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OptiX RTN 900 Series

Maintenance Guide (Web LCT)

Chapter 1 Starting and Logging in Web LCT .................................................................................................1
1. Start and Login Web LCT .........................................................................................................................1
2. Creating an NE by Searching method ......................................................................................................2
3. Creating an NE manually .........................................................................................................................4
4. Checking the NE Status ...........................................................................................................................5
5. Set NE name and change NE ID .............................................................................................................7
Chapter 2 MW Link Configuration ...................................................................................................................8
Chapter 3 DCN Parameter Settings ................................................................................................................12
Chapter 4 E-Line Services Configuration .....................................................................................................15
Chapter 5 Maintenance Operation.................................................................................................................17
1. Synchronizing NE time ...........................................................................................................................17
2. Enable NE Performance Monitoring .......................................................................................................17
3. Browsing Alarms ....................................................................................................................................18
4. Browsing Performance Events ...............................................................................................................19
5. Browsing UAT Events ............................................................................................................................20
6. MW Link Performance Monitoring ..........................................................................................................21
Browsing Microwave Link Alarms .......................................................................................................21
Browsing Performance Data of MW Link ............................................................................................22
Querying Historical Transmit Power and Receive Power ...................................................................23
Scanning ODU Interference Frequency..............................................................................................24
7. Browsing Ethernet Performance ............................................................................................................25
Querying Ethernet Port Traffic ............................................................................................................25
Querying Ethernet RMON Performance .............................................................................................26
8. Other Common Maintenance Operation ................................................................................................28
Resetting Board ..................................................................................................................................28
Querying the IF 1+1 Protection Status ...............................................................................................29
Querying Board Detail Information Report..........................................................................................30
Chapter 6 NE Data Backup & Restoration ....................................................................................................31
1. NE Data Backup through web LCT ........................................................................................................31
2. NE Data restoration ................................................................................................................................33
Chapter 1 Starting and Logging in Web LCT
1. Start and Login Web LCT
Step Action

 Double-click the shortcut icon Start Web LCT on the desktop.

The Web LCT is properly started and the login page for the Web LCT is displayed.

• By default, the user name is admin, and the initial password is Changeme_123.

• You need to change default password to your personal password for the first login.

• Click Login. The NE List is displayed.

2. Creating an NE by Searching method
Step Action

1  Connect LAN cable from your laptop to NMS or EXT port of IDU.
 Set laptop IP to 129.9.x.x/
 In the NE List, click NE Search > NE Search. The Search NE dialog box is displayed.
 Click NMS Port or User Port to start an automatic search.
 Select local IP Address of your laptop (129.9.x.x). The IP addresses of the searched
out NEs are displayed in the NE IP Address drop-down list.
 User Name: lct
 Password: Changeme_123
 Click OK to login the NE.

Ping GNE IP first before you try to login NE.

Step Action

You can choose Advanced Search to search out the GNE and Non-GNE at one time.

 After search out the NE, choose the desired NE and login.
 User Name: lct
 Password: Changeme_123

Ping GNE IP first before you try to login NE.

3. Creating an NE manually
Step Action

1  Click Add NE in the NE list. You can create an NE by adding the NE manually.


• The communication between the Web LCT and the NEs must be normal.

• The NE ID and IP must be known.


• Ping GNE IP first before you try to login NE.

• When you want to create Non-GNE, please create GNE first.

• The NE that communicates directly with the Web LCT through the network is called
gateway NE (GNE). The other NEs that communicate with the Web LCT through the
GNE are called non-gateway NEs.

4. Checking the NE Status
Step Action

1 After an NE is created, if you fail to log in to the NE, possible causes are listed as follows:

• The password for the NE user is incorrect. Enter the correct password for the NE user.

• The NE user is invalid or the NE user is already logged in. Change to use a valid NE user.

 In NE List, query Communication Status of an NE. Communication Status should to be


 Check Login Status of an NE. If the Login Status column of an NE is Not Logged In,
click NE Login and input user name and password to login the NE.

** info : for IDU version V100R019

- If the Communication Status is abnormal, Change gateway type to SSL Gateway,
and the Port automatically update to 5432.

