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Pablo Borbon Campus

De Chavez, Mark Jayson P. SSEd 323- Assessment and Evaluation in Social Sciences
BSED-SSTU-3201 Tasks 1

Assessment Tools Purpose How often it is used

Rubrics Teachers are able to In all activities, even if they
consistently evaluate students' are written, performances, or
work and offer valuable practical applications.
feedback to enhance their
learning experience.
Portfolios/E-portfolios These evaluations aid in Some of the teachers use this
monitoring student growth, at the end of the semester or
pinpointing areas of strength course.
and weakness, and guiding
them towards future learning
Self-assessment Students gauge the quality of Every activity that they
their own work and learning measure, or may the teachers
through the use of established make their students realize
criteria and standards. These how much they understand the
evaluation techniques serve as lesson.
valuable tools for teachers in
nurturing students'
metacognitive abilities,
motivation, and sense of
accountability for their own
educational journey.
Peer-assessment This process involves students When the teacher gives an
in assessing their peers' work activity, students’ peers need
and learning using the same to know what their peer
set of criteria and standards. opinion is about a particular
This fosters a sense of lesson and how much they
collaboration, critical understand.
thinking, and proficiency in
giving and receiving feedback
among students. As educators,
we recognize the importance
of these skills in preparing our
students for future success.
EBadges Online representations of Every time we are in the visual
students’ achievements or class, we can use this tool as a
competencies serve as reward for our students.
valuable tools for teachers. Additionally, based on the
They not only aid in the learning theory of
recognition and reward of behaviorism, students’
students’ learning outcomes, learning occurred in the
but also inspire them to process of conditioning.
continue pursuing knowledge.
Additionally, these .
representations serve as a
means for students to

Rizal Avenue Extension, Batangas City, Philippines +63 43 779 - 8400 loc. 1917
Pablo Borbon Campus

showcase their credentials to

Performace Tasks (Applied, Teachers can utilize these The time when we measure or
Written) representations to evaluate assess the application of the
students’ practical application lesson to our students.
of knowledge, skills, and
attitudes in real-life situations.
This allows for immediate
feedback and guidance,
enhancing the learning
Game-based assessment teachers in assessing students’ This tool may be used before
critical thinking abilities, such the discussion to engage our
as problem-solving, students in what we are going
creativity, and strategic to teach them, and we may
thinking. This enables also use it during and after the
teachers to provide adaptive discussion to help them
and individualized learning understand the lesson.
experiences for each student.
Online Quizzes Teachers can use these tools to Every chapter, course, and
assess students’ fundamental semester to assess if we are
skills in recalling, efficient and effective in
comprehending, and teaching and use it as a basis
analyzing information. This to improve or change our
results in instant feedback and teaching strategy.
scores, providing students
with a clearer understanding
of their progress.

21st Century Assessment Assessment Activities
1. Responsive Written works, posters, Rubrics
projects, and performance task
2. Flexible Reflective essays, Interactive Self-assessment, Peer-
games, Learning games assessment and Game-based
(software/applications) assessment
3. Integrated Putting a scores of the EBadge
4. Informative Collect and select samples of Porfolios
their work, such as essays,
tests, quizzes, journals,
reflections, or artifacts.
5. Multiple methods Reflective essays, Journals Self-assessment, Peer-
6. Communicated Chapter test, short/long Online quizzes
quizzes, Major exams
7. Technically sound Collect and select samples of Portfolios, Performance Tasks
their work, such as essays,
tests, quizzes, journals,
reflections, or artifacts, and

Rizal Avenue Extension, Batangas City, Philippines +63 43 779 - 8400 loc. 1917
Pablo Borbon Campus

drama, film making, and

writing a documentary.
8. Systematic Drama, film making, and Performance Tasks, Online
writing a documentary, and quizzes
Chapter test, short/long
quizzes, Major exams

What are your findings?

Utilizing this assessment, we as future educators must be able to track students' progress
in achieving learning standards and developing essential 21st century skills. It fosters self-
reflection and accountability for individual learning while also offering valuable insights for
evaluating our student’s performance on core competencies and standards. By integrating digital
resources, teamwork, performance-based tasks, and other methods, this method places emphasis
on important skills for our students, such as critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and
communication, which are vital for students' success in today's society. Implementing this
approach poses a stimulating challenge for us as educators, requiring them to unleash our creativity
and ingenuity in crafting and delivering impactful and interactive assessments.

What are your recommendations?

As I envision my role as a social studies educator in the future, I believe it is crucial
to incorporate a diverse range of assessment tools and tactics to foster the development of essential
competencies and transferrable skills among students. I propose utilizing digital portfolios,
performance tasks, adaptive testing, and game-based assessments to effectively measure and
support their growth. My aim is to align these assessment methods with specific learning objectives
and outcomes, utilizing rubrics, checklists, and self-assessment tools to clearly define expectations
and standards. Additionally, providing timely and impactful feedback to students on their progress,
while highlighting their strengths and areas for improvement, will be essential. I also encourage
students to reflect on their learning journey and choices, fostering a deeper understanding and
ownership of their educational experiences. My approach includes involving students in the
creation and evaluation of assessment tasks, promoting their autonomy and investment in their
academic growth. Additionally, I will use assessment data to enhance instructional strategies and
assess the success of our assessment policies and programs.

Rizal Avenue Extension, Batangas City, Philippines +63 43 779 - 8400 loc. 1917

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