Activity 2 - Assessment and Evaluation in Social Sciences

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Pablo Borbon Campus

De Chavez, Mark Jayson P. SSEd 323- Assessment and Evaluation in Social Sciences
BSED-SSTU-3201 Activity 2

Come up with necessary assessment actions for the following situations. Provide detailed
solution/decision/set of actions for different phases (before, during and after) using the template

1. Preparation of detailed lesson plan for demonstration teaching.

Phase Decision/Solution/Action Sources of

Before As a future teacher, I plan my lessons with clear goals, Lesson Plan for demo
objectives, and outcomes that suit my students’ needs and - Sample Detailed
interests. I choose a relevant topic and skill for my grade level Lesson Plan in
and subject. I prepare all the materials and resources I need to English for Teaching
teach the skill and concept effectively. I also sequence the Demonstration
learning activities logically, from introduction to conclusion, (Grade 7) - Studocu
with appropriate practice and assessment. My detailed lesson
plan guides me and my students to achieve the desired
During I will start the lesson by activating my students’ interest and How to Make an
prior knowledge. I will state the learning objectives and Integrated Skills
assessment methods. I will teach the skill or concept using Lesson Plan - Twinkl
clear language, gestures, and examples. I will check for
understanding and provide guided practice with scaffolding
techniques. I will monitor and support their learning. I will let
them practice the skill or concept independently or in groups.
I will differentiate and challenge them. I will encourage them
to use their new knowledge in real-life contexts. I will end the
lesson by reviewing key points and objectives. I will ask them
to reflect and give feedback. I will praise their achievements
and suggest areas for improvement.
After I evaluate my students’ learning and growth using various Authentic assessment
methods. I assess them with rubrics or checklists and give them Lesson plan and
feedback. I record their progress. I ask myself key questions to Micro-teaching
evaluate my teaching. I identify the strengths and weaknesses demonstration
of my lesson. I address challenges and plan for improvement. (
I seek feedback from others on my lesson. I plan my next steps
and follow-up actions. I find problems or opportunities and
design solutions or extensions. I set new goals and strategies
for my professional development.

2. Inter-class competition in Social Studies that requires representatives from each class.

Phase Decision/Solution/Action Sources of

Before To create a successful competition, I choose a theme and Best 2024
format that match the curriculum, interests, and abilities of my Competitions for
students. I use clear and specific standards and learning Students in Grades K-
objectives to design the evaluation criteria and rubric. I ensure 12
fairness and transparency among all classes and judges. I select (
representatives from each class using different methods, or
based on their skills, interests, or perspectives. I consider the
team size and composition according to the competition

Rizal Avenue Extension, Batangas City, Philippines +63 43 779 - 8400 loc. 1917
Pablo Borbon Campus

format. I prepare my students by giving them resources,

guidance, examples, tips, and feedback. I encourage them to
cooperate and collaborate with their team members.
During To prepare for the competition, I will set up the venue and EJ1230312.pdf
equipment to meet the event’s needs. I will decorate the area (
with colorful signs to create a lively mood. I will explain the
rules and procedures to the students, judges, and audience,
including the theme, format, criteria, rubric, and schedule. I
will also remind them of the proper etiquette and values. If I
am the coordinator, I will lead the activities and assessments
and engage the students in various tasks, challenges, and
questions. I will watch their progress and performance and ask
judges, experts, or guests to give feedback. I will announce the
results, rankings, and awards and praise the students’ work and
achievements. I will also ask the students to reflect on their
learning and experiences.
After As the organizer of the competition, I would collect and Social Identity and
analyze all information, feedback, and evidence to assess the Intergroup
students’ performance and the event’s quality and impact. I Competition | The
would share the results and lessons with the students, parents, Oxford Handbook of
school, and community, and thank everyone for their support the Psychology of
and involvement. I would also plan for the next steps and Competition | Oxford
improvements for the event and the students’ learning. Academic

