Worksheet 5 - Learning Plan

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Republic of the Philippines


College of Education | Cabitan, Mandaon, Masbate

MC Allied 2 – Technology for Teaching and Learning

Worksheet #5: Weekly Learning Plan
General Directions. In each group, create a two week learning plan for any quarter in your assigned grade level. Accomplish the table below. Make sure to integrate
the three active learning approaches and use various ICT tools to support the teaching and learning process.
Grade Level: 10 Quarter: 1 Learning Area: English Week: 1 .

Performance Standard: The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive text using a variety of persuasive techniques and devices.
Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and other text types serve as ways of expressing and resolving personal conflicts,
also how to use strategies in linking textual information, repairing, enhancing communication public speaking, emphasis markers in persuasive texts, different forms of
modals, reflexive and intensive pronouns.
Learning Competencies: Reading Comprehension, Listening Comprehension , Viewing Comprehension , Writing and Composition , Oral Language and Fluency
Unit Summary: This week-long unit focuses on developing students' skills in understanding and analyzing various forms of communication, including textual aids,
news reports, persuasive advertisements, language usage, and public speaking. Through a combination of activities, discussions, and assessments, students will
enhance their comprehension, critical thinking, and communication abilities. Throughout the unit, assessment methods include quizzes, peer evaluations, observation
checklists, rubric assessments, self-reflections, and presentations, allowing for comprehensive evaluation of student learning and progress in communication skills.
Materials and Resources: 
 Powerpoint presentaions
 Manila Papers
 Pens
 Nestlé "Pag-ibig" advertisement:
Day Objectives Topic/s Home-based Activities Assessment Methods
Monday  Understand the effect Textual aids  Introduction to textual  Read a short story or  Quiz on textual aids
(1 hour) of textual aids like aids with examples. - article with various and their impact on
advance organizers, Discussion on how textual aids and write comprehension.
titles, and non-linear different textual aids a reflection on their  Peer assessment of
illustrations on the impact comprehension. impact. textual aid analysis
 Pair activity: Students  Analyze a different
understanding of a
analyze a text to identify text independently,
and interpret textual focusing on textual
 Identify and interpret
aids. - Peer review and aids and their impact
textual aids
discussion of findings. on understanding. and participation in
 Group discussion on the  Write a brief discussions.
 Reflect on the
significance of textual reflection on the
importance of textual
aids. - Reflective writing impact of textual aids
aids in enhancing
activity on personal on their own reading
comprehension and
experiences with textual experiences and
critical thinking.
aids. strategies.
Tuesday  Understand the News Reports  Inquiry based activity:  Choose a Topic:  Peer Evaluation on
(1 hour) fundamentals of The students will be Select a current each other's
News report divided into groups, event or issue that performance
 Identify the elements assigning each group a interests you and is  Observation
of News story: learn different role (reporter, relevant to your Checklist
about the 5 W's interviewee, audience). audience.  Rubric Assessment
(Who, What, When, Students then create  Research: Gather to assess both
Where, and Why) and perform interviews information about the classroom and
 Create a news story based on current news event or issue, home-based
resolving conflicts in topics. focusing on the 5 activities
the community  Problem solved W's:  Self reflection on the
activities: Teach Who: Identify the key student's individual
students how to identify individuals or groups learning process
fake news by analyzing involved.
headlines, sources, and What: Determine what
evidence. Then, provide happened or what the
them with fabricated event is about.
news stories and When: Note the date and
challenge them to spot time the event occurred
the inaccuracies and or is scheduled to occur.
inconsistencies. Where: Specify the
 Project-based location where the event
Approach: Students will took place or will take
be divided into groups place.
and create a news Why: Understand the
report resolving reasons or motivations
behind the event or
 Scriptwriting: Write a
script for your news
community conflict. report, including an
Each group will present introduction, main
their news report with story, interviews, and
multimedia elements. a conclusion. Make
sure to include
relevant facts and

