SAFe Product Owner - Product Manager Workbook (6.0.1)

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SAFe Product Owner/ ®

Product Manager
Delivering Value through
Effective PI Execution



For personal use only - Camilo Cabanzo - Feb 28, 2024 (ID:005Qo000002maMeIAI)
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For personal use only - Camilo Cabanzo - Feb 28, 2024 (ID:005Qo000002maMeIAI)
For personal use only - Camilo Cabanzo - Feb 28, 2024 (ID:005Qo000002maMeIAI)
For personal use only - Camilo Cabanzo - Feb 28, 2024 (ID:005Qo000002maMeIAI)
For personal use only - Camilo Cabanzo - Feb 28, 2024 (ID:005Qo000002maMeIAI)
For personal use only - Camilo Cabanzo - Feb 28, 2024 (ID:005Qo000002maMeIAI)
For personal use only - Camilo Cabanzo - Feb 28, 2024 (ID:005Qo000002maMeIAI)
For personal use only - Camilo Cabanzo - Feb 28, 2024 (ID:005Qo000002maMeIAI)
Table of Contents
Privacy Notice ................................................................................10

Course Introduction ......................................................................11

Lesson 1 : Exploring Product Owner/Product Management

Roles and Responsibilities ............................................................13

Lesson 2 : Preparing for PI Planning .............................................39

Lesson 3 : Leading PI Planning .....................................................75

Lesson 4 : Executing Iterations .....................................................99

Lesson 5 : Executing the PI ..........................................................141

Lesson 6 : Practicing SAFe®..........................................................162

SAFe Glossary ..............................................................................167

Workbook 9 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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Privacy Notice
Your name, company, and email address will be shared with Scaled Agile, Inc. for course fulfillment,
including testing and certification. Your information will be used in accordance with the Scaled Agile
privacy policy available at

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SAFe® e
i i g t o g cti
c tio
SAFe® Course - Attending this course gives learners access to the
SAFe Product Owner / Product Manager exam and related
preparation materials.


© Scaled Agile. Inc.


► Course meeting times

► Breaks

► Facilities

► Technology requirements

► Working agreements

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cti it cc ss t ss g 5

► Step 1 a igate to the Class age in

Fe tu io

► Step 2 elect earn then y

Classes then ro uct ner
ro uct anager

► Step 3 Click on the link to o nloa

the ro uct ner ro uct anager COMMUNITY
Work ook F

https // it.l /Studio-M Classes

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o s o ti

► esson loring ro uct ner an ro uct anagement oles

an es onsi ilities

► esson re aring or lanning

► esson ea ing lanning

► esson ecuting terations

► esson ecuting the

► esson racticing Fe

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Workbook 12 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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cti it o ct o ct 5
g t i c

► Step 1 ntro uce yoursel to ears o

Product Owner xperience
your grou

► Step 2 n i i ually i enti y an

mark your e erience le el on the
ears o ears
an gile matri in terms o on-Agile Agile
xperience xperience
Experience as a Product Owner or
Product Manager

Experience with Agile, including

SAFe certifications and courses
ears o
Product Management xperience

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 1-

Lesson 1
Exploring Product Owner and Product
anage ent ole and e pon i ilitie
SAFe® Course - Attending this course gives learners access to
the SAFe Product Owner / Product Manager exam and related
preparation materials.

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

Workbook 13 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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1.1 Introducing SAFe for
Product Owners and
Product Management

1.2 The Lean-Agile Mindset

1.3 Value Streams

1.4 Responsibilities of
Product Owners and
Product Management

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

L i go cti s

t the en o this lesson you shoul e a le to

► e ine Fe as it relates to ro uct ners an ro uct anagement

► ummari e the ean gile in set or ecision making

► lain alue treams an their ene it

► ummari e the res onsi ilities o ro uct ners an ro uct anagement

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 1-

Workbook 14 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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i o isto si ss o t t 5

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1.1 Introducing SAFe for Product Owners and

Product anage ent

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Scaled Inc. Inc.
Agile, 1-1

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© Scaled Agile. Inc. 1-11

o ct s o ct g ti



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o ct so s o si i it

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 1-1

o ct g t so s o si i it

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 1-1

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1. e ean Agi e indset

Scaled Agile.
Scaled Inc. Inc.
Agile, 1-1

c t L gi i s t

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 e are uncovering etter wa s o developing
so tware doing it and helping others do it.
hrough this wor we have come to value

over processes and tools

Precisely specify value by product
over comprehensive documentation
Identify the Value Stream for each product
over contract negotiation
Make value flow without interruptions
over following a plan

Let the Customer pull value from the producer That is, while there is value in the items on the right,
we value the items on the left more.
5 Pursue perfection

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gi i sto i ci s

ur highest riority is to satis y the customer through early an continuous

eli ery o alua le so t are

Welcome changing requirements e en late in e elo ment

gile rocesses harness change or the customer s com etiti e a antage

eli er orking so t are requently rom a cou le o eeks to a cou le o

months ith a re erence or the shorter timescale

Business eo le an e elo ers must ork together aily throughout

the ro ect

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 1-1

gi i sto i ci s

Buil ro ects aroun moti ate in i i uals i e them the en ironment an

su ort they nee an trust them to get the o one

The most e icient an e ecti e metho o con eying in ormation to an

ithin a e elo ment team is ace to ace con ersation

Working so t are is the rimary measure o rogress

gile rocesses romote sustaina le e elo ment The s onsors

e elo ers an users shoul e a le to maintain a constant
ace in e initely

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 1-1

Workbook 19 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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gi i sto i ci s

Continuous attention to technical e cellence an goo esign

enhances agility

im licity the art o ma imi ing the amount o ork not one is essential

The est architectures requirements an esigns emerge rom sel

organi ing teams

t regular inter als the team re lects on ho to ecome more e ecti e then
tunes an a usts its eha ior accor ingly

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 1-1

SAFe Lean-Agile Principles

a e an econo ic iew

Appl s ste s thin ing

Assu e aria ilit preser e options

uild incre entall with fast, integrated learning c cles

ase Milestones on o ecti e e aluation of wor ing s ste s

Ma e alue flow without interruptions

Appl cadence, s nchroni e with cross do ain planning

nloc the intrinsic oti ation of nowledge wor ers

ecentrali e decision a ing

Organi e around alue

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 1-2

Workbook 20 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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isc ssio i g L gi i s t

► Step 1 Think a out the Fe ean gile rinci les

► Step 2 iscuss ho the Fe ean gile rinci les might im act

your ecision making as a ro uct ner or ro uct anager

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1. a ue Strea s

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Scaled Inc. Inc.
Agile, 1-22

Workbook 21 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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t is t

Lead Time

ri r au

► e resents the series o ste s an organi ation uses to eli er a ro uct or

ser ice to a Customer

► ersists or as long as Customers continue to eri e alue

► Contains the systems the eo le ho o the ork an the lo o in ormation

an materials

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 1-2

tio t s

The sequence of activities needed to deliver a product or service to

a Customer

Examples: manufacturing a product, fulfilling an e-commerce order,

admitting and treating a patient, providing a loan, or delivering a
professional service

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Workbook 22 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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o s o tio t

uick Complete ligibility tend Setup

ttract ward epay Close
rate loan decision and loan payment
Customer loan money loan
uote application underwriting terms terms
Loan need epayment
plus interest
Loan Credit
rigination Scoring Core
System System anking

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 1-2

o t t s

The sequence of activities needed to convert a usiness h pothesis

into a technolog -ena led product or service that delivers
Customer value

Examples: designing and developing a medical device, developing

and deplo ing a Customer elationship anagement C s stem,
or uilding an e-commerce e site
ead ime

Define Build Validate Release


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Workbook 23 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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o t t ss ot tio t s

ui Com lete li i ilit ten Setu

ttra t
uote a
li ation
e ision an
un er ritin
a ment
e a
loan e ati nal Value t ea s
oan nee e a ment
lus interest
oan Cre it Core
C annels ri ination S orin an in
S stem S stem

i De el ent Value t ea s

in i
80 US (Atlanta and Redmond)
230 India (Bangalore and Delhi) 150 US (Chicago)

30 Estonia

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 1-2

t is o tio

olution is a product, service, or s stem delivered to the Customer,

hether internal or external to the Enterprise

Each evelopment alue tream produces one or more olutions that

ena le the perational alue tream

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tio t s o

esign, anufacture, and sell energ efficient,

long haul freightliners

esign, anufacture, and sell energ efficient,

local courier ans

esign, anufacture, and operate

autono ous ehicles on select ilitar ases

esign, anufacture, and operate

autono ous ehicles for co ercial deli er
on pu lic streets

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 1-2

t is gi s i
► Consists o a irtual organi ation o to teams to in i i uals

► as all the ca a ilities so t are har are irm are an other assets
nee e to e ine im lement test an e loy ne system unctionality

► erates ith the goal o achie ing continuous lo o alue

► ynchroni es on common ca ence

► ligns to a common mission through the T Backlog


Define Build Validate Release

epeat until further notice. Pro ect chartering not

© Scaled Agile. Inc. re uired. 1-

Workbook 25 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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is c oss ctio

u in ro u t ar ar o t ar urit

o ution


Agile Teams

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 1- 1

t is gi

► cross unctional sel organi ing team o

or e er eo le that e ines uil s tests
e e
an eli ers olution unctionality

► ses Fe crum or Fe Team an an

or Team gility

► lies Built in uality ractices or

Technical gility

► eli ers alue e ery teration

► Functions as the asic uil ing lock o the

Fe nter rise
© Scaled Agile. Inc. 1- 2

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so s o si i it o t gi

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 1-

gi s t os ci t o s

Facilitates P Planning onnects with the usto er

Supports teration execution ontri utes to the ision and oad ap
pro es flow Manages and prioriti es the
uilds high perfor ing tea s ea ac log
pro es A perfor ance Supports the tea in deli ering alue
ets and applies feed ac

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 1-

Workbook 27 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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1. es onsi i ities of
Product Owners and Product anage ent

Scaled Agile.
Scaled Inc. Inc.
Agile, 1-

o ct g t gi t s i

Product Management Product Owner Agile Team

Facilitates Continuous Connects with the Customer Continuousl evolves

xploration product design

uides the ision Contri utes to the ision mplements the ision
and oadmap and oadmap and oadmap

Manages and prioriti es the Manages and prioriti es or s rom the eam ac log
A ac log the eam ac log

e ines and uanti ies value Supports the team in uilds tests and delivers
delivering value increments o value

All see and appl eed ac re uentl

© Scaled Agile. Inc. Customer 1-

Workbook 28 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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so s o si i it

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 1-

o cti g it t sto

► no the Customer

► no the stakehol ers

► enti y the ro lem to e sol e

► e elo hole ro uct olutions

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Workbook 29 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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o ti ti g to t isio o