** info : for IDU version V100R020

- After login, and error message popout mentioning Pasword Aging has expired
error Code : 37149

- Under Function Tree, Go to Security and click NE User Management – Then

click set current user password
- Key In Old Password and New password then confirm New Password :

- Then you are require to Create new user. Else when upload to NMS, site
cannot login or vice versa

- Create user lct1, with password Celcom_1234@

- Key In NE User as lct1 // **info(Lower Case / huruf kecil)

- User Level : System Level
- Input the password and confirm the password : Celcom_1234@
- Immediate Password Change : No and Click OK
- Then click Query to check the new user name is appear in the line item

5. Set NE name and change NE ID
Step Action

1  Login NE and open NE Explorer

 Select NE Attribute in the Function Tree

 Set the NE Name according to the LB (set to site A to site B for celcom project)

 Click Modify NE ID

 Set the New ID and New Extended ID according to planning.

 For Celcom project if the Link ID is CT08888, the high site ID set to 28888 and low site
ID set to 18888.

 Extended ID: 3 for central region.

Extended ID Region
9 Eastern
82 Sarawak
88 Sabah

Chapter 2 MW Link Configuration

Step Action

1  In the NE Explorer, select the desired NE from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > Microwave
Link Configuration.

 Select an IF board from the drop-down list.

 Set the basic attributes for the local NE based on site requirements.

 Link ID: The link IDs at both ends of a radio link should be the same.

 Received Link ID: When the radio link becomes faulty, this parameter is displayed as an invalid value.
 Note:
For IF Protection and XPIC configuration also can configure here.

2 Set the IF attributes.

 IF Service Type: If the Integrated IP radio transmits Native E1 services, set this parameter to Hybrid(Native

 Channel Space: This parameter specifies the channel spacing of a radio link. Set this parameter according to
the network plan.

 AM Status: Set AM Status to disable or enable according to the planning.

 Modulation Mode of the Guaranteed AM Capacity:This parameter specifies the lowest-order modulation
according to the network plan.
 Modulation Mode of the Full AM Capacity:This parameter specifies the highest-order modulation
according to the network plan.

 Guaranteed E1 Capacity: This parameter is configurable when IF Service Type is set to Hybrid (Native
E1+ETH). Set to 0 if there is no E1 service requirement.

 Data Service Bandwidth (Mbit/s): This parameter displays the IF bandwidth occupied by data services on an
IF board.

 Note: The parameters of opposite radio terminal must configure the same value as local radio terminal.

Set the RF attributes for the local NE.

 TX Frequency (MHz): Refer to planning. For the high site the TX frequency is higher than the RX frequency.
For the low site the TX frequency is lower than the RX frequency.

 T/R Spacing (MHz): Set to 28MHz or 56MHz or 112MHz according to the planning.

 TX Power (dBm): Refer to planning. This value can’t exceed the maximum transmit power of the ODU.
Maximum transmit power of the ODU depending on the Modulation Mode.

 Actual TX Power (dBm): This parameter displays the actual transmit power of an ODU.

 Actual Receive Power (dBm): This parameter indicates the actual receive power of the ODU. Compare with
LB to confirm the RSL is normal.

 TX Status: This parameter displays the transmit status of an ODU.

 Note: Make sure TX frequency of the local IF board is the same with RX frequency of remote IF board.
And RX frequency of the local IF board is the same with the TX frequency of the remote IF board.
4 Click Get Links to Query the link status.
If the link is normal, the opposite Radio Terminal information will be displayed. Check the TSL and RSL for
both sites.

5 EPLA configuration guide for 2+0 Link / more than 2+0 ; i.e 3+0, 4+0 ,2+2, 4+4, and etc
1. Create PLA on local NE
Configuration > Physical Link Aggregation
Click New to create EPLA
Set Cascading Status to Not Cascaded
PLA Type set to EPLA
Select 3-ISV3 as Main and 4-ISV3 as Slave
Click OK

2. Create EPLA on remote NE

Refer to the above configuration
3. Check the EPLA status

Chapter 3 DCN Parameter Settings
Scenario 0:

Step Action
If above scenario happened to be your scenario on site please set DCN according to below
steps :
1. Config VLAN of In-Band DCN
Set VLAN ID of Ethernent Board from 4094 to XXXX (refer to DCN Planning)

2. Enable Access Control & set IP address for GE port

Enable Access control for the GE port that carries In-Band DCN
Set IP Address(IP Genap) and subnet mask as DCN Planning

3. Config GW IP
Set Gateway IP Address as planning (IP address(IP Ganjil) of PTN/ATN GE port)

4. Ping test
Ping local DCN IP address (GE port IP)
Ping Gateway IP address (ATN/PTN IP)
Ping NMS servicer IP address (

5. Capture screenshots and call HW Engineer on NMS side to upload all the NEs

Chapter 4 E-Line Services Configuration

Step Action
1 Create E-LINE service on local site

 Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Choose Configuration > Ethernet Service
Management > E-Line Service from the Function Tree.

