down the door and without
the man ordered him upstairs to his bed-
Central contractor Surendra asking a question, shot dead the 33-year-old
room.On the way to his room a scuffle
Bridgemohan was was man, before robbing his wife who was
broke out and the man whipped out a knife
killed near his home at Ca- sleeping next to Edwards.They took Ed-
and stabbed him several times in his chest
candee Road, Felicity, at wards's life and $4,000 in cash and jewelry.
and finally in his eye. Rafie Mohammed shows a picture

midday on May 23, after
BABY AND DAD KILLED IN TAXI of kidnapped nephew Naail Ali
PAID THE PRICE FOR STAYING leaving home with a bag of
A Suriname businessman who invested in money to pay his workers.
A car pulled across his path Five month old baby Zion oung Naail Ali was kidnapped in
Trinidad and stayed despite an attempt by front of his father's Gasparillo furni-
and two men shot him through the wind- Jones, died from gunshot in-
arsonists who tried to burn him out, has ture business on bright and early around
screen. His vehicle crashed into a drain and juries on June 7, along with
been murdered at the gates of his Chagua- 8.30 am on June 10. Naail, 25, who was the
he died before reaching hospital. his father, Anthony Jones.
nas warehouse. Dalip Kalicka, 55, was shot manager of the A&S Furniture Store was
Zion was shot three times
dead last week by unknown gunman as on hand to open the store for business when
CHOPPED ASLEEP IN BED about the body. Father and
soon as he stepped out of his car. They three men pulled up in a white station
A Chaguanas couple janitor Anthony son were seated in a car
stood over him firing repeatedly into his wagon, grabbed him, bundled him into the
Charles, 39, and pre-school teacher An- around 7.45 p.m. at Pump
body. car and drove off.
toinette Nedd,40, were sleeping in bed at 4 Trace, Laventille, awaiting the driver of the
Kalicka came to Trinidad several years His uncle Rafie Mohammed said: "He
am on May 24 when an unknown person car who had gone into some nearby bushes
ago and opened a PVC ceiling trading com- never thought he would be a kidnap victim.
broke into their home and chopped them to urinate, when two men approached the
pany. On April 19, his warehouse at Char- He was a real hard worker and always felt
both to death. Charles was said to have been car and started shooting. The shooters then
lieville was set afire and most of his stock such a thing could not happen to him." He
in an argument with a man in Chaguanas ran off.
destroyed, putting 50 people out of a job was wrong. Kidnapping has declined but
and causing over $1 million in damages. earlier that night.
But Kallicka stayed on and rented another

Schoolgirl Amrika
WATCHMAN FOUND TIED UP A 22-year-old maintenance worker
building in Edinburgh to continue his busi-
Moonsie Shadrack, 61, a watchman of Patrick Dedier was shot at Raymond Street,
ness. He was planning to return home to
released after $70,000
Hope Road, Princes Town, was found dead Carenage, on the night of June 4 after leav-
Suriname the day before his death, and
by a co-worker at his workplace, Union ing a nearby parlour where he had bought

ransom paid
complained that someone was robbing him.
Steel in San Fernando on May 24. His bread. Police believe this was a case of mis-
hands were tied behind his back and duct taken identity .
An 86 year old Rio Claro pensioner Al- tape was placed around his mouth.
varez St Rose was shot dead in his bed at Kidnapped schoolgirl Amrika Ramdial
HANDYMAN’S THROAD CUT KILLED TO SEND A MESSAGE was released on May 27, six days after her
2.00 am on Sunday June 10, when an un-
The body of handyman Deonarine Lata, THE relatives of a Diego Martin resident kidnapping, and police said $70,000 was
known gunman opened fire from outside a
31, was found in an empty lot behind the Mark Edwards man were ordered to watch paid for her freedom. Ramdial was let out
window. Police believe the shooting
Roti King businessplace on St Vincent as three masked gunmen fired four times of a car in St Helena, a village near the Pi-
stemmed from an altercation involving a
Street, Tunapuna on May 24. His throat had into his body on June 6. A shoot-out be- arco International Airport.
relative of the murdered man and another
been slit from "ear to ear". tween local gang factions occurred on Fri- Amrika, a pupil of the Holy Faith Con-
man at a pub in Rio Claro the previous Fri-
day, and one group went into the other's vent in Couva, was walking near her home
day. St Rose's grandsons Elon and Robert,
PENSIONER KILLED WITH ROCK territory. When they could not find who at Gaston Street, Chaguanas, when she was
Elon’s common-law wife Gloria and the
Knolly "Papa" Nicholas, 75. a marac they were looking for they pounced on Ed- snatched by four men.A $1 million ransom
victim’s niece Nicole escaped unhurt.
player who played alongside the legendary wards, "to send a message" to their rivals. was demanded. Amrika is the daughter
KILLED ON MOTHER’S DAY Daisy Voisin and famous parang group La restaurant owner Allison Squires-Ramdial
Divina Pastora, was murdered, after a rock KILLED NEXT TO POLICE STATION and dry goods wholesaler Geewan Ram-
Winston Budhram, 28, a was bashed into a head repeatedly and he dial. Police said Amrika appeared to be in
was left to die at the side of the road in In the back seat of his car good health.
Petit Valley audio visual
Mendez Village, Siparia, on the night of parked outside the family's
technician with the Parlia-
May 23. He had left a Siparia bar which home in Couva, business-
ment Channelwas fatally
was being closed at 9 pm because of acts of man Riaz Majeed, 28, was
shot on Mother's Day
vandalism by a another patron. It is be- shot multiple times on June
when two bandits stole
lieved the drunk patron followed Nicholas 6 by people brave enough to
his life before they drove
and assaulted him with the rock. murder within sight of the
off with his car.
police station. At least 14 bullets were fired
Budhramwas seated in his car with a female
at the car rental businessman.
work colleague outside her home when the CHILD SLASHED WITH KNIFE IN THE
bandits dragged Budhram out of the car and
Eight year-old Hope Aris- RAPED, KILLED AT WORK PLACE

made him lie face down on the roadway. He
was then shot once in his head. mandez of Chase Village,
Chaguanas, was killed May Nicoline Churaman, a 38

27 by a man she loved as a year old Forestry Division
father. She had a knife slash worker, never returned from
across her throat, a stab to the work on June 4 after being

Schoolboy Alonzo Pierre,
back of the head, and a blunt dropped off by her husband
15, a form four student of
object was used to pound her Judson Reid. She was found with her face
the Barataria Senior Com-
on the head-the injury that killed her. bashed in with a boulder in the forested,
prehensive School was fa-
Hope's mother, Sherma Rajoon, 48, said she raped and murdered. Reid dropped heroff
tally stabbed near to the
never believed the man was capable of such at the regular meeting point forworkers, eith
Arima maxi-taxi stand,
evil. colleagues only a few minutes away. She
while waiting for trans-
was found by the sound of her cellphone
port to school on the
ringing in her backpack.
INDIAN ARRIVAL IN TRINIDAD Indo-Caribbean Times JUNE 2008 Page 7
Sat: Govt. killed Indians still face ASJA: Monitor
agriculture to discrimination in children’s music
destroy Indo-Trinis jobs and housing Parents were urged to protect their chil-

dren yesterday at the Anjuman Sunnat ul Ja-
maat Association’s (ASJA) fourth Indian
ecretary General of the Sanatan Dharma
Oppostion Leader Basdeo Panday, in an Arrival Day celebrations held at Char-
Maha Sabha, Sat Maharaj, has charged
Indian Arrival Day address at the Couva lieville.
Government with killing agriculture to de- Valmiki Maharaj and the BVS group
Recreation Ground, Couva, said that said “Parents hold on to your children,” was
perform a poem in song at the Library

Library celebrates
stroy the Indo-Trinidadian people.
that Afro-Trinidadians do not want to re- the message brought by Sheikh Majid Ali, a
"Government has destroyed the rice and
member the day they came to this country. member of ASJA’s Indian Arrival Day
sugar industry and has failed to give sup-

TT’s Indian poets

“Africans came here as slaves, they hate Committee and co-ordinator of a popular
port for food crop producers. That is why
the day they arrived here,” said Panday as Islamic radio programme called “Islam in
Trinidad and Tobago is on the verge of star-
he commented on the impact slavery had on Focus.”
vation," he sharged..
A day of Indian poetry, song and dance thousands of Africans who came to He advised parents to protect their chil-
He said that a month before Emancipa-
was held at the National Library in Port of Trinidad before Indo-Trinidadians. Indians dren and to carefully monitor the music that
tion Day, Government had announced a
Spain as NALIS focused on the celebration arrived here on the Fatel Razack on May they listened to on the radio, since music in-
grant of $3.3 million to the African-Trinida-
of Indian Arrival Day. 30, 1825 and since that day indentured fluenced behaviour.
dian community, but had failed to provide
Men, women and children came out to labourers and their descendants contributed Ali condemned chutney music as a
for Indian Arrival Day celebrations yester-
listen and learn about their ancestors, cul- positively to society in every aspect of pub- medium that promoted alcoholism and
day. He said not a penny was received by
ture and heritage. lic life, from governance to the home. other “haram” or forbidden behaviour.
over 300 groups celebrating Arrival Day.
They heard stories, poems and songs Panday said Indians are still being dis- He, however, commended radio stations
"A suppressed people becomes an inven-
about the journey the early Indians made on criminated against in public service jobs that still held to the musical traditions that
tive people," he said adding, "if they don't
the Fatel Razack; their struggles and tri- and housing. He criticised the ruling Peo- the ancestors of the Indian community had
give us, we will put our hands in our pock-
umphs for peace and equality. ple’s National Movement (PNM) for at- brought with them.
The Indians brought their food, dance, tempting to change the name of “Indian He highlighted the historical evolution of
Maharaj called on Government to give a
music and art to these islands. Roti, dou- Arrival Day” to “Arrival Day”. Panday said the Indian community in TT, as indentured
subvention to poor parents to feed their
bles, pholourie and several spices they it was mainly Indo-Trinidadian groups who immigrant labourers who once sustained
children instead of the provision made in
brought over from India have definitely fought for a long time for the recognition of the prosperous sugar industry in the coun-
the school feeding programme. He also
given us things that we have grown to love. East Indians before May 30 was granted as try, to a mobilised, educated group in soci-
called on single parents not to depend on
The library also recognised the achieve- a public holiday. ety. President general of ASJA Haji Yacoob
the State to support their children.
ments made by Indo Trinidadians and To- “Such is the hypocrisy of the PNM,” Pan- Ali said the celebrations were also an op-
"There are single parent mothers with six
bagonian poets. Contributing to the day said as he told the audience gathered portunity to “pay tribute to those who
and seven children working in the fields
diversity of our twin island, the Indian com- under tents that Trinidadians must re-com- came,”
and selling in the market to feed, shelter and
munity celebrated their arrival to Trinidad’s mit themselves to fight against discrimina- The Indian Arrival Day celebrations
educate their children," he said.
shores 163 years ago on May 30th. tion. started at 10 am and included a range of ac-
Maharaj also questioned why the Afro-
They are also celebrated 85 years since Ramnath also told the crowd he knew tivities. There were several booths selling
Trinidadian community was not celebrating
the first Indo Trinidadian poet Leslie two Indo-Trinidadian families who have traditional East Indian clothing, food, orna-
Indian Arrival.
Sankersingh got his first poem published said they plan to migrate to Miami because ments and other items. ASJA primary and
"The Indo-Trinidadian forms 42 per cent
1921. The audio/visual room at the li- of the high crime rate. Panday gave out sev- secondary schools were also given the op-
of the population and it is time for the rest
brary was transformed into a visual feast eral gifts, mainly to elderly women of East portunity to display art and craft items re-
of the nation to rise above race and religion
with tiny lights, a unique display of running Indian descent, who raised large families in lated to the arrival of the Indian community
to pay tribute to the people who came," he
water and brightly coloured cloths that Couva. in TT. Atiman Ramjohn, who is 104, re-
made the stage come to life. ceived a special award.

