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Reading Skills (Seen) SET - 1

Lying in bed, Swami realized with a shudder that it was Monday morning. It
looked as though only a moment ago it was Friday. Already Monday was here. He
hoped he didn’t have to go to school.
At nine o’clock, Swaminathan wailed, “I have a headache.”
Mother generously suggested that Swami might stay at home. At 9.30, when he
ought to have been in the school prayer hall, Swami was lying on the bench in
Mother’s room.
Father asked him, “Have you no school today?”
“Headache,” Swami replied.

“Nonsense! Dress up and go.”
“Loaf about less on Sundays and you will be without a headache on Monday.”
Swami knew how strict his father could be. So he changed his tactics. “I can’t go
so late to the class.”
A. Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives : 1×5=5
1. What day of the week is Swami dreading in the passage?
A. Friday B. Saturday C. Sunday D. Monday

2. How does Swami try to avoid going to school on Monday?

A. Feigning a stomach ache
B. Pretending to have a fever
C. Claiming to have a headache
D. Saying he has a sore throat

3. What is Mother’s reaction to Swami’s complaint of a headache?

A. She scolds him for lying
B. She suggests he stays at home
C. She insists he goes to school
D. She takes him to the doctor

West bengal : Exam prep QList


4. At what time should Swami have been in the school prayer hall?
A. 8:30 AM
B. 9:00 AM
C. 9:30 AM
D. 10:00 AM

5. How does Swami try to convince his father not to send him to school?
A. Saying he can't go so late to the class
B. Pretending to be seriously ill
C. Arguing about the school schedule
D. Promising to study at home

B. Identify which of the following statements are True and which are False.
Give supporting statements for each of your answers : 2 × 5 = 10
1. Swami realizes it is Monday morning and wishes he didn't have to go to school.
2. Swami claims to have a headache to avoid going to school on Monday.
3. Mother insists that Swami should dress up and go to school despite his
4. Swami is found lying on the bench in Mother's room at 9:30 AM, the time he
should have been in the school prayer hall.
5. Swami changes his tactics and argues that he can't go to class so late to
convince his strict father.

C. Answer the following questions within twenty-five words : 2 × 5 = 10

1. Why did Swami feel a shudder lying in bed on Monday morning?
2. What excuse did Swami give to stay at home, and how did his mother respond?
3. At what time did Swami pretend to have a headache, and where was he at that
4. How did Swami's father react to his claim of having a headache?
5. Why did Swami change his tactics in convincing his father not to go to school?

West bengal : Exam prep QList

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