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Subject matter of a subject refers to the knowledge and beliefs about the subject. Thus
some of the subject matter of mathematics is knowledge we have about mathematics and beliefs
about the relative importance and modes of application of various items of knowledge (Cooney,
et al 1983). A subject is sometimes spoken of as a topic and it differs from the subject matter
about that subject or topic. A topic is a name of a body of subject matter. On the other hand, the
knowledge or beliefs denoted by that name constitute the subject matter. Thus the area of
geometric figures or how to find the area of geometric figures is a topic. Items of subject matter
about this topic would be, among other things, the following:
- The area of a geometric figure is the number of units of square measure in the geometric
- To measure area, we need a unit of measure.
- Unit of measure of area in the Imperial or English system are square inch, square foot,
square yard and square mile.
- Unit of measure of area in the Metric system are the square millimetre, square
centimetre, square meter and square kilometre.
- To find the area of a rectangle, multiply the length and width.
- The area of a triangle is one-half the product of a side and the altitude to that side.
- The area A of a circle of radius r is given by the formula A = r2.
- The area cannot be more accurate than the least accurate measurement used to compute
- Don’t express the area in more significant digits than there are in the least accurate
measurement used to compute it.
Notice that whereas a topic (in this case, area of a geometric figure) is a name, subject matter
about the topic is expressed in sentences. This is to be expected, for knowledge or beliefs in daily
life are expressed usually in sentences rather than in phrases. In selecting subject matter, we
usually begin by selecting topics. Then we analyze these into subtopics and further subordinate
Types of Subject Matter
In mathematics, three basic subject matters include: concepts, generalizations and skills.
1. Concepts
In mathematics, we study certain objects such as counting numbers, real numbers, complex
numbers, triangles, system of open sentences, angle, rate, gradient, determinant, vectors,
functions and proofs. One of the first things we learn is what each object is: what a line
segment is; what a periodic function is; what the definition of a one-to-one correspondence is.
Once we have learnt what some objects are, how to identify them, we can study the relations
among them. Then we can study how we can use them.
Concepts are a kind of subject mater; from one point of view, they are the most basic
learnable objects. They are among the first things learnt by young children. By means of
concepts, other concepts and other kinds of subject matter are learnt.
A concept is knowledge of what something is, as for example the number 10, the number
, a variable, circle, congruence, etc. Such knowledge is quite basic. We have to know what
something is, what its identifying properties are before we can ascertain what its other properties
are and how it is related to other objects.
Theorists tend to conceive of concepts according to their interests. Thus psychologists
interested in how children learn concepts in absence of expository teaching, which Ausubel
(1968) speaks of as concept formation, might regard a concept as an abstraction from
experiences involving examples of concepts. For example Skemp (1977) defines concept as ‘a
way of processing data which enables the user to bring past experience usefully to bear on the
present situation’. Indeed, a concept is an idea or mental structure of something. It is the basic
building blocks of mathematics.
2. Generalizations
Once mathematicians have conceived of mathematical objects (numbers, functions,
vectors, etc), they can study the properties of these objects and the relations among them. The
findings of such a study provide generalizations – that is, statements that hold over a set of
objects or statements about a nonsingular set of objects. In other words, generalization is a
statement that is true about all the elements of a set. In mathematics, these are formulae,
theorems, rules and relations.
Generalizations, like concepts, are a kind of subject matter that mathematics teachers teach their
Examples of generalization include: A = r2; V = r2h; D= ;
−b±√ b −4 ac

x= ;
Sum of interior angles of a polygon of n sides is 180(n – 2)o.
For real number x and y, xy = yx.
An ellipse is a conic section. etc.
Generalizations are usually taught in one of two ways: by exposition or by heuristics
(that is, by guided discovery)
3. Skills
Concepts and generalizations are cognitive knowledge; they are basic to other kinds of
knowledge. Another kind of knowledge that is also taught in the classroom is knowledge of how
to do something – what we call skills. Examples are adding whole number, factorizing
algebraic expressions, measuring angles, differentiating or integrating algebraic expression, etc.
Teaching skills plays an important role in the teaching of mathematics. If students do not
develop skills in performing tasks, they will be handicapped in furthering their mathematical
learning. Teachers must provide enough practice for students to let them acquire necessary
mathematical skills, but strive to strike a balance between teaching concepts and generalizations
and teaching skills.
A distinguishing feature or characteristic of learning how to do something is that it can be
learnt through imitation. Consider the skill of swimming and squaring binomials. Many people
learn to swim without formal instruction by observing and imitating others. Similarly, an algebra
student may learn how to square binomials by observing and imitating a teacher or another
student. Through proper practice, he may improve in his ability to square binomials and be able
to find products accurately and rapidly, thus acquiring the desired skill. One should not conclude,
however, that the strategy of imitation followed by practice is the best way to acquire a skill.
Without some knowledge of theory and principles, imitation and practice tend to be time
consuming and unreliable approach to learning a skill.
A swimmer who understands breathing, kicking and stroking is likely to improve.
Likewise, an algebra student who understands the mathematical generalizations underlying the
squaring of a binomial is likely to become proficient in squaring binomials of various
Although students can learn by imitation, providing them with a combination of the
cognitive knowledge that pertains to the skill and the right kind of practice enables them to
develop skills in a meaningful way. A basic premise is that students, in acquiring skills, be
provided a basis for understanding what they are doing.
Apart from concepts, generalizations and skills, Cooney, Davis and Henderson (1983)
also mention singular statements, prescriptions and value judgments as additional subject matter
of mathematics.

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