 Click Create.

 The New E-Line Service dialog box is displayed.

 Set the parameters for E-Line service.

 Set Service Name according to the planning

 Select GE port as Source Interface according to the planning

 Set Source VLAN ID according to the planning

 Select IF port (3-ISV3) as Sink Interface according to the planning

 Enable the GE port

 Set Tag of GE port and IF port to Tag Aware

 Click Apply or OK to complete E-Line service configuration.

2 Create E-LINE service on remote site
 Login to remote site, refer to step1 to create the E-line service.
Note: The VLAN of the two sites should be the same.

3 Check the GE port status

 The Status should be UP, otherwise need to check the physical connect.

 Click Advanced Attributes, and check the GE port running status.

Note: If the GE port is not working in 1000M Full_Duplex, check the LAN cable and the Ethernet port of
3rd party equipment working mode.

Chapter 5 Maintenance Operation
1. Synchronizing NE time
Step Action

1  In the NE Explorer, select an NE and choose Configuration > NE Time Synchronization

from the Function Tree.

• Note:

• Before setting performance and alarm parameters, make sure that the time of NEs is

2. Enable NE Performance Monitoring

Step Action

1  In the NE Explorer, choose Performance > NE Performance Monitor Time from the
navigation tree.

 The monitoring start time can’t be earlier than the NE current time.

3. Browsing Alarms
Step Action

 In the NE Explorer, select an NE and choose Alarm > Browse Alarms from the Function
Tree. Then, click the Browse Current Alarms tab.

 To query NE alarms by filter criteria, click Filter. The Filter dialog box is displayed.

 Select the criteria for displaying alarms and click Filter to perform the filtering. The
qualified alarm information is displayed in the list.

From left to right, the alarm indicators and corresponding alarm severities are as follows:

• Red: critical alarm

• Orange: major alarm

• Yellow: minor alarm

• Purple: warning

• Light blue: event

 In the NE Explorer, choose Alarm > Browse Alarms from the Function Tree and click the Browse Historical
Alarms tab.

 By Web LCT, you can also click an alarm indicator on the toolbar to display the NE alarms of the specific

 Click the specific alarm, get the information like alarm name, alarm location, rising time, alarm description
and it’s possible causes.

4. Browsing Performance Events
Step Action

1  In the NE Explorer, select a board and choose Performance > Current Performance from the
navigation tree.

 You can set and query current 15-minute or 24-hour performance parameters.
 In the NE Explorer, select a board and choose Performance > History Performance from the
navigation tree.

 You can set and query historical 15-minute or 24-hour performance parameters.

5. Browsing UAT Events
Step Action

1  In the NE Explorer, select a board and choose Performance > UAT Event from the
navigation tree.

 In this user interface, you can browse ended or unended unavailable time (UAT)
events, set timely reporting of new UAT events, and query UAT events from the
Web LCT or NEs.

6. MW Link Performance Monitoring
Browsing Microwave Link Alarms
Step Action

1  In the NE Explorer, select a microwave link and choose Configuration > Microwave Link
Alarm from the navigation tree.

 The operation describes how to browse microwave link alarms to obtain the
important intermediate frequency information and alarm information of the NEs on
both ends of a microwave link.

Browsing Performance Data of MW Link
Step Action

1  In the NE Explorer, select a microwave link and choose Configuration >

Microwave Link Performance from the navigation tree. Click the Current
Performance tab.

 Click the History Performance tab.

 In this user interface, you can collect statistics on power and bit error rates (BERs) of
the NEs at both ends of a microwave link and view the statistics in a graph or table.
You can also quickly query the current and historical performance of the two NEs,
which improves routine maintenance efficiency.

Querying Historical Transmit Power and Receive Power
Step Action

1  In the NE Explorer, select an ODU and choose Configuration > Performance Graph
Analyse from the navigation tree.

 Set Start Time, End Time, Monitoring Period, and Power before generating a
performance analysis diagram. You can query performance statistics only when the
preset duration is over. If you do not set the start or end time, the query may fail.

 In this user interface, you can collect statistics on the receive and transmit power
every 15 minutes or 24 hours within a specified duration and view the analysis results
in a performance diagram.

Scanning ODU Interference Frequency
Step Action

1  ODU frequency scanning can be use for troubleshooting MW link to detect the
interference signal.

 In the NE Explorer, choose Diagnosis & Maintenance > ODU Frequency Scan from
the navigation tree.

