Warrior Fellowship Study Guide Week 7 Stay in There

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Warrior Church Bible Study:

Stay In There

But that’s not all! Even in times of trouble, we have a joyful confidence,
knowing that our pressures will develop in us patient endurance.
And patient endurance will refine our character,
and proven character leads us back to hope
Romans 5:3-4 TPT

The idea of staying in there is something Jesus would say to encourage us
every day. Jesus wants to see us complete the assignments He has for us. Heaven is
like a command center with angels on assignment coming back and forth
continually. They receive and distribute different messages and strategies to help us,
and Jesus is the head overseeing everything. Many plans and purposes are
implemented from the command center in Heaven.
People begin to light up in the spirit as God comes to visit them. Whenever
revival occurs, you will see that the map area starts to light up because there will be
an increase in angel activity. The angels will start to gather there, and the Holy Spirit
will come with His presence in a powerful way. You will see people weeping, crying,


and laughing. Some people will have conviction and repent, and the characteristics
of revival will be present. At that point, the demonic spirits know that something is
happening in that area.
The enemy will send in reinforcements to try and stop God’s plan. When
people begin to feel the pressure of that onslaught of warfare, they will think they
should back off, and the enemy will eventually leave them alone. That is not how it
works, though, because evil spirits do not think that way. It doesn’t help you at all
to back off because if you are not aggressive with them, they will harass you.
If you do not establish your authority in a region or your family, they will
wreak havoc and continue to do their thing until you stop them and put your foot
down. Treat the devil rough, give him pressure, and do not back off. He does not
have a plan B. There is no hope for him. You want him to be trapped and miserable.
You want him to be in fear and experience all that he has put on people. The Lord
will come to you by His Spirit and say, “stay in there.” Do not back off.

Galatians 6:9 (NLT): “So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just
the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.”


When I was at the airline, I wanted to quit because I thought I would be a

pilot, and the Lord had me become a flight attendant. I didn’t like that idea, and I
thought I would help God out by looking for another job. But the Lord said, “No, I
have you here because there’s a plan that has to do with all the people that you’re
going to meet and influence, and I need you at this company in this capacity.” I
obeyed God, but that didn’t stop me from encountering plenty of trouble and


hardship there, and even though I was at a job I didn’t want to be at, the company
prospered. I worked there for 29 years, and I never reached a balance because its
purpose was to develop my character. It ended up being an excellent job, but it
wasn’t easy. I obeyed God and stayed in a job that I didn’t want to do, but it helped
my character by staying in there.

Hebrews 12:6-7 (NLT): “For the LORD disciplines those he loves, and he
punishes each one he accepts as his child.” ‘As you endure this divine
discipline, remember that God is treating you as his own children. Who ever
heard of a child who is never disciplined by its father?’”

You will see that what you’ve gone through in life, God had His hand in it,
and He was preparing you. Whatever situation you find yourself in, remember that
God is a good Father and in His love disciplines those He loves because He is
treating you as His child. We have to gain the character and tenacity that comes from
hardships to turn it on the devil. You have to get to a place where you don’t put up
with the enemy anymore.
When Jesus was tempted in the desert, the Bible tells us that, “When the devil
ended every temptation, he left Him until an opportune time” (see Luke 4:13). It will
happen that way for you as your character develops and you pass all your tests. We
do not see the devil coming against Jesus until the very end through Judas.
Jesus was casting out demons until that time, and people were being healed at
a word or a touch. Jesus’ face was set on fulfilling His assignment. He was going to
Jerusalem to die. There is an intensity that happens from suffering and when you are
in challenging situations. It is in those places that you learn lessons of diligence and
discipline. You are being set up to do the right things, and you are discovering and


overcoming through faith. You are learning how to believe, and out of it all, God
gets the glory.

One day we are going to see and understand why

we went through such intense preparation.
~ Kevin Zadai

Preparation and hardship cause your character to operate at a higher degree

because you have built up a tolerance to handle challenging situations. Refined
character leads us back to hope. It’s like a circle where hope doesn’t disappoint us
because we know we have the Holy Spirit in us, and we have a deposit guaranteeing
that we are going to get the whole gift. When we get to Heaven, we will receive
rewards for our faith and diligence, but we have the Holy Spirit as a down payment
for now. Finish your race with rewards, honor, and a winning prize. The unveiling
of glory happens at the end of the age because of the deposit made into us.

Pressure develops patient endurance.

Patient endurance refines your character.
Refined character will lead you back to hope.
Hope provides that not only will you finish the race, but you will finish
with rewards, with honor and the winning prize.

Romans 8:18 TPT: “I am convinced that any suffering we endure is less than
nothing compared to the magnitude of glory that is about to be unveiled within


The deposit that is in us will be revealed.

We are going to see Jesus and be like Him.
Know the hope to which you’ve been called.

1. Discuss the following topics:

Being fully convinced in times of trouble:

2. Suffering:

3. Enduring:



4. Staying in there:


Thank You, Father; I pray right now for you in the name of Jesus. I thank You,
Father, that as I pray for everyone, they would see the impartation this week. That
they would not only endure hardship as a good soldier but also know that there is a
reward for enduring it and that they will be given great and mighty things. You have
trusted them, Father, and they just have to stay in there and know that there is a
reward coming with their preparation time.

I thank You for the anointing of power. I command satan to let go of every individual,
every one of my friends out there at Warrior Church. I pray, Father, for favor right
now, as You smile upon them in the name of Jesus. I thank You for keeping them,
Lord. Thank You for the angels of the Lord coming around them and keeping them,
and I break every evil power, in the name of Jesus.


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