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Kabul Education University Computer Science Faculty Associate Prof. Qurban Ali Frugh January 14,2024 Dean of Computer Science Faculty Kabul Education University Shaheed Rabbani Road, Afshare-Silo, Kabul, Afghanistan Dear Sir/ Madam: {Lam writing this recommendation letter on behalf of my student Sadaf Hajati to recommend her for Italy government scholarships. | found her curious, enthusiastic and assiduous. She never gets tired and she hhas an everlasting curiosity to learn as much as she can bear. She i very sincere, attentive and makes intelligent contribution to classroom activities and group works. Sadaf Hajati has a clear grasp of Information ‘Technology. Unlike most of other students inher class, she prefers to do her own research rather than indulge inmere rote leaming. One could see the sense of wonder inher eyes when she sits in the classroom and learns about a new topic. Her"enjoyment of her courses is very much evident in her enthusiasm for studying much ‘more than what is prescribed. She also refuses to accept any idea at face value and possesses a questioning mind which is an essential quality for being creative and active. She has taken great pat in all student union and groups at Kabul Education University and she i of the rare symbols of young optimistic generation in Afghanistan, Her curiosity to find a better way for li ‘and modernizing Afghanistan never ended in achievements. She accomplished rather all the achievements she hhad in students’ community inflamed the flames of bigger goals in her heart. She is determined to serve her ‘country people the best way she can. As she always helped students with their administrative or leaning problems they had, ‘As dean of Computer Science Faculty, am sure that Mrs. Sadaf Hajati is destined for a brighter future. 1 strongly believe that she is the right person to be given the chance to pursue her education in a better environment. Give her the opportunity, she will be able to utilize her potential and skills to make everyone proud. She is more than capable of handling the challenges that come with pursuing her skills and conducting her studies. Therefore, I strongly recommend her for taly government, Associate Prof Quiban Ali Frugh

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