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1st Pingu Mathematical Olympiad 18-19/2/2024

Time limit: 4 hours

Mairo was strolling with his beloved girlfriend Paech. Suddenly, they
felt a strong wind! King Browser, a fire-breathing turtle jumped in front
of them! Browser’s men, Wendy kidnapped Paech in front of Mairo’s
eyes and flew away! Panicking, Paech’s attendant, Toad ran to Mairo
and told him that Browser has no weakness but Maigkoopa’s Magic Spell.
They then rushed to Maigkoopa’s castle to look for the spell. Maigkoopa
told them that he can teach them the spell, but they have to solve four
problems in three hours and fifty-eight minutes to prove their worthiness.
In order to save Paech, Mairo accepted the challenge. Maigkoopa first
gave Mairo an easy one:

Problem 1. Let x, y, z be positive reals such that xyz = 1. Prove

that ! !
Xx Xx (x + y + z)3

y cyc
z 3

Smart Mairo thought for a while and gave Maigkoopa his solution. It
was correct! Maigkoopa was a little impressed. He then gave Mairo the
second one:

Problem 2. Determine all pairs (a, p) of positive integers with p

prime such that 2a + 1 + p + p2 + · · · + p2 −1 is divisible by 2a+2 .

Mairo worked for a while, and gave Maigkoopa the correct reasoning.
Maigkoopa was pretty impressed. It seemed like Mairo deserves to learn
the Spell. After that, Mairo received the third problem:

Problem 3. Let △ABC be an acute triangle with circumcircle Γ.
Let the line parallel to BC through A meets Γ at A′ ̸= A. Let the
incircle of △ABC touches side AC and AB at E, F respectively, and
the A-excircle touches BC at X. Let T be the intersection of the lines
EF and BC. P is the intersection of the tangents to Γ through B and
C. A′ P meets Γ again at K ̸= A′ . Show that AT KX is cyclic.

’Oh, this is a hard one,’ Mairo said. He draws the diagram and worked
with it. ‘Oh! There it is,’ Mairo showed his workings to Maigkoopa.
’Wow! Nice solution!’ Maigkoopa gave Mairo his last problem:

Problem 4. Let n be a positive integer. For what values of n a

regular n-gon can be dissected into finitely many parallelograms?

’Aha!’ Mairo solved the problem. Maigkoopa is super impressed with

his performance and decided to teach Mairo the spell. Maigkoopa told
Mairo that if he wants to enhance the spell, he must solve the following

Extra problem (bonus points):

If x, y, z are positive reals with xyz = 1, What is the greatest constant
k > 0 such that
! !  k
Xx Xx x+y+z
y cyc
z 3

Using his newly-learned spell, Mairo rushed to Browser’s castle and

used the spell on him. He successfully defeated Browser and rescued
Paech. Suddenly, you are teleported to Mairo’s dimension! You are in
Maigkoopa’s castle, preparing for his challenge. How would you solve the

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