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The Global Gazette

First Edition

24th -25th February

Message from the Secretary
Greetings delegates!
With immense gratification and pleasure, I, Nityant Gupta
hereby welcome you all to the most vivid, brilliant, and
intriguing conference of the year, the Global Leadership
Model United Nations. As the secretary general of
GLMUN’24, I along with all my secretariat members, open
the doors for hundreds of students to experience
relentless debates, battling controversies, significant
interactions, profound learning, and much more. I would
like to extend a heartfelt gratitude to you for keeping your
optimism in our conference and joining in for another
interesting tabling round of debates and discussions. We
wish you all the very best for the conference. Hope you
take away loads of memories.
Best Wishes,
Nityant Gupta
Secretary General
Message from the President
What an electrifying virtual journey our GLMUN
conference has been! From pixels to passion, you all
navigated the digital diplomacy landscape with finesse
and fervor, turning webcams into windows of global
change. Our Executive Board deserves a standing
ovation for their exceptional guidance and seamless
orchestration of this online extravaganza, ensuring
smooth sailing throughout. As your virtual captain, I'm
thrilled by the logics and creativity that flourished in our
online oasis. Let's keep the virtual vibes alive and
continue to rock the cyber waves with our dedication to
making a difference. Until our next digital rendezvous,
stay connected and keep shining bright!
Warm Regards,
Tanmay Rishikesh
Message from the Director General
Greetings Delegates! It is with great pleasure and
excitement that I extend my warmest welcome to you all to
the Global Leadership Model United Nations 2024, which
will be held on 24th and 25th February’24. As the Director
General of this esteemed conference, I am honored to
invite you to participate in what promises to be an enriching
and memorable experience. As we embark on this MUN
journey together, I encourage each one of you to approach
this session with an open mind, spirit of cooperation and a
commitment for finding innovative solutions to the
challenges we face as a global community. I am confident
that your participation will enrich the experience of this
MUN. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to our
secretary general, secretariat, executive boards,
organizing team, and collaborators for their hard work and
support in making this conference possible. Their
dedication and commitment to excellence has helped in
shaping the conference program and ensuring a wonderful
experience for all participants. I would like to thank each
and every one of you for choosing to be a part of this
conference. Your enthusiasm, passion, and intellect are
the driving forces behind this conference, and I am truly
excited to see the impactful contributions you will make
during our time together. Wishing you all the very best and
looking forward to welcoming you to an unforgettable MUN
Arnav Sharma
Director General
Message from the Head of Press
Distinguished Delegates, Esteemed members of the
Press and the Organising Committee,
In these two days, we engaged in spirited discussions,
tackled complex global issues, and strived to find
common ground amidst diversity. Each of you brought a
unique perspective, a wealth of knowledge, and a passion
for making a difference. The International Press plays its
role at the forefront of every MUN conference. Today, the
Press stands as the epitome of creative expression of
truth. Having defined the very essence of it, an
International Press is one of the most important aspects
of the conference, highlighting the Global concerns.
I wish to extend my gratitude for the hard work and
dedication of the IP members, in covering the event. Your
efforts in capturing the essence of the event and sharing
it amongst all, are truly commendable. It can be said with
great confidence that there are powerful and enlightened
young minds taking important steps to shape our world
and stimulate change.
Warm regards,
Dilisha Rajput
Head Of Press
A Decade Under Review
Over the past decade, the NDA government in India has steered the nation
through a period of dynamic change amidst evolving societal, economic, and
global challenges. While the administration has pursued economic reforms
like 'Make in India' and the introduction of the 'Goods and Services Tax (GST)'
to foster growth, scrutiny reveals questions about their inclusivity and impact
