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--- Log started at Tue Jan 23 20:14:22 2024

23_1_2024.201422| r3dFile: can't open game.ini

23_1_2024.201422| Can't open file "game.ini"

23_1_2024.201422| r3dFile: can't open local.ini

23_1_2024.201422| Can't open file "local.ini"

23_1_2024.201422| Input Devices enabled: Mouse, Keyboard

23_1_2024.201422| Device Lost form line 644

23_1_2024.201422| VMEM As seen through DDRaw: 128

23_1_2024.201422| VMEM As seen through WMI: 0

23_1_2024.201422| We have 4091 MB texture memory

23_1_2024.201422| r3dFont: Creating Verdana 10pt

23_1_2024.201422| r3dFont: Finished creating Verdana 10pt

23_1_2024.201422| Loading SWF HUDLauncher.swf

23_1_2024.201422| r3dScaleformMovie::Load() 'HUDLauncher.swf' ok

23_1_2024.201422| Starting updater, v:3.4.12, cmd:

23_1_2024.201422| Checking for new updater

23_1_2024.201422| Checking for new updater - finished

23_1_2024.201428| Checking for game update

23_1_2024.201428| GFx Error: Missing "$InfFontPrimary" glyph '' (0xfffd) in


Font has 313 glyphs, ranges 0x20-0x7e, 0xa0-0xff, 0x152-0x153, 0x160-0x161, 0x178 (truncated).

Search log:

Searching for font: "$InfFontPrimary"

Movie resource: "$InfFontPrimary" not found.

Imports : "$InfFontPrimary" not found.

Exported : "$InfFontPrimary" not found.

Registered fonts: "$InfFontPrimary" not found.

Applying FontMap: "$InfFontPrimary" mapped to "Bebas Neue Cyrillic Regular"

Searching FontLib: "Bebas Neue Cyrillic Regular" found.

23_1_2024.201428| Checking for game update - finished

23_1_2024.201428| Opening game data

23_1_2024.201428| r3dFS: version:January 5, 2024 6:53, 34743 files

23_1_2024.201429| r3dFS: version:January 5, 2024 6:53, 34743 files

23_1_2024.201429| Opening game data - finished

23_1_2024.201429| current build version=-519764427, updater data version=-518715865

23_1_2024.201429| Building update list

23_1_2024.201429| OpenFromWeb

23_1_2024.201429| r3dFS: version:January 9, 2024 9:48, 34757 files

23_1_2024.201429| OpenFromWeb - finished

23_1_2024.201429| OpenFromWeb

23_1_2024.201429| r3dFS: version:January 21, 2024 6:39, 566 files

23_1_2024.201429| OpenFromWeb - finished

23_1_2024.201429| need to update 602 files

23_1_2024.201429| Building update list - finished

23_1_2024.201429| Processing updates

23_1_2024.201429| Updating to build 'January 21, 2024 6:39'

23_1_2024.201429| neededFiles=602

23_1_2024.201429| Download Thread 0 Started

23_1_2024.201429| Download Thread 1 Started

23_1_2024.201429| Download Thread 2 Started

23_1_2024.201437| Requested to stop, 584 files in queue

23_1_2024.201437| CUpdater::Stop()

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