► n erstan market orces

► e resent the en user

► ssist ith T Backlog rioriti ation

► ucate the T uring lanning

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 1-

gi g io iti i g c og

► ui e tory creation

► rioriti e acklog items

► cce t tories

NFRs ► u ort rchitectural un ay

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Workbook 30 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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o ti g t t i i

► Balance stakehol er ers ecti es

► la orate tories

► Foster Built in uality

► artici ate in team an T e ents

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 1- 1

tti g i g c

► Test ene it hy otheses

► tain ee ack rom Customers

an stakehol ers

► hare ee ack ith the T

► ol e olution esign

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Workbook 31 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

For personal use only - Camilo Cabanzo - Feb 28, 2024 (ID:005Qo000002maMeIAI)
o ct g t go c o t t t o it
Product Management A T ac log

Product Owner Team ac log

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 1-

r ar ar

cti it i g s o si i iti s 5

► 1 Indi iduall thin about the

responsibilities of the PO and how the etting and Connecting
appl in our conte t Appl ing with the
Feed ac Customer

► 2 On the mind map draw lines

and note specific wa s each
responsibilit applies Supporting Contri uting
the eam in to the ision
elivering alue and oadmap
For e ample ho are our ustomers and
how could ou connect with them Managing and
Prioriti ing the
eam ac log
► 3 e prepared to share with the class

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 1-

Workbook 32 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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Activity: Applying PO responsibilities

Step 1: Individually, think about the responsibilities of the PO and how they apply
in your context

Step 2: On the mind map, draw lines and note specific ways each responsibility applies

For example: Who are your Customers and how could you connect with them?

Step 3: Be prepared to share with the class

Getting and Connecting

Applying with the
Feedback Customer

Supporting Contributing
the Team in to the Vision
Delivering Value and Roadmap

Managing and
Prioritizing the
Team Backlog

Workbook 33 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

For personal use only - Camilo Cabanzo - Feb 28, 2024 (ID:005Qo000002maMeIAI)
o o tio it ot o s

elea e Train ngineer T

tem Arc itect

tem Team

u ine Owner

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 1-

ctio oi gt o s 5
s o si i iti s

n i i ually think a out the ollo ing questions an ans er them in the
ction lan in your ork ook

– s you shi t to a ean gile in set in your ractices hat are some
things you lan to o i erently

– o can you hel others in your organi ation think an act ith a
ean gile in set

– Consi er ho your organi ation is organi e What ste s coul you

take to im ro e ho the organi ation organi es aroun alue

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 1-

Workbook 34 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

For personal use only - Camilo Cabanzo - Feb 28, 2024 (ID:005Qo000002maMeIAI)
Action Plan

Exploring the PO/PM

roles and responsibilities

Workbook 35 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

For personal use only - Camilo Cabanzo - Feb 28, 2024 (ID:005Qo000002maMeIAI)
L sso i

n this lesson you

► e ine Fe as it relates to ro uct ners an ro uct anagement

► ummari e the ean gile in set or ecision making

► laine alue treams an their ene it

► ummari e the res onsi ilities o ro uct ners an ro uct anagement

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 1-

tic s s i t is sso

ea these Frame ork articles to learn more a out to ics co ere in this lesson

► Product Manage ent

https www scaledagilefra ewor co
product anage ent

► Product Owner
https www scaledagilefra ewor co
product owner

► usto er entricit
https www scaledagilefra ewor co Product

custo er centricit

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Continue your SAFe journey with the following resources:

tt it l log ProductOwner

tt it l Podca t oleo POPM

, The Lean-Agile

tt it l ideo eanAgileMind et tt it l tudio ProductManager rou

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Agile, Inc.
Inc. 1-

c s

gile ani esto ani esto or gile o t are e elo ment ate
htt s agilemani esto org

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Workbook 37 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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Lesson 1 notes
Enter your notes below. If using a digital workbook, save your PDF often so you don’t lose
any of your notes.

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Lesson 2
Preparing for PI Planning

SAFe® Course - Attending this course gives learners access to

the SAFe Product Owner / Product Manager exam and related
preparation materials.

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

Lesson Topics
2.1 PI Planning

2.2 The Solution Vision

2.3 Solution and PI Roadmaps

2.4 Customer-centric Features

2.5 ART Backlog and Kanban

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Workbook 39 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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earning o e i e

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

Summarize PI Planning

Explain the Solution Vision

Illustrate how to forecast work through Roadmaps

Plan beneficial Features

Identify how to manage the ART Backlog and Kanban

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2-

Preparing for PI Planning

A S nc ART Events
Team Events

Do Coach Sync PO Sync


Plan Iteration
Planning Iteration Check
Plan PI
Planning Iteration Backlog Demos Check
Retro Refinement


and Adapt


© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2-4

Workbook 40 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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2.1 PI Planning

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Agile, 2-

Du at on
i eo ea ra elpor e Po er of 5
PI Planning

https bit l Video-Po ero PIPlanning

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a i a Planning In er al PI

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2-

a i PI Planning

A cadence based e ent that ser es as the heartbeat of the ART, aligning all
teams on the ART to a shared mission and Vision
► For every PI (8 12 weeks), everyone plans together:

– Two days for in-person

– Three to four days for virtual

► Product Management owns Feature priorities

► Agile Teams own Story planning and high-level estimates
► Architect and UX work as intermediaries for governance, interfaces, and dependencies

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Workbook 42 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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P an Pro anage en are e en ial o PI Planning

PI Objectives

Create update Vision Team A PI


and Roadmaps Team B PI


Team C PI
Team J PI

ART Backlog






Product anagement
negotiates scope and
Sociali e the top Features to set contributes to business
e pectations or the PI Planning e ent alue scores eam and A P O ectives and
A planning oard
© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2-

e enefi of PI Planning

Aligns de elopment to business goals with the business context, Vision,

and Team ART PI b ecti es
Identifies dependencies and fosters cross team and
cross ART collaboration
Establishes personal communication across all team members
and stakeholders
Pro ides the opportunity for ust the right amount of architecture and ean
ser Experience guidance
atches demand to capacity and eliminates excess work in process IP
Enables fast decision making

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2-

Workbook 43 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

For personal use only - Camilo Cabanzo - Feb 28, 2024 (ID:005Qo000002maMeIAI)
o a PI Planning agen a
a ne Agenda a T o Agenda

A ter commitment

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2.2 l i n i i n

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Agile, 2- 2

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a i a ol ion i ion

A description of the future state of the product or Solution

Co on o ats
olling wave riefings
ision document
Preliminary data sheet
raft press release

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2-

Infl en e of ra egi e e

Strategic Themes influence the Solution Vision

Portfolio Vision

Portfolio Kanban and Portfolio Backlog

Vision for Solution Train, ART, and Team Backlogs

Value Stream Budgets P

o o a ac Alloca o

Lean Budget Guardrails

b e rt l t re l


A o g ca B
a gag
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Pro anage en rea e e i ion for e

Product wners contribute to the Vision, which e ol es from ustomer feedback

Feedback evolves the Vision

Agile ea Agile ea Agile ea Agile ea

Product Product Product Product

Owner Owner Owner Owner

Scrum Master / Scrum Master / Scrum Master/ Scrum Master /

Team Coach Team Coach Team Coach Team Coach

Vision guides the train

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2-

pre ef re a e a a i ion

ow will our port olio o uture Solutions solve

the larger Customer pro lems
e at
at tim .
g a gre ..
ow will these Solutions di erentiate us Havin m location
a drea
hat is the uture context within which our
Solutions will operate Wish e!
hat is our current usiness context and how
must we evolve to meet this uture state
Aspirational et realistic and achieva le
Motivational enough to engage others on the ourne

Result ver one starts thin ing a out how to appl

their strengths in order to get there.


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Workbook 46 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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Du at on

i eo ll an 5

https bit l Video-TTCAll ands

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2-

Du at on

i ion ra egi e e for e an Progra 5

As a class, discuss how these Strategic Themes will influence the work of
P s and Product anagement on the Van Program
a e Streams Strategic Themes
Increase Truck Program sales olume b
uck P o a

btain gold sa et standard status ith Van Program

an P o a
Triple Autonomous Vehicle Program re enue ithin
months through commercial e pansion
Autono ous eh cle P o a Capture dominant autonomous deli er market share in
ones and ithin months

Autono ous Del e Po a pand the i ing- Program to all TTC ocations

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Workbook 47 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

For personal use only - Camilo Cabanzo - Feb 28, 2024 (ID:005Qo000002maMeIAI)
Po ar fro ef re for e an ain enan e i or

Dea e c ans o t
Thank ou or creating the
Van aintenance Ad isor
aintenance schedules
customi ed to each an ha e
To T cT a o o o a o
reduced our repair costs
increased dri er sa et and
increased re enue because
our ans are on the road
more and unction reliabl

ocal Courier Ser ices Inc

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2-

2. l i n an PI a a

Scaled Agile.
Scaled Inc. Inc.
Agile, 2-2

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ol ion oa ap pro i e a l i ear ie

Autono ous oute ollo n st eld n oad e c ans o t Autono ous

lat o nte at on and lane test test n Del e eh cle eh cle auto
th eh cle kee n ce t cat on sho


GPS Follow route Make turns Perform delivery spike Perform delivery tests
pics and
Capabilities Surround cameras Stay in lane Obey traffic laws Avoid obstacles

Forward radar Forward collision Ultrasonic sensors Go through intersection Self-park

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2-2

PI oa ap are or er er i ore fi eli

PS integ ated ith Came a integ ation ith

Ann al a tomotive vehicle p ototype vehicle p ototype
s pplie s event

PI 1 PI 2 PI 3

▪ Selection o mapping so t are ▪ PS ▪ Surround cameras

▪ Front camera ▪ Rear camera ▪ Change lane
▪ Radar components ▪ Follo straight path
▪ Install communications on mule ▪ etect i ed obstacles

▪ Send real-time status

Committed oe t

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ar e na i infl en e ol ion an PI oa ap

Autonomous Route following First field On-road Terrific Transport Autonomous

platform integration and lane test testing Delivery Vehicle vehicle auto
with vehicle keeping v1.0 certification v1.0 show

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 H1 H2 Y3 Y4

GPS Follow route Make turns Perform Delivery Spike P erfo rm d elivery tests
Epics and
Capabilities Surround
Stay in lane Obey traffic laws Avoid obstacles

Forward radar Forward collision Go thru intersection Self-park

Market Rhythms
e ce A a A t m tive
ie s eve t
P i te ate
ve ic e t t
Came a i te ati
ve ic e t t e


▪ e ecti ma i s t ae ▪ P ▪ came as
▪ t came a ▪ ea came a ▪ C a e a e
▪ a a c m e ts ▪ st ai t at
▪ I sta c mm icati s m e ▪ etect i e bstac es

ncomm tted o ect es

▪ e ea time stat s


Market Events
oe t

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2-2

ar e r are li al an pre i a le
High Value

etail So tware
C Social Media

to Customers, o Ma er
the business
Low Value

When should we release?

