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Steps to success:
Step 1: Read through the entire document, with each of the six (6) tabs across the bottom
Step 2: Press Control+F and replace all {Company} with your organisations name (there a 6 in the document)
Step 4:
Step 3: Complete
Complete the
the 'Company
'Company Overview'
Conditionstab under the guidance
of Tendering' tab underofthe theguidance
RFP notes
of -the
ensure to addthis
RFP notes, youriscompany logo
the section to in the
project team members. If you wish to split the document up, this is the tab to export and create in an alternate document su
Step 6:
Step 5: Ensure
Ensure tab
tab 'LMS
'LMS Provider
collects allInformation' collects
the information thatall
to makethat
anyou requiredecision.
informed to makeIn anthis
documen de
to your feature requirements
Step 7: On the 'LMS Features' tab, add from the drop-down menu on the column titled 'Importance to {Company}' the level o
Step 8: Ensure tab 'LMS Technical Specification' collects all the information that you require to make an informed decision
Step 9: On the 'LMS Technical Specifications' tab, add from the drop-down menu on the column titled 'Importance to {Compa
Step 10: Ensure tab 'LMS Pricing Guide' collects all the information that you require to make an informed decision on the pric
Step 11: Have the tender team proofread this document
Add Company Logo Here

Company Overview

Our Vision

Our Values




Insert here your company overview

Insert here your company vision

Insert here your company values

Insert here the defined objectives for the project, including the purpose/s you want an LMS for (think career development, com
attrition etc)

Insert here scope, including elements such as number of sites/facilities, anticipated number of learners, future potential user g

Insert here the structure of the RFP. Each step is outlined across each tab to the right of this one

Insert here your RFP process, including each step/milestone and project date for each. This section works well in both written
Add Company Logo Here

{Company} Information
Tender Reference Number
General Conditions of RFP
Submission of Conforming Response
Intent to Respond
Retention of the Tender
Third Party Involvement
Period of Validity
Discussion of Tender Offers
Term of Contract
Verbal Representation
No commitment
Lodgement of Tenders
Anticipated Commencement Date
Late Tenders
Binding Conditions of Tender
Alterations, Deletions or Illegibility
Non-complying Tender
Alternative Tender
No Contract or Undertaking
Disclosure of Information
Variation of the Services
Tenderer's Risk
Evaluation Process
Tender Presentations
Post Tender Negotiations
Acceptance of Tender
No right of recourse
Evaluation Criteria
Insert here a list of the RFP definitions so vendors are clear on the context, especially with acronyms. For a public list of exam
Insert here trading name, ABN, ACN, primary address
Your unique
Insert tender
here the reference
conditions you number in line
set as part withtender
of your internal processes
process, including, but not limited to, elements such as who is bound
deemed to be a success
Insert here your process for issuing addendums
Insert here your submission rules
Insert here the date by which submitters must confirm their intent to participate
Insert here the rules on who owns the information once submitted
Insert here the primary tender contact for vendors
Insert here your confidentiality rules for participation
Insert here your rules on third party involvement/sub-contracting
Insert here how long the tender will remain valid. NB: A standard timeframe is 120 days
Insert here your primary communication methods with respondents
Insert here any steps post submission for discussions and/or clarification with individual organisations
If using the RFP template document in it is fullest, clarify the pricing schedule tab on the right, if not, insert here how the pricin
Insert here
Insert here clarification
the term of contract, specifying
on any verbal if it is a limited
communication madeterm project or initial
by {Company} pilot. If ongoing,
representatives and thethis can vary
meaning of from a 12 mon
this related to
participant expectations
Insert here protection for yourself that you are not bound to accept any individual response, this protects from a changing eco
Insert here how tenders are to be submitted
Insert here the start date, noting this can only be once contracts are signed. Ensure you allow adequate time for IT, data, secu
Insert here rules on late submissions
Insert here your tender binding conditions
Insert here rules on changes that can or cannot be made
Insert here your position and steps when a tender does not comply
Insert here your position on alternative tenders. Ask the submitter to expressively state how it is still in accordance with the ru
Insert here your position on this RFT being an undertaking and not a valid contract
Insert here your position on information disclosure, i.e. what can or cannot be made public
Insert here how {Company} may make changes at your discretion
Insert here clarity of the risk the vendor is taking in submitting
Insert here the defined evaluation process you have
Insert here the shortlisting and presentation steps you have in place
Insert here what steps could be in place for post tender negotiations
Insert here the contract execution process once a vendor is selected
Insert here
Insert here the
the conditions
legal rightsyou
for set
submitters to your
as part of challenge
tendera process,
decision including, but not limited to, elements such as who is bound
deemed to be a success
Vendor name
Vendor address
Primary contact name
Primary contact job title
Contact telephone number
Contact mobile phone number
Contact email