E-mail: kicker4321@msn.com
Remember Enmore martyrs Guns found at Goat Farm
Indo-Caribbean Times JUNE 2008 Page 8

J ust after sunrise on the morning of June

16, 1948 sixty years, five sugar workers belonged to massacre gang
were brutally shot to death at Enmore Es- Police have said that one of the two rifles uary 23, 2008, where Corporal Ivor
tate in Guyana as they were demonstrating found on two gunmen shot dead at Goat Williams was shot and killed.
for better working conditions, fair wages, Farm in the interior belongs to the army and The police said the weapons were also
and for the recognition of a Union of their were used in the Lusignan and Bartica mas- used at the robbery/murder at Triumph,
choice. sacres. ECD, on December 16, 2007, where Fazal
The five workers who died became The lawmen also disclosed that four men Hakim and Rajesh Singh were killed. Bal-
known as the Enmore Martyrs. They were accused of harbouring the country’s most listics tests are still being done on exhibits
Lallabaggie and Dookie from Enmore and wanted man, Rondell Rawlins were ar- collected at other scenes, the release added.
Rambarran, Harry and Pooran from Enter- rested in a house in Linden on Tuesday. Police had linked the two massacres to
prise/Non Pariel. One worker was shot in Police also confirmed yesterday that the the Buxton/ Agricola criminal gang being
the back as he tried to flee from the scene. two dead men whose bodies were flown out headed by Rawlins and a diary left behind
There were also fourteen other workers from the interior to Georgetown on Tues- when police first confronted the gunmen at
who were seriously injured. day were positively identified by their rel- Christmas Falls two weeks ago reportedly
It was not the first time in Guyana's his- atives yesterday - one of them Robin Julius bore details of Rawlins planning and exe-
tory that sugar workers were killed whilst Chung called Chung Boy was only 15. His cuting the massacres for the alleged abduc-
demonstrating for better working condi- Memorial to the Enmore Martyrs located partner in crime Cecil Ramcharran called tion of his teenager child mother.
tions. The first incident occurred in 1872 at in Guyana ‘Uncle Willie’ is said to be 54. Reports are that following the June 6
Devonshire Castle where five workers were In a press statement the police disclosed shoot-out at Christmas Falls the gunmen
gunned down by Colonial Police. In 1896 that following investigations, four men numbering over ten split up into two
the Police shot five workers and seriously work so the workers had no alternative but were on Tuesday arrested in a house at Re- groups. One of the groups was headed by
injured several others at Non Pariel. In 1903 to go on strike. trieve, Linden, on suspicion of harbouring Ramcharran and was intercepted following
eight workers were killed and seven injured The MPCA advised the workers to return Rawlins. The police said the men are in the hijacking of a minibus on the Aroaima
at Friends, and in 1913 at Rose Hall, fifteen to work whilst the GIWU encouraged them their custody assisting with the investiga- trail on Monday morning. Rawlins and an-
were killed and thirteen wounded. These to continue the fight for the right to receive tions. other group of gunmen are said to have
shootings all occurred on individual estates fair wages. The workers saw the GIWU as Officials believe that Rawlins and his gang headed in another direction.
where workers resorted to strikes and the only Union that was interested in fight- had spent time in the mining town after the On June 6 members of the joint services
demonstrations in order to force the Sugar ing for their welfare; so they started to January 26 slaughter at Lusignan and used responding to intelligence reports that
Estate owners to improve the working con- swing their support en mass towards the Linden as a launching pad for the February Rawlins and his men were hiding out at
ditions. These prior incidents were not part GIWU. At this critical time the workers in- 17 Bartica massacre. They were in Linden Christmas Falls some 300 miles up the
of an industry wide action as was the case tensified their efforts to secure the recogni- several weeks following the Bartica Berbice River, descended on the forested
of the 1939 shootings at Leonora and the tion of the GIWU as their representative killings, before moving deeper into the area. Once there they came under fire from
1948 shootings at Enmore. union. dense jungle at Christmas Falls, located around seven men, one of whom was Fifee
In 1939 sugar workers at several estates The strike spread to most of the estates some 300 miles in the Upper Berbice River, who was shot and killed. The other six men,
went on strike as a last resort in order to in- and climaxed at a huge demonstration at the source contended. including Rawlins however managed to es-
fluence the sugar estates to improve their Enmore on the morning of June 16, 1948, Meanwhile, using ballistic tests, police cape leaving behind a cache of arms and
working conditions; however, the strike and where colonial police opened fire, thus said they were able to link the two AK- 47 ammunition, some of which have been con-
demonstrations were suppressed when po- killing five workers and injuring fourteen rifles recovered from Cecil Ramcharran and firmed by police as having been stolen from
lice brutally shot five workers and injuring others. The Enmore Martyrs became for- Robin Chung at Goat Farm, Berbice River, the Bartica Police station the night that
several others. ever etched in Guyana's history. on Monday to the killings at Lusignan on community came under siege by gunmen.
After the 1939 death of the sugar work- Two years before the Enmore Martyrs in- January 26, 2008 and at Bartica on Febru- They had foodstuff to last several weeks in
ers, a collective bargaining agreement was ciÂdent, the political landscape of Guyana ary 17. One of the weapons they said is the a large kitchen, which also had a gas stove,
put into place recognizing the Manpower had started to change with the formation of property of the Guyana Defence Force. The generator and solar energy. In addition,
Citizens Association (MPCA) as the repre- the Political Affairs Committee (PAC) rifle was stolen during an ambush of a team there were six portable tents, four ham-
sentat iv e union for the field workers and headed by Dr. Cheddi Jagan, the son and of soldiers by armed men at Buxton on Jan- mocks, three mattresses and other supplies.
the Guyana Labour Union (GLU) as the grandÂson of indentured sugar workers. Dr.
repreÂsentative union of the factory work- Jagan and his wife, Janet, had just returned
ers. from the USA and had initiated a gigantic
Workers were dissatisfied with the repre- effort to improve the social, economic and
sentation they were receiving from the p olitical conditions of the working people.
MPCA. On many occasions the MPCA Dr. Jagan joined the MPCA but was dis-
sided with the Sugar Producers Association gusted at the corrupÂtion and hypocrisy
(SPA) in industrial disputes instead of fight- that he saw within that union. He was in-
ing for the cause of the workers. Eventually, strumental with Dr.J.P.Latchmansingh and
a new union was formed to represent the others in forming the GIWU to secure bet-
workers in their efforts to secure better ter working conditions for the sugar work-
working conditions. ers and also with his wife and political
This new union, the Guyana Industrial partner Janet, Joycelyn Hubbard and Ash-
Workers Union, (GIWU) was more vigor- ton Chase formed the PAC to fight for po-
ous and militant in representing the work- litical reforms. At the time of the strike in
ers' demands and campaigned to win the 1948 Dr. Jagan was the elected representa-
support of the workers . The SPA instead tive for the East Demerara District #6, hav-
continued to recognize the MPCA and did ing been elected to the Legislative
not want to meet with the GIWU. Assembly as an Independent in 1947. Dr.
In 1948 the SPA introduced a system of Jagan and Mrs. Jagan were involved in the
"cut and load" as opposed to the original strike. They knew the workers who were
system of "cut and drop". In the "cut and slain. At the funeral a massive crowd was
drop" system one gang of work ers cut the present and the procession was prevented
cane whilst another gang loaded the cane from marching through Georgetown.
into the punts for the factories. In the "cut The martyrdom of the workers at Enmore
and load" system the same gang that cut the influenced Dr. Cheddi Jagan into making
cane had to also load the cane into punts for that solemn pledge th at he would not rest
the factories. This new system which was until his people were free from colonial
introduced without consultation with the bondage.
workers involved greater physical effort The PAC was the forerunner of the Peo-
and was very strenuous, especially for older ple's Progressive Party (PPP) which be-
workers. This system would also facilitate a came the vanguard of Guyana's struggle for
significant decrease of the work force indeÂpendence, and the GIWU became the
needed for harvesting. Guyana Agricultural Workers Union
The sugar workers represented by the (GAWU) which is today the recÂognized
MPCA were encouraged to try the new sys- union of the sugar workers in Guyana.
tem if wages were fairly increased , how- The martyrdom of the workers at Enmore
ever the SPA would not agree to a fair rate and other estates must never be forgotten.
of pay to compensate for the additional
Guyana starts driving Chinese JAC cars
GUYANA NEWS Indo-Caribbean Times JUNE 2008 Page 9

Port Georgetown Guyana Times Jagdeo, Corbin

gets F in World launched June 5 finally meet
Bank report Guyana's latest daily newspaper is the
Guyana Times, a $30 million US heavy-
A top appointment in the Police Force
and concerns about national participation in
‘…it still takes 35 days to clear customs weight that is sure to shake up the media
Carifesta were among matters President
and 11 documents were necessary to com- world in the South American nation.
Bharrat Jagdeo and Leader of the Opposi-
plete a transaction in 2007’ The Times was launched June 5 at an
tion Robert Corbin discussed this week..
Several Caribbean ports, including eleborate ceremony in Georgetown that was
Prime Minister Samuel Hinds (third from The two leaders met at the invitation of
Guyana’s, have received a failing grade in a attended by President Bharrat Jagdeo and
right) and CEO of National Hardware President Jagdeo at the Office of the Presi-
global survey on seaports and customs ef- many other powerful figures in the country.
Eddie Boyer (second from right) and others dent. Corbin told the media after the meet-
fectiveness called the Logistics Perform- Queens Atlantic Investment Inc is the
inspecting the new JAC vehicles. ing that, “We discussed some matters

ance Index (LPI), said the BBC in a report. parent body for the paper, which comes
related to the service commissions, one of
The study was carried out by the World with a modern press capable of (QAII)
uyana has started importing Chinese them was an appointment in the Police
Bank and is contained in a report called ti- launched the publication together with a
made JAC motor cars, which are being Force, details of which I would like to dis-
tled “Connecting to Compete: Trade Logis- modern full colour press that can also han-
sold at affordable prices to Guyanese cus- cuss when I have formal communication on
tics in the Global Economy.” dle commercial printing jobs. Guyana
tomers, with single and double cab pick- it.”
The article said that of the 150 participat- Times is selling at $50 for the daily edition,
ups costing about $1.9M ($9, 826 Asked whether the appointment was that
ing countries, Guyana, Haiti and Jamaica and a Sunday edition is in the works.
Canadian) duty free. SUVs and freight of a Commissioner of Police, given the cur-
ranked at 141, 123 and 118 respectively. President Jagdeo welcomed the new
trucks cost about 2.6M duty free, equiva- rent acting appointment of Acting Com-
When contacted the Shipping Association paper, saying there was room for a “seri-
lent to $13,447 Canadian. The vehicles are missioner of Police Henry Greene, Corbin
of Guyana said that it is cognisant of the ous” newspaper, one that can be critical,
fitted with Isuzu and Toyota engines. would not elaborate except to say that
shortcomings in Guyana’s shipping. An of- truthful, fair and sees public officers as fair
Minister of Industry and Commerce “when one gets an indication of what one
ficial of the SAG, Ian D’Anjou, said that game “but a paper that stays away from
Manniram Prashad was optimistic that the is thinking the other gets the opportunity to
the body is discussing the report’s findings scurrilous attacks on people.” He said that
vehicles will be sold “like hot cakes,” as think on it. I am at that stage.” He added
among its executive before a formal state- for too long “we have feasted at that table.”
they are already popular in Colombia and that consultation in the context of the Con-
ment is issued. “It is not enough to criticize the ills in so-
neighbouring Trinidad and Tobago. stitution requires certain procedure.”Greene
The BBC report said that the country with ciety…I hope the newspaper recognises the
was appointed Acting Commissioner of Po-
Helping 30, 000
the highest ranking in the Caribbean was good in the country,” he said, adding that
lice in July 2006.
the Dominican Republic at 96. the efforts of people should not be sacri-
As PNCR leader, he said that he also took
single parents
“However, seaports in Trinidad and To- ficed on the altar of sensationalism. “I think
the opportunity to discuss the subject mat-
bago, Barbados, Bahamas, the Eastern people with a corporate interest will bene-
ter of the party’s recent marches and
The Ministry of Human Services and So- Caribbean countries and the Dutch and fit from a country that is viewed in a posi-
demonstrations and the devastating effect
cial Security has already received over French Caribbean, were not included,” the tive light,” Jagdeo said.
of the cost of living and the relief of meas-
30,000 single-parent registration forms report said. Chairman of the Board of Directors at
ures needed to be put in place to stem the
from across the country for use in its $100 The report also ranked countries based QAII Ramroop Ramnarain said that the
high food prices. He recommended the re-
million program to help vulnerable singe on other indicators such as efficiency of company recognised that there was need for
duction of the Value Added Tax, relief for
parents.Minister Priya Manickchand said customs operations, infrastructure, logistics a different publication. “This is why we
pensioners, relief for vulnerable persons,
the data collection should be completed in competence, tracking and tracing and time- made a conscious business decision to pub-
and special intervention to cushion rising
another month, and then government will liness, among others and again Caribbean lish a new newspaper,” he said.
fuel and transportation costs.
be able to see what kinds of interventions countries in general were ranked very low.
that are needed and who are the neediest. It The report highlights the fact that the region
is hoped that the interventions made will is failing in its efforts to develop a compet-
put single parents in a better position to pro- itive supply chain framework, the article
vide for their children. said.
I n an analysis of the findings, Caribbean
Central American Action noted that: “one
Essequibo Tri-lake villages of the most important reasons noted for the
low performance of the region is the lack of
exploring agro-tourism
Repairs to all makes and models
efficient customs practices in the region.”
The Essequibo region in Guyana is mov- According to the BBC report, its Execu-
ing ahead with an innovative agro-tourism tive Director, Anton Edmunds told BBC
package aimed as bringing in a new kind of Caribbean that as it relates to logistics - the
tourist to the South American country. actual movement of goods in and out of the
Government and the Inter American In- region - the Caribbean ranks relatively low.
stitute for Cooperation (IICA) are working He said one of the areas of under per-
on a pilot project involving the the Esse- formance was the (lack of) speed in which
quibo Tri-lake communities of Capoey, “goods are loaded, off-loaded, customs
Mainstay/ Whyaka and Tapacuma/St cleared and get into the market-place. “It’s
Denny. really where it shows the region is defi-
Minister of Amerindian Affairs, Pauline cient,” he pointed out, according to the ar-
Sukhai said recently that agro-tourism ven- ticle.
tures in the hinterland have great potential According to another World Bank report:
for rural villages and especially in empow- “Doing Business 2008” although Guyana
ering women. The Tri-lake communities has one of the lowest costs to import a 20-
for example have immense possibilities for foot container, compared to other countries 4 cylinder