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ar e e en are a o an of en npre i a le

e ant t eat the

m et t n
r st mers
igh al e

nee t me t release
re are competitor
e ant t
nown evera e ne te h
m act

change to a ter t s sta e

al e

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2-2

i i on i er ar e r
for op i relea e i ing

The Van aintenance Ad isor re uires new hardware The System

Architect has informed the Product anagement team that ustomers will
ha e to take their ans out of ser ice for approximately one day to install the
new hardware

Approximately of your an ustomers are ser ing the local retail market
while are ser ing the medical specimen market

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Workbook 51 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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Pe ae ha e
i i on i er ar e r 5
for op i relea e i ing

Ste In your groups, draw a market rhythms chart for an

entire year Add a line for each market segment
considering rhythms that may impact each market
ample rhythms to consider:
- oliday shopping, flu season, and so on

Ste Identify key times to release the new hardware

while minimizing disruptions to ustomers

Ste Be prepared to share with the class

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2. n i a

Scaled Agile.
Scaled Inc. Inc.
Agile, 2-2

Workbook 52 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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ar of e re ire en

► c - An pic is a container for a significant Solution

development initiative that captures the more pic na ler
su stantial investments that occur within a portfolio

► eatu e - A Feature is a service that fulfills a

stakeholder need ach Feature includes a name, a
enefit hypothesis, and acceptance criteria A
Feature is si ed or split, as necessary, to e eat re
eat re
eat re
na ler
na ler
na ler
delivered y an A T in a PI na ler eat re
eat re eat re

► to - A Story is a short description of a small piece

of desired functionality A Story is written from the
perspective of the user Story Story Story na ler
Story Story na ler na ler

► na le - An na ler supports the activities needed na ler Story Story

Story Story Story
to e tend the Architectural unway to provide future
usiness functionality na lers are captured in
various acklogs throughout SAFe
© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2-2

rea ing pi o f lfill e i ion

nnel ent y date ay t

Epic name TTC S pplemental Ins ance

Epic O ne Pat a e
Epic desc iption Develop a Sol tion to allo C stome s to p chase s pplemental ins ance o pac ages
me chants
ant to p ovide additional ins ance o high val e pac ages
s pplemental ins ance cove age
optional pg ade
inc eases the standa d cove age o pac ages
o standa d ins ance o e ing
p ovides additional cove age against the t and nat al disaste

siness o tcomes inc ease in PS sco e inc ease in even e in the ne t days ollo ing the la nch
eading indicato s o policies in eta testing g o p ag eed to pg ade to s pplemental policies ollo ing the
P la nch
on nctional
O e ing m st e scala le to all delive y egions
e i ements

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2-

Workbook 53 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

For personal use only - Camilo Cabanzo - Feb 28, 2024 (ID:005Qo000002maMeIAI)
e ign in ing ool ppor rea ing ea re

st mer h e r ct
r e a s ers as Thi i g

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2-

e o rne ap o e ign e en o en o er e perien e

cce o tion larify goal oo e w at to y I an financial c eck egotiate ale ele rate

earn l r n
e et al ulate r ert are
ab ut t e rt a e e ent ntra t e
bu a e t e bu et ear rt a e
rt a e l an an eal

o g o l
el e ur e ban
ne b r r n real e tate a en ll ur real e tate a ent el e u t et n er ll e re a t e ban
u an ant t ra e a e ne u lar ur al t at ll a an le er e t u u ate
u l e er t n
ur t e a e a

T k ga e e ne er a ea t n ban r ele t n real e tate

ur a e t lar e e t e ban e t at n a ale t
l g n ultat n el ul a en ar n an b a e u ner u e nee t lean
be re t ar ele t n r ert nee a er e

an e reall n a F r ln t e n u n tt a l t l n er t l e
e e l e t at e an t e ban ul n ur an t t all be nl ne t e ale t an e e te
an a r eta l alrea

u t er u t er u t er
re t e art ent
er e er er e er er e er

E la n r u t F ll n a l at n r r e u ate n
Ba k er r a e ent
re are er an e ar a l ant l an tatu
e t ele t real r e l t t E aluate r ert
e tate a en re u re u ent re are a r al

ut at all at er ata
T c olog nl ne re ur e nl ne a r bu et n
r ubl ataba e ba e a e ent ul etr aut ent at n ut ate re erral
o r un er tan n nan al ana e ent an ele tr n nature
an nte rate t al r e ee an a ura t artner
rt a e t n ur a n t n e a ata

ustomer ourney map for a mortgage loan

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2- 2

Workbook 54 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

For personal use only - Camilo Cabanzo - Feb 28, 2024 (ID:005Qo000002maMeIAI)
Per ona elp n er an o er

Personas are characterizations of the Mike the Fleet Manager

people who might use your product Reno evada SA
Personas will: and
ll time d ive s
pa t time

on ey the problems end users started m own courier van service when was . did
ever thing deliver managing the vehicles and handling
are facing in context, and key Customers. uring the last recession had to shut down
m compan ut that s o a ecause was getting tired
triggers for using the product o wor ing alone. m now the Fleet Manager or ig
compan . river sa et is m top priorit .
apture rich, concise information
that inspires great products without
unnecessary details

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2-

ole pro in ing rea e a o pelling rea on o

ene c P oduct
inim m to satis y C stome

ected P oduct
eat es typically o nd in this type o p od ct

Au ented P oduct
eat es that di e entiate this speci ic p od ct om
competitive o alte native p od cts

Potent al P oduct
O ision o t e Capa ilities that eep C stome s

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2- 4

Workbook 55 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

For personal use only - Camilo Cabanzo - Feb 28, 2024 (ID:005Qo000002maMeIAI)
Du at on

i eo ea re in e 5

https bit l Video-FeaturesInSAFe

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2-

Pe ae ha e

i i ea re or ing 5

► Ste : ith your group, break down, or

decompose, the example Epic by identifying
as many Features as possible Keep
the ustomer in mind as you write Epic
your Features

► Ste : Be prepared to share with the class

eatu e eatu e
rowse availa le reate insurance
options online packages for

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2-

Workbook 56 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

For personal use only - Camilo Cabanzo - Feb 28, 2024 (ID:005Qo000002maMeIAI)
nal i an refine en en re ea re are rea for i ple en a ion

Features may start as a one sentence o er iew with more details added in
refinement meetings and during the PI Planning preparation
eat re eat re
eat re
In-ser ice so t are In-ser ice so t are update
In-ser ice so t are update
update Benefit hypothesis:
Reduced errors aster upgrades
Benefit hypothesis:
increased automation
Reduced errors aster
Re ined upgrades increased
automation Acceptance criteria:
Roll back an update
Pro ide an audit trail o all updates
nsure enabled ser ices are running
Re ined a ter the update

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2-

Pe ae ha e

i i ea re refine en 5

Ste : ith your group, take one of

the Features that you ha e created in
the pre ious acti ity Refine the Supplemental insurance co erage
Feature with a description, benefit
hypothesis, and acceptance criteria Protects the alue o packages rom
loss or damage during deli er
Ste Identify who is the primary
beneficiary of acceptance criteria ption a ailable an time prior
to shipping
Ste Be prepared to share with Accessible ia ebsite and mobile app
the class Integrated ith rder
anagement S stem

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Workbook 57 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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ela i e e i a ing

► Agile Teams use Story points and relati e estimating to

uickly arri e at size estimates for Stories

► Product managers can use historical data to uickly estimate

the size of Features in Story points, as well

► Feature estimates can then be rolled up into Epic estimates

in the Portfolio Backlog

► Portfolio anagers and other planners can use their ART s

capacity allocation to estimate how long a portfolio Epic
might take under arious scenarios

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2-

ea re are i ple en e orie

software update
As a Fleet Manager, ant a notification
ene t h othes s Set up notification
efore a van needs service so that I
educed errors, infrastructure
can alance service re uests
faster upgrades,
increased automation

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2-4

Workbook 58 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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2. a l g an an an

Scaled Agile.
Scaled Inc. Inc.
Agile, 2-4

e a l iple onne e a log an an an e

Port olio

Solution Train

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Workbook 59 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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ea re are anage ro g e a log


The ART Backlog is the holding area for Feature
upcoming Features that will address
na ler
user needs and deli er business
benefits for a single ART Feature


© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2-4

Par ner i e r ie

► ppor na ler i e a pro i e nee e r ie ral n a

► or i e r ie o i en if na ler a ill ena le

eli er of f re ine f n ionali

mplementing now
Feature Feature
na ler

to support uture Features

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2-44

Workbook 60 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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o ar ie re

Pro anage en olla ora e i e r ie o alan e

ine ea re an na ler an o en re in e en in
eno g r i e ral n a
ur focus is on ro ust
ur focus is on the apa ilities technology Solutions that meet
and Features that our near- and long-term goals
ustomers need

ART Backlog
Feature na ler
Product and S stem and
Feature Solution Solution Architect na ler
Feature anagement na ler
Feature FRs na ler
© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2-4

apa i allo a ion

Helps balance functionality with Architectural Runway

etermine ho much capacit is to be
allocated to each t pe Ca ac t allocat on e a le ol c es

stablish policies to determine ho much e agree on the percentage o capacit to

ork is per ormed or each t pe be de oted to ne Feature de elopment
ersus nablers tech debt and maintenance
at each boundar
a ac Alloca o o

e agree that the Architect has design

authorit and prioriti es the ork in that class
S e and
S l i n A c i ec
e ign A i e ea e e agree that content authorit Product
na le anagement prioriti es ART Backlog items

ec e and ain enance
e agree to collaborati el prioriti e our
ac l g
ork based on economics
d c and S l i n
anage en
n en A i
e agree to collaborate to se uence ork in
a a that ma imi es Customer alue
© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2-4

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Pe ae ha e

i i raf o r apa i allo a ion poli 5

► Step 1: In i i all on i er o o o l e apa i allo a ion

in o r organi a ion

► Step 2: raf a apa i allo a ion poli for o r a o

i i o r e a e ol er

► Step 3: e prepare o are i e la

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Activity: Draft your capacity allocation policy

To discuss:


Good enough:


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an an ari e

To o oing one

tem o t e ot ed

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2-4

e an an fa ili a e flo ro g e on in o eli er Pipeline

In g e ead In g e ead

All ne ene t eatu es eatu es eatu es nte ated n sh de lo ent eatu es

deas h othes s a o ed deco osed and de lo ed to test n o eatu es eleased to
elco e Calculate P oduct nto to es sta n eatu es de lo ed Custo e s
ana e ent nc e entall
ea s de ne eatu es to oduct on and
o all at once
Pl ted Cont nuous u ld and al date de onst ated and so et es to led
the olut on a o ed P oduct o ene t
o t at on Pl ted ana e ent Pl ted h othes s
e aluated
Pl ted Pl ted
Pl ted

