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Jot. J. Sports Med. 8(1987)352—356

Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart' New York

Metabolic and Hormonal Responses to Long-Distance Swimming in Cold Water

S. Dulac', A. Quirion', D. DeCarufel', J. Le8anc2, M. Jobin2, J. C6té2, G.R. Brisson3,
JM. Lavoie4, and P. Diamond2

Département des sciences de l'activité physique, LJniversité du Québec è Trois-Rivières

Département de physiologie, Faculté do médecine, Université Laval, Québec
3INRS-Santé, Montréal
4Département d'éducation pnysique, Université do Montréal

were observed (21). This study was conducted to investi-
gate: (a) the metabolic and hormonal responses to a long.
S. Dulac, A. Quirion, D. DeCarufel, J. LeBlanc, M. Jobin,
J. Côte, G. R. Brisson, J.M. Lavoie, and P. Diamond,
duration swimming competition in cold water and there-
Metabolic and Hormonal Responses to Long-Distance fore the possible relationship between rectal temperature
Swimming in Cold Water. mt J Sports Med, Vol 8, No 5, change and the hormonal responses as well as (b) the in-

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pp 352—356, 1987. fluence of the sex of the swimmers on these responses.
The acute effects of long-distance swimming in cold water on
selected hormonal and metabolic variables were evaluated
on 22 long-distance swimmers (16 males and 6 females) Materials and Methods
during a 32-km swimming competition (La Traversée Inter-
nationale du Lac St-Jean). The water temperature was
18.5° C and the mean performance times were 8 h and 32
Twenty-two long-distance swimmers (16 males and 6 females)
mm for men CM) and 9 h and 1 mm for women (F). The participating in "La Traversde Internationale du Lac St-Jean"
blood samples were withdrawn in the fasting state during (a 32-km swimming competition) were investigated. During
the week preceding the event and within 30 mm after the week prior to the competition, anthropometric data
completion of the race. A positive correlation was ob- were measured. The mean body density of men was pre-
tained, for both groups, between percent body fat and
rectal temperature measured at the end of the competi- dicted from skinfold measurements using all of the equa-
tion. After the competition, an increase in plasma epmne- tions of Brozek and Keys (5), Pascale et al. (25), and Sloan
phrine, norepmnephrine, cortisol, thyroxine, free fatty (34), while for the female swimmers, the equations of Sloan
acids, lactate, a decrease in glucose and insulin and no et al. (35), Katch and Michael (14), and Wilmore and Behnke
change in growth hormone, triiodothyronine, triglycerides,
and cholesterol concentrations were observed in both groups. (42) using skinfold and girth measurements were utilized.
The increase in plasma thyroxine was more pronounced in The percentage of body fat was computed from body den-
the slower swimmers while the change in blood cortisol sity using the equation of Brozek et al. (4).
concentrations was higher in the subjects having the most
acute decrease in body temperature. Male and female On one occasion, between the fourth and the last day
swimmers have a similar metabolic and hormonal response preceding the competition, venous blood was collected
to a long-distance swimming competition in cold water. from each subject between 7:00 and 10:00 a.m. after an
overnight fast.
Key words: swimming, cold water, hormone, carbo-
hydrate, lipid, sex differences The swimming competition started at 8:00 a.m.; the mean
water temperature was 18.5°C. The participants were al-
lowed free food and beverage intake before and throughout
the 32-km race. A post-exercise venous blood sample was
Introduction obtained between 20 and 30 miii after the end of the com-
During high-intensity prolonged exercise, the energy supply
to the working muscles (mobilization, membrane transport, The blood samples were analyzed for total proteins on an
and intracellular utilization of substrate) is primarily regu- automatic analyzer (K.D.A.; American Monitor Corpora-
lated by humoroendocrine factors (17, 31). The energy tion, Indianapolis), glucose (2), FFA (28), lactate (7),
utilized during this type of exercise is mainly derived from epinephrune and norepinephrine (27), insulin (41), growth
carbohydrate and fat sources (12, 15). The endocrine and hormone (32), cortisol (36), triiodothyronine and thyro-
metabolic responses to prolonged muscular exercise were xine (22), triglycerides (Boehringer Mannheim GmbH kit),
partly studied in running (3, 13, 16, 40), cross-country and cholesterol (Boehringer Mannheim GmbH kit). The
skiing (37), and swimming events (10, 19), and studies assays coefficients of variation (inter and intra) for cortisol,
have shown that these responses could be affected by changes insulin, growth hormone, thyroxine, and triiodothyronine
in body temperature (1, 10). For both sexes, during exercise were < 5% while they were < 11% for epinephrine and nor.
in cold water (20°C), similar thermoregulatory responses epinephrine. Statistical analysis was performed using a two-
way analysis of variance (sex and exercise) with repeated
measurements on the second variable.
Metabolic and Hormonal Responses to Long-Distance Swimming in Cold Water mt. J. Sports Med. 8 (1987) 353