within and outside of the region, it still

organic pineapple and cassava production,
craft making, culinary arts and the devel- takes 35 days to clear customs and 11 doc- Some conditions apply

opment of a heritage trail. uments were necessary to complete a trans-

action in 2007.
Online passport forms
In the same report, Jamaica has one of the
highest costs to import a container of simi-
lar size despite the country’s recent upgrade
Guyanese applying for the new machine in customs technology and developing its
readable passports can now access the ap- infrastructure.
plication form online at the Guyana Police The article said that although the number Call Dex Mohan today
Force website. Immigration and Passport of documents necessary for imports were
Offices across the country will phase out almost half that of Guyana, it still took at
the sale of the forms at the offices over a least 22 days before the shipment can be re-
period of time, a press release from the leased from Jamaica’s customs. The slow
force said. The form can be accessed online customs clearing process – from the wharf
at www.guyanapoliceforce.org. to the customs house processing – remains
a bugbear among businesses.
Mortgage life insurance
Indo-Caribbean Times JUNE 2008 Page 10
Applying for Refugee Status- Part 1
not always a sure thing They must also prove that the authorities

or law enforcement agencies have failed in
f you have a mortgage on your home, (NOT the bank that sold you the coverage) their duty to provide security to its citizens.
chances are good you also have mortgage for clarification about pre-existing medical Last November, I was successful in gain-
insurance. conditions. ing refugee status for a Guyanese family of
The idea is that if you should become se- Call your doctor to clarify details of any four because the State had failed to provide
riously ill or die before paying off the mort- pre-existing medical conditions you may be adequate security to its citizens.
gage, the coverage will kick in and pay it By Balwant Persaud In that hearing, the panel member of the

concerned about.
off for you. It’s meant to offer peace of Know that you can get out. IRB, had this to say:
mind and to reassure you that your family You usually have 10-30 days to review nder the Immigration and Refugee “ Nations should be presumed capable of
will be able to stay in your home if anything your policy after the initial purchase (this is Protection Act, refugee protection is protecting their citizens. Security of nations
should happen to you. known as a "cool-down" or "free look" pe- given to someone who is found to be a Con- is, after all, the essence of sovereignty.”
The reality falls a little short of that. The riod). vention Refugee or a person in need of pro- In that case the claimant was threatened
CBC's Marketplace investigation, we meet If you have already purchased your credit tection. to be killed by rogue elements in the
two families who bought the coverage and insurance you can cancel anytime. Keep in A Convention refugee is a person who, by Guyanese society and the police failed to
thought they were protected, only to have mind, however, that you may lose premi- reason of a well founded fear of persecution respond or arrest the accused elements.
their claims denied when they became sick ums already paid. for reasons of race, religion, nationality, The applicant fled Guyana when justice
or died. Shop around. membership in a particular social group or was not given to him by the law protection
In each case, the insurer said the appli- Consider buying from a licensed insur- political opinion, agencies, namely the Police force.
cant person had lied on their initial applica- ance broker who will explore any medical (a)is outside each of their countries of na- Another case where refugee status was
tion form. It turns out a routine test at the issues upfront. tionality and is unable or, by reason of that granted to a Guyanese family involves a
doctor could be reason to deny your claim, Consider buying or topping up an indi- fear, unwilling to avail themselves of the former ROAR Party member who was
if you don't mention it. Had a cuff inflated vidual life insurance policy to cover your protection of each of those countries; or beaten by activists of the ruling PPP gov-
on your bicep? That counts as being tested mortgage. (b)not having a country of nationality, is ernment. The police failed to arrest and
for high blood pressure. Know your coverage. outside the country of their former habitual charge the perpetrators of this crime. This
The bank staffers selling mortgage insur- You may already have adequate insur- residence and is unable or, by reason of that was a clear case of political persecution.
ance are unlicenced and rarely trained to ance coverage through your work or other fear, unwilling to return to that country. The positive decisions in many of these
explain the details and legalities of those in- policies. Insurance experts say it's better to A person in need of protection is a person refugee claims is by no means an indication
surance products. The result is people who buy one traditional insurance policy than in Canada whose removal to their country that Canada is now accepting Guyanese as
pay premiums and think they are covered, purchase a number of small policies for a or countries of nationality or, if they do not refugees as a norm.
only to realize later that they are not. variety of products. have a country of nationality, their country Each case has to be proven on its own
How to buy insurance that really will Be sure you need it. of former habitual residence, would subject merit.
protect you is simple. The purpose of credit life mortgage in- them personally Caribbean countries are not considered as
Be sure you qualify. surance is to protect your loved ones from (a)to a danger, believed on substantial refugee producing countries according to
There are many terms and exclusions as- making mortgage payments if something grounds to exist, of torture within the mean- the UN Convention on Refugees but the
sociated with credit insurance policies. were to happen to you. This type of insur- ing of Article 1 of the Convention Against Refugee Board in Canada would consider
Learn what they mean and how they apply ance may not be applicable if you do not Torture; or claims for refugee status if these claims
to you. have any dependents who would need to (b)to a risk to their life or to a risk of cruel have merits.

Understand how lending

Call the insurance company directly keep your home if something happened. and unusual treatment or punishment if The onus is on the applicants to prove
(i)the person is unable or, because of that that the state has failed to offer protection to
risk, unwilling to avail themself of protec- them and that if they return to their country

works in the marketplace

tion of that country. their life will be in danger.
(ii)the risk would be faced by the person
in every part of that country and is not faced Balwant Persaud is a Certified Immigration
generally by other individuals in or from Consultant and a Member of The Canadian
that country. Society of Immigration Consultants. For
A person needs to prove to the Immigra- answers to your problems on this forum,
and $30,000.00 as the TDSR. If property send all enquiries to:
tion and Refugee Board that if they return
taxes is $3000.00 and heat is $1000.00 then balwantpersaud@yahoo.ca or call at
to their home country their life would be in
$20,000.00 (1) will be allowed for the 416-431-8845 and in Guyana: 225-1540
mortgage, however if you were to have www.canadaimmigrationbpa.com
$20,000.00 owing on your credit cards and
a car loan payment of $600.00 per month
High gas prices will hit 8% of respondents say they plan to visit an-
Caribbeans’ travel plans
other Canadian province and only 12% plan
then you would be allowed $11,600.00 (2) to travel to the United States.
By Ijaz Hosein for the mortgage to keep within the guide- The Resorts of Ontario association is ex-
lines. Canadians across the country are expected pecting fewer American visitors to the
If you structure your financial life so that to alter their travel plans this summer as province this summer due to the high Cana-
everything has to go right in order for you This means that in case 1 you can get a gasoline prices continue to reach historic dian dollar and rising gas prices, but noted
to stay afloat, you are asking for trouble. mortgage for approximately $270,000.00 highs. that will be offset by more Ontarians plan-
My goal is to empower families to take con- whereas in case 2 this would only be about Caribbean Canadians may find prices ning to vacation within the province.
trol of their financial lives when the going $160,000.00 (These numbers are approxi- shooting up for flights to places like "Numerous Canadians will also be stick-
is good and to prepare for worst case sce- mate) Guyana and Trinidad and affecting plans to ing closer to home this summer, due to ris-
narios. visit relatives and friends in their home ing travel costs," said Grace Sammut,
There are many lenders out there with a countries. managing director of resorts of Ontario.
The formula used by the lending institu- multitude of programs to suit every need. A recent survey by CAA-Quebec found Airlines have imposed hefty fuel sur-
tions is fair and if we were to keep within Some lenders allow a TDSR of 75% with that 84% of its members are being affected charges and this combined with the addition
the guidelines life would be less stressful. no GDSR requirement, others allow stated by the high cost of gas at the pumps. of an average of 10 to 15 per cent to the cost
The two ratios that you would see a lot are income for self employed and there are eq- The Quebec survey found 47% of the of North American flights could have an
the Gross Debt Service Ratio ( GDSR) and uity programs where no income verification 2,711 respondents plan to reduce their num- impact, experts say.. Food prices are rising,
the Total Debt Service Ratio (TDSR).

is required. ber of vehicle trips, while 29% say they will and whatever must move by truck or plane,
choose a vacation spot closer to home. Only which is just about everything.
These are the guidelines used to determine There are also numerous ways to structure
how much of your gross income should be your finances to maximize your borrowing
allocated to service your debts. Most power. Here is where you would sit with
lenders allow a GDSR of 32% and a TDSR your broker or financial advisor and under-

30 years experience
of 40%. This means that a maximum of stand the various requirements and select
32% of your gross income is allowed for the most appropriate product for your fi-
mortgage (principal and interest), property
taxes and heat and a maximum of 40% is
nancial situation. All work according to code
allowed for this plus all other debt (credit Panel changes: fuses to breakers
Renovations and new jobs
cards, loans etc.). Ijaz Hosein is a Financial Advisor with
BoosterLink Financial Inc and can be
A family with gross income of $75,000.00
would be allowed $24,000.00 as the GDSR
reached at 647-401-1608
CALL ROY 416-754-2382
Indo-Caribbean Times JUNE 2008 Page 11

Fallsview Blvd., Niagara Falls,
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potential! 10 bedrooms, 8 WOW! Hardwood Floors, Gas floors, 6 appliances, 3 washrooms, huge driveway and
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today!!! ing $379,400. Call “The King of the Jungle” today!
Indo-Caribbean Times JUNE 2008 Page 12
Indian Arrival Parades liven TT
A participant dances along the Debe "We must cherish the gifts given to us
Main Road, during the Sanatan Dharma by a people who practiced an extra-or-
Maha Sabha (SDMS) Indian Arrival dinary oral tradition and whose sacri-
Day parade fices gave us the inspiration to work
Eight churches were among the scores hard and build a better country," he
of religious and cultural groups parad- said.
ing throughout a number of districts in The Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha
Trinidad in honour of the East Indian banner was held high in one of the
immigrants who first arrived in largest parades from several villages
Trinidad 163 years ago. ending at Parvati Girls High School,
Councillor Kenneth Ragbir (Hindus- Debe, Penal.
tan/Indian Walk/St Mary's) said vil- Secretary General, Sat Maharaj, said
lagers took time to pay their respects on the Indo-Trinidadians were walking for
Indian Arrival Day, to honour their an- solidarity, unity, peace and prosperity.
cestors who laboured night and day to "We renew the vow to walk on the
build a better future for their children. right path, never to forsake our broth-
"We walk in the footsteps of our an- ers and sisters and to ensure that there
cestors and renew our vows to hold the was food as long as we stay on the
dream," he said. land," he said.
Residents of the Mandingo and Re- Councillor Nalini Roopnarine
alize Road Village Council took their (Lengua/St Julien) celebrated at the St
Arrival Day parade on the village roads Croix Road Community Centre in
to the sound of tassa drumming. The Princes Town. She said that in honour-
parade started at Strivers Sports Club, ing Indian ancestry, the people were
Mandingo Road, and travelled to Real- stronger.
ize Junction Road, Lengua Settlement, "If you don't know or care who you
Sahadath Road and back to the resi- are and where you come from, it is un-
dence of Cherry and Jello Hosein, likely that you will know where you are
where a cultural programme was held going in life," she said.
followed by a community lunch. Siparia MP Kamla Persad-Bissessar
Prominent businessman of the area, hosted an Arrival Day cultural pro-
Nazaf Ali, delivered a feature address gramme at her office ground in Siparia
in which he went back to India to find with music, song and dance.
out why the Indian came. Indian Arrival was celebrated widely
"The Indians were being driven out throughout Trinidad and Tobago
of their country by the colonial rulers. throughout the month of May, with
They did not come to find a better liv- most of the major events coming near
ing," he said. May 30, the anniversary of the arrival
He said that "jahaji" (the brotherhood of the first Indian indentured immi-
of the ship) bonded men and women in grants on the ship Fath- al Razack in
strong ties that resulted in the "pump- 1845. Some 143,000 indentured Indians
kin vine culture" that contributed to the came to Trinidad up to the year 1917.
history of Trinidad and Tobago.

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Indo-Caribbean Times JUNE 2008 Page 13

Monument to Guadeloupe pioneer New executive for Canadian Indo-Caribbean Association ( CICA)
A prominent activist in the Indian cause, Henri Sidambarom,
is fondly remembered in the French territory..

Order of Canada to replace Satya Jyoti Cultural Sabha took part in Luminato, a huge multicultural festival at Harbourfront in Toronto on Sat-

TT’s disputed Trinity Cross

urday June 14th, 2008. Satya Jyoti represented the Hindu community and portrayed the return of Ram and Sita
from the forest. Ram, Sita and Latchman were dressed in their full authentic Indian costumes, they came in a
beautifully decorated chariot accompanied by the beautiful sounds of the Satya Jyoti kids singing Chowtaal and
This is the suggested design for the Order of Canada aimed the Diamond Cutz Tassa group. They were all part of a huge parade and the chariot and beautifully dressed par-
to replace the Trinity Cross as Trinidad’s highest award. ticipants were a big hit with the audience, especially the tourists who came by to take photos of Ram and Sita and
The design seeks to acknowledge the people, culture and the eye catching Chariot. The night was a huge success and this marks the second year that Satya Jyoti is a part
flora and fauna of the country. of this increasingly popular event. Photo by Judy Gayadeen.

