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Work force

1. Initiatives like Improving Worker Well-Being could increase Levi's costs in a number of
different respects. Shouldn't that harm the profitability of the company? (02 Marks) (Min
words 150-200)

Yes, initiatives like Improving Worker Well-Being could increase Levi's costs in a number of
different respects. For example, the company may need to spend more money on wages, training,
and healthcare benefits for its workers. It may also need to invest in new equipment and facilities
to improve working conditions.

However, Levi's believes that the long-term benefits of Investing in Worker Well-Being
outweigh the costs. When workers are healthy, satisfied, and engaged, they are more productive
and less likely to leave the company. This can lead to higher profits for Levi's in the long run.

In addition, Levi's believes that Investing in Worker Well-Being is the right thing to do. The
company is committed to operating its business in a responsible and ethical manner. This
includes treating its workers with dignity and respect.

2. What are the potential strengths of a bottom-up approach to supplier improvement for a
large company like Levi's? Would be the advantages to a more top-down approach? (02
Marks) (Min words 150-200)

A bottom-up approach to supplier improvement involves working with suppliers to identify and
implement ways to improve working conditions. This approach can be very effective, as it allows
suppliers to take ownership of the improvement process and to develop solutions that are tailored
to their specific needs.

Some of the potential strengths of a bottom-up approach to supplier improvement include:

 It is more likely to be successful in the long term, as it is based on the needs and priorities
of the suppliers.
 It can help to build stronger relationships between Levi's and its suppliers.
 It can lead to more innovative and sustainable solutions to worker well-being issues.
A top-down approach to supplier improvement, on the other hand, involves setting standards and
requirements for suppliers to meet. This approach can be more efficient and effective in the short
term, but it can also be more difficult to implement and sustain in the long term.

Some of the potential advantages of a top-down approach to supplier improvement include:

 It can be more efficient in the short term, as it does not require as much collaboration
with suppliers.
 It can be more effective in ensuring that suppliers meet Levi's standards.
 It can be easier to implement and sustain in the long term, as it does not require as much
buy-in from suppliers.

Overall, Levi's believes that the benefits of a bottom-up approach to supplier improvement
outweigh the costs. The company believes that this approach is more likely to lead to sustainable
improvements in worker well-being.

3. How exactly should Harvard's School of Public Health go about studying the effects of
the Improving Worker Wellbeing initiative? What would an ideal study look like? (02
Marks) (Min words 200)

To study the effects of the Improving Worker Well-Being initiative, Harvard's School of Public
Health could conduct a longitudinal study of workers at Levi's supplier factories. The study
could compare the health, well-being, and productivity of workers in factories that have
implemented the initiative to the health, well-being, and productivity of workers in factories that
have not implemented the initiative.

The study should control for other factors that could influence worker well-being, such as wages,
benefits, and working conditions. The study should also collect data on the cost of implementing
the initiative.

An ideal study would be one that is well-designed, well-executed, and unbiased. The study
should be large enough to be statistically significant, and it should follow workers for a long
enough period of time to capture the long-term effects of the initiative.
The study should also use a variety of methods to collect data, such as surveys, interviews, and
physiological measurements. This will help to ensure that the findings are reliable and valid.

Here is a more detailed outline of an ideal study:

 Study design: The study should be a longitudinal study, comparing the health, well-
being, and productivity of workers in factories that have implemented the Improving
Worker Well-Being initiative to the health, well-being, and productivity of workers in
factories that have not implemented the initiative.
 Study participants: The study should include a large and representative sample of
workers from both Levi's supplier factories that have implemented the initiative and
Levi's supplier factories that have not implemented the initiative.
 Data collection: The study should collect data on a variety of variables, including:
o Worker health and well-being: This could include measures such as self-reported
health status, physical and mental health symptoms, and job satisfaction.
o Worker productivity: This could include measures such as output per hour,
absenteeism, and turnover.
o Cost of implementing the initiative: This could include the cost of training,
equipment, and other resources required to implement the initiative.

