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Question 1: When and where was the book "Why Men Rebel" first published, and what

recognition did it receive?

Answer 1: The book "Why Men Rebel" was first published in 1970 by Princeton
University Press. It won the American Political Science Association’s Woodrow Wilson
Award as the best book of 1970 in political science and international relations.

Question 2: What were the major concerns in the late 1960s that prompted the writing
of "Why Men Rebel"?

Answer 2: In the late 1960s, major concerns included political violence in postcolonial
states, particularly in Africa and Southeast Asia, mass protest movements against racial
discrimination in the United States, and military intervention in Vietnam.

Question 3: What are the three general factors that the "Why Men Rebel" model
suggests analyzing to understand protest and rebellion?

Answer 3: The three general factors in the "Why Men Rebel" model are:

1. Popular discontent (relative deprivation) and its sources.

2. People's justifications or beliefs about the justifiability and utility of political action.
3. The balance between the capacity of discontented people to act and the government's
capacity to repress or channel their anger.

Question 4: How has the author revised his view regarding the rationality of political
action since writing "Why Men Rebel"?

Answer 4: The author has revised his view and no longer assumes that political violence
originates as a non-rational reaction to frustration. He acknowledges that elements of
rational calculation permeate the entire process of political conflict, and it doesn't make
sense to assume a priori that conflict behavior is either rational or irrational.

Question 5: What does the author suggest about the role of governments in the
process of conflict in the text?

Answer 5: The author suggests that governments play a significant role in either
sustaining or creating the conditions for conflict at every step in the model.
Government-imposed inequalities, repressive policies, and denial of the right to use
conventional politics and protest can lead to resistance and conflict. Some governments
rule by repression, while others use policies and concessions to maintain social peace.

Question 6: What advice does the author give to those seeking to understand and
respond to popular discontents?

Answer 6: The author advises readers to:

 Begin by examining the group identities and grievances of disadvantaged people.

 Understand the sources of people's grievances by examining their status and treatment
by governments and other groups.
 Analyze the motives and strategies of leaders who seek to build political movements
among aggrieved people.
 Study the motives and strategies of governments in dealing with disadvantaged groups.
 Consider international factors that affect group grievances, mobilization, and political

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