Inter and Intra class

competitions –
Manav Sthali Global

3. Preparing the class for a debate.

Phase Decision/Solution/Action Sources of

Before To choose a topic for your class debate, consider these factors: Microsoft Word -
relevance, debatability, and clarity. You can pick a topic or ask Want to Facilitate a
your students for ideas. Then, create a proposition that states a Debate in Your
specific position. For example, “Social media does more harm Class.docx
than good”. Split your class into two teams - one for and one (
against the proposition. Assign or let students choose roles
within each team. Give them guidelines and criteria for the Five steps for
debate, such as time, structure, sources, and evaluation. Allow preparing a debate
enough time for research and preparation, using credible and with a class – Noisy
diverse evidence. Help them improve their speeches and Classroom
rebuttals, using persuasive and logical language, and effective
rhetorical techniques.
During I organize the seating and introduce the debate topic and rules. Classroom Debates |
I appoint a moderator to keep track of time and order. Each Center for Innovative
team presents their arguments and rebuttals, supported by Teaching and
evidence and reasoning. Each team also asks and answers Learning | Northern
questions from their opponents. One member from each team Illinois University
summarizes the debate, highlighting their strengths and (
weaknesses. This makes the debate interactive and informative
for everyone.
After I ask the audience to vote for the best team based on the 5 Useful Tips For
criteria. I give feedback and tips to each team and speaker. I Conducting A

Rizal Avenue Extension, Batangas City, Philippines +63 43 779 - 8400 loc. 1917
Pablo Borbon Campus

lead a class discussion about the debate topic, arguments, Successful

evidence, skills, and experience. I assign a reflection paper or Classroom Debate |
journal entry for my students to share their views and thoughts. Games4esl
This promotes reflection and critical thinking.

4. Preparing for a parent-teacher meeting/consultation to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of

the students in Social Studies.

Phase Decision/Solution/Action Sources of

Before Before I enter a parent-teacher conference, I ensure that I am How to Prepare for a
well-versed in my school or school district's expectations for Parent-Teacher
progress reports, grading procedures, and other forms of Conference (2024)
student assessment. Having this knowledge allows me to (
seamlessly navigate through the meeting with the help of the m)
report card or progress report as a starting point for discussion.
Understanding how this data will be utilized to tailor instruction Parent–Teacher
for my students is crucial to providing a meaningful and Conferences: Tips for
productive conversation. When I thoroughly prepare all Teachers (for
necessary materials prior to the conference, it greatly alleviates Parents) - Nemours
my anxiety upon the arrival of the parents at my classroom KidsHealth
door. An important aspect of this preparation includes having
access to samples of your child's work for easy reference during
our discussion. Additionally, using helpful tools such as rubrics
and teacher guides that clearly outline the expectations for their
grade level can be extremely beneficial. To ensure that parents
are also prepared for our conference, I make a point to create
an organized agenda and send it to my parents’ students
beforehand. This way, you are fully informed and can prepare
for any questions or concerns you may have. Lastly, I inspire
my students to fully engage in their learning and participate in
parent-teacher conferences by providing them with enticing
incentives, such as extra credit, a homework pass, or a special
reward. Additionally, I encourage them to join us for a portion
of the meeting to showcase their progress and
accomplishments, reinforcing the idea that both parents and I
are partners in the education of the students.
During As I welcome the parents to the meeting, I make sure to express Free Conference
my sincere gratitude for their valuable time and genuine Sheets for Teachers:
interest. As we start discussing their child's progress, I take a Your Ultimate
moment to highlight a positive aspect—whether it be a Resource
compliment, an improvement, or a strength—that I've noticed (happyteachermama.
in their child. This fosters a strong sense of connection and trust com)
between us, setting the stage for a productive and meaningful
conversation. As we review their child's growth and obstacles, 8 Tips for a
I warmly welcome the thoughts, inquiries, or worries of the Productive Parent-
parents. I actively and genuinely listen, valuing their emotions Teacher Conference
and viewpoints. My goal is to comprehend their perspective and (
refrain from being confrontational or dismissive. Our
collaboration results in actionable steps and strategies to
support their child's development and aspirations. For this, I
will collaborate with parents’ students to develop personalized
strategies for their child's learning. These may include options
such as tutoring, mentoring, additional practice opportunities,
or engaging enrichment activities. Together, we will establish

Rizal Avenue Extension, Batangas City, Philippines +63 43 779 - 8400 loc. 1917
Pablo Borbon Campus

strong communication to effectively track their child's

After As the conference draws to a close, ensure that all the important How to Prepare for a
takeaways and action items have been captured. Inquire with Parent Teacher
the parents for any clarifications or thoughts they may have Conference - The
before thanking them for their valuable time and active Edvocate
participation. Finally, share your unwavering belief in the (
student's success and convey a sense of optimism for their
journey ahead.

