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Detailed Lesson Plan

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, 80% of the students are expected to;
a) Grasp an understanding of the Epic and Buddhist Age (500 B.C.–A.D.).
b) Appreciate the cultural and literary significance of the Mahabharata and
c) Analyze the historical context and societal impacts of the Maurya Empire
(322–230 B.C.)
d) Examine the influence of the Gupta Dynasty (320–467 B.C.)
II. Subject Matter
Topic: "Epic and Buddhist Age"
Reference: "Epic and Buddhist Age (500 B.C.–A.D.)"
Materials: Visual Aids, PowerPoint Presentation, Books, Pictures


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer
Everyone please stand-up for our prayer, Our Father, Who art in heaven,
Miss Viola, you may lead the prayer. Hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy Will be done,
on earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. Amen.

2. Greetings
Good morning class. Good morning Ma’am.

Take your seat.

How are you today? Feeling great ma’am.

3. Checking of the attendance

Who is absent today? None ma’am. All of us are present.
Ok, very good.
Do you have an assignment? None ma’am.

Okay! Let’s proceed to our topic.

Please read our learning objectives for (Reading the learning objectives)

4. Review
What was our last topic? Our last topic was all about the Indian
Okay very good, the last topic we have
discussed is all about the Indian
B. Motivation
I have here some scrambled letters. I Yes, ma’am.
want you to form them into words. Is it
(Distributes the scrambled letters) (Students answered every scrambled

Now, our topic is still connected to

Literary Periods.

C. Lesson Proper
Our topic for today is about the Epic
and Buddhist Age

Does anyone know about this topic? (Students raised their hands)

Okay, Klinelle what is your answer? “The Epic and Buddhist Age refers to a
historical period in ancient South Asian
civilizations, spanning approximately
from 500 B.C. to A.D.”
Okay very good.

The Epic and Buddhist Age, spanning

from 500 B.C. to A.D., is a remarkable
period in ancient South Asian history (Students listen attentively)
characterized by the composition of two
monumental epics, the Mahabharata and
the Ramayana. This era also witnessed
the flourishing of later Vedic literature,
the emergence of new Sanskrit works,
and the development of Buddhist
literature in Pali, with the Dhammapada
likely composed during this time.

Anyone knows what is Budhism? Mrs.

Niña Balbuena? (Niña answered)
“Buddhism encompasses various
traditions and schools, including
Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana,
each with its own interpretations and
Thank you!

Notably, the Maurya Empire, ruled by

Ashoka from 322 to 230 B.C., played a
pivotal role. Despite the prevalent
warfare and iron-fisted rule of the period,
Ashoka promoted Buddhism and
advocated for values like goodness,
nonviolence, and righteousness. This
contrasted with the historical context,
showcasing a unique blend of political
power and spiritual influence.

Following the Maurya Empire, the Gupta

Dynasty (320-467 B.C.) emerged as a
significant political force. During this
period, Hinduism reached a zenith,
flourishing in both cultural and artistic
expressions. The Epic and Buddhist Age
thus stands as a captivating epoch,
marked by the creation of timeless epics,
the growth of diverse literary traditions,
and the dynamic interplay of political and
religious forces in ancient South Asia.
“Excuse me ma’am”.
Yes, Jay?
I just want to ask if Buddhism originated
in India?

Yes, It originated in ancient India and has

since spread to various parts of the world.
Okay? Okay, ma’am.

Next, we delve into the profound wisdom

and literary brilliance encapsulated in the
Mahabharata, a timeless epic traditionally
attributed to the sage Vyasa. Comprising
almost 100,000 couplets divided into 18
sections or parvans, this epic unfolds the
gripping narrative of the struggle for (Students listen attentively)
supremacy between two groups of
cousins, the Kauravas and the Pandavas,
set in the distant past around 3102 BC.

At its core, the Mahabharata is not just a

tale of conflict but serves as a
comprehensive exposition on dharma, the
codes of conduct that guide individuals in
various aspects of life. It provides
insights into the proper conduct of a king,
a warrior, a person facing adversity, and
even someone seeking emancipation from
the cycle of rebirth.

Are you still listening to the discussion? (Students answered in chorus)

Yes ma’am.

Within the Mahabharata lies a gem, the

Bhagavad Gita, often referred to as "The
Blessed Lord's Song." Positioned within
Book IV, this scripture is considered one
of the greatest and most beautiful in
Hinduism, akin to the reverence with
which Christians hold their Gospels. The
Bhagavad Gita takes the form of a
dialogue between Prince Arjuna and his
charioteer, Krishna, who is not only a
friend but also an earthly incarnation of
the god Vishnu. This dialogue delves into
profound philosophical and ethical
teachings, offering guidance on duty,
righteousness, and the path to spiritual

As we explore these literary treasures, let

us appreciate the layers of wisdom
embedded in the Mahabharata and the
Bhagavad Gita, understanding their
significance in shaping the cultural and
spiritual landscape of ancient and
contemporary Hindu thought.

E. Generalization
“In the Epic and Buddhist Age (500
B.C.–A.D.), the Mahabharata and
Ramayana shaped literature. The Maurya
Empire under Ashoka embraced
Buddhism, while the Gupta Dynasty saw
Hinduism flourish. Credited to Vyasa, the
Mahabharata explores dharma, and its
Bhagavad Gita imparts profound insights.
Valmiki's Ramayana reflects Hindu
values, both embodying enduring
philosophical teachings on duty and

F. Application
Performance Task.
Group yourselves into 5. Each group will
make an explanation about your OWN
understanding about the discussion we
have. After answering, recite your
answers in your group. There is no wrong
answer since I want you to make an
explanation from your own perspective.
Okay? Yes, ma’am. Okay ma’am.

Very good you may start now.

(10 minutes had passed and I asked them (Each group explain their answers well.
to recite their answers.) They all recites and all of them
IV. Evaluation

Answer the following questions.

1. What historical period is known as the Epic and Buddhist Age, and what
significant literary works were composed during this time?
2. How did the Maurya Empire, under Ashoka's rule, contribute to the promotion of
Buddhism despite the prevailing context of warfare?
3. In what ways did the Gupta Dynasty impact the cultural and artistic landscape
during its reign in the Epic and Buddhist Age?
4. Who is traditionally credited with the composition of the Mahabharata, and what
themes does this epic explore, particularly in terms of dharma?
5. Explain the significance of the Bhagavad Gita within the Mahabharata, and what
insights does it provide into the principles of life and self-realization?

V. Assignment
Essay, the score refers to your explanation.
1. In your paper. Research and write the significance of the Epic and Buddhist Age
to today’s generation. (Each answer is equivalent to 10 points)

Prepared by:

Hermilyn T. Balbuena

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