Data analysis:

The study should use statistical methods to compare the health, well-being, and productivity of
workers in factories that have implemented the initiative to the health, well-being, and
productivity of workers in factories that have not implemented the initiative. The study should
also control for other factors that could influence worker well-being, such as wages, benefits, and
working conditions.


The study should draw conclusions about the effects of the Improving Worker Well-Being
initiative on worker health, well-being, and productivity. The study should also discuss the
limitations of the study and make recommendations for future research.

This study would be valuable in providing evidence on the effectiveness of the Improving
Worker Well-Being initiative. It would also help to identify the best ways to implement the
initiative in Levi's supplier factories.

Question 4

Job in which citizenship behaviors would be especially critical to an organization's


Flight attendant

Flight attendants play a vital role in the smooth and safe operation of airlines. They are
responsible for a wide range of tasks, including:

 Welcoming passengers on board and helping them to find their seats

 Serving food and drinks
 Providing safety instructions and demonstrations
 Responding to emergencies

In addition to these formal job duties, flight attendants are also expected to engage in a variety of
citizenship behaviors. For example, they may:

 Go the extra mile to help passengers who are feeling anxious or unwell
 Volunteer to take on extra tasks, such as cleaning up the cabin or helping with a delayed
 Be friendly and helpful to all passengers, regardless of their background or social status

Citizenship behaviors are especially critical for flight attendants because they can help to create a
positive and safe environment for passengers. When flight attendants are helpful, friendly, and
supportive, passengers are more likely to feel relaxed and comfortable. This can lead to a better
overall customer experience and increased customer satisfaction.

Job in which citizenship behaviors would be less critical:

Data entry clerk

Data entry clerks are responsible for entering data into computer systems. This work is often
repetitive and monotonous, and it can be done independently. As a result, citizenship behaviors
are less critical for data entry clerks than they are for flight attendants.
Data entry clerks may still engage in citizenship behaviors, such as helping their colleagues or
volunteering for extra tasks. However, these behaviors are not essential for the successful
completion of their job duties.

What is it about a job that makes citizenship more important?

Citizenship behaviors are more important in jobs that require employees to interact with
customers or other employees on a regular basis. In these jobs, citizenship behaviors can help to
create a positive and supportive work environment. This can lead to improved customer service,
increased productivity, and reduced turnover.

Question 5

Reasons why the increased diversity of the workforce might actually increase
organizational commitment:

There are a number of reasons why the increased diversity of the workforce might actually
increase organizational commitment.

 Increased exposure to different perspectives: A diverse workforce can expose

employees to a wider range of perspectives and ideas. This can help employees to learn
and grow, and it can also lead to more innovative and creative solutions to problems.
 Greater sense of belonging and inclusion: Employees who feel like they belong to an
inclusive workplace are more likely to be committed to their organization. A diverse
workforce can help to create a more inclusive workplace where all employees feel valued
and respected.
 Increased opportunities for advancement: A diverse workforce can create more
opportunities for employees to advance their careers. This is because organizations are
more likely to promote employees who have a broad range of skills and experience.

Which of the three types of commitment might explain that sort of result?

The three types of commitment that could explain how an increased diversity of the workforce
might lead to increased organizational commitment are:

 Affective commitment: Affective commitment is an emotional attachment to an

organization. Employees who are affectively committed to their organization are more
likely to be satisfied with their jobs and to stay with the organization for the long term.
 Normative commitment: Normative commitment is a feeling of obligation to stay with
an organization because of social norms or expectations. Employees who feel
normatively committed to their organization are more likely to stay with the organization
even if they are not completely satisfied with their jobs.
 Continuance commitment: Continuance commitment is a feeling that employees have
to stay with an organization because of the costs associated with leaving. Employees who
have high continuance commitment may be less likely to leave their organization, even if
they are unhappy, because they would lose things like seniority, benefits, or retirement

Affective commitment is the most likely type of commitment to explain how an increased
diversity of the workforce might lead to increased organizational commitment. This is because
affective commitment is based on an emotional attachment to the organization. When employees
feel like they belong to an inclusive workplace where they are valued and respected, they are
more likely to develop an emotional attachment to the organization.


