DLL-Business Ethics-Q1-W3

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region IV-A
Schools Division of Quezon Province
Alabat, Quezon

2 NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Day 3 Grade Level: 12 Day 4
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: JERRALYN C. ALVA Learning Area: BESR
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: February 19-23, 2024 Quarter: 1st QUARTER


The purposes of establishing business enterprises.

Content Standards
Explain the purpose of business organizations and their role in socioeconomic development.
Performance Standards
Illustrates how fairness, accountability, transparency, and stewardship is observed in business in business and non-profit organization:
Learning Competencies/  Define the meaning of fairness, accountability and transparency, and stewardship.
Objectives  Discuss the relationship of fairness, accountability, transparency and stewardship with ethical businesses.
 Appreciate the core principles of fairness, accountability, and transparency and stewardship in the real life situation.


III. LEARNING List the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in the learning. Ensure that there is a mix of
RESOURCES concrete and manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development.
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
(LR) portal
Other Learning
IV. PROCEDURES These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that pupils/students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of
learning by the pupils/ students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing pupils/students with
multiple ways to learn new things, practice the learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life
experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
Reviewing previous Today's lesson is about the core
lesson or presenting the Today, we will be discussing the principles of fairness, accountability,
new lesson. concepts of fairness, accountability The previous lesson focused on transparency, and stewardship and how
and transparency, and stewardship defining the terms of fairness, they are applied in real-life situations.
in the context of business ethics and accountability, transparency, and We previously learned about the Recall and review the lessons ready for
social responsibility. These concepts stewardship. In this lesson, we will definitions of these concepts and their the assessment.
are important for businesses to discuss the relationship of these relationship with ethical business
understand and implement in order terms with ethical businesses. practices. Now, we will explore how
to operate ethically and responsibly. these principles are implemented in
various industries and scenarios.
Establishing a purpose The purpose of this lesson is to help
for the lesson students appreciate the importance of
The purpose of this lesson is to The purpose of this lesson is to help
fairness, accountability, transparency,
define the meaning of fairness, students understand the
and stewardship in real-life situations.
accountability and transparency, and importance of fairness,
By examining different industries and
stewardship in the context of accountability, transparency, and
scenarios, students will gain a better
business ethics and social stewardship in ethical business
understanding of how these principles
responsibility. practices.
apply in practical settings and how they
contribute to ethical business practices.
Presenting We will start by discussing some Examples of ethical businesses that  Fairness: The principle of fairness is
examples/instances of examples of how fairness, prioritize fairness, accountability, often demonstrated in the hiring
the new lesson accountability and transparency, and transparency, and stewardship process, where candidates are
stewardship are important in include Patagonia, The Body Shop, evaluated based on their skills,
business. For example, a company and Ben & Jerry's. experience, and qualifications,
that is fair will treat all of its rather than their race, gender, or
employees equally and not other personal characteristics. It is
discriminate against anyone based also important in the distribution
on race, gender, or religion. An of resources and benefits, such as
accountable company will take pay and promotions.
responsibility for its actions and will  Accountability: In businesses,
be transparent in its financial accountability is demonstrated
dealings. Finally, a company that through transparency in financial
practices stewardship will be reporting, following laws and
responsible and mindful of the regulations, and taking
environment and its impact on responsibility for mistakes or
society. failures. It ensures that individuals
and organizations are held
responsible for their actions and
 Transparency: The principle of
transparency is demonstrated
through open and honest
communication with stakeholders,
including employees, customers,
and shareholders. It allows for trust
and credibility to be established
between the business and its
 Stewardship: Stewardship involves
responsible management and use
of resources, such as natural
resources, finances, and human
resources. It involves considering
the long-term impact of decisions
on the environment and society.
Discussing new  Ask students to identify examples
concepts and practicing Next, we will define each of these of fairness, accountability,
new skills #1 concepts in more detail. Fairness is transparency, and stewardship in
the practice of treating all their own lives or in the news.
 Define ethical businesses and
stakeholders equally and not Discuss how these principles
the importance of ethical
discriminating against any one contribute to ethical behavior and
practices in businesses.
group. Accountability is the practice decision-making.
 Discuss the relationship
