12th English Mar 1 Live PDF - Synonyms & Antonyms

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English PUBLIC 2024 Mini Material

tunic – a loose outer garment without sleeves
slackened – reduced
demeanour – behaviour
artless – innocent
hawked – sell things crying out loudly
deserted – uninhabited, lonely
emigrate – leaving one’s country
vexation – annoyance
vestibule – lobby
chatter – talk (short, quick high-pitched sound)
intrude – interfere (enter without permission)
rubble – debris, ruins
shrugged – raised the shoulders
Additional Words:
convey – express
relied upon – believed
shabby – untidy
errands – going here and there in order to work for others
worn – damaged
burst out – spoke quickly
gathered – collected
pause – silence
skinny frame – lean body
put out – uninterested
gazing – staring, looking
tiny – small
tangled – twisted
dwelling – staying place
earnest – serious
drew up – stopped

English PUBLIC 2024 Mini Material

barely – hardly
scarcely – hardly
shoe shine – polishing the shoes
leaped – jumped
brisk – quick
determinedly – resolutely, purposefully
trade – business
cubicle – compartment
glanced – looked at
paused – stopped
provoked – incited
bade – asked / told
steady – firm
propped up – upheld


curious – interested
controversial – debatable
virtues – merits
despised – hated
stimulation – encouragement, motivation
optimistic – positive, hopeful
cauldron – a big pot used for boiling
rationing – restricting the consumption of a
scarce commodity during war
spout – the pipe-like opening in a teapot through
which tea is poured out
dangling – hanging
liable – likely
mysterious – secretive
etiquette – decorum

English PUBLIC 2024 Mini Material

consideration – thought, give
prevalent – predominant
cripple – disabled
agony – pain
perforated – punctured
ennobles – improves
sophisticated – refined
mutilating – injuring
solace – comfort
intrepid – fearless
finale – final / climax
malignant – wicked
amputated – removed
profound – deep (here great)
thrash around – to move about restlessly
Grand Prix – one of several international motor- racing events
disfigured – spoiled or marred in appearance
tumour – diseased growth in some part of the body

traverse - to cross a mountain slope horizontally or diagonally; the name
given to such a crossing
rope - links members of climbing party for safety; a party may be referred
to as “a rope”
cornice - overhanging mass of snow or ice along a ridge, shaped like the
curling crest of a wave
cwm - an enclosed arm-chairshaped hollow situated at the head of a
scrambling - climbing hurriedly on hands and knees
wriggle - to move with a twist or turn
tantalize - tease or taunt
cramponed - climbing on ice wearing spike shoes
scraped – removed
hollow – a place at slightly lower than its surface gauges – instruments for

English PUBLIC 2024 Mini Material

sparingly – using little, cautiously

trail – track, path
persisted – continued
ledge – a narrow piece of rock that sticks on the
side of a mountain or cliff
determination – willpower
stance – position
heaved – pulled
hump – bulge
zest – enthusiasm
grim – depressing
whacks – blows
beat a trail up – make a track by using the place often
frequent – regular
chipped – cut
exhausted – refreshed
belay – attaching a rope to the body and to a rock
bump – a small raised area on a surface
shuffle – walk quickly
levered off – pushed, moved
muster – gather
encrusted / concealed – covered
disguising – hiding
grin – broad smile
delight – happiness
crucifix – cross with the figure of Christ on it spurred – prompted
diminishing – reducing
descending – coming down
flapped – vibrated
perpetual – permanent

English PUBLIC 2024 Mini Material

unequivocally – unambiguously
considerable – ample, sizable
antiquity – ancientness
inscriptions – a historical, religious, or other record cut, impressed, painted,
or other on a hard surface
Anthologies – book or other collection of selected writings by various
secular – non religious, temporal
universality – acceptance, prevalence
myriad – indefinitely great number
facet – feature, character
Indo-Aryan – Indo-European people
scraped – removed
hollow – a place at slightly lower than its surface gauges – instruments for
sparingly – using little, cautiously
trail – track, path
persisted – continued
ledge – a narrow piece of rock that sticks on the
side of a mountain or cliff
determination – willpower
stance – position
heaved – pulled
hump – bulge
zest – enthusiasm
grim – depressing
whacks – blows
beat a trail up – make a track by using the place often
frequent – regular
chipped – cut
exhausted – refreshed
belay – attaching a rope to the body and to a rock
bump – a small raised area on a surface
shuffle – walk quickly
levered off – pushed, moved

English PUBLIC 2024 Mini Material

muster – gather
encrusted / concealed – covered
disguising – hiding
grin – broad smile
delight – happiness
crucifix – cross with the figure of Christ on it spurred – prompted
diminishing – reducing
descending – coming down
flapped – vibrated
perpetual – permanent

confusion – mess
interfere – hinder
peril – risk
contract – commitment
pedestrians – persons who walk in the streets
chaos – confusion
fancy – desire
anarchy – lawlessness/ rebellion
shandy – lemonade
preserved – maintained
ridiculous – comical
curtailed – reduced
conventional - normal
tyranny – autocracy
accommodate - fit in with
insolence – rudeness
consideration – scrutiny
affair – matter
commonplace – usual
waxing – polishing
conscious – aware

English PUBLIC 2024 Mini Material

Unit - 1
shabby × neat
extremely × mildly, moderately
worn × new
windy × calm
loose × tight
deserted × habited
tangled × straight
tiny × big, huge
earnest × frivolous, indifferent
scarcely × sufficiently
strangely × commonly
pleasant × unpleasant /nasty
brisk × slow
pretty × ugly
seriously × casually
early × late
hopefully × doubtfully
destroyed × created
lively × dull, gloomy
comfortable × uncomfortable
steady × unsteady, unreliable
horribly × attractively
frequently × seldom
exposure × concealment
mysterious × clear
virtues × vices
gloomy × happy
particularly × commonly
agony × comfort
trust × disbelief
clouded × untroubled
severe × mild

English PUBLIC 2024 Mini Material

nobility × dishonour
amputated × joined
sophisticated × unrefined
frozen × warm
grim × cheerful
hoisted × lowered
sharply × gradually
narrowed × broadened
concealed × opened
hollow × raised
disguise × real
sparingly × carelessly
grin × frown
persisted × stopped
urgency × ordinary
frequent × seldom
cautiously × carelessly
firm × soft
descending × ascending
exhausted × plenty
perpetual × temporary
frozen × warm
grim × cheerful
hoisted × lowered
sharply × gradually
narrowed × broadened
concealed × opened
hollow × raised
disguise × real
sparingly × carelessly
grin × frown
persisted × stopped
urgency × ordinary
frequent × seldom

English PUBLIC 2024 Mini Material

cautiously × carelessly
firm × soft
descending × ascending
exhausted × plenty
perpetual × temporary

liberty × slavery
common place × unique
confusion × clarity
reasonable × unreasonable
peril × safety
reality × unreality
preserved × destroyed
indifferent × interested
curtail × lengthen
harsh × kind
anarchy × order
ridiculous × appreciable
tyranny × democracy
conventional × unconventional

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