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Workbook 64 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

For personal use only - Camilo Cabanzo - Feb 28, 2024 (ID:005Qo000002maMeIAI)
Priori i e ea re for op i al I

In a flow system, ob se uencing is the key to impro ing economic outcomes

To prioritize based on ean economics, we need

to know two things: Backlog
na ler
The cost of delay in deli ering alue Feature
na ler
The cost to implement the aluable thing Feature

If you only uantify one thing, uantify the cost of delay

onald Reinertsen he rincip es of ro ct e e op ent o

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2-

Priori i a ion an i pa ern

i The highest paid person makes the decision e

he enior V said e should do this ro ect the P oduct
ana e so
S ea hee The person who yells the loudest or should do t
makes the biggest promise of re enue
Fund ro ect and e ill ake a billion dollars

The decision is made based exclusi ely on profit, Product

without considering other factors gmt
he indicates e ill ake a ro it

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2-

Workbook 65 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

For personal use only - Camilo Cabanzo - Feb 28, 2024 (ID:005Qo000002maMeIAI)
o ponen of o of ela

se us ness alue e c t cal t sk educt on and

o o tun t ena le ent

elat e alue to the o use us ness alue hat else does th s do o

Custo e o us ness deca s o e t e ou us ness
They prefer this over that Is there a fi ed deadline educe the risk of this or
evenue impact ill they wait for us or future delivery
Potential penalty or other move to another Solution Is there value in the
negative impact hat is the current effect information we will receive
on ustomer satisfaction na le new usiness
© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2- 2

a ple i e al o of ela i o fir

, 1 day , days

, 1 days

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a ple i e al ra ion i o fir

, days , days

, days

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2- 4

eneral a e n o of ela an ra ion

i e preference to obs with a shorter duration and higher o , using S F

Cost o dela
CoD P io iti ed sing
o du at on
o s e

ark area Total cost of dela
© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2-

Workbook 67 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

For personal use only - Camilo Cabanzo - Feb 28, 2024 (ID:005Qo000002maMeIAI)
al la e i rela i e e i a ing

se us ness e sk educt on and o

alue C t cal t o tun t na le ent

Si e

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2-

Pe ae ha e

i i Priori i ing e a log 5

► Step 1: i o r gro p ele ree ea re fro e ea re

or ing a i i an priori i e e ing

► Step 2: o ple e one ol n a a i e ar ele ing e

alle i e an la eling i a a ol n of e e pla e
a e a lea one i e la ele

► Step 3: e prepare o are o r priori i a ion

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2-

Workbook 68 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

For personal use only - Camilo Cabanzo - Feb 28, 2024 (ID:005Qo000002maMeIAI)
o prepara ion i eno g

Too much preparation and too little preparation can cause problems

ore preparation may be needed if

creating entirely new Features or the
Architectural Runway

Too much preparation can inhibit

exploration, interaction, and emergent
designs Solutions during PI Planning
a a l

ngoing socialization of Features and
Enablers, as well as ade uate backlog
refinement, influence preparedness

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2-

Du at on

i ion eno g pre planning 5

► Step 1: a la i
o e a o n of pre
planning a o o an a e
po i i e o o e an
nega i e o o e

► Step 2: on i er o e
ean gile in e an e
pra i e infl en e an ena le
PI Planning prepare ne

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2-

Workbook 69 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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Du at on

ion Plan Preparing for PI Planning 5

n e ion Plan page in o r or oo an er e

follo ing e ion
► I agine o are on ri ing o e i ion for o r ne PI a
o l o nee o o
► o o l ar e r an e en affe o r oa ap

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2-

Workbook 70 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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Action Plan

Preparing for PI Planning

Workbook 71 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

For personal use only - Camilo Cabanzo - Feb 28, 2024 (ID:005Qo000002maMeIAI)
e on re ie

In this lesson, you:

► Summarized PI Planning

► Explained the Solution Vision

► Illustrated how to forecast work through Roadmaps

► Planned beneficial Features

► Identified how to manage the ART Backlog and Kanban

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2-

r i le e in i le on

Read these Framework articles to learn more about topics co ered in this lesson

PI Planning
https: scaledagileframework com

SAFe Implementation oadmap

https: scaledagileframework com

A T and Solution Train

https: scaledagileframework com
art-and-solution-train- acklogs

Features and apa ilities

https: scaledagileframework com
features-and-capa ilities
© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2- 2

Workbook 72 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

For personal use only - Camilo Cabanzo - Feb 28, 2024 (ID:005Qo000002maMeIAI)
t e S e e t t e e e :
atch this si -minute ideo reparation for atch this -minute ideo pla list
annin to help ou prepare or PI Planning including An er ie of and a c atin
. to rioriti e the A Bac o to learn
more about ho to use S F to prioriti e ork
se the eat re tor in an efinin se the reatin an pic ypothesis
Collaborate template to decompose pics into tate ent Collaborate template to capture
Features and re ine those Features in organi e and communicate critical in ormation
preparation or PI Planning. about an pic
. .

Sign up or the Agile Product anagement

course to learn more about using esign
Thinking ueling Continuous ploration through
inno ation and de ining a Vision strateg and
Roadmap to satis e isting Customers and
attract ne ones

© Scaled
ale Agile.
le Inc.

eferen e

eath, hip and an eath Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is
Hard ew ork: Broadway Books,
e it, Theodore arketing Success Through ifferentiation of Anything
Harvard Business Review. https: hbr org marketing success
through differentiation of anything
Reinertsen, onald The Principles of Product Development Flow: Second
Generation of Lean Product Development Redondo Beach:

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2- 4

Workbook 73 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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Lesson 2 notes
Enter your notes below. If using a digital workbook, save your PDF often so you don’t lose
any of your notes.

Workbook 74 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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Lesson 3
Leading PI Planning

SAFe® Course - Attending this course gives learners access to

the SAFe Product Owner / Product Manager exam and related
preparation materials.

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

Lesson Topics
3.1 Communicate the Vision

3.2 Establish PI Objectives

3.3 Manage dependencies

3.4 Manage risks

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Workbook 75 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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Lea ning e i e

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

► Demonstrate how to communicate the Vision

► Plan PI Objectives

► Explain how to organize and manage dependencies

► Summarize how to analyze risks

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

Leading PI Planning

A S nc ART Events
Team Events

Do Coach Sync PO Sync


PI Team
Plan Iteration
Plan Planning Planning Iteration Check
Iteration Backlog Demos Check
Retro Refinement

Prepare for PI
Inspect Planning
and Adapt


© Scaled Agile. Inc.

Workbook 76 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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3.1 Communicate the Vision

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Scaled Inc. Inc.

a P and P d anage en d d ing PI Planning da ne

Communicate in n
The Vision
P l i n i i n
Top 10 Features
i i i n an
upport team breakouts l n a i

Collaborate to decompose Planning n an l n

eatures into tories
egotiate scope a a

evie dra t PI plans and

provide eedback a lan i

Participate in management anag n i an

revie o dra t plans l l ing

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Workbook 77 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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ni a e e i i n

► Present to the R how the Vision aligns with Strategic hemes

► Prepare materials so that each team can see the Vision

► Provide user personas to illustrate how the Vision improves the

e periences of your Customers

► E plain the importance of Rs

► Relate the Vision to Strategic hemes and Solution conte t

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

ni a e e PI ad a

► Show how the PI Roadmap in this PI helps fulfill the Vision

► Communicate the PI Roadmap as part of your Vision to assist in PI

Planning activities

► Describe how the PI Roadmap supports key Epics and Milestones

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Workbook 78 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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PI ad a e an P g a

Sensor Suppliers selected

PI 1 PI 2 PI 3

n i i

Committed oe ted

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

ni a e e ea e

► Communicate the top eatures to the R here shouldn t be any

surprises as teams should have seen these eatures evolve over time
through backlog refinement

► e prepared to e plain why these eatures were chosen ransparency

is a S e Core Value Sociali ing eatures before PI Planning helps
Product Management develop right si ed eatures

► Remember that the top is a guideline he R may pull more or

fewer than eatures

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Workbook 79 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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an P g a ea e

Top Features for PI 1


© Scaled Agile. Inc.

Pe ae ha e

i i ni a e e i i n 1 15

► Step 1: In your groups act as Product Management and use the

C Van Solution Vision PI Roadmap and top eatures to
communicate the Van Solution Vision to your R

► Step 2: Plan a creative delivery for your Vision t

sp tio

r an orp

cT e rt C
i gt r
Step 3: e prepared to share your Vision
if ns

tin o ific

a rT c rea vi To

De for e e
o nanc e le av
ky n
an ainte e c va
T c a c
an tenan to e air co an
ain mi e r re ty e
afe ca
to o i v er e
c ce r e oa
n r
re ea e reve n t e lia ly
r e
inc ea e are o tion r Inc
r c
inc van f n rvi
o e a n
r Se
r r ie

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Workbook 80 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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Activity: Communicate the Vision

Step 1: In your groups, act as Product Management and use the TTC Van Solution Vision,
PI Roadmap, and top 10 Features to communicate the Van Solution Vision to your ART

Step 2: Plan a creative delivery for your Vision

Step 3: Be prepared to share your Vision

Dear Terrific Transport

Thank you for creating the

Van Maintenance Advisor.
Maintenance schedules
customized to each van have
reduced our repair costs, To: Terrific Transport Corporation

increased driver safety, and

increased revenue because
our vans are on the road
more and function reliably.

—Local Courier Services, Inc.