Product name
Product summary description
Year product first released
Latest release version number and date
What other products and services are you able to provide

Approx number of customers

Profile ofcustomer
Existing typical customers
reference(size and industries)
#1 (Customer name. Contact name,
Existing phone number, email
reference #2 address
(Customer name. Contact name,
position, phone number,
Existing customer email
reference #3 address
(Customer name. Contact name,
position, phone number, email address
Vendor Response

About the solution

Audit to audit: logins, login failures, record adaptations date created, created by, date modified, modified by,
date deleted, deleted by (deleted records not to be physically deleted)
Track all emails sent, created and stored
Competency Management
Create competencies including training/assessments/licenses with appropriate evidence requirements
Competency groupings around specific frameworks
Ability to assign skill pathways or assign core competencies using our workflows
Ability to have eligibility periods assigned to competencies, with systems alerts in place
Multiple assigning of competencies to various frameworks
Employee visibility
Employee visibility of
of attained
attained competencies
competencies (including
in relation mobile friendly version)
to requirements for specific job roles (including mobile
friendly version)
Employee capability to self-record competencies (including mobile friendly version)
Employee capability to attach document of proof to self-record competencies
Manager ability
Assessor ability to
to conduct
confirm employee self-record correct
employee competencies (including
assessments onmobile friendly
platform version)
(including mobile friendly
Manager ability to review/comment/approve employment development actions
Ability for a manager to provide learner feedback
Ability to search for key skills/qualifications/capabilities
Competency expiration alerts for all stakeholders
Manager and assessor competency framework edits
Assessor access
Manager must be toable
to viewmonitoring timelines
a list of their team for employees
members, and competencies
examine each team member's training history,
competencies and qualifications.
Content Management
Capacity to provide blended learning environment
LMS supports import of courses compliant with SCORM
Backward compatible courses where the content resides on another vendor or supplier services
Course development
Platform to be Level AA area for in-house
compliant withdesign of training
Authoring materials Guidelines (ATAG) 2.0
Tool Accessibility
Unlimited development of content in all formats
Full configurability
Full, of course
non-vendor branded, codes/titles/descriptions/evaluation
customer branded communications andparameters
documentation including but not limited to
emails, reports certificates and anything vendor deems appropriate
WYSIWYG formatting
Course, assessment, test, quizzes, surveys and pre-learning full customisation
Secure course curriculum library
Assessment provisions split between mandatory/voluntary of choice of questions
Automated feedback with knowledge question
Pass assessment
measures must bepoints in a course
defined for conditional progress of employees/learners, must have predefined
outcomes included
Precourse work attached to course enrollment email, or appropriate workaround on platform from LMS
Include video, audio, images and documents at every learner touch point
Save progress book marking functionality for learners
Participant deadline assigning
User forum to discuss/record questions and issues amongst group participants
External and internal collaboration capabilities
Ability to synchronise if learner work completed offline
Ability Management
to integrate with document management system, and scope to integrate with new document
management system if we were to change provider
Ability to upload from multiple sources any document and attachments (including metadata)
User downloads of all documents and attachments generated by LMS provider
LMS integration with multiple payment providers
LMS must have tax compliance ability when accepting payments
Terms and conditions editable for cancellations and refunds
Ability to push data fields matched with financial systems so that payments can be easily reconciled
Performance & Goal Management
Configurability when setting, rating and commenting on agreed learner behaviour and objectives
Prepopulation of learner performance objectives and requirements as per organisational requirements
Manager access to complete appraisals
Predefined templates for performance appraisals in LMS
Access to approval
view andfor performance
report on the L&Dappraisal submissions
completed against performance appraisal by the learner (employee),
manager and LMS administrator.
User report builder with custom fields
Administrator reports automated with periodically defined timing as well as ability to conduct ad-hoc
Report emailing functionality to individuals and groups
Configurable dashboard. Including custom reports, graphs and charts
Report exporting capability include CSV, XLSX, HTML, DOCX and PDF
user customisation of report data
Inactive user data reporting
Training history, requalification and currency reporting for all employees
All reports available within LMS
Search functionality for learning administrator within the training records
Ability to exclude externally provided qualifications
Multi format viewing, printing and exporting of participant transcripts
Standardsto be Level AA compliant with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1, (see
Platform )
Platform to be compliant with Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) 1.1, see
The Planning
ability for an LMS Administrator to maintain information on likely successors for positions and readily
identify when no successors
The ability for an LMS are evident
Administrator to maintain information on requirements for competencies to feed into