on sectors like the informal economy, employment, and income distribution.
Despite efforts such as PM-KISAN and PMFBY, the promise to double farmers'
income remains unfulfilled, raising doubts about ambitious targets.
In social welfare and healthcare, initiatives like Ayushman Bharat and
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan have aimed to improve citizen well-being, yet
concerns persist about equitable access and effectiveness. Constitutional
amendments have sought to modernize legal frameworks, yet raised debates
around democratic principles. Cultural initiatives like International Yoga Day
and infrastructure projects reflect a blend of tradition and modernization,
albeit marred by controversies and debates on historical interpretations and
religious matters.
While the government has made strides, including landmark decisions such
as the Supreme Court-backed Ram Mandir construction, it has faced
setbacks like the recent Chandigarh Mayor election, raising questions about
democratic processes. The complex landscape of governance underscores
the need for continued citizen engagement to address challenges and
capitalize on successes. As the NDA's tenure progresses, navigating these
complexities will be crucial for shaping a more inclusive, equitable, and
prosperous India.
Bytes vs Bombs: Can Nuclear facilities
withstand Cyber Intrusion?
By-Kavya Ruchi Singh
Nuclear facilities are very important for national security because
they provide energy security, have a long operational lifespan,
and have economic benefits, nuclear facilities are extremely
important for national security. Therefore, in this changing world
where digital vulnerabilities meet the security of nuclear facilities,
a critical question arises: Can these vital installations withstand
potential cyber intrusions? Across the globe, nuclear facilities
must endure the agonizing process of strengthening their
defences against cyber attacks. Digital weaknesses have the
potential to jeopardize the security of these vital sites, as history
has demonstrated. Echo from Stuxnet is one such instance. “
Stuxnet’s Echo” depicts the fallout from the 2010 hack on
Iran's nuclear installations, which was purportedly the result
of US and Israeli cooperation. This historic event demonstrated
the precision of digital weapons by physically damaging industrial
control systems. As the underlying event emphasized the
intersection of digital and nuclear realms, the need for better
cyber defense measures becomes increasingly important. In
2014, the Hanbit Nuclear Power Plant in South Korea experienced
a cyber attack, this incident shed light on vulnerabilities within
cyber infrastructure, emphasizing the urgent need for
strengthened cyber security measures. The fusion of nuclear
security protocols with cyber security strategies is essential for
ensuring the resilience of critical infrastructure. Quoting the
delegate of India “ In the advancement brought forth by this
generation, It has become important to devise innovative
solutions” Hence, The battle of “Bytes vs. Bombs” is not just a
simple concept but a difficult challenge faced by nuclear facilities
worldwide that needs to be solved.
Unraveling Allegations: UCC
Under Scrutiny in India
Reported by Aishmeet Kaur
Recently, Prime Minister Narendra Modi ignited a political
firestorm. He accused the opposition of looting the country for a
long time. But, investigations into these claims have shown a big
gap. It’s between political talk and the truth. Modi’s assertions,
though vehement, have failed to find substantial support in the
courts. Despite his claims, no concrete evidence has surfaced. It
would back up the accusations of prolonged looting by the
opposition. No proven allegations exist. This has raised eyebrows
and prompted a closer look. One big revelation has added a twist.
It’s the confession by the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG).
The CAG audits government spending and reports errors. They
admitted to misrepresenting information about the opposition’s
alleged financial misconduct. In a surprise, the CAG apologized in
court for the bad reporting. They acknowledged that they had found
no evidence of opposition looting. This apology has not only cast
doubt on Modi’s claims. It has also raised questions about the truth
of the information given to the public. The incident shows the
importance of fact-checking and thorough investigation. Before
making sweeping accusations, especially in politics, it is important
to need these. Influential figures can sway public opinion with their