Sensor Suppliers selected

PI 1 PI 2 PI 3
• Install sensors in lab vehicles • Select environment • Select weight sensor Supplier
• Analyze weight sensors sensor Supplier
• Include braking and
• Characterize braking under • Prototype chassis accelerating in
different loads mounting points vehicle analytics
• Environment sensor
• Characterize acceleration
trade study
under different loads
-- Uncommitted Objectives --
• Sensor impact
on manufacturing

Committed oe ted

Top Features for PI 1

1. Install sensors in lab vehicles
2. Characterize weight sensors in
different vehicle configurations
3. Analyze braking under different loads
4. Model performance under emergency
brake conditions
5. Environment sensor trade study
NFRs 6. Sensor impact on manufacturing
7. Fix cold weather calibration defects
ART 8. Include climate history in oil
Backlog change calculations
9. Add cargo loads to tire
rotation recommendations
10. Research chassis mounting methods

Workbook 81 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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ea ea

► ea ea aea i e gile ea n lanning

e ill deli e ea e in ing I e a i n

► P lead i a i i i ei e e i e ea

► P d anage en ea and ide addi i nal

in ig and g idan e

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

P e en d a lan and a i i a e in anage en e ie

eams present their draft plans

with draft PI Objectives, potential
risks, and dependencies during the
draft plan review

At the end of day one, the E

facilitates the management review
and problem solving meeting

anagement negotiates scope

changes and resolves other issues
by making planning adjustments
he planning adjustments are
presented at the start of day two

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Workbook 82 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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Du at on
i i n dd e ing i e d ing 1
anage en e ie and le l ing

During PI Planning the team that is spiking Enabler Stories for sensor
impact on manufacturing reali es they are also the best e uipped
team to work on the eature to install sensors in lab vehicles
owever they do not believe they have capacity for both eatures

► Step 1: hat is the core issue the team is raising

► Step 2: Discuss solutions Product Management can present to

resolve those issues

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

3. sta ish ecti es

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Scaled Inc. Inc.

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a P and P d anage d d ing PI Planning da

► Support team breakouts Planning adjustments

► ccept team PI b ectives

Team breakouts
► Establish business value with
usiness wners Final plan review and lunch

► Participate in final plan review ART PI Risks

► Provide feedback on R PI Risks PI confidence vote

► Participate in confidence vote Plan rework if necessary

I applicable re ork and contribute to Planning retrospective

A ter commitment
planning retrospective and moving forward

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

PI e i e

• Point-to-point
delivery POC
• Feedback from
Customers and

• Nav system in • Parcel delivery

lab vehicles system MVP
• Navigation on • Parcel location
closed course notifications

• Set-based
design LIDAR
1 • Vehicle motion
sound effects

Locate parcel
Pull and load
• Parcel 1
spikes parcel 1

• Autonomous
1 • Sensor data • Lockbox
5 • RFID spike
navigation analytics security • Notification
vehicle system • Sensor data system system
warehouse integration


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d e e PI e i e

► e te ee eam PI b ectives provide confirmation to

business leaders that teams understand desired outcomes
► e e t e e he business value of the team PI
b ectives promote decentrali ed decision making should the team
need to ad ust planned work
► e t t t t pe t Committing to PI b ectives instead
of a specific eature or Story enhances agility Commitment to PI
b ectives allows the team and the Product wner to modify the
planned work based on discovery and Customer input and still achieve
the business value
► t e t eams not business leaders commit to the
PI b ectives

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

i ing i ea e PI e i e

► PI b ectives often relate

eat re
directly to eatures
2 ► Some eatures can be
eat re
delivered by individual teams
others re uire collaboration
ali ation

► In addition to eatures and

Scaled Agile Inc
inputs to eatures other team
ocus on outco es ob ectives will appear

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Workbook 85 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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i i ing e e i e ea PI e i e

► Remove argon so that PI rite S A Objectives

b ectives are
understandable to usiness
wners and Customers
► Describe the value
and impact
► Don t use eatures or Stories
as PI b ectives as these
can change

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2

ea e align en i PI e i e

► Objectives are business

summaries of what each
ject es o P
team intends to deliver in
the upcoming PI
Sho ro ting calc lations et een the
five most fre ent destinations
► hey often directly relate to avigate a tonomo sly from distri tion
intended eatures in the backlog center to the most fre ent destination
Parallel par for a delivery
Ret rn to the distri tion center
► Other examples: after delivery
Incl de traffic data in ro te planning
Recall a delivery that is already
in progress

nco tted ject es

Spi e Red ce PS signal loss y
Demonstrate real time rero ting to avoid
delays e g accident constr ction

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Workbook 86 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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ain ain edi a ili i n i ed e i e

ncommitted objectives help improve the predictabilit o delivering business value

ncommitted objectives are planned and aren t e tra

things teams do just in case the have time i PI

ncommitted objectives are not included in the

commitment to make the commitment more reliable

I a team has lo con idence in meeting a PI

Objective the PI Objective should be uncommitted
I an objective has man unkno ns consider moving it ncommitted bjectives
to uncommitted and put in earl spikes Spi e Red ce PS signal
loss y
ncommitted objectives count hen calculating load Demonstrate real time
rero ting to avoid delays
e g accident constr ction

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2

n ide a i n en a igning ine al e

Cons de at on Desc t on

e ulato alue

Co e c al alue

a ket alue

c enc alue

utu e alue

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Workbook 87 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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3.3 ana e e en encies

Scaled Agile.
Scaled Inc. Inc.
Agile, 2

Du at on
ide PI Planning e 1
Planning ad

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Workbook 88 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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ing an Planning ad i ali e
teration teration teration teration teration

ile ne and

nic n
A ilestone or event
i n
is occ rring in
Iteration eg
release trade sho

ige This eat re cannot

e delivered ntil
An el e m ltiple teams
complete their

A eat re ith no
S e A c i ec
el strings means it does
not have any
Signi ican ile ne
ea e e endenc en

l e ed in ange

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2

a egie anaging de enden ie

Challen e Potent al t ate


te at on de endenc es

n alanced tea s

Co le c t cal ath

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Workbook 89 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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PI Planning an e eal ni ie elea e al e ne

During PI Planning, a team

in may suggest a se uence a
i ii that creates options for anal i
releasing value sooner

Product anagement can

accept this se uencing or
ask the team to retain the
original se uencing based
on other factors

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2

Pe ae ha e
i i Iden i de enden i e and 1 15
e l e e

► Step 1: i g e ie e Planning ad
hat potential issues do you see
ho should POs and Product anagement collaborate with to help minimize
dependencies and address the issues identified

► Step 2: e e a ed ae

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Workbook 90 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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Activity: Identify dependency issues and resolve them

Iteration 1.1 Iteration 1.2 Iteration 1.3 Iteration 1.4 Iteration 1.5 (IP) PI 2 >>>

Milestones and

A Milestone or event
Lions is occurring in
Iteration 1.3 (e.g.,
release, trade show)

This Feature cannot
be delivered until
Antelopes multiple teams
complete their
UX Help

A Feature with no
System Architect
Help strings means it does
not have any
ART Planning Board legend: dependencies
Red strings (or lines for digital boards) are used to
Significant Milestone or
Features Dependency Event
connect a Feature or Milestone to one or more
dependencies. Sometimes a dependency has its
own dependencies (see Lions in Iteration 1.2)
Blue Red or Pink Orange

Step 1: With your groups, review the ART Planning Board

What potential issues do you see?

Who should POs and Product Management collaborate with to help minimize
dependencies and address the issues identified?

Step 2: Be prepared to share

Workbook 91 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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3. ana e is s

Scaled Agile.
Scaled Inc. Inc.

e i

isks to successful A execution can be local to a team, affect multiple

teams an A PI isk , or affect other aspects of the business

PI Planning provides the A with opportunities to localize and address risks



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Workbook 92 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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ilding e inal lan

► ll ea e ie e inal lan

► ine ne a e a ed
e e e a e e lan
If so, the plan is accepted

If not, the plans stay in place, and

the teams continue planning after
the review

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

dd e ing PI i

After all plans have been presented, any remaining

A PI isks and impediments are discussed
and categorized
R A ing risks:

Resol e as been addressed o longer

a concern
e Someone has taken responsibility
Accepte othing more can be done If risk
occurs, release may be compromised
t gate eam has a plan to adjust
as necessary
© Scaled Agile. Inc.

Workbook 93 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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n iden e e

fter dependencies are resolved and risks are addressed a confidence

vote is taken by each team and the R

eams agree to do ever thing in their po er to meet the agreed upon objectives
I acts indicate that an objective is not achievable teams agree to escalate
immediatel so that corrective action can be taken

i l ig ig
ni n ni n ni n ni n ni n
© Scaled Agile. Inc.

Du at on

i n Plan Leading PI Planning 5

n the ction Plan page in your workbook answer the following uestions

► hat are some strategies you could use to develop PI b ectives with
your team

► ist some things you can do to improve your team s ability to manage
dependencies during PI Planning

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Workbook 94 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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Action Plan

Leading PI Planning

Workbook 95 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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Le n e ie

In this lesson, you:

► Demonstrated how to communicate the Vision

► Planned PI Objectives

► Explained how to organize and manage dependencies

► Summarized how to analyze risks

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

i le ed in i le n

ead these ramework articles to learn more about topics covered in this lesson

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

Workbook 96 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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t e S e e t t e e e :

ntroduction to re S ecti es
l nnin
i l Pla li PIPlanning

i l i i P

ssi nin usiness lue urin l nnin

i l i igning PIPlanning

© Scaled
Scaled Agile.
Agile Inc.

Workbook 97 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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Lesson 3 notes
Enter your notes below. If using a digital workbook, save your PDF often so you don’t lose
any of your notes.

Workbook 98 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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Lesson 4
Executing Iterations

SAFe® Course - Attending this course gives learners access to

the SAFe Product Owner / Product Manager exam and related
preparation materials.

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

Lesson Topics
4.1 Stories and Story maps

4.2 Iteration Planning

4.3 The Team Kanban

4.4 Backlog refinement

4.5 Iteration Review and

Iteration Retrospective

4.6 DevOps and Release

on Demand

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Workbook 99 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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earning o ecti es

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

► Create Stories

► Demonstrate how to plan an Iteration

► Outline how to manage flow with the Team Kanban

► Summarize how to continuously refine the Team Backlog

► Plan how to participate in the Iteration Review and Iteration Retrospective

► Explain how to support DevOps and Release on Demand

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

Executing Iterations

A S nc ART Events
Team Events

Do Coach Sync PO Sync


Plan Check
System Check
Planning Demos

Prepare for PI
Inspect Planning
and Adapt


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Workbook 100 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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4.1 Stories and Story maps

Scaled Agile.
Scaled Inc. Inc.

eatures are s it into tories

► Features are implemented Stor

through one or more Stories na ler

► Features that represent a
workflow are visualized with
Story maps
s Stor

na ler

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

Workbook 101 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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at are tories

Stories are short des riptions of a small pie e of desired fun tionality sized
so that they an e ompleted in a single teration

► ser Stories e press desired end user fun tionality written

in the user s language

► na ler Stories support e ploration ar hite ture infrastru ture

and omplian e

► Stories are reated during lanning as the teams olla orate

with s and rodu t anagement

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

e ea ac og is co ose o tories

Contains all the work for the team

Created by the PO and the team
Prioritized by the PO
Contains ser and Enabler Stories

Stories for near term Iterations are more detailed than

Stories for later Iterations
Rs are backlog constraints

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Workbook 102 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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rite ser tories using a stan ar or at

ser voi e format fosters ustomer entri design

As a (user role), I want (activity) so that (business value).