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COMMUNITY NEWS Indo-Caribbean Times JUNE 2008 Page 15
PLUS AND SENIORS ORGANIZA- urday, July 19, 2008 in Mississauga,
TION OF CANADA will be having their Canada. Lots of activities are planned. Be
annual picnic Sunday 13th July 2008 at Earl a participant (not a spectator) & register for
Bales Park . The fun starts at 10.00am and one or more events.
goes to 8.00pm with games and activities * Come for the fun, Come for the lime
for the entire family. For more information * Picnic
please call Farouk Hydal at 905-608-0239 * Kite competition (bring a kite)
* Raker competition (bring a raker)
THE TARIC ISLAMIC CENTRE in its * Short-four cricket competition
continued effort of putting on various * Throw-in-the-ling competition
events for the Muslim community, is seek- Contact Fred Lall (Budhoo Lall)
ing volunteers who can assist with various lall4@rogers.com 905-794-5423 or
projects and events. www.dedwardvillage
If you are interested in volunteering some
of your time in the path of Islam, please RAMAYANA FOR YOUTH Families and individuals will be making offerings to God for
reply to this email with the following info- SUMMER PROGRAM starts the health and safety of the nation of Canada, under the direc-
tion of Sri Gopeesingh. After the satsangh we will stay on for a
mation: Monday July 7 - Friday July 11, 9 a.m. -
Name: 12 p.m. Cost is $ 150.00 includes art ma-
City where you live: terials family day and picnic in the park (vegetarian and non-alco-
Telephone Number: This program will be implemented by holic).
Cell Number: senior University of Toronto students. who
and reply to rahamutree@rogers.com. have have completed the third year Hindu
Epic course.. This Summer the focus will


be the first chapter of the Ramayana,
namely the Balakanda.
Come and join with Hindus from the GTA in offering heartfelt
TION holids its Sixth Annual Boat Ride The divine teachings of the Ramayana prayers for the nation on Canada Day and start a tradition of
aboard the Enterpsie 200 on Sunday July 6 will be made accessible to the today's gen- praying for our country on our national day. There is no cost to
is the annual TCCF boat ride. This year we eration utilizing innovative, interactive and
will be boarding at the Cherry St. Dock. hands-on teaching methods. More infor- attend this satsangh, though gifts of canned food for the needy
Tickets are $35, that includes lunch buffet mation will be made available at the Parent would be welcomed.
and a gift for all TCCF supporters who information session on Saturday June 21,
come out to support this fundraising effort. 2- 5 p.m. Scarborough Civic Center.
All proceeds to towards helping sick Interested persons can contact Professor
Caribbean children obtain medical services. Sudarshan of the University of Toronto at s For information or to contribute towards organizing this sat-
Contact Arvin Ross for tickets (416) 560- 416 - 554 7564. or by email at sudhar-
9366 shan_durayappah@yahoo.com for info and sangh & hawan, contact Tenny Ramkissoon at 905-672-2138,
to enrol. or Ramnanan Gopeesingh at 416-261-6793, or Ram Jagessar
at 416-289-3898. E-mail at ram@eol.ca. We would appreciate
TION Charity Garage Sale takes place on NETWORK CLUB June meeting is at s a call if you plan to take part in the satsangh & hawan. On the
Saturday June 21 from 8.00 am to 3 pm at Elite Banquet Hall at 1850 Albion Road, day of the satsangh you can contact Gopeesingh by cell phone
160 Richvale Drive (at Bovaird), Bramp- Etobicoke, ON M9W 6J9 at 7:00 PM on
ton, For info contact Ramesh at 416-740- June 26th. This is a great opportunity to at 647-294-6793 or Ram at 414-554-3451, Tenny at 416-788-
7014 grow your business by networking with fel- 5054.

Kamla’s Fashions Inc.

low entrepreneurs and business associates.
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Phone: (416) 913-2379 Fax: (416) 752-1105 E-mail: KamlasFashion@gmail.com

We accept orders from schools, clubs and organizations

Massive clearance sale continues

in the factory outlet (same location)

Place your orders early for cricket

team uniforms now available
Youth T-Shirts and Tank Tops - $2.00 each
Adult Golf Shirts $5.00
Ladies Leggings and Capri Pants $3.00
Children’s Clothing from $2.00 each
Adult Tee-Shirts in a variety of sizes and colours - $2.00
Wide range of Summer Clothing on Sale
Scrap for cleaning - $5.00 a bag
Wide variety of transfers/screen prints – Babies, Children, Humour, Christmas,
topical, geographical/Souvenir from 50 cents.
Centenary celebration at the VCC
ENTERTAINMENT Indo-Caribbean Times JUNE 2008 Page 16
Dialogue radio aims POET’S CORNER
Some highlights of the 100 Years of Indo Caribbeans celebration at the VCC are from
top to bottom, display of musical instruments, karate display booth with Sensei Harry at Trinidad diaspora Coolie Mother
By Professor David Dabydeen
Persaud, a folk dance, logie talk with the old timers, and dress fashions from the
provinces of India. Announcing a new weekly radio program
Jasmattie live in bruk-
planned with the Trinidad Diaspora in mind
Down hut big like Bata shoe-box,
“Dialogue” airs every Wednesday from
Beat clothes, weed yard, chop wood, feed
7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Power 102 FM in
Trinidad, but is broadcast live on the inter-
For this body and that body and every
net at owww.power102fm.com.
blasted body
It plans to link callers from communities
Fetch water, all day water like if the
of our tt/Caribbean Diaspora with our na-
Whole slow-flowing Canje river God
tional audience in Trinidad. The program
started on June 4 and will run initially to
Just for she one bucket.
December 31, 2008.
Canadian Trinis can call into the program
Till she foot bottom crack and she hand
at 868-62POWER (627-6937) or check the
internet site for a Canadian number to call.
And curse swarm from she mouth like red
Host/Producer: Dr. Eugenia Frankllin-
Springer has invited Trinidad and
And she cough blood on the ground but
Caribbean diaspora people from all over the
mash it in:
world to support the program.
Because Jasmattie heart hard, she mind set
She says that “Many of our diverse
population have settled in various parts of
the global village, adapting to new home-
To hustle save she one-one penny,
lands. Whether in English speaking coun-
Because one-one dutty make dam cross
tries, or non-English speaking countries,
the Canje
our people of Trinidad and Tobago, in par-
And she son Harrilal got to go school in
ticular, and the Caribbean, in general, are
making significant contributions at varying
Must wear clean starch pants, or they go
levels in the societies they know as their
laugh at he,
home away from home.
Strap leather on he foot, and he must read
During “Dialogue”, to be aired on
Wednesdays from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM, lis-
Learn talk proper, take exam, go to
teners of 102 FM will hear:
England university,
1. from members of different ethnic
Not turn out like he rum-sucker chamar
communities here at home, about their his-
tory, national experience, and their repre-
sentatives in the Diaspora*.

2. from community representatives in the

Diaspora about contributions being made

by members of their group in their adopted
homeland and elsewhere;

3. discussion of issues of relevance to the
Caribbean region.

4.from authority figures from CUTTER

For clothing factory
T&T/Caribbean region.

5. weekly summary of news from the

in Scarborough area
Caribbean region and from the Diaspora.

Listeners would be granted the opportu-
nity to call in to the program. This program
attempts to address issues of mutual interest
to the Diaspora and the homeland.

It pays to
advertise in the
Balwant Persaud
Certified Immigration Consultant
Authorized by the Canadian Govt. to Represent
Clients in Accordance with IRPA Rules
Member of the Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants
Canadian Immigration Services
Skilled Workers Business Class
Work Permits Students Visas
Visitor’s Visas Family Sponsorships
Refugees USA Visitor’s Visas
Appeals US Green Card Lottery
Deportation Humanitarian Cases
Call: 416-431-8845 or 647-284-0375
Email: balwantpersaud@yahoo.ca
Guyana: 225-1540 or 622-8308
RELIGION Indo-Caribbean Times JUNE 2008 Page 17

The British ‘caste system’ is Four year old Vrishni learns


more prevalent than the Indian Hanuman Chalisa in Sanskrit

By Edward Hamala or the Vedas!
n response to the letter by Roger This educational system assured the
Williams captioned “The Rig Veda does proper training and apprenticeship of all
refer to caste” I thought I might share a few with a life time of gainful employment for
points with your readers. all the participants.
The Indian “caste system” that has so out- This, Mr. Williams, has established an in-
raged Mr. Roger Williams, makes me won- teresting value system in India, alien to the
der if he is equally outraged by the British west! The most valuable asset was not
“caste system” that is even more prevalent, money or power as it is today in the western
although it is well hidden and “invisible” in value system! It was knowledge and wis-
the British and some European societies, dom that took decades to learn and a life
where the nobility still exist, than it is in time to acquire! And it was the society’s
India today, where all noble titles have been duty to support the Brahmans to afford their
abolished. study providing food, clothing and shelter
I would like to ask Mr. Williams when to them.
ob jecting to birthrights why has he failed to I am sure Mr. Williams is familiar with
raise the same objection to the British No- the existence of the “unwashed” wretched
bility and the Landed Gentry’s birthright, underclass in Dickens’s Britain or Victor Four-year-old Vrishni Sanjanaa Maharaj swims, plays football and plays with her
inheriting their title, social status while they Hugo’s France as it did exist in most of Eu- has accomplished a feat that many people dolls.
are also guaranteed perpetual political rope……… Well, such a thing did not exist much older than her could not do-memorise Nicknamed the "Jagriti Kid", Maharaj's
power by inheriting a peer-ship and a seat in in India and these facts are well docu- the 40-verse "Hanuman Chaalisa" and nu- voice is heard daily on Radio 102.7 FM
the British House of Lords, the highest leg- mented by historians all the way back to merous other Hindi and Sanskrit verses. reciting the Mantras (sacred verses) of the
islative body of the land? Alexander the Great’s visit to India and was The little pre-school pupil was honoured day or chanting the "Hanuman Chaalisa".
Few of us believe the existence of a truly minutely recorded by Greek Historians for her achievements during the Sanatan She started reciting the mantras at the age
egalitarian society in the west today or any- such as Arrian, Diodorus, Plutarch and Dharma Maha Sabha's (SDMS) Indian Ar- of three, and by the time she reached her
where for that matter!When was the last Strabo, accompanying Alexander. One rival celebrations at Crowne Plaza Hotel, fourth birthday, she knew the 40-verse
time that Mr. Williams had a drink at the thing these historians also commented on, Port of Spain. Chaalisa "by heart".
local pub with Lord Spencer? Or had tea was the absence of slavery that was an in- Although she did not understand what the Chatting with a Trinidad newspaper, Ma-
with Prince Phillip? tegral part of Hellenic culture! word "honoured" meant, she knew she was haraj said: "I learn prayers from my
Did you know that the English nobility Today, most Indians are alienated and going to be the "queen", at least for a night. mummy. And sometimes I teach my
are distinctly noticeable by their education mostly ignorant about their culture, the Daughter of Aneal and Indira, of Gulf daddy." She also sings religious hymns
and grooming in institutions such as Vedas and their history, and few understand View, San Fernando, Maharaj attends the (bhajans) and her favourite is "Jai
Wetherby, Ludgrove, and Eton or the Royal the Vedic philosophy or its teachings or the Reading Rainbow pre-school. She dances Ganesh..." dedicated to the remover of ob-
Academy at Sandhurst? They even speak a highly advanced science it encompasses. with the Susan Mohip Dance School at the stacles.
different language, the King’s English, free They know little else about Hinduism, be- Krishna Mandir, Todd Street, San Fer- She is looking forward to learning new
nando. She also sings, listens to stories,