the workforce planning process
Ability to specify career paths for positions or occupational groups based on current occupancy within company
organisational structure.
The ability to view and report on available capacity (numbers and skills) in occupational groups or organisational
units, to identify current and potential gaps
The ability for a Manager to contribute to a succession plan for a role where appropriate
The ability for a Manager to view the succession plan for a role where appropriate
Training Administration
Other roles, to be determined, may be required.
accessbe assigned
role/s by an administrator or automatically i.e. based on employee position
•• Mandatory
learning andRTO AVETMISS pathways
development fields i.e. Language,
are aggregated Cultural
in aDiversity, Disability,
predetermined orderQualifications
so that learners meet
certification/regulatory or enterprise designated development requirements
Fields should be editable to allow for staff movement
The may be foranLMS
external client/contractor
Administrators to maintainof the company
external organisations as an entity with in the LMS and assign
external users to those organisations
The to categorise
ability for a userparticipants
with elevated based on roles
access chosen participant
(e.g. parametersto switch to standard user access
LMS Administrator)
where required
Ability for LMS Administrator to assume the identity of any participant in the LMS with the approval of the
LMS should Similar
be ableto tocurrent Service Desk
use companies network functionality.
user names (employee IDs) - via active directory and single sign-
LMS Administrators should be able to assign usernames (validated for uniqueness) when manually creating
external users.
Identify user conflicts, duplicate entries based on parameters e.g., name, email address, USI to ensure
continuity of records for external non-company people.
The system should allow for and track the changes in unique ID for a person
LMS should have a dynamic link to Ascender to assess employee / contractor status.
The ability
Inactive' orto automatically
'terminated' update
users are nottraining
to be requirements when people
assessed as holders moveforfrom
of a licence the position
purported to number
position of LMS
licences held/used
All searches by should
for Users the customer
be able to search by Surname and by unique ID and display employees with name
and unique ID. Unique ID is Employee Id for employees and Unique Student Identifier (USI) for external people.
LMS Administrator
LMS Administrator has has ability
ability to
to disable a user's
apply rules LMS account
to workflows, including the ability to apply different rules for a
particular workflow based on parameters e.g. different expiry dates based on the learner's division/branch
Workflow path
Automated for notifications
emails approval andfor sign off mechanisms,
events: delegations,
e.g. enrolments, and escalations
re-enrolment, refresherswith
fortime triggers
Automated approvals, manager notification,
SMS notifications for events: e.g. reminders and overdue
enrolments, noticesrefreshers
re-enrolment, and otherfor workflow processes.
Automatic approvals, manager
emails should notification,
be able to include reminders
dynamic and overdue
content. notices and
For example, otheradvising
emails workflowtheprocesses.
location of
training should be able to supply a map appropriate to the particular venue.
Ability for system administrators to manage and edit system alerts and email notifications (with a full WYSIWYG
Ability to e.g.
embed fonts, text colour,
templates, font size)
hyperlinks, mail merge, auto recording of communication - for training and
administration users.
• Report-based workflow
• Autobulk
Allows task data
trail via form or file import (CSV or similar file formats) with one/many subjects and
one/many individuals.
Ability forfor
Provision LMS theAdministrator to access
LMS administrator the fields/parameters
to add database in read/write mode
without engaging resources external to the
The ability for a Divisional Administrator to verify competency compliance across their division
Adjustable timeout period of user LMS session. This is one timeout length for all users.
In page virtual coach/help functions available on page elements of courses and LMS
• Additionalof capturing both accredited
training/professional and non-accredited
development (that may not training programsrecorded in the LMS, including
be otherwise
conference attendances and professional memberships)
Ability to initiate reimbursements for professional memberships and supported study
Ability for
Ability to maintain and manage
LMS Administrator to atransfer
course user
online and facefrom
history to face training
original training module to a new
training module, or the ability to change training module identification codes.
Provision to set course resource requirements eg room size, equipment needs, maximum and minimum
Ability to store
including course delivery
over multiple days and details,
venues, including
for bothtime, date,and
internal location, trainer
external and/or
venues. assessor.
External venue booking
conflicts may have to be manually resolved.
Ability to store
• Trainer namestaff plus non-staff trainers' and assessors' details.
• Travel
Ability tocost
publish a course to multiple sessions on specified dates (rather than having to create/copy a course
for each session)
Ability to apply changes to a set of courses based on criteria (rather than having to amend each course
The system shall have a client specified customisable course catalogue, which can directly link to the course
The systempage.shall have a training calendar showing available courses, which can directly link to the course
Comprehensive features within the course catalogue/course descriptors for keywords, and within course
content for any word
LMS Administrator and Coordinators should have the ability to manually manage user registration, user details
