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How can you protect yourself from disease that can be acquired from the

There are many ways where we can protect ourselves from diseases and prevent such
germs and infectious diseases from spreading. We can help to lessen the risk of spreading
the diseases through starting an action from ourselves. These actions may be small and
simple but it can help to save lives, as well as to prevent people from having harmful and
infectious diseases.
For me, one of them is by simply washing my hands more often (rubbing them for at
least 20 seconds) because it is a key strategy for preventing the spread of infectious
diseases and other forms of sickness that could possibly harm not only my health but the
health of others as well. It is particularly important before, during, and after preparing food,
as well as after using the toilet. It ensures that harmful pathogens (such as bacteria, viruses,
fungi, or parasites) are not spread from sources that are likely to harbor these pathogens to
other areas and food. If I am outside our home, I always use alcohol (at least 60% alcohol
content) in cleaning my hand and to disinfect any surfaces that we could have contact with.
It can help to reduce the risk of getting sick for both children and adults and to prevent the
spread of germs and diseases.
It is also very important to protect ourselves and have our family members immunized
on time. Immunization can protect not only myself but also the infants and children from
serious illnesses that may result in permanent disability or death. That is why during this
global pandemic, I made sure that I was vaccinated so that I could minimize the possible risk
that may impose not just on my health but also the health of my family members. Health is
indeed our wealth.
Another way that I could do it is by handling the food safely because our food can
contain pathogens. Whenever I prepare any food, especially raw meat, I always make sure
to separate it from any food such as fruits and vegetables that might get touched into it,
because meat can hold bacteria especially if it is not cleaned yet. I also make sure that foods
should be properly heated before eating. This is for us to at least lessen the bacteria that
was left in the food for letting it seat on the fridge in a day or two.
If I am with my friends or any family members, I separate my own utensils, food, drinks,
and other personal items. This is for me to ensure that my health and their health wouldn't
be at risk especially that there will be a possible transmission of an infection or disease. I
also wanted to make sure that when we got out together, none of us are not feeling well or
has cough or cold, so that we could avoid the germs to pass through from one person to
Another is by keeping my home neat and orderly by practicing regular cleaning and
disinfecting, which both help prevent infection. Regularly clean frequently-touched
surfaces, like tables, doorknobs, light switches, handles, desks, toilets, faucets, and sinks. I
also disinfect our utensils every night after using them with hot water as well as the sponge
that I have used for cleaning them.
Lastly, by not going out when I am not feeling well. Because when I go out there is a big
tendency that I would be a carrier of a disease that would be contagious for other people.
This can possibly spread not just for one person, but also for other people that they may
have contact with as well.
That is why we should put our health a top priority, we should not compromise the
quality of our lives. We should also take good care of the wellbeing of the people around us.
This could not only help us to avoid any harm or risks in our health but also for the lives of
the people around us.

2. Make a reflection paper on the statement, "The greatest health risks come from poverty,
gender and lifestyle choices".

"The greatest health risks come from poverty, gender and lifestyle choices".

The statement above is indeed true, there are tons of reasons for making our health at
risk but the most common reasons that put our health in harm and danger are poverty, gender,
and lifestyle choices. These are the possible choices that compromises our health and increases
the risk that could damage our healthy living.

First is Poverty, for it affects our health by having limited access to proper nutrition and
healthy foods; shelter; safe neighborhoods to learn, live, and work; clean air and water; utilities;
and other elements that define an individual's standard of living. Poverty increases the chances
of poor health. Poor health, in turn, traps communities in poverty. Infectious diseases and
illness kill and weaken millions of the poorest and most vulnerable people. Especially the
transmission of respiratory infections like pneumonia and airborne diseases like tuberculosis
can be facilitated by overcrowding and unsanitary living conditions. Most people living in
poverty are being deprived of the health care facilities, where some of them cannot afford to
get hospitalized in bigger hospitals. That is why they usually die early due to the fact that their
sickness or diseases weren't able to be cured right away. People living along the slums or
squatters have a greater percentage of having health risks such as chronic non-communicable
and communicable diseases like hypertension, diabetes, intentional and unintentional injuries,
tuberculosis, rheumatic heart disease, and HIV infection are recognized to exist amongst them.
As well as the diseases that include cholera, measles, malaria, dengue, typhoid, drug resistant
tuberculosis, and other epidemics. The reason behind this is that most slums are overcrowded,
lack access to appropriate utilities, such as safe drinking-water and sanitation, and are subject
to insecure tenure.

Second is gender. According to a study, women have a significantly higher frequency of

depression and anxiety in adulthood, while men have a larger prevalence of substance use
disorders and antisocial behaviors. Women also have a higher prevalence of depression and
anxiety disorders due to genetic and biological factors. On the other hand, a study also shows
that men are more likely to have heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, whereas women are more
likely to have arthritis and depression. That is why men tend to die younger than women,
because they are more burdened by illness during life. They fall ill at a younger age and have
more chronic illnesses than women. On the other hand, men have a lower life span than
women, the reason behind this is that men tend to underestimate risk, suppress emotions and
be more impulsive and sensation-seeking. They take more frequent and more dangerous risks.
Hormonal differences may make men more prone to taking risks. An example of this is when a
man becomes alcoholic, uses cigarettes, or does any forms of destructive behaviors where
these actions become their outlet or their way out of their problems. Men cannot handle stress
unlike how women can, that is why the lifespan of men tends to become shorter than women.
Adding to this matter is the issue regarding HIV and Aids which it is said to be prevalent when it
comes to man and man sexual intercourse, which most men get HIV through sexual contact,
especially anal sex. Anal sex is the riskiest type of sex for getting or transmitting HIV. Receptive
anal sex is 13 times as risky for getting HIV as insertive anal sex. That is why it is recommended
to use protection during sexual intercourse for it helps people to prevent from having
transmissible infections. This could not only save the life of that certain person, but his/her
family as well.

Third is lifestyle choices, such as the use of tobacco and alcohol, diet and physical
activity are closely associated with myriad chronic health conditions such as cancer, diabetes,
obesity and cardiovascular disease. If we continuously eat sugary and salty foods, processed
foods and raw foods, it can lead to obesity and might bring additional health risks for high
blood pressure and diabetes. And, individuals who are obese or overweight have a significantly
higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease. The food we eat greatly affects our health that
is why it is important to eat food that would give our bodies enough nutrients, vitamins, and
minerals, in order to attain a healthy lifestyle. We should also exercise daily in order to maintain
not just our body fit but also for us to be physically active. This can improve our brain, health,
help manage weight, reduce the risk of disease, strengthen bones and muscles, and improve
your ability to do everyday activities. Eating smart and being active have similar effects on our
health. These include the risk of having chronic diseases, heart disease, high blood pressure,
stroke, and some cancers and associated disabilities. Prevent weight gain and/or promote
weight loss. That is why it is important for us to have a balanced diet and nutrition, so that we
wouldn’t compromise the health we have, especially when we really love eating various foods
with lots of sugar, preservatives and many others. This is also the reason behind why men and
women nowadays have shorter life spans than the previous generations, because we tend to
intake many preservatives rather than eating healthy and nutritious food. We sometimes prefer
eating pizza, burgers, and fries instead of salad, fruits or vegetables. On the other hand, when
we eat too much sugar, we could possibly get diabetes from it. Or when they eat so much fatty
foods or carbohydrates we can gain weight, become obese or, might have a high blood
pressure. Proper diet and nutrition is the only way for us to prevent these kinds of diseases.

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