On worship with the murti

from colloquialism and dialects distinctly sides the ritualistic traditions. This Vedic mantras, bhajans and going to "big school."
separating them, and distinguishing them social structure was put in place at the time
from ordinary commoners, as soon as they when in the rest of the world slavery was
open their mouths. rampant and pivotal to every European Em-
May I also remind you that the Indian So- pire!
cial Structure as it was depicted in the Don’t forget slavery was widely prac- By Swami Suryadevananda advances in meditation, the form melts into
Vedas Millenniums ago, made it an edict to ticed in the United States until the Civil War the formless and the aspirant becomes one
leave Tribals and Adivasis alone and not to to the 1860’s and desegregation only started One can realise God through worship of with the formless essence.
impose Hindu religion, culture or values on in the 1960’s and the prejudices still exist murti (or idol). The worship of the Lord in Empty vessels only make sound. A prac-
them.The word “caste” my friend is an until today. saguna (concrete) form is a great aid for tical man who does meditation and wor-
English word! The Sanskrit word for So I think, Mr. Williams your indigna- vedantic realisation also, and for the reali- ship, who is full of knowledge and real
“caste” is “Varna” and it means vocation or tion is somewhat ill placed and perhaps it sation of the Lord in His all pervading, devotion, keeps always silence. He influ-
occupation and does not mean “caste” as it would serve a better purpose if you dealt formless aspect. The worship of the murti ences and teaches others through silence.
does in the English interpretation or trans- with more dire social issues that you may is very essential for the purpose of concen- He only knows whether a murti is necessary
lation of the term! Likewise, “untouchable” be more knowledgeable about, and better tration and meditation in the beginning in the beginning or not.
meant not to go near them, don’t touch qualified to deal with. . Such worship is not in any way a hin- Prasada is `that which gives peace'. Dur-
drance to the attainment of God conscious- ing kirtan (chanting), worship (puja, havan
Ramayan Yagya at
them, don’t intermarry with them and don’t
corrupt their culture don’t try to conform ness. Those who vehemently attack murti and arati), milk, sweets and fruit are offered
puja (worship) are groping in the darkness
Divine Light Org.
them. Leave them alone! to the Lord. Puja is done with bael (wood
The Eastern Indian social structure was of extreme ignorance. They have no real apple) leaves, flowers, tulsi (basil), sacred
designed that different castes served each knowledge. They enter into vain debates to ash, and these are later given as prasada
other, each with a distinct duty to perform show that they are learned persons and have from the Lord. They are charged with mys-
for the benefit of the whole of society. not done any sadhana (spiritual practice). terious powers, by the chanting of mantras
The Canadian Hindu Divine Light Organi- Idle talking is their real profession. They
It was a farmer’s duty to teach his son to zation holds its 16th Annual Ramayan (sacred hymns) during puja and havan
be a good farmer and the merchant’s to have unsettled the minds of countless per- (worship with the fire as the sacred sym-
Yagya from July 13 to July 20, at the Hall sons. The whole world worships symbols
teach his son his craft, while the warrior of Peace, 80 Nashdene Road, Building B, bol).
was trained to be the protector and defender and murtis in some form or other. As one
Umit 207 in Scarborough. Nashdene Road
of all… is off Markham Road, north of the 401 and
It is also noteworthy that governance was past Finch Avenue. BHAGVAD GITA FOR EACH HOME
the duty of the Kshatryas not to rule by Sessions start at 7.30 pm on Monday to RICHMOND HILL
whims and despotism as it was the rulers Saturday and on Sunday July 20 they start Bulk distribution centres. Omo Persaud at omo@globalspectru-
privilege in the “civilized west” but to rule at 9.30 am. Symbolic RamJanma Puja takes minc.com 905-886-1724
in accordance with the Vedic principles. place on Wednesday July 16, Rameshwar The Gita can be available in bulk at the fol-
Yet the highest caste, above them all was Puja is on July 17 and Guru Purnima is July lowing contacts: Donations are expected to Winnipeg:
not the Kings who were given the highest 18. fund further copies; any individual or or- Ajodhya Mahadeo 204-661-6643
social position. It was the Brahmans who Officiating are Pundit Dharamraj Maharaj ganization wishing to assist in this project
were the custodians of all the Vedic Sci- and Pt. Vijay Maharaj, assisted by the can contact us. British Columbia
ences and knowledge and their duty was to CHDLO Kirtan Group. Chameli Seegobin 604-945-9510, e-mail
teach and to preserve the knowledge of For further information contact Vidya CANADA address maylee34@hotmail.com, and
Vedas. Dindial at 905-619-9836 or Gurumai at Toronto, Mississauga, Brampton Naraine Mohabir at 604-274-8938
The teachers, the priests, the doctors, the 905-686-9784 or Ruma Mahabir at 416- Ramnarine Sahadeo 905 671 9233 e-mail
scientists and philosophers the poets and 674-8999 or visit the web site at ramjihindu@rogers.com, Omesh Sharma GUYANA: Saraswati Vidya Niketan ph.
the writers were all Brahmans whose duty www.chdlo.org. Omesh@flexomark.com, Chandan 2760013/14
also included giving moral guidance to the Persaud at 416-754-2382, Gulcharan at
Kings! It is simplistic to believe that a 416 481-5777 gmohabir@hotmail.com,
farmer or a potter would be capable to teach Ram Jagessar at 416 289 9088 or
their children nuclear science or medicine ram@eol.ca
Heritage Day celebrations in an East Toronto School
WORLD NEWS Indo-Caribbean Times JUNE 2008 Page 18

By Roop Misir, PhD the GTA and elsewhere, Sir Robert Borden being used in the construction of modern
used to celebrate “Heritage Day” before Hindu temples and other buildings. A wall- Are Canadians becoming One Family?
May was designated as South Asian Her- sized photo depicted the world’s famous
itage Month and also Asian Heritage Month Swaminarayan Temple (New Delhi, India). There is an ancient Sanskrit dictum: "Va-
in 2001 and 2002, respectively. During the concert afterwards, the screen- sudeva kutumbakam” which means, “The
These celebrations provide opportunities ing of a 15-minute DVD highlighted its entire world is one family.” Yes, the history
for young Canadians to reflect on and ap- construction and universal appeal. of India shows that it has always offered
preciate things cultural—theirs and others, sanctuary to peoples from everywhere, e.g.,
as well as those of the founding the British BAPS Toronto Temple Featured Jews, Zoroastrians from Persia, and Ti-
and the French pioneers (whose contribu- betans led by the Dalai Lama.
tion are unquestionably exemplary and en- The BAPS Swaminarayan Temple Yes, Canada may be living up to this
during). Toronto opened its doors to the public on noble ideal. It is seen as a place where any-
In recent times, the official celebrations July 27 2007. It is located near Highway 27 one from everywhere can find a home. With
of Asian Heritage is meant to be acknowl- and Finch Avenue, West Toronto. It was an annual immigration intake of approxi-
edgement of the accomplishments and the constructed using ancient Hindu technology mately 300,000, Canada is fast becoming a
growing prosperity of “newer” Asian Cana- and rules that predated the use of steel and destination of choice as Indo-Caribbean and
Students of Indo-Caribbean origin join dians (including Indo-Canadians) who may nails. To other peoples
with others to mark Heritage Day as our finally be getting well-deserved respect and construct from far away
new country Canada recognizes and cele- recognition. this mas- lands come to
brates cultural diversity. terpiece, this vast country
During the month of May, Asian Canadi- Heritage Day at Sir Robert Borden s o m e to seek a better
ans participated in events marking South 2 0 0 0 way of life.
Asian Heritage Month as well as Asian Her- The theme for this year’s Heritage was crafts- One conse-
itage Month. This afforded mainstream “Culture through Art, Dance and Food.” m e n quence is a kalei-
Canadians with numerous opportunities to For Heritage Day events, a group of dedi- u s e d doscope of colors
attend cultural shows and partake in sump- cated Teachers and students spent long Tu r k i s h and cultures
tuous delicacies. Others simply did what hours rehearsing dance items and carefully lime- within the Cana-
their neighbors, friends or colleagues nor- choosing costumes for the fashion show. stone and dian mosaic. Per-
mally do —attire themselves in traditional The concert and displays were held in the Italian haps the policy of
Asian garb and join in the fun. In the greater school on May 29 2008. There were arti- marble. official multicul-
Toronto Area (GTA), schools staged con- facts from many parts of Asia including Ar- The tem- turalism is instru-
certs featuring music, song and dance. Of menia, the Indian subcontinent, the Middle ple was built at a cost of $40 million, raised mental in allowing peoples of diverse
course, the usual favorites (food) and cos- East, Philippines and the Caribbean. And of from members of the Hindu community backgrounds to retain their cultural tradi-
tume (fashion) were present. As well, other course, samples of mouth-watering delica- worldwide. It shares its home with the tions as they adjust to their new life here?
aspects of culture such as art, craft and an- cies provided a taste of the flavorful cuisine Canadian Museum of Cultural Heritage of Thus, as newcomers settle down to earning
cient technology were showcased. from these regions. Indo-Canadians.. Surely, as a living exam- a living here, the pace of cultural change
ple of cultural expression, this temple may be picking up. Before we know it, we
Sir Robert Borden BTI Displays in the main foyer demonstrates that “Unity in diversity” is may be rapidly moving closer together and
alive and thriving in Canada. become an integral part of the growing
Students and staff at Sir Robert Borden Prominently featured were highly attrac- Canadian family.
BTI are from culturally diverse back- tive and hugely popular posters—the work BAPS Swaminarayan Temple, Toronto Thanks to celebrations of Heritage Days
grounds. Many hail from the Caribbean (in- of ESL (English as a Second Language) (Opening Day) in schools like Sir Robert Borden BTI and
cluding Jamaica, Guyana and Trinidad & students. Prior to coming to Canada, many elsewhere in the GTA, in community halls
Tobago); however, growing numbers also of these students had been unable to attend World Learning from Asia and elsewhere, Canadians are appreciating
come from war-torn Afghanistan, and India, school on a regular basis. For others, this is the cultures of Indo-Caribbean peoples and
Pakistan and other parts of Asia including the first time they are attending school in a As a percentage of world’s total, the com- other newcomers. Like some multicultural
the Middle East. From Africa, students formal setting. Now with a new start at Bor- bined population of peoples of Asian origin countries of Asia (e.g., India) our new coun-
come from the Horn (Somalia, Eritrea and den, many of them are learning fast under is over 50 %. The impact of the peoples of try Canada may be serving as a model of
Ethiopia); from the East (Tanzania, Kenya), the capable tutelage of dedicated teachers— Asia are being felt world wide as Asians are cultural accommodation and diversity for
West (Nigeria, Ghana), and South Africa. Mesdames Mokabel, Anastasiades and now settled in almost every country of the the rest of the world to follow.
It is said that the school serves as a mi- Adamson. world. Now Canadians may be recognizing
crocosm for life in the community of East During Heritage Week, their carefully is that the cultures of Asia were thriving (Dr. Roop Misir is an Indo-Caribbean
Toronto. Here, residents make effort to re- colored posters depicted life and culture in long before the era of Lord Buddha (The Canadian who hails from Guyana. He cur-
discover ‘culture’ and accept others for their former countries—far away from Light of Asia), Confucius (The Great rently teaches at Sir Robert Borden BTI. He
what they believe. At school, students are Canada. For fellow students, this provided Teacher) and Mahatma Gandhi (World Fa- wishes to thank Mr. Douglas Patterson
taught to show mutual respect, and to work a unique opportunity to gain information mous Advocate of Non-violence). (Principal), Mr. Duncan Leblanc (Vice
together in peace and harmony as they learn first-hand from the new young Canadians In these times, growing globalization, Principal), members of Borden Heritage
to become contributing members of the themselves. greater trade and more migration are col- Committee, administrators and other staff,
greater society. Other displays included writings from the lectively making the world a flatter place and students for their efforts to make this
Armenian language, posters of agricultural by the day. Is it accidental perhaps that this year’s Heritage Day celebrations a big suc-
Heritage Day Tradition at Borden practice in the Philippines (e.g., terraced radical shift to recognize the contributions cess. Swami Nityavivek of the BAPS Tem-
rice paddies), the Taj Mahal (one of the new of Asian Canadians also happens to coin- ple Toronto kindly provided posters,
Usually, students and staff join with the wonders of the world), modern India on the cide with the emergence of new Asian pow- brochures and bookmarks. You may contact
community to celebrate cultural diversity move, and examples of ancient Indian con- ers like China and India? Perhaps, Canada Dr. Misir at roop.misir@gmail.com).
every year. Like so many other schools in struction technology—the kind that is still is coming of age.

South Asian Heritage Month Indian dance form. performed by students of the Vedic Cultural group. The 81st spelling bee competi-
(From Page 2) Yoga instructor Sanjeev Kumar also Centre. Another highlight of the show was tion was aired on the ABC television sta-
pointed out the values of yoga for health fashions of different regions of India pro- tion on Friday May 30th. The magic word
and well being. An authentic West Indian duced by Ajit Wadhwa. was "Guerdon", which means victory.
The heart health booth produced by Dr
and Indian food bar complimented the ex- A commemorative magazine was also The eight grader asked the judge for the
Vivian Rambihar and Vanessa Rambihar
position. launched at the show. For further informa- definition of the word, and then confidently
also attracted wide attention and interest.
One of the highlights of the cultural stage tion contact Norma Jainarine 905 472 3012, spelled it out correctly to the thunderous ap-
Indo-Caribbean authors and their publica-
presentation which followed the exhibition Nola Singh 416 748 1661 or Adit Kumar plause from the audience. It was a shining
tions were also on display.
was a keynote address by Nalini Mohabir, 647 866 1926. moment for Mishra, whose fourth time for
There were also live karate and yoga
who is doing her PhD studies at the Uni- the championship was the charm. He carted
demonstrations as part of the program with
versity of Leeds in the United Kingdom.
karate instructor Dr Harry Persaud, a 3rd
She made an express visit to Toronto for SAMEER MISHRA WINS off not only the engraved trophy, but
also $30,00 in cash and $2,500 worth of US
Degree black belt in Matsubayashi Karate,
this occasion and spoke on connecting peo- savings bonds from Merriam-Webster with
pointing out that karate had its origins in
India when Bodidharma took the art of self-
ples and places. She did her Masters at Ry-
erson University in Immigration and
SPELLING BEE CONTEST a complete reference library. He was trained
defense and Buddhist Philosophy to China by his elder sister Shruti, who herself is a
Settlement studies. Thirteen-year- old boy of Indian-
3000 years ago. He pointed out the word spelling enthusiast. Mishra, from West
A skit depicting the peer pressures that origin, Sameer Mishra, won the
“kata” which is a stylistic series of karate Lafayette, Indiana, had his parents and sis-
kids of immigrant families experience was 2008 Scripps National Spelling Bee con-
exercises is related to the word “Kathak” an ter stood proudly behind him as he was
also presented. It was written, directed and test, beating 288 children in the 8 to 15 age
awarded the coveted trophy
My arrival story in Canada
INDIAN ARRIVAL IN CANADA Indo-Caribbean Times JUNE 2008 Page 19
that going to get you? I couldn't give him
more answer than that at the time but now
I understand what I meant by a social

