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Coleen De Gracia BSAIS 501

Case 1. Mang Bertos Kitchen consistently incurs losses even though their daily table
capacity is maximized. After further investigations, two (2) waiters do not charge five (5) of
their regular customers for foods or drinks they order, because it happens to be their
friend, family, and girlfriends

First, assemble paperwork and gather information. In order to demonstrate that the
evidence wasn't tampered with, keep a chain of custody. Interview your employee to find
out if what they say is real or not. If it is, you should find out why. After that, you ought to
discuss and offer guidance on Mang Bertos Kitchen, emphasizing that they are not the
proprietors and shouldn't behave like such. Finally, give it a chance and refrain from
discussing the matter with other staff members or outsiders.

The employee should have standards to follow, so it is recommended that written

procedures be created and followed. This will ensure that the incident involving the two
servers who failed to charge five (5) of their regular clients for food or beverages because
they were friends, relatives, or girlfriends does not recur. You ought to include a
documented procedure stating that they must keep their obligations as employees and their
personal obligations separate. Make sure that all sales of their food and beverages are
documented as having not resulted in losses by keeping an eye on your inventory.

Case 2. You are the DLB Manufacturing owner and learned that the company is already
losing inventories in one (1) of your primary warehouse. You decided to visit the
warehouse and noticed that the doors are unlocked and see one (1) of the caretakers
taking some inventories. You have sued him and learned that the warehouse’s key holder
is by letting the doors unlocked keys for the caretaker to steal from the company

Call the cops first. It will be necessary to file a police report if my insurance covers employee
theft. I keep the matter private from other staff members and outsiders because disclosing
sensitive information about the circumstances or the parties involved could undermine the
validity of the investigation. Then, since I trust the caregiver, I ought to ask the keyholder to
grant access to them. Why is it so easy to trust her/him, while I find it hard to trust them?
Since I don't trust them and I believe they are in a relationship, I have decided to fire them.
Finally, the next time I make a hiring decision, I will look at a candidate's past and experience

Act to protect property: In order to secure my belongings and ensure that none are lost, I
should employ a digital lock or a biometric lock that requires verification of the person
unlocking it. Separate tasks should also be implemented to ensure that each person has a
distinct position and does not visit the office where other employees are assigned.
Case 3. The property manager of IMDC is padding an expense account by purchasing
expensive personal meals and reimbursed it to the company as meeting expenses.

It is unethical for you to decide to purchase an expensive meal and then refund the firm for
meeting expenses as a manager when you should know that money is not yours. Meetings
are not for picnics or dinners; instead, you should act seriously during that period. You might
provide a small snack during the meeting so that attendees can eat and concentrate better.

It is advised that you take action to protect property because you will need two layers of
protection in the event that one of your employees receives funds to spend on pricey meals
for themselves. There is a backup to provide the upper management with information. It is
simple to obtain money and use it to purchase something we are unable to reclaim. When
hiring, you should look for trustworthy individuals who will make good decisions. Establish
documented protocols and adhere to them; they require a policy stating that funds are to be
used for the business and not for individual meals. Don't waste money on the little things—
the organization requires more than these.

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