and enrolments
Coordinator should have ability to manually change course details such as title and attendees, subject to the
Users shouldgovernance, including
be able to view after the
the Training eventavailable
Events was dueto tothem,
occur and obtain information including time, date,
venue, requirements, and a descriptor about the training etc, before they nominate.
As some Training Events occur in non-contiguous blocks, this should be clear to Users when nominating.
Users should
minimum to be able
of actions. to see thefor
Nominating nomination
a selectedclosing
Trainingdates forshould
Event Training Events
require no more than clicking a button,
followed by a confirmation.
Allows users to enrol in and complete individual components of a course without the requirement to complete
the whole
Ability course
for User to register for a course, triggering a workflow to obtain manager approval where necessary
before submitting through to a Booking Coordinator to complete the enrolment
The should
ability to have
issue the abilityappointments
calendar to self-enrol into
uponcourses designated
training as no approval
session registration required in standard formats
or thereafter,
e.g. automatically via Exchange, manual export in via iCal (.ics)
Ability for system administrators to monitor learning registration and course allocation
Ability for system
Managers should beadministrators
able to selecttoone override theofnumber
or more of participants
their team members, and in a course
then nominate them for a Training
down the company hierarchy. This will require integration with the HR system and
This will require integration with the HR system that has org structures thatoccupancies
has org structures and
Ability for coordinators/administrators to enrol a selected group of users or individual users into several training
events for
Ability simultaneously
coordinators/administrators to unenrol multiple or individual participants from multiple or single
training modules simultaneously
Details to show
training events training
and calendar,should
their progress learner's currentvisible
be readily and future enrolments
to all users anddetails
e.g. basic courseofprogress
the event
and the relationships between enrolment and approvals should be visible on the same screen
Users should be able to view their submitted Nominations, and be able to clearly see the status of each.
The ability for Users to cancel their enrolment in Training Events where allowed by the LMS Administrator
Facility for message to inform users of upcoming events etc, and to remain visible for a date-specified period
Provision to allow users to submit Expressions of Interest (EOI) for courses that are not yet offered
Provision of exclusion list exempting or excluding participant from enrolment in courses or training modules
courses create modules
one exclusion listofand
as part copy but
a group it towould
other still
training modules
in courses or training modules
when selected individually by name
Provision to edit any exclusion list
Option to include or exclude participants on the exclusion list in reports.
Trainer to be able to confirm attendance in system
Coordinators able to print PDF sign on/attendance sheets
Recording of completion/non completion and attendance/non attendance against participant for reporting.
Tracking of participant activity for training modules
Recording of assessment participation against participant
Record participant results for courses as well as the results for individual course units/modules.
The ability to hide the completion status of a course in the learner's view
Coordinators can track a student or group on progress, assessment progress and attendance,
Coordinators can track course enrolments, completions, fail/pass, retakes, and incomplete participation.
Workflow and their Managers
Manager can view theirfor
notifications progress alonge.g.
staff activity a training
coursepath or development
completion, plan overdue,
course failure,
level progression.
Generate customisable printable certificates for non-accredited courses in PDF.
For business purposes, Training Enrolments and results may be entered after training has occurred. Therefore,
it should be possible
communication to to
emails disable
groupsemails for such
(by course, historical
office events.
location, branch, learner profile or other parameters
including external/contractor clients)
who may be able to update some course content / schedules but not others). The LMS should be integrated
with the system
An authorised containing
person shouldthe
ablestructure toand
to design allow this. evaluation surveys, quizzes, test and assessments
to specific
Results user groupssurveys,
of evaluation or individual participants
quizzes, with reportable
test and assessments resultsuser groups or individual participants
to specific
should be recorded at individual level for reporting purposes.
Provision for participants to be anonymous or identifiable in surveys
Recording of survey
• Instruction text participation against participant
• Closing text
The ability for an LMS Coordinator to develop and input the divisional training budget
The ability
should to a Manager toso
be comprehensible review
as to the
the User training budget
help in fixing the problem, or should provide contact details of
LMS Administrators for support (error codes are not sufficient).
The abilityoftoaptitude
Inclusion configure whichresults
testing errorsand
to trigger notifications
personality profiles for LMS
– can beAdministrators
used in development discussions/MAP
Recording of participant leave to prevent participants being enrolled in training modules
Consistent for Administrators to monitor
- The Program should,progress of issuesuse
where possible, raised.
the same types of Graphical User Interface
elements for similar functions
Flexible navigation options from one part of the system to another e.g. breadcrumbs or tree menu