5. Class preparation for United Nations Day Celebration.

Phase Decision/Solution/Action Sources of

Before As the organizer of the UN Day celebration in a class, I am United Nations Day
responsible for deciding on the objectives and theme that will Lessons | Education
engage and captivate my students. My focus may revolve World
around a specific UN agency, such as UNICEF or UNESCO,
or address a pressing global issue, such as climate change or
human rights. One potential approach is to align my theme
with the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals, bold targets
aimed at eliminating poverty, preserving our planet, and
promoting universal prosperity by 2030. To ensure an accurate
and well-informed presentation, I thoroughly research and
collect information and resources on my selected topic.
Utilizing various credible sources, including the official UN
website, news articles, books, documentaries, and podcasts, I
am able to craft a compelling and comprehensive program for
the occasion. I am constantly creating and curating engaging
activities and materials for my students. Depending on their
age and level, I strategically incorporate a variety of interactive
options, ranging from quizzes and games to debates,
simulations, and role-plays, to keep their learning experience
dynamic and diversified. I actively seek out opportunities to
bring in guest speakers, including UN representatives, experts,
and activists, who can enrich my students' understanding with
their valuable insights and real-world experiences. By
maintaining open communication with my colleagues, school
administration, and parents, I ensure that my teaching aligns
with school standards and goals. I also love collaborating with
fellow educators and different departments to create cross-
curricular or interdisciplinary projects, pushing the boundaries
of traditional classroom learning. My dedication to keeping
everyone informed and involved has led me to regularly seek
support and feedback from school leaders and parents, making
sure that my efforts continue to positively impact my students.
During As I prepare to celebrate UN Day with my students, I United Nations Day
enthusiastically introduce and elaborate on the significance History and Activities
and theme of this event. To enhance their understanding, I Printable (6th - 12th
might incorporate a captivating video or an impactful song Grade) - TeacherVision
related to our topic. In addition, I may choose to refresh their
knowledge on fundamental facts and the history of the UN and United Nations Day:
its influential role in global affairs. To set the stage for our Why We Celebrate It
commemoration, I transform my classroom or even our entire (
school with an array of UN symbols, flags, posters, and

Rizal Avenue Extension, Batangas City, Philippines +63 43 779 - 8400 loc. 1917
Pablo Borbon Campus

banners. This immersive atmosphere helps to ignite

excitement and a sense of unity for this important occasion.
Also, as a future teacher, I am responsible for overseeing and
facilitating the activities and materials I have thoughtfully
prepared for my students. Utilizing various strategies, I strive
to engage my students by assigning group or partner tasks that
effectively cater to their interests and learning styles.
Furthermore, I closely monitor and guide their progress and
participation, providing valuable feedback and reinforcement
along the way. As the UN Day celebration draws to a close, I
reflect on the event with my students, encouraging them to
express their thoughts, emotions, and questions on the subject.
Additionally, I encourage them to evaluate their own and their
peers' performance and learning outcomes. To show my
appreciation, I extend thanks to any guest speakers and
commend my students for their active involvement and
After I take great pleasure in gathering and arranging various United Nations Day -
elements from my UN Day event, encompassing quizzes, Wikipedia
games, debates, simulations, role-plays, presentations, posters,
and more. As a part of this process, I may choose to showcase
a few of these artifacts in my classroom or school, or even
share them with a wider online audience or neighboring
schools and communities. It's possible that I may also utilize
certain items as proof or evaluation of my students' progress
and accomplishments. To enhance and expand upon my
students' UN Day celebration, I diligently follow up by
assigning relevant homework and projects. Additionally, I
urge them to take action and become involved in the important
issues they have been exposed to. In order to fully immerse my
students in the subject matter, I provide them with additional
resources and opportunities to delve deeper into the work of
the United Nations. As a responsible educator, I thoroughly
reflect on and assess the success of my UN Day festivities.
This includes an honest assessment of my own skills and areas
for growth as a planner and facilitator. Furthermore, I actively
seek out feedback and suggestions from students, colleagues,
school leaders, and parents to continually improve and refine
future events. As a passionate advocate for promoting global
awareness and understanding, I also make a concerted effort
to document and share my experiences and effective strategies
with fellow educators.

Rizal Avenue Extension, Batangas City, Philippines +63 43 779 - 8400 loc. 1917

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