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Detailed Lesson Plan

Mathematics I

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the pupils are able to;
a) identify and describe the four basic shapes;
b) cite importance of the four basic shapes; and
c) create the four basic shapes.

II. Subject Matter:

a. Topic: Repeating Pattern
b. Reference: Lesson Guide in Elementary Mathematics Grade 3. 2012. pp. 250-
c. Materials: Visual Aids – DIY Chart, Pictures, and Manila paper
d. Skills: Listening, Reading, and Speaking
e. Methodology: 4 A’s Strategy
f. Values: cooperation, understanding
g. Other Learning Resources:
III. Procedure/Strategies of Teaching:

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity


1. Prayer

Everybody stand up and let’s bow our head

and feel the presence of the Lord as I play our Everybody will stand up and pray)
Worship video prayer.

2. Greetings

Good morning, Class, I am teacher Jhon Rey,

but you can call me sir or teacher Jhon, and I
look forward to your active participation in our Good morning, Teacher!
discussion today!

But, before you take your seats, kindly pick up (Students picking up and arranging their
all the pieces of paper under your chairs and chairs)
arrange it properly.
Done teacher.

Good, you may now take your seats.

3. Checking of Attendance

Is there any absent from the class? None teacher!

Very Good! I’m glad that everyone is present

today. Keep it up class!
4. Checking of Assignment

But before we proceed to our next topic please Yes teacher!

pass your assignment in front of your
classmate because I will going to check it later

5. Review

Class, do you still remember our lesson Yes teacher!


If you remember, what was our topic all about It is all about shapes teacher!
Very Good! Now, what is a shape? A shape can be defined as the boundary or
outline of an object.

Do you have any clarifications of our past None teacher!


Very Good! It seems that all of you

understood the previous topic.


Okay class, Who loves to sing here? (The students raise hand who loves to sing)
Now, I’m going to play the shape friends by “Shape friends by Pink Fong”
Pink Fong and let’s sing all together.

Okay class lets sing! Cindy!

Cindy Circle is my name.
Watch me turn round and round.
Round and round and round and round.
Whirly Whirly
Cindy circle

Sammy Square is my name.
My four sides are just the same.
One, two, three, four.
Count my sides.
One, two, three, four.
Sammy square

Cindy circle!
Sammy square!
Tommy triangle!
Ricky rectangle

I'm Tommy Triangle.
You can see my three sides.
One, two, three.
Count my sides.
One, two, three.
Tommy triangle

I’m Ricky Rectangle.
My four sides are not the same.
Two are short and two are long.
Short and long
Ricky Rectangle

Cindy Circle.
Sammy Square.
Tommy Triangle.
Ricky Rectangle


Very Good! Let’s clap our hands for


Do you like the song class? Yes teacher!

That’s great! Based on the song that we sing, It all about the different shapes
What did you observe? What is the song all

6. Presentation of the topic

Very good class, it all about the “Four basic


That is our lesson for the today! Yes teacher!

Are ready class?

7. Presentation of the objectives

At the end of the lesson, the pupils are able to;

a) identify and describe the four basic
b) cite importance of the four basic
shapes; and
c) create the four basic shapes.


1. Activity

As we go on with our lesson, let us have a

activity first. The activity is called "jigsaw
puzzle shapes "

I will group you into two. This row will be the

group 1 and this row will be the group 2. Now,
I have two envelopes here. Now, may I ask
group representatives to pick your
assigned envelopes here. By the way, these
two envelopes contains same jigsaw puzzle
and your task is complete this as fast as you
can. And the first group who can finish this
quickly will receive 10 amazing stickers
as your rewards and for the remaining group
will receive 5 amazing stickers.

Do you understand the instruction class? Yes teacher!

Okay, are you ready class? None teacher!

That’s great, I think you can already do it.

Okay 1, 2, 3 start now! (Pupil are doing the activity)

2. Analysis

Okay class are you ready done to our activity.