Dr Deoraj Narine, Manshad Mohammed, Josie

change. It's not a knock on my past or my
country or anything like this but those of
us who are
in a posi-
tion to help
Dr Deoraj Narine seen so many brown persons for the first
time and they were a bit cautious.
Trini. Now when I go home I know there's make a dif-
ference by
a difference between Trini and Indian.
What was funny was that we had two lit- Today my sister is back in Trinidad in her recording
I came to tle babies and every time the babies would our history
final year of medical school. My mom is
Canada from get up these two ladies would come out and encour-
here with me again proudly waiting for my
Guyana on looking to see if you use the spoon or the aging our
graduation ceremony from university in a
September cup or anything like that. They thought we people and
few weeks - Honours BA in political sci-
1st 1979 to would walk away with the place. They by motivat-
ence and economics.
attend Acadia seemed to wake for the whole night. Next Manshad Mohammed ing and
Everyone back home still thinks once you
University in morning they were so drowsy. stimulating interest in what we do. We
get to Canada life is easy- they don't know
Nova Scotia In the morning we were given bread and should look at the broad terms and do these
why Mom is so proud of my degree. They
for an Msc in butter and tea. We paid the $125 and things
didn't see her work two jobs, they didn't see
C h e m i s t r y. repacked the car and were about to leave We are so lucky that after 163 years we
me work two jobs and go to school full
At that time and you visibly see the relief on the faces have kids here who are playing Indian
time, they didn't see how much work and
you could fly of those ladies. We had a good laugh at the music and understanding what they are
support to get just one degree.
from Georgetown to Trinidad, Bermuda experience and moved on. doing and it is as strong as ever and as
For now Canada to me is still a very hard
and Halifax. I landed there all dressed up in We had this other experience when my strong as it was when I was their age. That
place to live. People here are lucky now
this polyester suit and it was freezing cold son was a little baby and my neighbours, a was the time when I was singing Jim
there is family and a Trini community to
in Halifax at the end of August. Halifax as white family, fell in love with this guy and Reeves. Now I have a greater love for In-
reach out to. But for me still it's too cold
you know is next to the ocean. they wanted to adopt him. And we say no, dian music than I ever had before because I
for too long a part of the year. For me still
I settled in there and it was quite nice but you can't adopt our child. They actually am understanding it more.
there's too much tying me to home for me
very, very cold. There was loneliness of wanted to steal this boy and adopt him! So t is an interesting topic of discussion among
to stay here.
course. If you were there you wished the we had some problems there and had to Indo Canadians as to why they chose to mi-
Mom will stay though- I think- she prefers
plane would land and you could step out of make sure not to go to their place. It was re- grate to Canada as opposed to England or
to the cold to baking in the heat. She's edu-
there and fly back to Guyana. But it didn't ally hilarious. the USA.In the 70’s there was need to get
cated two daughters through so we can af-
happen. You know we have to live out our These are some of the stories. Fortu- a visa to visit the USA but not to Canada or
ford to visit when we want to. She'll stay
dreams. nately, I found the Nova Scotians were very to the UK.Many young Indo Caribbeans
and work as she always has- soon enough
One of the funny things about conditions friendly people, so we hadn't any of the went to the UK and were absorbed readily
she'll have her house.
under colonialism is that you never see racial problems you had in Toronto. When in schools for nursing,as a career.. They
white people dig a drain. You never see we were there we heard of problems with were provided with places to stay and with
them doing manual work. You see them rid- Paki-bashing and all these things we had to meals,for a nominal cost and were sur-
ing on horse with cork hat or driving in undergo. rounded by friends and neighbours.My sis-
jeep. On arrival in Canada there was this steel
We have borne it with stoicism and we ter,Roma was one of those students who
The next day I was going to register at the stairway that kept going up up up all the
have overcome. Now we are a successful learnt her skills well enough to be called by
university. There I was walking down Main time. And would not stop. I said to myself
group of people over here and as people the most prestigious name,”Sister,” which
Street in Wolfville, Nova Scotia and there ”what the hell” but stood there looking. Fi-
have said, you could put us anywhere and also was in line of being a Matron.She was
was this white guy digging a drain. You nally I got on and to my surprise was
we will thrive. Because we are producers, married to an Englishman and has shown
may not believe this but I stood up for about pushed off this end and I bump into this guy
we are creators and we will do things to no interest whatsoever to return to Trinidad
three minutes staring at this guy. Believe it in front of me who fell. Like a true Trini in-
make ourselves better. and Tobago to practice Nursing as she is
or not. It was embarassing! stead of saying I'm sorry, I laughed my head
I finished the Masters and moved on to a now happily retired.
The guy came up to me and asked if off. The gentleman got up, look at me,
PhD program at Dalhousie University. I've My younger brother Harold was an
something was the matter. I say no no no. It smile and said , “Your first time - right? I
been in Canada since then. Apprentice at Texaco in Point –a – Pierre .
was so fascinating to see, here's a white guy was still laughing and he kept on walking.
He became specialized as an Instrument
digging a drain. But as a colonial I was to-
tally brainwashed! I had never seen a white
Anonymous Manshad Mohammed
Technician and was grabbed by Kodak as a
full time Employee,upon his arrival in
person digging a drain!Then you realize Canada.He remained there until his retire-
what was normal here wasn't normal in The first time I came to Canada I was
What talk a lot about the migration from ment.He was a Scout Master in T&T and
Guyana. That was one of my seminal short four years old. I came with my parents and
India to the Caribbean but what we should continued to show leadership in Missis-
term experiences in Nova Scotia . my sister. I don't remember much about the
be thinking of is the second migration from sauga.He knew his prospective wife in T&T
Later on my family came down, my wife beginning of these years except that it was
Trinidad or Guyana to Canada. and that romance blossomed into marriage
and two kids and we got a place to live. The cold.
I remember when I was a little boy going in Toronto .
average Nova Scotian was very friendly. We lived at first on a house shared with
to Piarco Airport on a school outing. That My plan in arriving in Canada was to
One family gave us a plot of land to plant a more families than my mother can remem-
was the first time I saw the Canadian flag, get a University degree and head back to
small garden. The garden was so spectacu- ber now.n We slept together as a family on
the Maple Leaf, on a jet propeller plane T&T and resume my career in Teaching
larly successful we told the owners to pick the floor in a corner of the living room with
called TCA . Trans Canada Airlines, even- which began with the Presbyterian School
as much as they wanted! my parents taking turns sleeping against the
tually became Air Canada. But that dream I Board in 1959.I was employed at Her-
During the fall myself, my wife and two wall to keep the cold from getting to my sis-
had as a little boy to come to a country mitage Canadian Mission(CM) School,Pic-
kids picked apples and raspberries. We ter or me- I remember the cold coming from
where the Maple Leaf flag was waving ton CM School and later at Grant
were paid per basket, but this was mostly the wall, I remember water drops on it and
never left me. Memorial School in San Fernando.I also at-
for fun. I had a scholarship and my wife black stains.
I am a product of the Canadian Mission tended the Presbyterian Institutions of Na-
was doing typing theses for students. She I remember living in a few basement
in Trinidad. The school was called the parima College and Naparima Teacher’s
was doing OK. apartments after that. I remember my
Canadian Mission primary school and then College.The years of contact with Canadian
One of the most amusing stories we had mother always wanting a house, not an
I went to a secondary school called Na- teachers and visiting Missionaries had a
was on a trip to PEI with my visiting apartment. I remember the smell of the cold
parima College and then I became a teacher huge impact in my life and helped to choose
brother-in-law and his family. We rented a on her when she walked in the door after
and went to Naparima Teachers College. Canada as my new home.The humility and
Crown Victoria car and we loaded everyone work. We didn't stay in Canada, but went
So all this time I was with people who caring of the Canadian Missionaries had a
inside. They was eight of us , three kids and back to Trinidad four years later.
were Canadian missionaries who knew a lot huge impact on me as I saw their genuine
five adults. We drove to Bathurst, New I came back four years ago to to to uni-
about service and giving, I said to myself interest in educating people without any
Brunswick, took the boat to PEI and we got versity. Being for the most part raised in
this country must have a lot of nice people form of coersion or pressure,"To be one of
off at the Ferry in Charlottetown. We drove Trinidad, coming back was a culture shock
that they would leave their beautiful coun- them' this did not happen to a young man
to Summerside and it was getting late. We no one would have warned me enough
try like Canada to come to a sugar cane who liked to sing Jim Reeves songs to-
were looking for a place to sleep and after about.
plantation like where I lived. gether with Mohammad Rafi,Mukesh and
some searching we located a bed and break- In Trinidad I was and am- Indian.
So when I was growing up and it was others.I never had to become a knife and
fast place. I went to the owners- two middle In Canada I am Trini- I look Indian but I
time to decide what I want to do for the fu- fork Indian.
aged white ladies and asked if they had don't speak Hindi or Urdu or Bengali- lan-
ture, my parents ask me why do you want to
space. When the eight of us went in there guages people come up to me speaking in
go away? I say for two reasons, I want to
these two people got scared. But they the subway asking for directions.
go to a university to get a degree and I ad- ( Cont’d on Page 19)
wanted us to stay because it was $125 for In Canada I'm Trini- I know chutney and
mire those people over there.
the night. They apparently wanted the dhalpourie. I don't know pakoras or eat yo-
Next I wanted a social change. My father
money. But this was the first time they had ghurt with most of my dishes. Here I'm
say social change? What is that? What is
Curry leaf is a LCBO bans plastic
Indo-Caribbean Times JUNE 2008 Page 20

natural cure-all bags in Ontario

We waste tons of
"" Paper or plastic?" will no longer be a been asking for and looking for alternative
Curry leaf is a a natural remedy in every question at Ontario's liquor stores. packaging," he said.
Liquor stores in Quebec are phasing out

food every day

way!!!! The Liquor Control Board of Ontario has
When you enter a South Indian home or anounced that it won't hand out plastic both paper and plastic bags and will only be
restaurant, the lovely aroma that assails you shopping bags once it exhausts existing using reusable biodegradable bags by the
is usually the lemony smell of fried curry supplies.. Some stores have already run out. end of the year.
leaves. The curry leaf is not only popular Try to imagine 35,000 hulking African Customers are being encouraged to bring With a staggeringly high number of plas-
but an essential part of most dishes cooked elephants barrelling down Yonge St., and their own bags or buy a reusable bag. Stores tic bags used every day, organizations and
in South India, and now, in many parts of you'll come close to picturing the quantity will still provide paper bags or cardboard jurisdictions around the world are grappling
Asia as well. These leaves are deep green of food we throw out each year in Toronto boxes. with what to do about it.
in color and belong to the citrus family. alone. The LCBO's bags, thicker than grocery- Plastic shopping bags, on average, are
They grow easily in a tropical climate. That's more than 210 million kilograms store style plastic, have both been praised used for only 20 minutes and take nearly
The leaves when fried have a unique of food. Most of it edible. Much of it still for being reusable many times over and 400 years to break down, according to En-
aroma. Fresh green leaves are best; when in its original packaging. criticized for using too much plastic. vironment Canada.
unavailable the dried variety is used. The And that's just residences, the largest sin- The LCBO hands out 80 million bags a Last year, Ontario introduced a voluntary,
leaves are dried in the shade and stored in gle group contributor to food waste. Try to year – a fraction of the some 3.5 billion the industry-led program to cut in half the num-
airtight containers when they dry to retain conceptualize that others – food manufac- industry estimates are used in the province ber of plastic shopping bags used in Ontario
their flavor. Sometimes they are powdered turers, restaurants, grocery stores and com- every year – but the government hopes the by 2012.
and used in chutneys. mercial enterprises such as schools or move will have a domino effect. At the time, the government said if the
hospitals – together discard even more. "We try as a government to demonstrate voluntary program wasn't successful, the
Curative value Food waste is taking on growing signifi- the kind of behaviours that we want others province could force the issue with manda-
cance as food prices skyrocket. The sad sto- to emulate," Public Infrastructure Minister tory per-bag charges or outright bans.
When a person suffers from digestive prob- ries of food shortages sparking crises and David Caplan, who is responsible for the When asked yesterday whether all retail-
lems, the leaves are pounded together with riots around the globe stand in sharp con- LCBO, said in an interview. ers in Ontario should stop using plastic
cumin seeds and added to buttermilk. It trast to what might be considered a tragi- "Here, with a government agency taking bags, McGuinty responded:
works wonders. The buttermilk after a comedy of the Western world: the this bold step, we're certainly laying down "I would encourage all retailers to find
heavy meal helps digestion. When you feel incredible volume of edible food that is a challenge for other retailers to take simi- ways to move away from plastic bags or
sick because of a heavy meal the previous simply thrown away. lar kinds of steps." reuse plastic bags or better inform shoppers
night, the buttermilk helps on an empty A British study released this month pro- Ontario liquor stores are the first to im- about the alternatives that are available."
stomach. vided perhaps the most comprehensive look plement a bag ban, but the inspiration Last year, the tiny town of Leaf Rapids,
For severe nausea during pregnancy, one ever at the problem of food waste. comes from Nova Scotia – Canada's leader Man. – with a population of just 539 –
teaspoon of juice extract, mixed with one After analyzing the trash of more than on recycling. made history when it became the first North
teaspoon of honey, or half a teaspoon of 2,000 households, the study determined that Last month, Nova Scotia announced its American municipality to ban single-use
limejuice can work miracles. This can be more than 6.7 million tonnes of food, or liquor stores would stop handing out plastic plastic bags.
used two to three times a day - depending about one-third of the food bought, is bags this fall and Premier Dalton McGuinty This year, China announced a national
on the severity of the nausea. thrown out in the United Kingdom every said it was something Ontario should think ban on shops giving out free plastic begin-
A paste of these leaves can be applied as year. about. ning in June and an outright ban on ultra-
a poultice on burns and bruises. The leaves A 1997 study by the U.S. Department of The LCBO, which had planned to cut in thin plastic bags.
are also useful as a hair tonic. Agriculture found a similar result: 27 per half the number of plastic shopping bags by The LBCO has taken steps recently to
Add twenty leaves to a cup of coconut oil cent, or 44 billion kilograms, of edible food 2012, decided to dramatically accelerate improve its environmental image, such as
and heat the oil till the leaves turn black. is never eaten – about a half-kilogram of those plans, Caplan said. switching to a new bag with 20 per cent less
Apply this oil to the scalp 2-3 times a week. waste per person per day. (The data is cur- "The premier indicated that Ontario plastic and encouraging customers to forgo
This helps hair grow and also stops gray- rently being updated.) should be open to this and the LCBO took plastic by offering cloth bags for purchase.
ing. I n Toronto, the picture is not all that dif- that very much to heart," Caplan said, re- They've also pushed Tetra Paks, which
When we come across a curry leaf float- ferent. Single-family households each pro- ferring to McGuinty's praise of Nova Sco- the government says are green because
ing in a South Indian dish, we nudge it aside duce about 275 kilograms of food waste tia. they're lightweight and easier to transport,
- the next time it would be better if we each year. Toronto's expanding organics Caplan, who uses a cloth bag for his oc- but others say are an environmental disaster
chewed the leaf as it is said to control the composting program is capturing about 75 casional LCBO purchases, said he wasn't because they're very difficult to recycle.
cholesterol level in the body. per cent of that volume. The rest, about concerned there'd be a backlash from con-
32,000 tonnes, heads to Michigan, in those sumers over the lack of warning.
dripping garbage trucks, to be dumped. "Consumers are ready for this and have