User role is the description of the person doing the action

Activity is what the user can do with the system

Business value is why the user wants to do the activity

As a I want As a I want
so that so that

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

riting goo tories e ree s

Car Con ersation Con ir ation

hat a out
ools ha e een
As a s ouse ant a the kes
ut a a
clean a a e so that
te s on the loo ha e
can a k ca and
not t on a to een etu ned to the
h eah e
the doo should han o e shel
the kes kes ha e een hun


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Workbook 103 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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I E in a goo tor

► rite Stories that can be In e en ent

developed separately
► rite Stories in which scope can egotia e
be negotiated
a ua e
► rite Stories that are valuable to
the Customer
Esti a e
► rite Stories that can
be estimated a
► rite Stories that can fit into
an Iteration esta e
► rite Stories that are testable
© Scaled Agile. Inc.

tories stri e to con e an a ount o etai t at s ust rig t

As a
As a As a I want
I want I want
so that so that
so that

Insufficient detail ust right Overly constrained

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Workbook 104 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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e ating eatures an tories to ersonas i ro es esign

As a
I want
so that

As a
i e the leet ana er I want
A e so that
ocat on
ana es

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

en atterns or s itting eatures into tories

Business eature
Feature avigate vehicle or deliver re uest
Hypothesis ehicle can drive deliver
route autonomousl
Acceptance criteria
- Pic -up and drop-o are ixed
- Assume well-mar ed streets with S-onl
tra ic indicators

As a vehicle owner I want the Characteri e the

vehicle to determine the speed camera s a ilit to
limit and set the speed to that read international
limit so that tra ic laws are speed signs.
o e ed during deliver .

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Workbook 105 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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cti it it eatures into tories

► te ith your group, select

one of the eatures you
previously defined

► te Split the eature

into Stories using the ser
Story format:
As a s o I want a t t
so that s n ss a

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

en is a tor co ete

Story is omplete when it satisfies the definition of done o

he definition of done re uires that the Story

► Satisfies the a eptan e riteria

► s a epted y the rodu t wner

to AC
De n t on
o done
to AC

to AC

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Workbook 106 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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tories a e acce tance criteria

Acceptance criteria:
► Provide the details of the Story from a testing point of view
► Are created by the PO and the team as Stories are refined
As a
As a
I want
I want

so that so that

A tan t a


© Scaled Agile. Inc.

rite acce tance criteria using e a ior ri en e e o ent

► ehavior is often first des ri ed in general terms whi h an

e am iguous
► Spe ifi e amples of ehavior provide a etter understanding
► Spe ifi e amples an dire tly e ome tests or an lead to spe ifi
ehaviors whi h then are transformed into tests

Discovery of ormulation of Automation of

behavior specific tests tests

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Workbook 107 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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cce tance criteria are testa e it i en en en s ntax

► p e 1: System delivers s heduled maintenan e notifi ations

In iven hen Then syntax:

h n
h n

► p e 2: System delivers s heduled oil hange notifi ations

In iven hen Then syntax:

h n
h n

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

r ar ar

cti it rite acce tance criteria

► Step 1: ith your group hoose three Stories reated in the

previous a tivity

► Step 2: rite a eptan e riteria in the iven hen hen format

for ea h of the Stories

► Step 3: ake sure the a eptan e riteria are testa le

► Step 4: e prepared to share with the lass

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2

Workbook 108 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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it tories t at are too ig to it into an Iteration

tories are s it using t e sa e tec ni ues as s itting eatures

As a driver I ant
my a tomo ile to
maintain a speed

As a driver I ant
my a tomo ile to
maintain speed
on hills
As a driver I ant
my a tomo ile to
maintain speed
on do nhills

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2

r ar ar

cti it it tories

► te ith your group, choose a Story from the ones you created that might
not fit into one Iteration

► te Split the Story using the techni ues from this lesson

► te Be prepared to share with the class

int: ow can you ensure that split Stories provide end user value

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 22

Workbook 109 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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se tor a s to ca ture or o s

► tor a is a esign in ing too t at ca tures user

or o an t e tories t at su ort t e or o

► tor a s e tea s

– esign or o s
– anage t e i ro e ent o t e ro uct o er ti e s o ing
o successi e tories can i ro e t e o ution
– a i ate t at t e tories in t e ac og su ort a t e ste s a
user nee s to acco is t e o ecti e

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2

Integrating user ex erience an inter ace esign

► Story maps support

user experience and Team ac log
hese are the activities or tas s the user must
interface design in per orm in order to accomplish their goal. Story
creating design
Activit Activit Activit Activit
prototypes or tas or tas or tas or tas Story

► Design prototypes Story Story Story Story

provide fast Story

feedback and help Story Story Story Story


further refine Story Story Story Story

eatures and
Story Story

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2

Workbook 110 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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r ar ar

cti it e e o a tor a

► Step 1 ith your group reate a Story o ns an

map for the Feature hink a out Benefit hypothesis:

hat are the main tasks

hat is the minimum num er of ept n e ite i :

Stories re uired to omplete

the Feature
► Step 2: e prepared to share
with the lass

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2

4. teration annin

Scaled Agile.
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Agile, 2

Workbook 111 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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Iterations are t e asic ui ing oc s o gi e e e o ent

ART Sync


o t
wn an an hec

Product Owners A ust

participate in all
team events
u t

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2

Iterations are ti e oxe e ents

ere is an e ample of events in an teration that starts on a ednesday

on ay ues ay e nes ay hurs ay ri ay
Team Sync Team Sync
Team Sync
Team Sync and Backlog Team Sync Team Sync Team Sync
Team Sync
and Iteration

unctionality is demonstrated throughout and can

be released at any time as market needs warrant
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Workbook 112 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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i eo e ro uct ner an Iteration anning

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2

ro uct ners ea Iteration anning

teration lanning refines the teration plans reated during lanning

It at on ann n It at on ann n
a at on It at on ann n t ts

ART PI Objectives
Story Team B PI
■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■
■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■
Story ■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■
■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■



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e ro uct ner ensures t at t e ea ac og ca tures a t e or

In uts ea
Bac lo
A a o

a ont t

th sta ho s

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

e uencing tories

► Primary economic prioritization happens in the ART Backlog, where Agile

Teams se uence work for efficient execution of business priorities
► The Product Owner and the team se uence work based on:

► Initial se uencing happens during PI Planning

► Ad ustments happen at Iteration boundaries

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Workbook 114 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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Iteration anning agen a

Establishing capacity

It at on ann n Story analysis and estimating

Detailing Stories

Developing Iteration oals

Committing to Iteration oals

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

Esta is ing ca acit

► eam applies apa ity allo ation to the eam a klog

► eam uantifies apa ity to perform work in the up oming teration

► a h team mem er determines their availa ility a knowledging time off

and other potential duties

► he rodu t wner in olla oration with the team sele ts the highest
priority a klog items for ea h sli e of the apa ity allo ation to
implement in an teration

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Workbook 115 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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a acit a ocation or a ea t a ance

It s important to balance internal work like maintenance and refactors with new ser
Stories apacity allocation allows the PO and team to establish an amo nt of capacity
for each type of work and p ll from a prioriti ed list of each work item Then they can
prioriti e those work items against each other

Capacity Allocation
a a t a o at on

ser Stories


© Scaled Agile. Inc.

sing e ocit to esta is ca acit

sta lish velo ity y looking at the average output of the last terations


1 3

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Workbook 116 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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Esta is ing ca acit e ore istorica ata exists

ive the team eight points for every

f ll time developer and tester on the
team ad st for part time individ als

S btract one point for every team

member vacation day and holiday
ind a small Story that wo ld take
abo t a half day to develop and a half
day to test and validate and assign it
one point

stimate every other Story relative to

that one point Story
st at a a t
ever look back don t worry abo t
o nts o nts It at on
© Scaled Agile. Inc.

Esti ate tories it re ati e tor oints

► A Story point is a number

that represents:

olu e ow much there is si e is i

o le ity ow difficult it is

nowle e hat we know

Uncertainty hat s not known

► Story points are relative, and are

not connected to any specific unit
u dance
of measure

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Workbook 117 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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esti ating o er or ast re ati e esti ating

te s
► Estimating poker combines
expert opinion, analogy, and
disaggregation for uick but
reliable estimates

► All members participate

► Increases accuracy by including
all perspectives

► Builds understanding and creates

shared agreement

a nn

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

Iteration oa s

teration oals provide larity ommitment and management information

hey serve three purposes

Align team members to a common purpose

Align teams to common PI Ob ectives and manage dependencies

Provide transparency and management information

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Workbook 118 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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Iteration oa s Exa es

o twa a s n ss a

It at on oa s It at on oa s

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

o it to t e Iteration oa s

ea co it ents are not ust to t e or

ea s are co itte to ot er tea s t e an t e sta e o ers

A tea eets its co it ents

- or -

o t nt A a ta t

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2

Workbook 119 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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i s or e ecti e Iteration anning

st a oa h s o on ant att ns

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

4. e eam an an

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Scaled Inc. Inc.

Workbook 120 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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e ea an an ro otes co a oration an aci itates o

Product Owner
3 4 2 | 4 6 6

nt ratin
unn D inin a ui in an t tin a i atin Don

In g e ead
edi e

© Scaled Agile. Inc.


i eo e ro uct ner an t e ea nc

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

Workbook 121 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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s an t e ea nc

► Should attend the eam Syn as mem ers of the gile eam
► Should listen arefully to any impediments that they an resolve
immediately during the meet after
► Should e ready to larify Story intent and a eptan e riteria

► an interfere with the eam Syn unintentionally so don t feel ad if

your S provides helpful advi e
► Should e attentive for opportunities to release value or engage
stakeholders ased on the team s progress

© Scaled Agile. Inc.


iscussion e s ro e in t e ea nc

n your work as a for you often attend trade shows and

industry onferen es to support your sales and marketing team
identify industry trends and assess ompetitive offerings ou
know that you will e gone for two weeks attending a trade show
and visiting a few key ustomers

► Step 1: ndividually think a out how you and your team might
handle your a sen e in the eam Syn for two weeks
► Step 2: is uss your ideas with your group

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Workbook 122 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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4.4 a o re inement

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Scaled Inc. Inc.


i eo e ro uct ner an ac og e ine ent

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Workbook 123 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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ac og re ine ent

ac og re ine ent is a re ie an e a oration o u co ing tories

► elps the team think a out new Stories prior to
teration lanning
► rovides enough time to identify and resolve
dependen ies and issues that ould impa t the
ne t teration
► he team an improve Stories add a eptan e
riteria and identify missing information
► ost of the fo us is on the ne t teration ut it
allows time to dis uss future terations and even
Features for the ne t
© Scaled Agile. Inc.

i s or e ecti e ac og re ine ent

st a oa h s o on ant att ns

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2

Workbook 124 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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4. teration e ie and teration etrospe ti e