of taking responsibility for one's  Provide case studies of businesses
between fairness and ethical
actions and being transparent in that have either demonstrated or
business practices, and provide
one's dealings. Transparency is the failed to demonstrate these
practice of openly sharing principles. Discuss the
 Discuss the relationship
information and being honest about consequences of their actions and
between accountability and
one's actions. Finally, stewardship is the impact on stakeholders.
ethical business practices, and
the practice of taking care of the  Brainstorm ways in which
provide examples.
environment and being responsible businesses can incorporate these
for the impact of one's actions on principles into their daily
society. operations and decision-making
Discussing new We will now discuss some examples  Discuss the relationship  Divide the class into small groups
concepts and practicing of how businesses can implement between transparency and and assign each group a specific
new skills #2 these concepts in practice. For ethical business practices, and industry (such as healthcare,
example, a company can practice provide examples. finance, or technology). Ask each
fairness by offering equal pay and  Discuss the relationship group to identify examples of
opportunities for all employees. between stewardship and fairness, accountability,
Accountability can be demonstrated
through transparent financial
transparency, and stewardship in
reporting and ethical business
ethical business practices, and that industry and how they
practices. Transparency can be
provide examples. contribute to ethical business
shown through open communication
 Identify ways businesses can practices.
with stakeholders and the public.
prioritize fairness,  Ask each group to present their
Finally, stewardship can be
accountability, transparency, findings to the class and facilitate a
demonstrated through
and stewardship. discussion on how these principles
environmental initiatives and
can be applied in other industries.
corporate social responsibility
Developing mastery For our developing mastery activity,
(leads to Formative we will divide the class into groups
Assessment) of four. Each group will be given a
Activity: In groups, students will be In order to develop mastery, students
scenario that involves a business
given case studies of businesses will participate in an interactive activity
decision that requires the
that have faced ethical dilemmas. where they will work in groups to
application of the concepts of
They will analyze the case studies create a hypothetical business plan.
fairness, accountability and
and determine how the businesses They will be required to incorporate the
transparency, and stewardship. Each
could have acted with fairness, principles of fairness, accountability,
group will then discuss the scenario
accountability, transparency, and transparency, and stewardship into
and come up with a plan of action
stewardship. their plan and present it to the class.
that incorporates these concepts.
Afterward, each group will present
their plan to the class.
Finding practical It is important to understand how
Students will reflect on their
applications of concepts these concepts can be applied in our
personal experiences with
and skills in daily living everyday lives as consumers and Students will reflect on how they can
businesses that have acted with
members of society. We will discuss apply these principles in their own lives,
fairness, accountability,
how we can use these concepts to both personally and professionally.
transparency, and stewardship.
make informed decisions about the They will also consider the impact of
They will also identify ways they can
businesses we support and how we these principles on society as a whole.
support ethical businesses in their
can hold them accountable for their
daily lives.
Making generalizations We will conclude the lesson by Students will discuss how the
Students will be asked to write a
and abstractions about discussing the broader implications concepts of fairness, accountability,
reflection on the importance of
the lesson of these concepts on society as a transparency, and stewardship are
fairness, accountability, transparency,
whole. We will explore how interconnected and how they are
and stewardship in ethical business
businesses that practice fairness, essential for ethical business
practices. They will also be asked to
accountability and transparency, and practices. They will also reflect on
consider how these principles can be
stewardship can contribute to a how these concepts can be applied
applied in other areas of their lives.
more just and sustainable society. to their future careers.
Evaluating learning Prepare a quiz to assess the learning of
the students for the whole week.
Additional activities for For remediation, students can
For additional application or
application or create posters that illustrate the
remediation, students can research
remediation importance of fairness,
and analyze case studies of
accountability, transparency, and
businesses that have succeeded or
stewardship in ethical business
failed in implementing these
practices. For application, students
concepts in practice. They can also
can research and present on
write a persuasive essay arguing for
businesses that have been
the importance of these concepts in
successful in implementing these
the business world.


Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress. What works? What else needs to be done to help the
VI. REFLECTION pupils/students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.

No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
No. of learners who
continue to require
Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other

Prepared by: Checked by:


SHS Teacher II SHS Coordinator



School Principal IV

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