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Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Insurance

AIN1320 Insurance: To Buy or Not to Buy
Project Guideline

Students are required to form groups and work together. Each group should have 4-5 members.
Students will be randomly assigned into a group if they fail to form a group. A Group ID will be
assigned to each group once the group formation is finalized. Students must provide the correct
Group ID on all submissions.

Project Topic
Please choose any one of the following two topics for the project.

(Topic A) Design and propose an insurance scheme that the HKSAR government should launch

for HK people. In your proposal, you should incorporate all the necessary details, including but

not limited to:

- Why do HK people need this kind of insurance?

- What are the objectives of this insurance scheme?

- What are the nature (Voluntary / Mandatory), features, and coverage of this insurance scheme?

- Why should the HKSAR government take the lead to launch this scheme? Are there any

limitations of the same kind of insurance products currently offered by the private sector?
Support your proposal by both qualitative and quantitative analyses.

(Topic B) Choose and analyse one insurance scheme proposed/ run by any government. In your

analyses, you should incorporate all the necessary details, including but not limited to:

- What are the objectives of this insurance scheme?

- What are the nature (Voluntary / Mandatory), features, and coverage of this insurance scheme?

- Are there any measures taken by the government to promote this insurance scheme?

- Do you think it is an effective insurance scheme? If not, propose any changes that you think

should be made to the insurance scheme.

You are expected to include both qualitative and quantitative analyses.
Project Assessment
The project must include the following components:
1. Group Presentation (40%)
2. Group Written Report (40%)
3. Peer Evaluation (20%)
The total mark of the project is 100. The group/ individual performance will be assessed
according to the aforementioned components with assessment forms as shown in Annexes 1-3.

1. Group Presentation (40%)

- The presentation must be conducted in English.
- The presentation period is from 12 April to 20 April 2021.
- Each group will be given 20 minutes for the presentation (including Question & Answer
- Members of the same group will be assessed individually.
- Each group must send the presentation file (e.g. PowerPoint file) to on or before 9 April, 2021.

2. Group Written Report (40%)

- Each group is required to submit a written report.
- The report must be written in English.
- The report must include the following sections:
(i) Cover page (including the project name, module code and title, name and student ID
of group members, Group ID, and name of module instructor)
(ii) Introduction
(iii) Methodology and Results
(iv) Discussion and Conclusion
(v) References
(vi) Veriguide report
- The report should be within 12 pages. The format of the written report is as follows:
Paper Size A4 size
Margin 1 inch each side
Line Spacing Single
Font and Size Times New Roman, 12 points
- Members of the same group will normally receive the same mark but adjustment may be
made to reflect individual contribution.
- Each group must send the written report (in PDF format) to on
or before 27 April, 2021.
3. Peer Evaluation (20%)
- Each student must submit a peer evaluation form to module instructor in confidence.
- In the peer evaluation form, students have to (i) indicate their individual contribution to the
project, and (ii) give a mark of 0 (lowest) to 20 (highest) and provide written comments to
other group members to reflect their contribution to the project.
- Module instructor will meet with all of the group members individually if any abnormality
is observed in the peer evaluation assessment.
- Each student is required to send the peer evaluation form to on
or before 4 May 2021.
- Student will receive zero marks if s/he fails to submit the peer evaluation form on time.

Penalty (for all project components)

- For late submission: zero mark will be given to the respective project component.
- For plagiarism: zero mark will be given to the whole project (As such, students will receive
a failure grade for the module). The case will also be reported to the University and other
disciplinary actions will be taken by the University.

Timeline for Submission of Documents

Date/ Deadline Event

9 March 2021 Send the group name list to
(Note: The order of group presentation will be randomly assigned to each group)

9 April 2021 Send the presentation file (e.g. PowerPoint file) to

12 April – Presentation period

20 April 2021

27 April 2021 Send the written report to

4 May 2021 Send the peer evaluation form to

Annex 1


Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Insurance

Group Presentation Assessment Form (40%)
(to be completed by module instructor)

Module Code & Title: AIN1320 Insurance: To Buy or Not to Buy

Group ID:

Student Name Student ID

Assessment Criteria Mark Comments

Knowledge of the Subject Matter out of 30

Organization and Accuracy out of 20

Proficiency of Language out of 15

Communication Skills out of 15

Time Management out of 10

Use of Visual Aid(s) out of 10

Total out of 100

Annex 2

Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Insurance

Group Written Report Assessment Form (40%)
(to be completed by module instructor)

Module Code & Title: AIN1320 Insurance: To Buy or Not to Buy

Group ID:

Student Name Student ID


Assessment Criteria Mark Comments

Introduction out of 10

Methodology and Results out of 25


Discussion and Conclusion out of 25

Proficiency of Language out of 10

Organization References out of 15

and Style
Structure and Organization out of 15

Total out of 100

Annex 3


Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Insurance

Peer Evaluation Form (20%)
(to be completed by student)

Important: You will receive zero mark if you fail to submit the peer evaluation form on time.

Module Code & Title: AIN1320 Insurance: To Buy or Not to Buy

Group ID:

Student Name Student ID

Please indicate your contribution to the project below

Other Group Members Mark Comments

Student Name Student ID
out of 20

out of 20

out of 20

out of 20

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