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INDIAN ARRIVAL IN CANADA Indo-Caribbean Times JUNE 2008 Page 21
How I arrived five years after landing Arrival story Arrival in Canada
By Indra Ramkissoon the first time I had dealings with with so A view from 1990
(continued from Page 19)
many East Indians from so many different
t what point in countries. To my dismay as well as amuse- Excerpts from”Indo-Caribbean Life in
With lots of hard work and support from
my life can I ment, I discovered that many South Asians Guyana and Toronto” by Bruce Ally
my wife Ramdaye,who was a stay at home
say that I arrived in from India and Pakistan and Bangladesh Mom,I was able to get Bachelor of Arts de-
Canada?. Depends and Sri Lanka and even some from dias- The (political) situation in Guyana coin-
grees(York) and a Master of Education
on whether we are poric countries in East Africa, regarded us cided with the removal of discriminatory
from U of Toronto and several In service
talking about the Indocaribbeans as culturally tainted. immigration regulations in Canada, and in
diplomas from the Ministry of Educa-
physical action of landing at Pearson or the The flip side of this were Indocaribbeans 1967 a flow of Indo-Guyanese immigrants
tion..This helped to increase my salary as a
psychological moment when I ‘arrived ’ in I met, who declined to accept the label began to arrive, most of them settling in
Teacher with the Toronto Board of Educa-
mind as well as in body, at the place I South Asian, on the grounds that that their Ontario. They were mostly educated or
tion,now called the Toronto District School
wanted to get to and stay. experiences of life made them a different skilled, but their initial encounter with
Did my arrival happen on my first three- people from those who came to Canada di- Canadian racial discrimination and their
I passed the qualifications to become a
week visit to Toronto as a tourist in rectly from South Asia. Some Indo- frustration with the lack of recognition of
School Principal in the early 1980's. I was
July/August of 1981? While I was im- caribbeans believed themselves superior their trades and professional credentials
short listed for the next few years but never
pressed somewhat by all the usual touristy because they had been exposed to and in- tempored their sense of arrival at a safe
received that promotion,in spite of my
things I experienced (you know – stuff like fluenced by the best of both the Western haven. In addition, they had to adapt to a
glowing qualifications and recommenda-
the CN Tower, the Ex, Ontario Place, Sci- and the Eastern world. new social situation and to re-establish fam-
tions.You see equql opportunity for promo-
ence centre, the Toronto Islands, Niagara Partly because my job required me to be ily and community life in this new and ex-
tion of a Non White Administrator was at
falls by day and night, shopping malls, all sensitive to people of diverse cultural back- otic country....
least 10 years ahead of its time..You had to
this and more), the lasting impression that grounds, for the first time in my life, I The Guyanese of Indian descent who up-
demonstrate that you had sterling leader-
remained with me was something less began to really reflect upon my own cul- rooted their lives and transplanted them-
ship skills.
grand – something that did not seem to exist tural identity – I was Indian, Caribbean and selves in the West Indies as migrant
Meanwhile,I became a member of On-
in Trinidad – i.e. the clean streets of the city Canadian, but was I equal parts of each of labourers, losing their roots but certainly
tario Studies for Services to Indo Car-
and the (seeming) mandatory patch of flow- these three, or was I more of one than the not their culture or their courage, became in
ribbean Culture (OSSICC) and served a a
ers (usually red geraniums) in front of every other? a mere hundred years a political and eco-
Cultural Advisor and Writer for the annual
residence, condominium or apartment edi- Then, several years after first coming to nomic force to be reckoned with and devel-
Heritage Day and Indian arrival cere-
fice, business place or government build- live in Canada, I returned for my first visit oped a social system that maintained
monies. and celebrations. even at public
ing. to Trinidad. I ran into someone I used to individuals as part of the collective whole.
places ,Mandirs etc.We arranged to cele-
For a few weeks after returning to know – a person I had admired as a self- The second migration to Canada has repro-
brate Indo Caribbean Heritage occasions
Trinidad, walking down dusty, dirty city made individual, who had overcome the duced the old challenges, the old struggles,
and invited noted novelists and Caribbean
streets, driving along main roads bordered disadvantages of an extremely deprived and the necessity to re-establish themselves
lecturers to keep us on focus.Some of these
by grass encroaching upon the asphalt on childhood and through hard work, had in a new and alien society.....
speakers were Dr. Cheddi Jagan,Hon.Bas-
the road, or passing a deserted stretch of a achieved considerable economic success The cosmopolitan diaspora in Ontario has
deo Panday,Hon. Ramesh Lawrence Ma-
minor road, made into a garbage dump by and respect in the community. Part of our provided a unique reunion of Indians whose
haraj,Rev. Roy G Nehall,Sonny
residents from near and far who had no conversation went something like this: ancestors migrated from the subcontinent in
Ramadhin,Joe Soloman,Dr.Hedy Fry,Neil
garbage pickup services, I could not stop He – (poking fun at me)So how are you, the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries,
Bissoondath, and various musicians includ-
thinking I wanted to live in some place Canadian? with those who have immigrated directly
ing Karamchand Maharaj,Harold
which were as clean and beautiful as Me - (feeling somewhat foolish) I am still from India during the last thirty years.
Boodoo,David Singh,Ricky Ramnarace,Ra-
Toronto was (at the time). Trinidadian, you know. While they all share a common source
jmanee Maharaj,Tony Ramesar and Seetal
Or did my arrival occur eight years after He – (a trifle disdainfully) Whatever culture, distance and generations of living
Persad and yours truly ,among others.Most
that first visit, when I, with two teenage made you decide to leave Trinidad? I, for in another society have produced inevitable
of these Heritage Days celebrations were
children in tow, left Trinidad for good, set- one, will never want to live in Canada differences. Language-the most vulnerable
held at Winters College,York University as
tling initially in Scarborough because that’s Me – (in irritation) Why? legacy-is often lost. In Toronto, prayers and
one of the founders of OSSICC was Dr.
where our closest relatives lived. He – I will never live where I would be a sermons are often in Indian languages not
Frank Birbalsingh,a Professor on
Three months after arriving, I began work second-class citizen. understood by Indo-Caribbeans. This also
Staff.Other strong leaders of this group was
for a well-known immigration consultant, Me – (suddenly very, very outraged) – serves to alienate them from their organized
the late school Teacher, Deo Kernahan. And
himself formerly from Trinidad. A fairly Well good for you buddy, that you live here religious practices, as well as leading to the
Dr. Unus Omarali.I served as Cultural Ad-
large part of his clientele were Indo- where you believe you are a first class citi- formation of cliques of people who speak
visor for many of these functions.In
Trinidadian or Indo-Guyanese, either seek- zen! And good for you that you know I am the same language....
1988,the Indo Caribbean World newspa-
ing to assist relatives back home to come to a second class citizen in Canada though you In the last twenty-five years there has
per,published by Harry Ramkhalewan
Canada, or themselves applying for perma- don’t know anything about my life there been a rapid increase in the Indian popula-
began highlighting the efforts that OSSICC
nent residence from within the country. As now, or what my life was like here before tion of Caribbean extraction in Toronto. Ini-
were making in the community and this
part of my responsibilities, I listened to sto- I went there!. Have you evern even been tially, when they arrived, they were fairly
continued for many years until the eventual
ries about their reasons for wanting to live there for a week to know what it is like to well treated because they occupied the me-
demise of this special group of people who
in Canada – stories that varied from the live there? nial jobs that no one else wanted. However,
now belong to a variety of other organiza-
mundane, to the exciting or even the horri- Regretfully, for a minute or two, I as they were given the opportunity to per-
tions.Television programmes were pro-
fying. launched into a rant about all the things that form tasks at higher levels, in competition
duced by Fareed Ali ,Buddy Singh and the
Emotionally, I identified or empathized work well for me in Canada and all the with their Canadian counterparts, they have
late Ken Singh. and Sylvan Amichand. and
or even rejected belief in some of their sto- things that didn’t when I lived in Trinidad. faced new challenges.
Jai Ojah Maharaj who is still live on Sat-
ries, but at all times I understood that they And then stopped, reminding myself that all Despite the incredible odds, the Indo-
urday nights on Chin Radio.100.7FM.The
were confident their lives would be im- the time, people, me included, form opin- Caribbean family has thrived, and there are
l;ate Mervyn Hassanali and Reaz Baksh
proved if they could live in Canada. Did ions based on the information they do not members of the community who have
broadcasted from CIUT Radio on week-
this daily dealing with people of my back- have. There are wonderful as well as nega- sought office in federal elections. There are
ends.Imran Hosein was a most competent
ground, people with the same dream of a tive aspects about the country where I was members who are professors, doctors are
radio and television hosts ,over many years.
better life in Canada reassure me that I had born and lived for the first part of my life, becoming recertified, and many lawyers are
Life in Canada has been very good.
made the right move leaving my native and there are wonderful as well as negative now available.
country for a new one? Yes, I think, but aspects about the country I have chosen to As our community has continued to grow,
maybe I wondered just a little ... live the rest of my life. we have once again stretched our bound-
I was very proud on the day my family But that conversation was the defining aries to surpass our psychological mindsets
(two children and myself) received our psychological moment of my arrival in and have once again realized that we are
Canadian citizenship. Proud of the incon- Canada. our own most valuable resource, and that
sequential things, such as the fact that the I had arrived bodily in Canada several IN THE we exist not only to support our community,
three of us finished our written test ahead few years before but it was at that point that but also to regenerate our support systems

of everyone in the room and got all the an- I arrived mentally and emotionally as well. to provide whatever is required to achieve
swers right. And proud of more significant And funnily enough, it happened while I our potential as a unified group.
This recognition should grant us the free-

things such as we could now actually refer was on Trinidad soil. It just came to me
to ourselves as Canadians, not just Cana- very naturally to be disturbed at criticism of dom we desire; the freedom to realize that
dian residents; we could carry a Canadian the country I had chosen to live, by some- any and all issues affecting our community

passport and we could be part of electing one who had never lived there. are ones which we have the opportunity to
those who would govern of our city, our At the end of that visit, while my niece choose and solve. As soon as we recognize
province and our country. Was that day our was seeing me off at the airport, she asked, what it is, we will no longer empower oth-
real arrival day? :”So when are you coming back home for ers to control our destiny.
In 1993, I had my first job in a non-profit good?” Without even thinking about it, I The challenge before us is to integrate
organization – one that provided services to replied “I am going home now”. 416-289-3898 our renewed Indian identity into the main-
the Toronto South Asian community. For stream of Canadian multicultural life.
Tribute to immigrant
Indo-Caribbean Times JUNE 2008 Page 22
Indian Arrival Committee blasts

