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1 Design a Multi modal Authentication device which verify face, palm,

iris and biometric thumb impression of employees for which
manufactures products for military applications. The device should be
capable of Enrolling and verifying face, palm, thumb and iris and if
matches then allow access into the company. The enrollment of New
Ids should be stored in the organization database server and the ex-
employees’ access should be denied. If any authorized person makes 2
failed / false attempts an alert signal should be raised and information /
message both voice and text message should be given to Chief Security
Officer of the company. Draw the block diagram including the
Components required for the design. List out the tasks: periodic,
aperiodic and sporadic tasks of the system. Which scheduling
algorithm should be used.

2 Find effective release and deadline times for each of the Jobs

2 Find the Hyperperiod of the 4 tasks T(e,p):T1(2,10), T2(3,15) T3(5,20),

and T4(5,15). Also determine utilization and makespan for the above
set of tasks assuming period = deadline time.

4 Explain Radar Processing System with a necessary block diagram

5 Explain Frame Size Constraints? The systems of periodic tasks is

scheduled and executed according to a cyclic schedule. For the system
given below, choose an appropriate frame size. Preemptions are
allowed, but the number of preemptions should be kept small. The
tasks are (4, 0.5), (5, 1.0), (10, 2), and (24, 9)

6 What is RM Scheduling? Check if the following tasks are schedulable

by RM scheduling algorithm T1(1,6),T2( (2,12) T3(2,24) and T4(3,5).
7 What are Network Flow graphs? Explain with an example

The table shows various tasks, their release and deadline times.
Determine effective release time and deadline time of each of the tasks
8 if execution time of all the tasks is equal to One (1) unit.

9 Explain ATC real time databases in detail with a neat diagram

10 Explain Cruise Missile Guidance System with a necessary block

diagram indicating periodic and aperiodic communications /

11 Define the following and provide examples for each:

i. Release Time, Deadline Time and Execution time

ii. Hard, Firm and Soft RTS
iii. EDF and LST algorithms

12 What is the makespan (maximum flow) and utilization of the following

set of 4 tasks T(e,p): T1(1,6),T2( (2,12) T3(2,24) and T4(3,5). Also
determine hyperperiod assuming period = deadline time.

13 What is RM Scheduling? Check if the following tasks are schedulable

by RM scheduling algorithm T1(2,10), T2(3,15) T3(5,20), and

14 Explain Periodic, Aperiodic and Sporadic Jobs with an example for

each. Also highlight the major differences between sporadic and
aperiodic jobs with special reference to acceptance test
15 Indian Metropolitan Cities are known for pollution and hectic traffic.
Design a real time system to help the traffic police in identification of
odd / even number plate of vehicle and type of the Vehicle. Allow Only
2-wheelers and 4-wheelers on Monday , Wednesday and Friday other
than Government public transport buses. On Tuesdays all type of odd
number vehicles (which includes two, three, four, lorries etc) and
Thursdays all even number vehicles are allowed in roads. No vehicles
should be allowed on Sundays except the Government public transport
buses .
a. Illustrate the working with a block diagram of the model.
b. Identify critical and non-critical tasks.
d. Identify what type of a system should be used open loop or
closed loop with substantiation
e. Which scheduling algorithm would be preferable for such a
scenario? Explain the algorithm

16 Explain Frame Size Constraints? The systems of periodic tasks is

scheduled and executed according to a cyclic schedule. For the system
given below, choose an appropriate frame size. Preemptions are
allowed, but the number of preemptions should be kept small. The
tasks are T1(2,10), T2(3,15) T3(5,20), and T4(5,15)

17 Given seven tasks, A, B, C, D, E, F, and G, construct the precedence

graph from the following precedence relations:
B →C B→ D
C →E C→ F
D →F D→ G

Then, assuming that all tasks are released at time t = 0, have deadline D
= 20, and execution times 2, 3, 3, 4, 1, 2, 4, respectively, find their
effective release times and deadline times

A self-driving scooter is to be designed for mobility impaired people.
As an embedded designer you need to formulate a model for the same
where the scooter can be used for both indoor and outdoor applications.
Identify what type of a system model should be used. List out the
critical tasks and non-critical tasks. Identify what type of a system
should be used open loop or closed loop with substantiation.


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