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Motivation letter

Dear Turkish Educational scholarship admissions committee.

I am Mohammad Mahdi Nazari. In 2016, I graduated with honors from Babeh Boys' School. In
2017, I gained admission to Kabul University's Mathematics Faculty through the national
university entrance exam. With strong determination, in 2021, I graduated from Kabul University
with a GPA of 83.37%. As a volunteer and as a mathematics teacher, I taught mathematics at Babeh
Boys' School for one year, and I also taught as a mathematics teacher at Babeh Girls' School
through the institution Norway Committee. I feel a passion for mathematics, particularly in the
analysis of functions and graphs, and I am eager to further my knowledge in mathematics. The
purpose of writing this motivation letter is to demonstrate my interests and request a scholarship
for a master's degree in mathematics analysis in Turkey.
Mathematics analysis requires strange thinking and analysis. This strange analysis and thinking
to explain mathematics analysis problems is very interesting for me. The only reason that sets me
apart from other applicants is that I enjoy researching and solving analysis mathematics analysis
problems, which is my innate creativity and talent. The interest and talent I have for mathematics
analysis, I am sure I can use this talent to build algorithms, modeling and artificial intelligence
research projects, and solve mathematics analysis problems. I want to improve my skills and
abilities in analyzing problems and using mathematics analysis, also I want to do useful research
during the master's degree courses.
Mathematics analysis is the main language and technology analysis that requires the analysis
of mathematical theories and models. My only main goal is to be able to become a professional
expert in the field of modeling, algorithms, problem analysis and mathematical research in the
future, and with it to be able to help develop and improve technology and artificial intelligence
research projects.
The fame of Turkish universities in science and technology research is obvious to everyone.
Turkish universities encourage students to show their abilities and I admire that. Turkish
universities guide students towards their academic goals so they can find their way. So that these
students have a better future and become an influential member of society. Therefore, So, I want
to use this program and eventually make a difference with the knowledge I learn and I am sure that
the success of this scholarship can lead me to my goals.
Studying in Turkish universities will help me to increase my talent in mathematics and any
experience that comes to me in Turkish universities. I hope that by studying I will achieve my
favorite field, which is mathematics. Be sure that I will make the most of this educational
opportunity so that I can be a accolade of pride for society and humanity. Thank you for
considering the my request, please feel free to contact me via email if you have any questions.
Mohammad Mahdi Nazari
Email address:

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