Importance to {Company} Vendor Response
Vendor Comments
Technical Specification Category
Technical and Support
Technical and Support
Technical and Support
Technical and Support
Technical and Support
Technical and Support
Technical and Support
Technical and Support
Integration / Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
Integration / Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
Integration / Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
Integration / Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
Integration / Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
Integration / Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
User interface language support
Technical Specification Specific Feature
Custom domain
Require HTTPS://
24/7 support
Support based in home country (eg Your company is in UK - support is based in UK)
Built in link to online Help Desk
End user customer support available (state if additional fee charged)
SEO features such as Google Analytics
Continuous updates
LMS includes plug-ins (API store - no charge to clients)
Accepts 3rd party APIs (provided by client)
Other HRIS platform - either via API, connector on the admin side or interface
Other ERP platform - either via API, connector on the admin side or interface
SharePoint - either via API, connector on the admin side or interface
Username and password authentication
Configurable password complexity rules
Configurable max retry attempts
Auto Facebook,
Live, account lockout and
Twitter, account
Google, re-enablement
Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)). Please
list individually
Supports self-registration by learners
Supports configurable domain specific self-registration by learners
Supports self-registration including email domain based restriction
Supports secure REST-based API to link to external systems
Supports self-service password retrieval for learners
Two factor authentication option available for Admin staff
Two factor authentication option available for learners
Configurable system
Configurable session roles
(e.g. global Admins, user Admins, group Admins, content
Admins, reporters, etc).
ISO 27001 Certified Company
ISO 9001 Certified Company
Information Security Registered Assessors Program (IRAP) Certified Company
Cyber Essentials Certified
Cyber Essentials Plus Certified
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliant
Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption
Can configure system wide content file type 'white-lists'
Are your content servers located in the UK. If not where
Are your user data and reporting servers located in the UK. If not where
Offers private server (state if additional fee charged)
Audit log available to Admins
Are there geographic, regional deployment options for data sovereignty purposes
Data centres have comprehensive security provision
Daily backups made
256 AES security or higher
Is the system on premises or cloud based
Are the primary data centres located in the UK. If not where
Do you
Do you have
offer averifiable
guaranteed (SLAof
records based) uptime. What
your system's is the system's
past uptime. guaranteed
What was uptime
the system's
Is thereuptime over limit
a practical the past 12 months
on how many registered users the system can support. What is
Is there a practical limit on how many active / concurrent users the system can support.
What is itsystem have its own integral Learner Record Store (LRS) which can be
Does the
harnessed for other future data integrations
Would you be able to increase the number of users if required. How
Importance to {Company} Vendor Response
Vendor Details (please specify)
Insert number of users here
Additional user cost
Additional Costs
Additional Costs
Additional Costs
Additional Costs
Additional Costs
Additional Costs
Additional Costs
Additional Costs
Additional Costs
Additional Implementation and ongoing costs
Ongoing Support and Training
Ongoing Support and Training
Ongoing Support and Training
Ongoing Support and Training
Other i.e. if there are any other typical charges not listed above. e.g. source code escrow
Cost Item/Category Year One/Implementation
LMS annual license
Additional user cost (per person)
Mobile application
Additional plug-ins and tools annual license and maintenance costs
Test/development server/environment
Staging server/environment
Hosting or SaaS service
Additional storage per terabyte
Additional bandwidth per mbps
Dedicated support contact or hosting manager
Data integration costs
Service desk
User Training
Training materials
urce code escrow


Grand Total
Grand Total (incl. GST)
Subsequent years Notes

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