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Session 3

The Nature of the Church

 The preacher cepet-cepet because ada superbowl (a football game)

The nature of the church -> what are church meant to be, how should we participate in it, what are the
 The church (Greek: ekklesia)
o Gathering or assembly of people.
o The concept of church is not brand new in the NT
o Greek translation of OT -> translated from Hebrew
 Reffered to the covenant community of Israel when they gathered at Sinai and when
they gatheres on other occasions
o In NT: assembly of people
o In OT: gathering of Israel (on holy day or occasions)
o The concept of God’s concept gathering together udah ada dr early stage when God called
people to Himself
o NT: refer to gatherings of Christians in certain location
It refers to all Christians, not just some gathered in one location
It does tapi beda context: local and worldwide context.
Church: all those true Christians, all those that identified as Christians gathering at
different time and places and living as self identify followers of Christ -> church of
o Church is the people God has called from around the world.
o In the broad sense of church seems even in some passages to include those who have died and
are with Christ, as well as those who are still
 Heb 12:23 -> “firstborn” is those who believe in Christ and died while still believing
in Him
o Rich definition of Church by Erickson:
 The whole body of those through Christ’s death have been savingly reconciled to
God and have new life
 While universal in nature, it finds expression in local grouping of believers that display
the same qualities as does the body of Christ as a whole.
 There is no difference between being a Christian in Indonesia (part of church in Indo
and worshipping God) and being a Christian in USA.
 Intinya we strive to worship God and grow in Him di semua tempat
 Sure ada different tradition, but they are all a part of a whole body
 Metaphor of the body is critical
o There are different images of Church (ada table)
 We are the sheep, God is the shepperd
Focus on 2 images:
The body of Christ and the temple of God:
 Body of Christ -> 1 Corinthians
o Diversity but unity amongst many different members, comprising unity that is found in Christ
alone with Christ as the head
o The body is one and has many parts
 All the parts are one
o So also are Christ
o We all Christians are members of one body in Christ
o All Christians are the body of Christ and individual members of it.
o Erickson Notes:
 Church is the locus (place) of Christ’s activity now just as was his physical body
during his earthly ministry
 Christ is using His followers to accomplish will of God
 We are His hand and feet -> He is pleased to work through us and on us.
 Through the body of Christ, regardless of the diversity, the message of the
mission is the same, to come to know the true God, to follow Jesus Christ (the
way of salvation), changing people’s life, making an impact for Christ;s
 Christians are inter-dependent. As together they grow to maturity in Christ,
their common head.
o We change the world with other people (not by ourselves)
o We are interconnected by His Spirit. We are one body where God is
living in, among, and through
 Temple of God
o It signifies God dwelling with His people.
 God is with His people
 Special and intimate and dear relationship characterized where God has extended His
redemptive love
 Those that receive the redemptive life become His sons and daughter (Christians)
o It is used in Ephesians, 1 Peter, Revelation
o It showed that the church is holy, being indwelt by the Holy Spirit.
 The presence of God is with His people
 We don’t have to worry where is God.
 God is with His people by His Spirit.
 God’s people is holy because they belong to Christ and the Spirit of God is working in
our life to make us holy like Christ
 Little by little -> people under construction

Nature of the church

 It is universal
o Depicts the worldwide people of God all over the world
o It depicts individual expressions of tis, in particular congregations
 Key Images:
o Body of Christ: emphasis the church’s common dependence on Jesus
o Temple of God: emphasis its communal holiness

How we are individual members of the one body of Christ (Body of Christ) where the
spirit of God’s dwells emphasizing our communal holiness together with all other
believers (Temple of God)
 Because of Christ by His Spirit
o Together we are part of His body, His temple changing us to be like Him, to love Him, and to
serve Him because of His love for us (the starting point)
 This is the first thing to know about the church

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