 Colquitt, J. A., LePine, J. A., & Wesson, M. J. (2021). Organizational behaviour:

Improving performance and commitment in the workplace (7th ed). Burr Ridge, IL:
McGraw-Hill Irwin.
 Organ, D. W. (1988). Organizational citizenship behavior: The good soldier syndrome.
Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.
 Shore, L. M., Coyle-Shapiro, J. A., & Tetrick, L. E. (2011). Organizational citizenship
behavior and employee retention: A meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology, 96(6),
 Williams, K. Y., & O'Reilly, C. A. (1998). Demography and diversity: Organizations
become more like their markets. The Academy of Management Review, 23(4), 920-933.

Example of how an increased diversity of the workforce might lead to increased

organizational commitment:

A company that is committed to diversity and inclusion might create employee resource groups
(ERGs) for different identity groups, such as women, people of color, and LGBTQ+ employees.
ERGs can provide employees with a space to connect with others who share their experiences
and to advocate for their needs.

When employees feel like they have a voice and that their needs are being heard, they are more
likely to be committed to their organization. In addition, ERGs can help to create a more
inclusive workplace culture, which can also lead to increased organizational commitment.
Another example of how an increased diversity of the workforce might lead to increased
organizational commitment is through mentorship programs. Mentorship programs can connect
employees from different backgrounds and with different levels of experience. This can help
employees to learn from each other and to grow in their careers.

When employees feel like they have mentors who support them and who are invested in their
success, they are more likely to be committed to their organization. In addition, mentorship
programs can help to create a more diverse leadership pipeline, which can also lead to increased
organizational commitment.

Overall, there are a number of ways in which an increased diversity of the workforce can lead to
increased organizational commitment. By creating an inclusive workplace culture, providing
opportunities for employees to learn and grow, and supporting employees' career development,
organizations can create a more committed workforce.

Step-by-step explanation

To accomplish the above task, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the assignment carefully and identify the key questions or tasks. In this case,
the key questions are:
o Describe a job in which citizenship behaviors would be especially critical to an
organization's functioning, and one in which citizenship behaviors would be less
critical. What is it about a job that makes citizenship more important?
o Can you think of reasons the increased diversity of the workforce might actually
increase organizational commitment? Why? Which of the three types of
commitment might explain that sort of result?
2. Gather relevant information. This may include reading the textbook, scholarly articles,
and other sources. Be sure to cite your sources properly.
3. Develop your answers. Use the information you have gathered to develop your answers
to the key questions or tasks. Be sure to support your answers with evidence from the
course material and other sources.
4. Proofread your work. Carefully proofread your work to ensure that it is free of errors.

Here are some additional tips:

 Be specific and detailed in your answers.

 Use evidence from the course material and other sources to support your claims.
 Be organized and logical in your writing.
 Use clear and concise language.
 Proofread your work carefully before submitting it.

To make a reflection in detailed steps, you can follow these steps:

1. Choose a topic or experience to reflect on. This could be something that happened
recently, something that has been on your mind, or something that you have been
learning about.
2. Describe the topic or experience in detail. What happened? What were your thoughts
and feelings? What did you learn?
3. Analyze the topic or experience. What were the causes and consequences? What were
your strengths and weaknesses? What could you have done differently?
4. Draw conclusions and make recommendations. What did you learn from the
experience? How can you apply your learnings to the future?

Here are some additional tips for writing a reflection:

 Be honest and open with yourself. Reflection is a process of self-discovery, so it is

important to be honest with yourself about your thoughts, feelings, and experiences.
 Be specific and detailed. Avoid making general statements about yourself or the
experience. Instead, focus on specific examples and incidents.
 Be reflective. Don't just describe the experience; think about what it means to you and
what you learned from it.
 Be constructive. The goal of reflection is not to dwell on the past or to beat yourself up.
Instead, it is to learn from your experiences and to grow as a person.

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