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Session 17 – Eschatology

The Final Judgement

 Final Judgement: assessment of their life
o Their standing before God
o There will be a verdict by the judge – innocent or guilty
 Judge is God – He has the authority
 Death:
o Think about how we want out body to be treated after death

Life after death:

 Video doesn’t tell anything about life after death – it is not the Christian worldview

The final judgement:

 If the redeemed in Christ go immediately after death to be with the Lord, and those who are not
redeemed go immediately to the place of torment – why is a final judgement even needed?
 The problem with this objection – it is based on the assumption that the purpose of the final judgement is
to determine man’s future destiny
o Commonly held view – but not the right one
 By the time of the final judgement – the final destiny of all who have lived or are still living on earth will
already have been determined
o When we die – we know whether we are condemned or saved
 The purpose of the final judgement:
Three key points:
o The outstanding purpose of the judgement – to display the sovereignty of God and the glory of God
in the revelation of the final destiny of each person
 In the process of judgement – the kingship of God, the majesty, fullness of God’s nature will be
 Our destiny has been confirmed before God even pronounce it – whether we belong to Him or
o A second purpose is to reveal the degree of reward or degree of punishment which each shall
o A third purpose – to execute God’s judgement on each purpose
 Full and final justice will be revealed on each person
 Complete permanent eternal justice
 We are responsible to God for the life He has given us
 We have a responsibility to honour Him and our neighbour – because we are made in His
 There is one key difference in the last judgement – the Judge is omniscient and has no need of evidence
to convince Him
o Omniscient: all-knowing – therefore He knows all (no evidence is needed)
 In criminal trial – judge weigh the evidence because they don’t know the truth, He is not there
during the event.
o God knows everything perfectly – He doesn’t need to weigh evidence, He already know
o He presides with a perfect knowledge of the character and history of everyone who stands before
 He know us inside and out – because He created us
o The great day, therefore, will be one rather of publication and execution than of judgement strictly
as we normally think of it
 He didn’t need to be convinced of something
 Publication: testimony in which the whole world are privilege to witness
 Privilege: God is displaying His perfect, holy, righteous, beautiful character
 Display of God perfect justice and mercy to those who belong to Christ
 When will the final judgement take place?
o It will occur at the end of the present age – when Christ returns in bodily form
 2 Per 3:7
 Who will be the Judge?
o Christ will be the judge
 John 5:22
 God the father has given all authority and power to Christ
 Christ has done the will of the father perfectly
o The angels will play a part in the final judgement as is evident from Matt 13:41-43
o The saints as well in their glorified state will play a part in the work of judging
 Saints: all that are redeemed – all true Christians
o Angels and saints don’t participate equally like Christ
 We get to share in the glory, as a part of being His brothers and sisters
 Who will be judged?
o The angels will be judges
 Satan and demons – the fallen angels, forces of wickedness and evil
o All human being who ever lived will have to appear before this final judgement seat
 Both believer and non-believers.
o All the dead, great and small, including all those given up by the sea, by death, and by hades,
standing before the throne of judgement
 No exceptions – everybody will be judged
o Though believers must all appear before the judgement seat – they need have no fear of the day of
 Believers: all that truly belong to Christ, part of God family
 There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ
 God has already removed our guiltiness – He put it on Christ
 Christ paid the price for the believer’s sin
 Christians – not guilty
o Those who abide in God may have confidence for the Day of Judgement
 We can have security and confidence that God is in our side
 As long as we trust in Christ – what He did for us
 Surrender our life to Him

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