Scaled Agile.
Scaled Inc. Inc.


i eo e ro uct ner an t e Iteration e ie

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

Workbook 125 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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e Iteration e ie

The Iteration Review provides the tr e

meas re of progress by showing De onst at n a o k n
working software f nctionality tested tea nc e ent
hardware components and so on
Preparation for the review starts
with planning
Teams demonstrate every Story
spike refactor and R
o k n so t a e
ttendees are the team and othe co onents
its stakeholders

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

Iteration e ie gui e ines

► i ebo One to two hours a le te at on e e A enda

► re aration Review preparation

should be limited to one or e e us ness conte t and
te at on oals
two hours minimize presentation
De o and sol c t eed ack o
and work from the repository
each to s ke e acto
of Stories and
D scuss to es not co leted
► Atten ees If a ma or stakeholder and h
cannot attend, the Product Owner dent sks o ed ents
should follow up individually e se ea acklo and
tea P ject es as needed

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Workbook 126 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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ca a e e inition o one

ea nc e ent ste nc e ent olut on nc e ent elease

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

at to o en a tor isn t one

► lit it ow that I see the Story, I ve realized that I only really need part of
it The rest is a new Story that we can work on later

► ontinue it I still need this Story, and it s still my top priority Can we finish
this Story in the next iteration

► elay it This Story is important to me, but we ve discovered it s huge I d

prefer that we focus on other Stories with better ROI

► Aban on it If the Story is this difficult to develop, it s not worth it for me

anymore The Story is too expensive to develop relative to the value

ote If a team fre uently ends Iterations with incomplete Stories, consider
imposing stricter IP limits on the Team Kanban
© Scaled Agile. Inc.

Workbook 127 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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easure rogress exa es

easu e ent elated lo et c ual t and test auto at on

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

e ent ess i ro e ent

gile eams ontinuously adapt to new

ir umstan es and improve the methods of value
delivery o support relentless improvement

► nderstand where you are

► Foster a ontinuous earning ulture

► se retrospe tives as summary points ut not

as limitations

► tively engage with the S s s to drive

improvement on the
© Scaled Agile. Inc.

Workbook 128 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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i eo e ro uct ner an Iteration etros ecti e

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

Iteration etros ecti e

a le A enda
► e : to minutes

► p e: i k one or two items that Pa t uant tat e

an e done etter for ne t teration

► t e: nter improvement items

into the eam a klog .

Pa t ual tat e

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2

Workbook 129 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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I ro ing e er ere

ddress every area that surfa es as a onstraint to the team s performan e

ove from man al to a tomated testing

omm nicate with remote teams s b ect matter e perts and so on

onsider the team s skill set
Prepare and r n the demo
Incl de nonf nctional re irements testing

Provide more efficient and disciplined design sessions

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

4. e ps and e ease on emand

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Scaled Inc. Inc.

Workbook 130 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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i eo at is e s

© Scaled Agile. Inc.


i eo ontinuous e i er i e ine

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

Workbook 131 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

For personal use only - Camilo Cabanzo - Feb 28, 2024 (ID:005Qo000002maMeIAI)
ui ing t e ontinuous e i er i e ine it e s

ont n o s n


ontinuous ontinuous ontinuous

p oration Inte ration ep oy ent

e ease on e an
© Scaled Agile. Inc.

ontinuous Ex oration E n erstan usto er nee s

o a orat an
ot i ar r it t nt i

ro u t
ana nt
ontinuou ontinuou a on
nt ration D o nt D an

ontinuous p oration

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

Workbook 132 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

For personal use only - Camilo Cabanzo - Feb 28, 2024 (ID:005Qo000002maMeIAI)
ontinuous Integration I critica tec nica ractice o t e

De elo u ld nd to nd ta e



Cont nuous Cont nuous elease

lo at on De lo ent on De and

Cont nuous nte at on

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

ontinuous e o ent etting to ro uction ear

Deploy Verify Monitor Respond

Staging Production

Continuous Continuous on Demand
Exploration Integration

Continuous Deployment

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

Workbook 133 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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e ease on e an a ing a ue a ai a e en it s nee e

ta l e
elease and e ate easu e ea n

Cont nuous Cont nuous Cont nuous

lo at on nte at on De lo ent

on De and

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

ecou e re ease e e ents ro t e tota o ution

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2

Workbook 134 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

For personal use only - Camilo Cabanzo - Feb 28, 2024 (ID:005Qo000002maMeIAI)

iscussion ecou e re ease e e ents

he an aintenan e dvisor is a omple Solution t

in ludes omponents that operate in the van a we
appli ation and a smartphone appli ation

► Step 1: ndividually onsider if all the omponents should

e released at the same time hy or why not

► Step 2: is uss as a lass

© Scaled Agile. Inc.


ction an Executing Iterations

n the tion lan page in your work ook answer the following
► hink a out two to three spe ifi a tions you an take to reate
and manage Stories with your team rite a plan for ea h
► onsider and plan one to two ways you ould apply Story mapping
► dentify one to three a tions to improve your parti ipation in
teration events

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Workbook 135 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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Action Plan

Executing Iterations

Workbook 136 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

For personal use only - Camilo Cabanzo - Feb 28, 2024 (ID:005Qo000002maMeIAI)
esson re ie

n this lesson you

► reated Stories
► emonstrated how to plan an teration

► utlined how to manage flow with the eam an an

► Summarized how to ontinuously refine the eam a klog

► lanned how to parti ipate in the teration eview and

teration etrospe tive

► plained how to support ev ps and elease on emand

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

rtic es use in t is esson

► Story

► Team Backlog

► Product Owner

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Workbook 137 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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rtic es use in t is esson

► Release on Demand

► SA e Team Kanban

► Spikes

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

Continue your SAFe journey with the following resources:

or or or o

htt s tl e late to e nn htt s tl e late to l tt n

o or or
ro o o or r

htt s tl e late to a n htt s t l Pla l st to es

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For personal use only - Camilo Cabanzo - Feb 28, 2024 (ID:005Qo000002maMeIAI)
Continue your SAFe journey with the following resources:

or o - o or o - r o

htt s tl tud o acklo e ne ent htt s tl tud o te at onPlann n

or o - r o

htt s tl tud o te at on e e

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

e erences

Cohn, ike ie i in nd nnin Pearson Education, Inc : pper

Saddle River,
effries, Ron Essential P: Card, Conversation, Confirmation Ron effries
August ,
https: ron effries com xprog articles expcardconversationconfirmation
awrence, Richard and David reen The umanizing ork uide to Splitting
ser Stories umanizing ork pdated August ,
https: www humanizingwork com the humanizing work guide to splitting
user stories
ake, Bill I EST in ood Stories, and S ART Tasks P August ,
https: xp com articles invest in good stories and smart tasks
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Lesson 4 notes
Enter your notes below. If using a digital workbook, save your PDF often so you don’t lose
any of your notes.

Workbook 140 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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Lesson 5
Executing the PI

SAFe® Course - Attending this course gives learners access to

the SAFe Product Owner / Product Manager exam and related
preparation materials.

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

Lesson Topics
5.1 The PO Sync

5.2 The System Demo

5.3 The Innovation and

Planning Iteration

5.4 Inspect and Adapt

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Learning objectives

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

► Define how to participate in the PO Sync

► Plan how to participate in the System Demo

► Explain how to innovate throughout the PI

► Summarize how to Inspect and Adapt

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

ec ting t e

A S nc ART Events
Team Events

Do Coach Sync PO Sync

Plan Iteration
Planning Iteration
PI Check
Plan Planning
Review Demos
Iteration Backlog
Retro Refinement

Prepare for PI
Inspect and Planning

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Workbook 142 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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5.1 The PO Sync

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Scaled Inc. Inc.

Du at on

i eo vents nc 5 e ts y
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e nc e s s res on to c ange

The PO Sync:

► Provides visibility into how well the ART is progressing toward meeting the ART PI Objectives

► Provides an opportunity to assess scope adjustments

► May be used to prepare for the next PI, including sharing learnings from Continuous
Exploration, ART backlog refinement, and WSJF (weighted shortest job first) prioritization

► Is facilitated by the RTE or Product Management

► Includes Product Managers, POs, stakeholders, and SMEs, as necessary

► Occurs weekly or more frequently and lasts 30–60 minutes long

POs communicate adjustments to their teams after the sync.

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

Du at on
isc ssion nab ing a ign ent across t e
it s nc events

► Step 1: Individually, thin about the various sync events that are part of
SA e eam Sync, oach Sync, PO Sync, A Sync, Architect Sync

► Step 2: As a class, discuss the following:

o can yo leverage these sync events as a PO or Prod ct anager to ens re
alignment across the A T

hat iss es and opport nities might yo ring p

hat potential sol tions might yo o er to resolve the iss es and ollo thro gh
ith opport nities

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Workbook 144 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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5. The Sy e e

Scaled Agile.
Scaled Inc. Inc.

e ot e s ste incre ent ever t o ee s

► Features are functionally complete or

toggled so as not to disrupt
demonstrable functionality

► ew Features work together and with

existing functionality

► emos occur after the

Iteration Review
ll syste
May lag by as much as one
Iteration, maximum
► emo from a staging environment that e
resembles production as much
as possible
© Scaled Agile. Inc.

Workbook 145 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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eco en e ste e o agen a

n riefly review the business context and the PI Objectives.

n riefly describe each new Feature before running the demo.

emo each Feature.

n Frame each Feature in the context of how a Customer or persona will gain benefit
from the Feature or how the Feature will create business value.

n Identify current risks and impediments.

n Open discussion for questions and feedback, and summarized progress.

Apply the meet-after pattern to keep the System Demo focused.