The interference signal will be displayed during the ODU scanning process.


• If you select the Mute Peer Transmit Status check box, local and peer ODUs are both
muted after frequency scan start. When the scan is complete, the local ODU will
resume the transmit status and RF parameters will resume their original values; the
peer ODU will resume the transmit status after Auto Disabling Time (min) is due.

7. Browsing Ethernet Performance
Querying Ethernet Port Traffic
Step Action

1  This operation related to Ethernet traffic monitoring on Ethernet ports and

microwave ports.
 In the NE Explorer, select a board and choose Performance > Ethernet Port Flow
Monitoring from the navigation tree.

 Click Set monitoring tab.

 After the flow monitoring function is enabled, the system saves the statistics about
the received traffic and transmitted traffic with an interval of 15 minutes.

2  Click Query traffic tab to Query flow or traffic

 In normal cases, the system stores the statistics that are collected in the last 30 days.
In the system, every measurement entry shows the average transmit rate and
average receive rate within a period of 15 minutes. You can query the statistics in
the last 30 days.

Querying Ethernet RMON Performance
Step Action

1  Querying current Ethernet RMON Performance.

 In the NE Explorer, select a board and choose Performance > RMON Performance
from the navigation tree. Click the Statistics Group tab.

 The statistics group allows users to query port performance in real time, such as the
number of packets that are received and sent with specified length and number of
packet loss events within a certain period.

2  Querying historical Ethernet RMON Performance.

 In the NE Explorer, select a board and choose Performance > RMON Performance
from the navigation tree. Click the History Group tab.

 Click the History Control Group tab.

 After configuring a historical control group, you can specify how the historical
Ethernet performance data is monitored.

8. Other Common Maintenance Operation
Resetting Board
Step Action

 Select an NE in the NE List and click NE Explorer, the NE Explorer is displayed.
 Right-click a desired board and choose Warm Reset or Cold Reset to reset the board.

• Note:

• Normally performing a warm reset does not affect services, but performing a cold
reset usually affects running services. When the SCC is being reset, however,
network communication is interrupted temporarily until the SCC returns to the
normal state. This may affect service switching.

Querying the IF 1+1 Protection Status
Step Action

1  Select the NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer.

 Choose Configuration > Link Configuration from the Function Tree. Click the IF 1+1
Protection tab.

 Click Query.

 Close the displayed operation result dialog box.

 In Protection Group, check the IF 1+1 protection groups.

 Select the board from Slot Mapping Relation.

 Right-click on the selected board and choose Query Switching Status from the
shortcut menu to check the protection status of the IF 1+1 protection group.

Querying Board Detail Information Report
Step Action

1  In the NE Explorer, choose Report > Board Detail Information Report from the
navigation tree.

 Click Save As to save the report to the local file.

 You can generate and print a board Detail information report. The report provides
information about the board, such as the bar code, type, manufacturing date, BOM
code, and manufacturer information of the optical module.

Chapter 6 NE Data Backup & Restoration
1. NE Data Backup through web LCT
Step Action

1  Click Start DC icon in Web LCT login page.

 Input the User Name szhw and password Changeme_123 for DC Login

 Input User Name lct and password Changeme_123 for License Tool Login.

 Input your personal Web LCT password to login the NE Software Management.

 Input your personal Web LCT password to login the NE Software Management.

 Select FTP setting and select the local IP as FTP system IP Address.

 Click OK.

Step Action

 Choose the desired NE and click Backup and Start.

 After a few minutes the Backup will be succeeded.

 The data backup file will save in the ftproot folder.

 Note: The NE data backup by NMS server is the same.

2. NE Data restoration
Step Action

1  Click Start DC icon in Web LCT login page.

 Input the User Name szhw and password Changeme_123 for DC Login

 Input User Name lct and password Changeme_123 for License Tool Login.

 Input your personal Web LCT password to login the NE Software Management.

 Input your personal Web LCT password to login the NE Software Management.
 Select FTP setting and select the local IP as FTP system IP Address.

 Click OK.

2  In the replacement scenario, set the NE ID of new IDU to the same as previous. Otherwise the
NE data backup will fail.

Step Action

3  Select the NE that is going to recover.

 Click Recover.

 Choose the Backup file storage in local directory.

 Click Start.

 Tick and click Yes, when system reminds that this operation is High Risk.

 The data backup will download to the new IDU and activate it. All the previous data will be
recovered. The process may take 5minutes.

 Check the Operation Status.

 Note: The NE ID of the new IDU must set to the same as previous ID. Otherwise the Restoration
will fail.


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