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NATURE AND ELEMENTS OF COMMUNICATION  Means it is a step-by-step activity

FUNDEMENTALS OF COMMUNICATION and it is essentially a two-way

Communication: process that involves the active
participation of both the sender and
- Communication is from the Latin word receiver. It is the act or process of
“communicare” which means “to impart” using words, sounds, signs, or
- Communication is defined as an act or behaviors to express or exchange
process of imparting and sharing information or to express your ideas,
information between people in order to thoughts, feelings, etc., to someone
express desires, needs, aspirations, dreams, else.
goals, ideas, thoughts, and all various kinds  It is a complex process too. By
of information. complex process, it means, one
message may be interpreted in
List of definitions and concepts of many ways by different people.
communication from varied sources:
2. Communication is much more of an ART
 Schramm states communication is than a science.
“a tool that makes societies possible
and distinguishes humans from  There is no right or wrong way to
other societies.” (we need communicate – no set of absolute
communication in our daily lives to rules to be followed but there are
live In a society) underlying principles to guide us
 Berelson and Steiner define into effective communication.
communication as “the transmission 3. Communication has a sender and
of information, ideas, and emotions, receiver
skills through the use of symbols,
words, pictures, figures and graphs.  Communication occurs between two
 Rogers states that “communication or more people acting as the
is the process of transmitting ideas, speaker or the receiver of the
information, and attitudes from the message. In other words, it is a two-
source to a receiver for the purpose way process of reaching mutual
of influencing with intent.” (merong understanding.
intention) 4. Communication is verbal or non-verbal
 Kar visions communication as “all
those planned or unplanned  Communication can be expressed
processes through which one person through written or spoken words
influences the behavior of others. (verbal) or actions (non-verbal) of
both spoken words and nonverbal
Nature of Communication: actions at the same time.
1. Communication is a process 5. Communication is inevitable
 Inevitability means communication The natural flow of the communication
is taking place even when someone process:
does not want or intend to
communicate. This “does not want
to communicate” feeling of
someone actually does
communicate something. What does
this mean? It simply means that you
cannot avoid communicating.
9 Elements of Communication:
6. Communication is irreversible
Communication is divided into elements
 This means that what you have said which help us better understand its
can never be unsaid. Irreversibility mechanics or process.
happens the very minute you click
the “OK” button for a comment or  Speaker/Sender - the source of
post on your social media and that it information or message.
would be too late to take it back  Message - the information, ideas, or
when a lot of people have already thoughts conveyed by the speaker in
reacted, and commented to it. words or in actions.
 Encoding - the process of converting
7. Communication is unrepeatable the message into words, actions, or
 Unrepeatability means that an act of other forms that the speaker
communication can never be understands.
duplicated. We may say the same  Channel - the medium or the means,
thing over and over again but the such as personal or non-personal,
effect of what you said the second verbal or non-verbal, in which the
or third or fourth time will not be encoded message is conveyed.
the same as the first time you said it.  Decoding - the process of
interpreting the encoded message of
Five commonalities for successful the speaker by the receiver
communication:  Receiver - the recipient of the
 Knowledge message, or someone who decodes
 Experience the message.
 Language  Feedback - the reactions, responses,
 Culture or information provided by the
 Interest receiver.
 Context - the environment where
communication takes place.
 Barrier/Noise - the factors that
affect the flow of communication
Five Functions of Communication:
These are control, social interaction,
motivation, emotional expression, and
information dissemination.

 Regulation/Control -
Communication functions to
regulate/control behaviour.
 Social interaction - Communication
allows individuals to interact with
 Motivation - Communication
motivates or encourages people to
live better.
 Emotional Expression -
Communication facilitates people’s
expression of their feelings and
 Information - Communication
functions to convey information.

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