WRITING Tips-Informal - Formal Letter

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Te van a pedir que escribas a un amigo, familiar o persona de cargo importante.

Las anotaciones nos dicen qué tenemos que hacer/decir y hay que responderlas todas.


Características y normas:
• Se usan contracciones. Ej: It isn’t funny at all.
• Se utilizan frases cortas. Ej: I’m really busy.
• Se usan expresiones coloquiales. Ej: How are you doing?
• Se utilizan phrasal verbs. Ej: Are you coming over?
• Se utilizan conectores como as, but, so…
• Se usan exclamaciones. Ej: Good luck!

Estructura de una carta informal:

1) Saludo (Greetings)
2) Cuerpo (opening paragraph)
3) Cierre (closing paragraph)
4) Despedida (goodbye)

1) Saludo (Greetings)
Hi..., Dear (friend)..., Hello...,

2) Cuerpo (Opening paragraph):

Cuando te escribe la persona a la que le respondes:
• Thanks a lot for writing!
• Thank you very much for your letter.
• It was good to receive your letter.

• I’m glad to hear your news.

• I am so excited that/about...(your news)!
• It’s nice / great / good to hear from you.
• It’s nice / great / good to read your letter.
• It’s great to hear that…
• I’m sorry to hear that…
• I’m really sorry to read your news.
Answering a question:
• Regarding your question, I must admit that I prefer/ don’t like...

Cuando eres tú la primera persona que escribe:

• How’s it going?
• How are you (doing)?
• How are things (going)?
• Hope you are doing well.
• I’m writing to you because…
• This is about…
Asking for help:
• Can you give me a hand with…?
• Could you help me with…?
• Please help me with…
Explaining a problem:
• The problem I’ve got is that…
• I’m having a problem with…
• I’m not happy about…

Useful connectors:
• … and…: para conectar dos ideas similares. - I love reading and listening to music.
• …, but… : para conectar dos ideas diferentes u opuestas. - I am reading a book, but I don’t
remember the title.
• . However … : para contrastar dos ideas diferentes. - Last month, I went to the cinema.
However, I didn’t enjoy the movie.
• … because… : para justificar una idea u opinión.
• Moreover, … : para añadir más información acerca de una idea. - My mum is the perfect
cook because she knows a lot of recipes and has plenty of experience. Moreover, she
experiments with different ingredients all the time.
• . Because of that, … : para justificar una idea, opinión o hecho mencionado anteriormente. -
My mum likes to cook using new ingredients all the time. Because of that, she creates
original dishes every month.
• . As for… / Regarding…: para cambiar de tema. Puedes utilizarlo para empezar el segundo
párrafo principal con un nuevo punto de información. - As for/Regarding why I like this
cookery show, I think it’s because it’s a great way to see new recipes.

***go to the end of this document to see more formal & informal connectors

3) Cierre (Closing paragraph):

• Why don’t you + INF…?
• How about...ing? (para proponer algo) We can also... What do you think?
• Well, please let me know what you think.
• Let me know if you have any question.

• Well, it’s time to say goodbye.

• Anyway, I have to go now.
• Well, it’s time to go.

• I really hope to hear from you soon.

• I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
• I hope you write back soon.
• Make sure you write back soon.
4) Despedida (Goodbye):
• Take care, • All my love,
• See you soon, • Love,
• Best wishes, • Lots of love,
• Best, • Regards
Características y normas:
• Saludo y despedidas formales
• Dirigirse usando el apellido o cargo, nunca el nombre de pila
• Usar modales y condicionales —would, may, could…
• Usar palabras de origen latino —las parecidas al español (son las más formales)
• No hacer contracciones
• Utilizar frases largas, como las relative clauses (who, which, whose…)

Estructura de una carta formal:

1) Saludo
2) Cuerpo
3) Cierre
4) Despedida

1) Saludo:
Si le conocemos:
Dear Mr (hombres) / Mrs. (mujeres casadas) / Ms. (mujeres sin estado civil) + apellido
Procuramos utilizar siempre “Ms.” cuando nos dirijamos hacia mujeres. Dear Mr (hombres) /
Mrs. (mujeres casadas) / Ms. (mujeres sin estado civil) + apellido

Si no le conocemos:
Dear Sir/Madam,
To whom it may concern,

2) Cuerpo:
Podemos empezar presentándonos:
• My name is … siempre incluyendo el apellido.
• Podemos añadir quienes somos, si es relevante. …and I am… (a student, the president of
the club…)

Avanzamos con el desarrollo del cuerpo del email, teniendo en cuenta el propósito/finalidad:
• Respuesta – I am writing in response to… / I am writing to you concerning… / I am
writing to + INF./ With regard to…
• Agradecimiento – I am writing to thank you for…/ I would like to thank you for…/ I
would like to express my thanks for / I’m grateful for… / I very much appreciate you…
• Sugerir - It would be a good idea to + inf…/ Perhaps you could + inf…/ Would it be
possible to + inf…?
• Pedir Información – I am writing to ask/inquire about…
• Dar Información – I am writing to inform you that…/ I’m pleased to let you know
(that)…/ It is a pleasure to tell you (that)…/ I regret having to tell you (that)…
• Seguimiento – I am writing to follow up on…
• Pedir ayuda – I would be grateful if you could + INF… / I wonder if you would mind +
• Para ofrecer ayuda: – I (we) would be happy to…/I (we) would be pleased to…

3) Cierre:
Estos comentarios suelen ser para volver a agradecer, referirse a una reunión en el futuro
próximo u ofrecer ayuda.

• Thank you once more for…
• I (we) would like to thank you again for…

Reunión en el Futuro Próximo

• I (we) look forward to meeting / seeing you…

Ofrecer Ayuda
• Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions regarding this matter.
• If you need any further assistance, please contact me.

4) Despedida:
Si no conocemos al destinatario, utilizamos:
• Yours sincerely,
• Yours faithfully,
Si conocemos al destinatario, utilizamos:
• Best regards,
• Best wishes,
• Sincerely,

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