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

i s or e ective ste e os

Best approaches Common anti-patterns

egin to consider how and what to demo in
A lot of time is spent preparing for the demo
Iteration Planning

Make sure the right participants are present emo does not showcase Customer value
Ensure that the team celebrates its
POs and Product Management see things for
accomplishments and that stakeholders
the first time in the System emo
acknowledge them
Make sure different team members have the System emo is not done because the Team
opportunity to demo emo is enough
Ensure that the team is ready for the System Team members are not invited to the System
emo and coordinates with the System Team emo to save time
emos are not interesting or relevant to
ART level stakeholders
sing test data
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Workbook 146 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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5. The nn n n P nn n e n

Scaled Agile.
Scaled Inc. Inc.

e ore a es

Alignment Transparency
► o i te the Visio issio d st te y ► e te t st b sed e io e t
► o e t st te y to e e tio ► o i te di e tly ope ly d ho estly
► pe ith o o l e ► ist es i to le i o e ts
► o st tly he o de st di ► Vis li e o
► de st d yo sto e ► o ide e dy ess to eeded i o tio

Respect for People Relentless Improvement

► old p e io s h t it is to be h ► e te o st t se se o e y
► V l e di e sity o people d opi io s ► ild p oble sol i lt e
► o people th o h o hi d e to i ► e le t d d pt e e tly
► b e yo sto e is hoe e o s es ► et ts ide i p o e e ts
yo o ► o ide ti e d sp e o i o tio
► ild lo te p t e ships b sed o t l be e it

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Workbook 147 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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nnovation an anning teration

PI Planning occurs on cadence within the IP Iteration, which facilitates

reliability, PI readiness, planning, and innovation
Innovation - pportun ty for
nno at on hackathons and
nfrastructure mpro ements
ro de suff c ent capac ty
Planning - ro des for cadence- mar n to ena le cadence.
ased plann n
o ld . ei e tse The Principles of
he terat on also pro des an Product Development Flow
est mat n uard and for
cadence- ased del ery

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

e teration

unda onda uesda ednesda hu sda da atu da

u e o le to e ok
ffer for overflo or
nal e cat on and al dat on and docu entat on eleas n
s ills evelopment an learning
nno at on
P Plann
prepare forn PIead ness

innovations an hac athon

t onal
olut on Cont nu n t e o
an eP educat on d st uted
Plann n lann n
PI Planning ptional
P Plann n P Plann n
time for
Inspect da one da t o
nno at on istri te
cont nues A and
apt olut on
ns ect planning
Ada t
ost P
o ksho ay ay Plann n
P Plann n
ead ness
rea iness

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

Workbook 148 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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nnovative i eas co e ro an so rces

Inte na so ces te na so ces

Dear Terrific Transport

Thank you for creating the Van

S a egic
Maintenance Advisor.
Maintenance schedules
customized to each van have
ompet to s
e e reduced our repair costs, To: Terrific Transport
increased driver safety, and Corporation

increased revenue because our

vans are on the road more and
function reliably.

—Local Courier Services, Inc.

e ests
S pp e s
Collaborate and
esult Hypothesize Research Architect Synthesize

A e eams Product
Management Continuous Continuous Release on
Integration Deployment Demand

n in l ai n

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

e as an a s to ro ote an ca t re innovation

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Workbook 149 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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rgani e a ac at on

► A hackathon is a one-day or two-day event

in which teams work on new ideas that are
often added to the ART Kanban

► Two key guidelines balance creativity

and focus:

- People can work on whatever they want,

with whomever they want, as long as the
work reflects the mission of the company

- The teams demo their work to others at

the end of the hackathon

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

rgani e a ier s o case

A Supplier showcase is a structured demo from an internal or external

Supplier designed to help your teams better leverage the products or
services offered by the Supplier
A Supplier showcase helps teams:
ed ce or y etter leveraging the S pplier s prod ct Did yo no that o r
API provides a tomatic ro ting ere s ho it or s
na le Architects Prod ct O ners and Prod ct anagers to identi y na lers
and improve oadmaps

A Supplier showcase helps Suppliers by providing them direct feedbac

on what they need to supply to the teams

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2

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ore so e s i es

A spi e is an exploration Enabler Story designed to gain the nowledge

necessary to reduce the ris of a technical approach, better understand
a re uirement, or increase the reliability of a Story estimate

hile spi es can be added to eam ac logs at any time during a PI to

reduce ris , spi es are commonly used to explore new ideas or
determine feasibility of Epics

Spi es increase learning within the team

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2

5. n ec n

Scaled Agile.
Scaled Inc. Inc.
Agile, 22

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For personal use only - Camilo Cabanzo - Feb 28, 2024 (ID:005Qo000002maMeIAI)
roving res ts it t e ns ect an a t event

hree parts of nspect and Adapt A

e PI System Demo

ant tat e and a tat e eas ement

et ospect e and P o em So n o s op

► Time o hree to four hours per

► Atten ees eams and stakeholders

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2

ste e o

At the end of the teams demonstrate the current

state of the Solut on to the appropr ate stakeholders.

ften led y roduct ana ement roduct

ners and the System eam

Attended y us ness ners A

stakeholders roduct ana ement
Scrum asters eam oaches and teams

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evie re evant etrics

hree SA e measurement doma ns support us ness A l ty.

o n

si ess oppo t ity si ess oppo t ity

dent ed e e a ed

n l

Sense Fund Organize Connect to Deliver Pivot or Deliver value Learn

opportunity MVP around value Customer MVP persevere continuously and adapt


© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2

o etenc assess ents

One assessment or each one o Agile Product Delivery Assessment

the Seven ore ompetencies Customer Centricity
and Design Thinking

Assess at a greater level o detail

to generate deeper insights .

eas re the progress eing made


to ard a speci ic core competency .

Identi y speci ic practices or .

potential improvement

DevOps and the

Continuous Develop on Cadence;
Delivery Pipeline Release on Demand

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o etrics

et c Desc pt on

o D st t on he o to e h type o o i the syste o e ti e

he e e be o o ite s th t be o pleted i
o e oc ty
i e ti e e

o me o lo it t es o o ite to o th o h the syste

o oad he o e ll o to i the syste

o h o the o e ll lo ti e is spe t i l e dded o

o c ency
ti ities s. iti bet ee steps

o P ed cta ty e ll pl ed s. t l b si ess l e hie ed

ct t ct

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2

e ig t o cce erators

. sual e and l m t
. Address ottlenecks
. n m e handoffs and dependenc es
. et faster feed ack
. ork n smaller atches
. educe ueue len ths
. pt m e t me n the one
. emed ate le acy pol c es and pract ces

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tco e etrics

Do our Solut ons del er the e pected enef ts to the us ness

► ey performance in icators PIs - easure ho a alue Stream s

perform n a a nst ts us ness o ect es

► ectives an ey Res lts Rs - A oal-sett n frame ork that

e aluates pro ress ey esults to ard ach e n a set of us ness
outcomes ect es

► mployee engagement - easure ho mot ated nd duals are n

support n the ach e ement of the or an at on s oals and alues

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 2

Du at on
i eo ns ect an a t e etros ective an
rob e o ving or s o vervie d et o
© Scaled Agile. Inc.

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e rob e so ving or s o

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

Pe ae ha e

isc ssion etrics 5

tep dent fy h ch flo and outcome etr cs ould e est to apply n

your or an at on

tep D scuss hat you th nk those flo and outcome etr cs ould re eal
a out your or an at on s del ery effect eness

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Lesson revie

n th s lesson you

► Def ned ho to part c pate n the Sync

► lanned ho to part c pate n the System Demo

► pla ned ho to nno ate throu hout the

► Summar ed ho to nspect and Adapt

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

Du at on

ction an ec ting t e 5

On the Action Plan page in your wor boo , answer the following uestions:

ow might you change your participation in and collaboration around the

PO Sync, System Demo, and Inspect and Adapt event

hat inds of innovation opportunities would you li e to encourage and

ma e time for with your Agile eam

hat inds of etrics do you plan to start collecting and reviewing during
your Inspect and Adapt wor shops

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

Workbook 157 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

For personal use only - Camilo Cabanzo - Feb 28, 2024 (ID:005Qo000002maMeIAI)
Action Plan

Executing the PI

Workbook 158 © Scaled Agile, Inc.

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rtic es se in t is esson

Read these Framework articles to learn more about topics covered in this lesson

lann n nter al
planning interval
System Demo
system demo
easure and ro
measure and grow

© Scaled Agile. Inc.

rtic es se in t is esson

Read these Framework articles to learn more about topics covered in this lesson

nspect Adapt
inspect and adapt
ake alue lo thout
nterrupt ons
make value flow without interruptions

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Continue your SAFe journey with the following resources:

o lo d the F cilit tor s uide to Fe stem o lo d the P nc F heet o the e

Demo d F cilit tor s uide to Fe P nc d e e ts p e o s e s to
o e ool its d e pl tes. e e tly s ed estio s e di the y .
ttps t y St d o oo tsand emp ates ttps t yA ents

t h the t o i te o chin Tips The stem t h the i e p t nspect nd d pt eries pl ylist

Demo ideo to i o hi tips d t i s o ho th t p o ides o e ie o spe t d d pt s
to s ess l yste e o. ell s di e e t spe ts o the e e t.
ttps t y deo oac n psSystemDemo ttps t y deo InspectandAdapt

o lo d the F cilit tor s uide to Fe nspect

nd d pt to p ep e o de e the i the
e e t o the spe t d d pt p e.
ttps t y D st tedInspectAndAdapt

Scaled Agile.
Agile, Inc.

e erences

eath, hip and an eath Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is
Hard. ew ork: urrency,
Kersten, ik Project to Product: How to Survive and Thrive in the Age of
Digital Disruption with the Flow Framework. T Revolution: Portland,
Kindle dition
Reinertsen, onald The Principles of Product Development Flow: Second
Generation of Lean Product Development Redondo each: eleritas

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Lesson 5 notes
Enter your notes below. If using a digital workbook, save your PDF often so you don’t lose
any of your notes.

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Lesson 6
Practicing SAFe

SAFe® Course - Attending this course gives learners access to

the SAFe Product Owner / Product Manager exam and related
preparation materials.

© Scaled Agile. Inc.


Video: SAFe Certification Benefits 3

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e ea i g a is at t ce tificati
Next Steps:

Download the workbook and access the

exam study guide and practice test

Take the Certification Exam and showcase your

Digital Badge to get recognized as a Certified SAFe
Release Train Engineer

Agile, Inc.
Inc. 6-

Feedback is a gift
Help us improve by
completing the Course
Feedback Survey

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Acti it : earnin an min

► Step 1: ndividually navigate to your learning plan via

https sa e scaledagile com

► Step 2: n your earning lan navigate to and complete the course eedback
survey he survey results ill remain anonymous to the instructor

► Step 3: ter completing the survey revie the rest o the certi ication prep
materials ake special note o your e am deadline and plan your timeline to
prepare or and complete the e am

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 6-


Video: e co e to SAFe St dio 3

min elco eSAFeSt dio

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SAFe St dio eso rces

e e e

t S e e t

S e S e e e t

S e

© Scaled Agile. Inc. 6-


Acti it : SAFe St dio oration min

► Step 1: sing the sidebar navigation e plore each area o S Fe Studio to

locate the ollo ing

denti y a video about a S Fe event you re curious to learn more about

Select an online learning o interest

► Step 2: avigate to the S Fe Forum and make a post ou could introduce

yoursel ask a uestion rom the class parking lot or respond to a post rom
another S Fe Studio user

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Good luck on your
SAFe Practice
with SAFe Studio
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SAFe Glossary
📖 SAFe Glossary:
Visit the Scaled Agile Framework site (
to download glossaries translated into other languages.

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For personal use only - Camilo Cabanzo - Feb 28, 2024 (ID:005Qo000002maMeIAI)

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