Results Table 1 Anthropometric data and results of the swimming com-

The physical characteristics of the subjects are given in
Men Women
Table 1.
The mean swimming times for the 324cm competition were Age (yrs) 23.1±3.8k 20.5±2.1
8:32±0:55 (M) and 9:01±0:52 (F) and the rectal tempera- Body weight (kg) 79.3±5.6 61.8±8.9
Body height (cm) 177.3±5.0 163.2±7.9
tures upon completion of the race were 35.5°C±1.2°C (M) Body fat (%) 13.6±3.5 24.5±4.7**
and 36.0 C±l.5 C (F) (Table 1). In both groups, we ob- Swimming time (h : mm) 8:32±0:55 9:01±0:52
served a relationship between percentage of body fat and Rectal temperature (°C) 35.5±1.2 36.0±1.5
the rectal temperature at the end of the competition (r:
0.68, P <0.01 for M; r: 0.80,P < 0.02 for F) (Fig. 1). In * Mean standard deviation; ** < 0.05.
both groups, the swimming competition did not alter sig-
nificantly plasma protein concentration (Table 2). For both
groups, after the competition, and when compared with
basal values obtained prior to the event, glucose and insulin A
concentrations had decreased. Free fatty acid and lactate omen O,68** C

increased while cholesterol and triglycerides were not modi- —. 37 .women—0,80*

fied significantly (Fig. 2, Table 2). In both groups, after C.) 0
the competition, a significant increase was found in the blood 36 0
concentration of epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol, and

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thyroxine with no significant modification in the concentra- !i. 35
tion of growth hormone and triiodothyronine (Fig. 3,
Table 2). It should be noted that the two-way analysis of 34
variance performed revealed that the sex of the swimmers 1;
has no influence on the hormonal and metabolic variables 33
before and after exercise. 5 10 15 20 25 30
In both groups, the change in blood concentration of
thyroxine observed after the competition appeared to be % body fat
related to the time required to complete the 32-km swim- omen— -0,62**
ming competition (r: 0.80,P< 0.001 for M;r: 0.82,F < 60 •women—-O,92**
0.02 for F) (Fig. 1). For both groups, an inverse relation-
ship was observed between rectal temperature measured at
the end of the competition and the change in blood cortisol 40
concentration (r: —0.62, P < 0.01 for lvi; r: —0.92, P <
0.00 1 for F) (Fig. 1).

O -20
The mean percentage of body fat of male long-distance 33 34 35 36 37 38
swimmers in the present study (13.6%) is higher than what rectal temperature (° C)
has been reported for shorter distance swimmers (7%) (9,
23) and for marathon runners (4.3%) (29). For the female
swimmers, the percentage of fat is 24.5% compared with omen —0,80** 0

17.1% for shorter distance swimmers and 16.8% for mara-

E •women 0,82* 0•
thon runners (43). This greater quantity of subcutaneous a, 0
2 0
fat most probably provides the long-distance swimmer with
a better insulation against cold water as previously demon- a 0
x0 I
strated by Berg et al. (1, 9) and by the relationship we ob- 00 o 0
served between percentage of body fat and the rectal tem- o
perature at the end of the competition. Furthermore, among I- 0•
the swimmers who entered the competition, the leaner 00
subjects (percentage of body fat < 10%) were unable to
complete the race and seven of the ten nonfinishers had to 7 8 9 10
quit within 3 h due to a marked hypothermia. The mean
swimming time (hours)
rectal temperatures at the end of the competition (35.5°C
for men; 36°C for F) clearly demonstrated the effect of Fig. 1 Relationship between rectal temperature and the percent of
cold water on the swimmers and specially on four of them body fat (panel A), change in blood cortisol concentration and rec-
where we measured a marked hypothermia ( 34°C). tal temperature (panel B), and change in blood thyroxine concen-
tration and the swimming time (panel C) during a 32-km swimming
competition in cold water in male and female swimmers.
354 mt. J. Sports Med. 8 (1987) S. Dulac, A. Quirion, D. DeCarufel, J. LeBlanc, M. Jobin, J. Coté, G.R. Brisson eta!.

Table 2 Hormonal and metabolic response before and after a swimming competition for men and women.