#1 Kenneth Mahabir
cartoon on old Indian woman
IAC blasts ‘highly offensive’ with the matter expeditiously. The IAC also
called on all social, religious and political
Over the last Grant taught Kenneth Grant Mahabir in Na- Stabroek News cartoon, reg- organizations to condemn what it described
hundred years the parima College and recognized that the boy isters complaint with ERC as “this racially inciting cartoon”.
number of Indo- was a brilliant student who could be any- The IAC concluded its statement by indi-
Caribbeans in thing he wanted. The grandfather was an il- cating that it continues to be a champion of
The Indian Arrival Committee (IAC) has
Canada has grown literate estate labourer, but the grandson cultural and ethnic harmony whilst at the
registered its “strongest condemnation” of a
to around 225,000 was good enough to get admission in Dal- same time celebrating the rich heritage and
cartoon published on page 6 in the Sunday
from just one. housie to study medicine. This was our im- contributions of Indians to the development
Stabroek edition of June 15, 2008. The
That one is Ken- migrant number 1, one of the brightest and of Guyana.
body has registered its concern with the

Caribbeans domi-
neth Grant Ma- the best in Trinidad.
Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC).
habir, and he is our immigrant number 1, When Kenneth entered medical school in
T he offending cartoon, the body notes,

nate GOPIO Upper

our jahaji number 1 who travelled by boat Dalhousie they soon realized he was also
shows what appears to be an elderly woman
from Trinidad to Canada in the year 1908. one of the brightest and best in Canada. He
of Indo-Guyanese origin being interviewed

New York Chapter

He opened up the door for all of us and we was a brilliant student here too, and he
by a bespectacled member of the media.
must remember him and honour his mem- graduated as a medical doctor in 1912. He
“The old East Indian woman is drawn
ory. also got a Bachelor of Arts degree and a
barefooted, sitting on a stool and wearing
Immigrant number 2 was the mysterious Bachelor of Science degree. Later on he
an undecorated rumal (Indian Headwear),
M.N.Santoo, a 25 year old clerk from De- earned a Masters of Science degree and was The newly established GOPIO of Upper
an earring, a pair of bangles and a foot ring
merara who arrived on the SS Dahome in put in charge of the bacteriological labora- New York Chapter was formally inaugu-
and an “I Love Guyana” badge while peel-
Halifax, Nova Scotia on his way to Mon- tories for entire Eastern provinces of New rated at a prominent and well attended din-
ing what appears to be an agricultural prod-
treal as an immigrant, also in the year 1908. Brunswick, PEI and Nova Scotia. ner event held on the evening of Saturday,
uct taken from a large wicker basket. At her
We know very little about him. In 1914 World War 1 broke out and Dr May 10th, 2008 at the Elegant Rose Hall in
feet is a bag with what appears to be the
The one we know, Kenneth Mahabir, was Kenneth Mahabir volunteered to join the the Bronx, New York.
peeled product.
a remarkable young man from a remarkable army Medical Corps, where he served in
In the cartoon the interviewer first asks
family who came to Halifax, Nova Scotia Europe saving the lives of Canadian sol- The inauguration occasion was also used by
the old woman: “How do you feel about a
as an 18 year old student headed for Dal- diers. As a foreigner he didn't have to join GOPIO of Upper New York Chapter as a
housie Medical School to become a doctor. the army but he did it anyway, and came commemoration of 170th Anniversary of
an extended pause while appearing to wait
When he stepped on the boat to come to back loaded with honours as an army cap- Indian Arrival Day in Guyana.
for the old woman to answer, he adds: “of
Canada indentured Indians were still walk- tain and war veteran. He started his medical
ing off the boats to work on the sugar es- practice and became one of the most re- GOPIO of Upper New York chapter offi-
tates in Trinidad and 11 other colonies in spected physicians in Halifax, married a cers were introduced: Satruhan Sukdeo,
When the old woman finally answers she
the Caribbean. They couldn't speak English Canadian woman and settled down to a life- President; Netram Rambudhan, Vice Presi-
exclaims: “OH! The UNITED STATES!
and knew nothing about the place they were time of community service. When Rev. dent; Rodney Gocool, Secretary; Prem-
going to. They would be going to live in Kenneth Grant retired from his work in nauth Singh, Treasurer; Lloyd Lochan,
The IAC opined that the interviewer is
barracks or logies as they were called in Trinidad and returned to Nova Scotia, you Director; and Ramesh Budhram, Director.
drawn as being anxious to extract an answer
Guyana, or mud houses with grass roofs can guess who took care of him until he GOPIO of Upper New York chapter presi-
from the old woman.
that we called ajoupas. Indians were the died. It was of course Dr Kenneth Mahabir, dent Satruhan Sukdeo chaired the proceed-
“The IAC feels strongly that the inter-
lowest of the low in the Caribbean at the who regarded Rev. Grant like a father. ings.
viewer is portrayed in such a manner as try-
time. They were despised and abused by We have no doubt that Kenneth Mahabir
ing to extract a negative answer from her
everybody in the society. created such a positive image of the "Remembering Our Forefathers" was an ex-
during his extended pause.
Young Kenneth and his family were dif- Caribbean immigrant in Eastern Canada pression of honored tribute and gratitude to
The IAC, which deals with issues and con-
ferent, and they owed that to their Canadian that all Caribbean immigrants benefitted those who made the first journey as inden-
cerns of persons of Indo-Guyanese origin,
connection. Kenneth was named after the from it for a long time. And it is a fact that tured laborers from India to British Guiana
views this cartoon as highly offensive in the
Canadian missionary Rev. Kenneth Grant many of the immigrants from Trinidad and (now Guyana) in 1838 aboard the Hesperus
following ways:
who came to Trinidad in 1870 to form the other Caribbean countries who followed and Whitby.
1. The old East Indian woman is portrayed
Canadian Mission. Kenneth's grandfather him had similar connections with the Pres-
as belonging to a past era historically: The
Lakha Sawh was a jahaji, an indentured In- byterian Mission in the Caribbean. Ashook Ramsaran, Secretary General of
IAC interprets this portrayal to mean that
dian worker, who was one of those early In- Young Kenneth took the brave step of GOPIO International, congratulated the
Indo-Guyanese are a backward ethnic
dians whom Kenneth Grant converted to leaving the country of his birth to make a chapter executives and membership on the
Presbyterianism. Kenneth's father James new life in Canada, and he showed that it inauguration of the chapter, conveyed
2. Since historically Hindu women have
Mahabir was the organist in the was possible to do that without much pain greetings from GOPIO International Secre-
worn the rumal its depiction in the cartoon
Susamachar Presbyterian Church in San and hardship. He opened up the Canadian tariat and "warmly welcomed the GOPIO
is interpreted by the IAC to mean that Hin-
Fernando that Rev. Grant set up, he married door for us, and that is a debt we cannot of Upper New York chapter into the GOPIO
dus are a backward group.
Kenneth's mother Kate, a professional pho- repay. The least we can do this year and family", pledged the support and guidance
3. The old East Indian woman is drawn
tographer, at that church in 1885. every year hence is to remember his name of GOPIO International and extended
wearing an “I Love Guyana” sticker badge:
Kenneth went to the elementary school and tell his successful Indian arrival story wishes for much success to the chapter's ef-
The IAC interprets this portrayal to mean
that Grant set up on the same spot, later in Canada to generations to come. fort at outreach and community activities.
that Indo-Guyanese are not inherently pa-
called Grant School, and also to Naparima
College, a secondary school that Rev. Grant Ram Jagessar Prominent Guyanese born historian Dr.
4. The old East Indian woman is drawn in
started in San Fernando. Rev. Kenneth Basdeo Mangru, author of several books on
the act of peeling something with her


indentureship and its role in Guyana's his-
hands: The IAC interprets this portrayal to
tory, was the keynote speaker.
mean that Indo-Guyanese are technologi-

cally backward.
He spoke about Rev. C. F. Andrews who
5. The interviewer is shown in an anxious
generated "the indentureship report" which
manner to extract a negative answer to his
described the harsh conditions endured by
question: “How do you feel about a
the indentured laborers and the situation of
Players of all skill levels (beginners to advanced) are IAC interprets this portrayal to mean that
Indian workers on the sugar plantations of
invited to participate. Tournaments held every month Indo-Guyanese are alarmed at the notion of
during the winter.
having an Afro-Guyanese as President of
In his presentation, Dr. Mangru discussed
housing, education, Indian marriages and
The IAC emphasized that it “not only finds
other social problems faced by the Indian
See schedule at www.horizoncricketclub.com or phone the cartoon racially offensive but denigrat-
ing to persons of Indo-Guyanese origin as it
Community at that time.
905-794-5423. Also, adult and kids CHESS LESSONS can stir up feelings of social hostility
Dr. Mangru plans to publish a book based
(beginners to advance). Learn to play the world’s best against Indo-Guyanese by promoting and
on the "the indentureship report" by Rev.
board game.
perpetrating negative stereotypes of Indo-
Registration information at The Committee noted that it had regis-
www.horizoncricketclub.com tered an official complaint with and urged
the Ethnic Relations Commission to deal
Indo-Caribbean Times JUNE 2008 Page 23

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Letter to the Editor: Weeping for Wakenaam
ast month’s rural rape-murders How is it that such a small island of 45 in a home in June 2006. to live in dignity. Its cherished policies
have again highlighted how low km² with a farming population of a mere for community policing, neighbourhood
the level of human security is, par- 3,000 families, most of whom are famil- Elsewhere, 18-year-old Anita Persaud of policing and citizens’ security now seem
ticularly for women and girl children, in iar with one another, could be the arena Good Faith, Mahaicony, in August 2001; to have been misdirected against some
certain areas of this country. These seri- for such atrocities? In fact, Wakenaam is Rohana Wilson, a 24-year-old mother of imaginary non-community threat when
ous crimes have exposed the seeming in- not alone. On the smaller island of two of Mahdia, in October 2006; and 9- the real problems reside among the idle
ability of the administration and its Leguan a short distance away, Bibi Farida year-old Sade Stoby whose violated body louts next door. Many women and girl
educational, law enforcement, social wel- Khan, known as ‘Monica,’ had also been was found a mere 500 metres from her children have become victims of vio-
fare and youth services to comprehend savagely raped, murdered and dumped in home in the village of Mocha-Arcadia on lence in their own homes and commu-
the causes of the crisis. As a result, no a canal at Blenheim in July 2006. the East Bank Demerara in November nities.
policies are likely to be put in place to en- last year, have also been victims of rape-
sure the safety of the country’s most vul- Across the Essequibo River channels, the murders. Many of the assailants have Over the past 15 years, the administra-
nerable citizens, the very old and the very rape-murders of 17-year-old student been adolescents. tion has promulgated a National Youth
young. Sharon Sooklall at Naamryck near to Policy and sponsored an array of nice-
Parika on the East Bank Essequibo in The list is long and bloody but, with all sounding youth schemes – the Guyana
The nation awoke on Independence Day February 2001, and of 46-year-old Fazila of this evidence, exactly what has the ad- Youth Development Association; Na-
to the news of the rape-murder of 79- Mohamed of Johanna Cecilia on the Es- ministration done? The Ministers of Edu- tional Youth Council; National Youth
year-old blind, shut-in Dhanwantie, sequibo Coast in June 2005 are still rue- cation, Home Affairs, Legal Affairs, Parliament; President’s Youth Choice
known as ‘Auntie,’ at Sans Souci on fully remembered. Human Services and Social Security and Initiative; President’s Youth Award Re-
Wakenaam Island in the Essequibo. That Culture, Youth and Sports must surely re- public of Guyana; and the Youth Em-
tragedy rekindled memories of the grue- Earlier last month, residents of the Coren- alise that something has gone wrong ployment Scheme – for example. But it
some rape-murder of 12-year-old Julie tyne Coast were revolted at the rape-mur- among the young. is clear that they have not been able to
Sooklall on the same island of Wakenaam der of Deokali Peter, an 18-year-old significantly improve employment op-
in November 2004. The girl’s body was waitress. She had been gang-raped and These ministers have the responsibility to portunities or curb criminal activity
found, still dressed in her school uniform, left to die after her assailants tried to remedy the problem. It should be clear, among the young.
not far from her home. Three adolescents drown her in a canal at Port Mourant. also, that some sort of study or inquiry
were found culpable of the crime. There have been similar crimes of vio- should be initiated to determine the If the lives of the young are to be
lence in other villages on the Corentyne. causes of this particular type of cruel changed, and if women and children are
There was also another vicious rape-mur- At Maida, three brothers broke into the criminal conduct. to be saved from savagery of rape-mur-
der of 75-year-old Millicent Subechen, home of 32-year-old Achama ders such as those which have afflicted
known as ‘Aunty Milly,’ at her home in Madramootoo, dragged her to the back- The administration’s primary responsi- Wakenaam and elsewhere, the adminis-
Wakenaam in September 2001. Another dam raping her repeatedly on the way, bility should be to ensure human security tration needs to refashion its patchwork
adolescent was found guilty and impris- and drowned her in a canal in September by protecting citizens and communities youth policy. The problem will not go
oned. 2003. At Warren, 16-year-old schoolgirl from criminal violence and by preserving away of its own accord.
Roshini Pertabsingh was raped and killed vital freedoms to ensure people’s ability

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