Wednesday  Identify and analyze Advertisement  Analyzing the Nestlé The students will create Title: Structuralist
(1 hour) persuasive Deconstruction "Pag-ibig" an essay using Analysis Essay
approaches used in advertisement, here's a structuralism theory to
commercials, structured approach: analyze a Nestle "Pag- Instructions:
including emotional IBIG" advertisement: Provide students with the
appeals, uzs?si=9pLMSbr9JeLtN- structuralist analysis
testimonials, scare Er Formatting: essay prompt and
tactics, and celebrity  Watch the Make sure the essay is formatting guidelines.
endorsements. Advertisement: Start by formatted according to Allow students sufficient
 Identify the playing the Nestlé "Pag- accepted conventions, time to watch the Nestlé
advertisement's ibig" advertisement for which call for a clear "Pag-ibig" advertisement
target audience and the students. Allow them introduction, body and take notes during the
examine how the to watch it attentively paragraphs that contain group discussion.
message, visuals, without any interruption. subheadings for each Encourage students to
and tone are tailored  Group Discussion: After structuralist principle, and use the provided
to that audience's watching the a succinct conclusion. structuralism theory
desires, values, and advertisement, facilitate Throughout the essay, framework to guide their
interests. a group discussion use proper grammar and analysis.
 Examine the visual where students can language usage. Allocate class time for
and verbal share their initial students to work on their
components of the reactions, identify key essays independently,
commercial, such as themes or messages, Title: Decoding the ensuring they have
imagery, slogans, and analyze the Layers of Meaning in access to any necessary
language choice, advertisement's impact. Nestle "Pag-IBIG" resources, such as the
colors, and font, to Encourage students to Advertisement: A advertisement itself and
determine how they express their opinions Structuralist Analysis reference materials.
contribute to the and interpretations while Circulate the classroom
overall message and also considering Introduction: to provide support and
impact. different perspectives. -Introduce the concept of answer any questions
structuralism theory and students may have while
its application in they are working on their
analyzing essays.
advertisements. Provide Collect the completed
a brief overview of Nestle essays at the end of the
"Pag-IBIG" and its class period or at the
branding strategies. designated due date.
Assessment Criteria:
-Identify and analyze the Adherence to essay
symbols present in the formatting guidelines,
advertisement. Discuss including clear
how these symbols introduction, structured
function as signifiers, body paragraphs, and
representing deeper succinct conclusion.
concepts and cultural Demonstrated
meanings. For example, understanding of
the use of a heart- structuralism theory and
shaped logo may its application in
symbolize love and analyzing
affection, while images of advertisements.
families and shared Identification and
meals evoke notions of analysis of symbols,
unity and connection binary oppositions, and
narrative structure within
Binary Oppositions: the Nestlé "Pag-ibig"
-Explore the binary advertisement.
oppositions embedded Critical thinking and
within the advertisement. depth of analysis in
Identify contrasting discussing how these
elements such as joy structural elements
versus sadness, contribute to the
inclusion versus advertisement's overall
exclusion, or tradition message and impact.
versus modernity. Clarity of expression,
Discuss how these proper grammar, and
oppositions create language usage
tension and contribute to throughout the essay.
the advertisement's Integration of relevant
overall message and references or sources to
emotional impact. support the analysis.
Scoring Rubric:
Narrative Structure:
-Analyze the narrative Excellent (4): The essay
structure of the demonstrates a thorough
advertisement. Identify understanding of
key narrative elements structuralism theory and
such as characters, plot provides insightful
development, and analysis of the
resolution. Discuss how advertisement's
the advertisement's structural elements.
narrative arc unfolds, Ideas are clearly
leading viewers through presented with strong
a sequence of events supporting evidence and
that ultimately reinforce references.
the brand's message or Good (3): The essay
values. shows a solid
understanding of
Conclusion: structuralism theory and
-Summarize the key effectively analyzes the
findings of the advertisement, though
structuralist analysis and some areas may lack
reflect on the significance depth or clarity.
of decoding the Satisfactory (2): The
advertisement's hidden essay demonstrates
meanings. Discuss how basic understanding of
structuralism theory structuralism theory and
offers valuable insights provides a limited
into the ways in which analysis of the
advertisements shape advertisement, with
significant gaps in
and reflect cultural explanation or evidence.
narratives. Finally, reflect Needs Improvement (1):
on the broader The essay displays
implications of minimal understanding of
structuralism theory in structuralism theory and
the field of advertising lacks substantive
and media studies. analysis of the
advertisement. Ideas are
References: poorly developed or
-Include any references unsupported.
or sources cited in the Not Attempted (0): The
essay, such as academic essay is not submitted or
articles, books, or online does not address the
resources that informed assigned task.
your analysis.

Thursday  Differentiate between Formal and Informal  Written Exercise -  Explore literature or  Quiz focusing
(1 hour) formal and informal Definitions of Words Provide a list of words article to identify specifically on the
definitions of words. with both formal and instances where vocabulary used in
 Understand the informal definitions. authors switch the formal and
importance of context Students will categorize between formal and informal definitions.
in determining each definition and informal language,  Presentation or
appropriate word provide explanations for discussing the impact speech specifying
usage. their classifications. This on the tone. whether it should be
 Demonstrate will assess their ability to formal or informal,
comprehension of differentiate between  Create a short story evaluate language
definitions of words formal and informal or dialogue using a choice, delivery and
into verbal definitions and analyze mix of formal and overall effectiveness
communication. language patterns. informal language to in conveying the
enhance intended message.
 Group Discussion - understanding
Divide students into through practical
small groups and assign application
each group a set of
words. They will discuss
and debate the
appropriate contexts for
using formal versus
informal definitions,
considering factors such
as audience, setting,
and purpose. This will
assess their
understanding of the
nuances of language
and their appreciation
for context.

 Role-Playing Activity -
Students will engage in
role-playing scenarios
where they must adapt
their language register
based on different social
contexts. For example,
they may simulate a
formal job interview
followed by a casual
conversation with
friends. This will assess
their ability to apply
formal and informal
definitions in real-life
situations and enhance
their skills in language

Friday  Identify the factors Factors of Public  Inquiry-based Activity:  Research and  Peer evaluation of
(1 hour) influencing public Speaking (Factors Students will conduct a prepare a short group discussions.
speaking confidence. affecting public speaking group discussion on the presentation on a  Presentation
 Analyze the confidence, body factors influencing public chosen factor assessment rubric for
speaking confidence.
They will research and
present findings on
various factors such as
preparation, audience
influencing public
analysis, and self-
speaking confidence.
 Analyze TED Talks
 Problem-based Activity:
or other public
Students will be given
speaking videos
importance of body scenarios where body
focusing on body analyzing body
language in effective language can either
language and take language scenarios.
public speaking. language in public enhance or hinder public
notes on effective  Performance
 Apply strategies to speaking, strategies to speaking effectiveness.
and ineffective assessment rubric for
overcome stage overcome stage fright) They will analyze these
gestures. evaluating skit
fright in public scenarios in groups and
 Practice relaxation presentations.
speaking. present their analysis to
techniques and
the class.
public speaking
 Project-based Activity:
exercises at home to
Students will work in
overcome stage
pairs to create a short
skit demonstrating
strategies to overcome
stage fright. They will
perform these skits in
front of the class.

Group Members:
Laurio, John Michael Manlapaz, Marivic
Alfonso, Angelica Marie Medes, Angeline
Esparrago, Angelica L. Mortel, Larme
Guttierez, Angel Rose Rico, Zarah Mae
Infante, Annabel Testado, Trisha

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