Let start to your reports!

First group 1 (Group 1 present the activity)

Very good group 1, okay class give them aling

donisya clap.

Okay next reporters are group 2 let’s start your

(Group 2 start the presentation)
Very good group 2, okay class give them coke
cakola clap.

Very good everyone. Because of that, I will

give you the prize that I promised.

3. Abstraction

Class, today our lesson is about four basic


What shape is this class? Circle teacher!

Very good class, It's a circle.

Who once go to the board to drawing a circle? (Mark are drawing a circle)
Okay mark goes to the board in draw a circle.

Very good mark, okay class give (5) good

claps for mark.

Good Job! Okay class, what can you It is round teacher!

say about the circle shape?
Very Good, okay class what shape is Circle teacher!
this again?

Very Good! Now let’s see another shape.

What shape is this class? Triangle teacher!

Very Good! It's a triangle. Okay class, what It has three sides teacher!
can you say about the triangle shape?
It has three corners teacher!
What else?

Very good class, triangle have three sides and

have three corners.

Okay class what shape is this again? Triangle teacher!

Very Good! Now let’s see another shape.

What shape is this class? Square teacher!

Very good class, It's a square.

Okay class, what can you say about the It has four sides teacher!
square shape?

What else class? It has four corners teacher!

Very good class, square It has four sides and
all the sides are all the same and have four

Okay class what shape is this again? Square teacher!

Very Good! Now let’s see another shape.

What shape is this class? Rectangle teacher!

Very good class, It's a rectangle.

Okay class, what can you say about the It has four sides teacher!
rectangle shape?

What else class? It has four corners teacher!

Two opposite sides are equal teacher!
Very good class! It has four sides and
corners, and the two opposite sides are
equal teacher!

Okay class what shape is this again? Rectangle teacher!

Very Good! Do you understand the Yes teacher!

lesson class?

Do you have any questions? None teacher!

4. Application

Since you don't have any questions anymore,

I think you can already do the activity. And
since you already know how to draw the four
basic shapes. You will have a pair activity.
The activity is called " Draw with me. "
Now you can choose your partner in the

Now, kindly listen class. Using the four basics

shapes, you can draw a house, vehicle or
anything you want to draw using the circle,
triangle, square and rectangle shape. And
after that you will present your activity.

I will give you 3 minutes to do the activity.

Okay class you may start now!

(After 3 minutes)

Are you done class? Yes teacher!

Okay class, who wants to volunteer to

present their activity?

Very Good! Everybody, give yourselves a big

round of applause.

Good Job class! All of you did great in doing

your activity.

5. Generalization

Okay class, what is the four basic shapes Circle, triangle, square and rectangle
again? teacher!

Very Good! Now, who can describe the circle It is a round teacher!

Very Good! What about the triangle, who can It has three sides and three corners
describe? teacher!

Very Good! What about the square, who can It has four sides and four corners teacher!

Very Good! What about the rectangle? who It has four sides and corners, and
can describe? the two opposite sides are equal teacher!

Very good class!

Do you understand the lesson class? Yes teacher!

That is a great class!

Do you have any questions? None teacher!

Test I. Multiple Choice: Choose and circle the correct answer.
1. Is a round-shaped figure that has no corners or edges.

a. Circle
b. Triangle
c. Square
d. Rectangle

2. It has four sides and corners, and two opposite sides are equal.

a. Circle
b. Triangle
c. Square
d. Rectangl

3. A shape with 3 sides and 3 corners.

a. Circle
b. Triangle
c. Square
d. Rectangle

4. It has four sides and four corners.

a. Circle
b. Triangle
c. Square
d. Rectangl

Test II. Enumeration

5 - 8. Enumerate the four basic shapes.


Directions: Connect the given shape to its name with a line.


• • square
2. • • rectangle

3. • • triangle

4. • • circle
Mother Tongue Based-
Multilingual Education

Detailed Lesson Plan





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