Men Women
Before After % of basal Before After % of basal
value value

Protein (gIlOO ml) 7.38±0.74 7.78±0.39 105% 7.08±0.62 7.40±0.46 105%

Glucose (mM'l') 5.28±0.41 4.46±0.92 84% 5.27±0.41 4.41±0.80 84%
Insulin (plu•mr1) 8.50±5.1 5.1±4.1 60% 9.3±4.9 5.7±4.8 61%
Lactate (mM') 2.97±0.54 5.43±1.45 183% 2.45±0.3 4.48±1.25 183%
Free fatty acid (mM'l') 0.93±0.43 3.26±0.99 350% 0.76±0.33 2.52±1.01 332%
Triglycerides (mM'l') 0.89±0.42 1.13±0.77 127% 0.64±0.40 0.55±0.25 86%
Cholesterol (mMl) 4.68±0.67 4.63±0.63 99% 5.17±1.42 4.40±0.72 85%
Epinephrine(pg'mr) 61±34 197±115 323% 25±15 107±89 428%
Norepinephrine(pg'ml') 249±76 1026±589 412% 252±62 750±391 298%
Cortisol (ig/100 ml) 19.1±6.0 49.3±19.6 258% 26.7±12.0 51.6±27.1 193%
Thyroxine (g/100 ml) 8.15±1.42 9.31±1.85 114% 8.41±1.43 10.1 1±2.46 120%
Growth hormone (ng/100 ml) 10.40±12.8 8.8±9.1 85% 5.4±3.4 4.1±1.2 76%
Triiodothyronine(ng/lOOml) 130±33 128±20 98% 121±20 114±14 94%

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• Women
U Men

• Women
o Men


•1 3OO

** **
inauftn iactc FFA triglyceride. cholesterol

Fig. 2 Plasma concentrations of glucose, insulin, lactic acid, free Fig. 3 Plasma concentrations of epinephrine (E) norepinephrine (NE),
fatty acids (FFA), triglycerides, and cholesterol during a 32-km cortisol, growth hormone (HGH), thyroxine (T4), and triiodothyronin
swimming competition in cold water In male and female swimmers. (T3) during a 32-km swimming competition in cold water in male and
Results are expressed in percent of the basal value (fasting state). female swimmers. Results are expressed in percent of the basal value
(fasting state).

The changes in plasma hormone concentration were not the carbohydrate reserves before exercise (only three swimmers
result of plasma volume changes since there was no modifi- had followed a carbohydrate overloading diet) or from an
cation in plasma protein concentration. insufficient carbohydrate intake during the event.
Contrary to the results observed during long-distance run- A decrease in blood insulin concentration was observed in
ning (from marathon to 100 1cm) where the authors found both groups after the competition, and this result re-
no change (16, 40) or an increase (13) in glycemia, we did presents the logical consequence of both hypoglycemia and
observe a decrease in blood glucose concentration at the marked increase in blood catecholarnines (1, 10, 33).
end of the competition in spite of the fact that the swim-
mers were permitted free carbohydrate intake during the The blood lactate concentration observed in both groups
race. This decrease in glycemia could result from inadequate seems to indicate that the swimmers have exceeded the
Metabolic and Hormonal Responses to Long-Distance Swimming in Cold Water mt. J. Sports Med. 8 (1987) 355

anaerobic threshold of 4 mmolfl'. This relatively high level the higher level of blood thyroxine concentration will
of lactate is probably the result of the sprint at the end of activate the thermogenesis, in cooperation with the increase
the competition (the faster swimmers for the last mile re- in blood epinephrine and norepinephrine, to prevent the
ceived cash money prizes). cooling effect of long-duration exposure to cold water.
The observed increase in blood FFA concentration upon In summary, long-distance swimming in cold water produces
completion of the swimming competition is in agreement higher blood concentrations of cortisol and thyroxine and
with other studies dealing with long-distance events (1, 10, lower glucose, insulin, and growth hormone concentrations
13, 16, 20,40); it seems to be related to the duration of than comparable activities in a neutral environment.
the event (20,40). The post-exercise blood concentration Furthermore, our study has demonstrated that long-distance
of FFA ( 2.5 mmol/l) observed in our study is high enough swimming in cold water represents, for some swimmers, the
to have a high uptake and metabolism of free fatty acids by limit of cold and long-duration exercise tolerance: some
working muscles. swimmers had suffered from marked hypothermia (E34°C)
The lipolysis seems to be mainly in the adipose tissue since and/or hypoglycemia ( 3 mmol/1'), which represents
there is no change in blood triglycerides concentration. values below the normal physiologic range.
These results contrast with the 50% decrease in plasma tri- Despite the small sample size of the F group, our results
glycerides concentration observed after a 100-km run (16). lead us to assume that female and male swimmers have
As expected, plasma cholesterol concentration was not the same metabolic and hormonal response pattern to a
changed significantly after long-duration exercise (6). long-distance competition in cold water.
During long-distance exercise with normal or increased core
temperature, the increased lipolysis is to be related to

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Serge Dulac, Dpartement des sciences de l'activite' physique, Universit du Quebec Trois-Rivires, C.P. 500,
Trois-Rivières, Que. G9A 5H7

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