Moreover, Modi’s reference to the 2002 Godhra riots raises

concerns about the accuracy of historical statements made by the
Prime Minister. Modi said that during the Godhra riots, a mob
burned 500 Hindus in the train. But, historical records say 59 Hindu
pilgrims (karsevaks) died in a train fire on February 27, 2002. They
were returning from Ayodhya. This fire sparked the unrest.
Government statistics on the Godhra riots report 1,044 people
killed. They also report 223 missing and 2,500 injured. Among the
deceased, 790 were Muslims and 254 were Hindus. This historical
error shows the importance of accurate information. It also shows
the need for fact-checking. This is especially true when public
figures mention sensitive events. The incident challenges Modi’s
honesty. It also shows the need for honest and clear communication
in politics. The UCC (Unknown Corruption Commission) is under
scrutiny after these revelations. The episode is a cautionary tale. It
shows the need for clear, honest, and responsible politics. The
incident also shows the judiciary’s role. It must assess allegations
and ensure the truth beats sensational claims.


Kavya Ruchi Singh pens down
the misery of a son
My Dearest Papa,
Today is the 20th day since you left us
after the Chernobyl disaster. Papa,
Something is happening to Mom; she’s
not the same. Her warm hugs have been
replaced by cold shivers. Her health is
worsening, and I don’t understand why.
She has strange bruises, and her hair is
falling out. The doctors mumble about a
radioactive disease. I don’t know what
that means, but it sounds scary. Papa, is
she going to you? If she leaves like you, then how will I live? Please
don’t call her to you Papa.
You already have many angels in heaven with you. I only have one
so please ... don’t call her to you.
Today, I’m sending this letter to the address heaven. I hope you get
Your Little One,
15 April, 1986

About the Executive Board: UNHRC

When we think about an Executive Board
from Delhi, what comes in our mind?
Strict person who will chew you alive if
you don’t speak? Well for UNHRC
chair in GL Model UN it’s the total
The fun and funny “Ma’am” carried
her personality in the coolest way! Her
name was Gauravi Kwatra who gave me
the Gangubai vibes. She had her full
attention with most of the speeches and in
some; she was lost on some of the countries General Speakers
List. Currently studying in 11th grade, “Ma’am really got those
skills of a 20 year old delegate! She was so kind that every single
delegate got a chance to speak in the moderated caucus and was
allowed to ask point of information (POI). Well what will a normal
Executive Board chair do if we finish the lobbying session and it’s
time for break? Dismiss the committee? Not in her eyes the
Lobbying session was so good that it kept going on and on, she
suggested the delegates to generate another link and of course
add her there too. By the end of day one, she was so “over-
pleased” that she suggested crisis for the next day 2! She was the
favorite of almost everyone and having an Executive chair like her
can definitely make you MUN experience a memorable one!
By Jyotishman Gogoi
Let’s see what do our honourable PM
have to say....
Press: Greetings sir, I would like you to take some of your valuable
time to answer a few questions for the clarification of the press.
PM: Batayie ma’am
Press: Sir in your first speech you stated all the things you have
done, in which you specified Fasal Bima Yojna and many other
policies for Kissans. Sir do you really think these policies were
sufficient and worked in helping in Kissans. If yes, then what do
you think is the reason for the farmer strike happenig since years,
and the recent Rakesh Tikait case and what are your steps and
views on
PM: Ma’am these policies have worked a lot and helped over 3
lakhs farmers, it has also led to a decline in percentage of farmers
suicide. The reason behind farmer strike happenings is that the
want that all the policies should be in favour of the farmers not
focusing on financial budget . Farmers say that there should be
rise in MSP and that 62.7% of are finance should be spent on them,
but that’s simply not possible.
Press: Sir in your manifesto you said that you plan on doubling the
Kissan income, but as it is seen over the years from 2016 to 21 the
real farm income per capita has even dropped -1.5%. Why did the
pm made a promise in the first place that is so hard to fulfil and
wasn't even realistic in first place.
PM: Ma’am I agree to the claim, but as we all know due to the
Covid-19, not only India’s, but the entire world economy took a hit.
In our new financial budget we will try our best to convert this
negative ratio into positive and central government has also
allowed to the MSP for farmers but at a minimal rate.
Press: Sir, prevailing further to my third question, it is to you, that
what is your reply to the claims made by Kapil Sibal pointing
directly out to you making allegations on dushtikaran and how you
are against dalits, Muslims etc.
PM: Ma’am if you see the international media reports, you will see
that Indian present government has done more than sufficient
work in favour of Muslims. Just placing allegations on us wont
work, when previous government did a little. Like, banning tripal
talaq, article 370 etc.
PM Modi interviewed by IPC journalist Jahanvi Chaturvedi

Echoes of Sorrow
A poem about war and the grief it brings by Ayati Anand
In fields of battle, where death does stalk
The cries of warriors, echoes of heartbreak
The scent of blood, a perpetual talk
A never-ending tale of sorrow and ache

The drums of war, a mournful

The clash of steel, a sorrowful
The shouts of men, a desperate
A war-torn landscape, a grief-
stricken sea
The widows weep, the orphans cry
Their loved ones lost, a sorrowful sigh
Their homes in ruin, their dreams denied
A future uncertain, a heart inside

The war-torn land, a desolate sight

The once green fields, now scarred with fight
The trees, once full of life, now bare
Their limbs entwined with death’s dark care
But still, the guns they roar and
The bombs they fall, the lives they
The endless pain, the ceaseless
A war that rages, a grief that
The world in chaos, a dismal sight
The future unclear, a endless fight
The war that wages, a grief that stings
A never-ending tale of sorrow and pain

About the Executive Board: UNGA

The Executive board of UNGA consisted

of two people-Ms. Akruti and Mr.
Shivansh. They both formed a very
dynamic duo as they both had
opposite personalities. Ms. Akruti,
was embodiment of grace in the
committee as she conducted the
proceedings with elegance of a swan.
She was Strict yet poised and she
navigated the committee with a poised precision, ensuring UNGA
norms were followed to the letter.

On the other side, there was Mr. Shivansh,

His approach was a symbol of comfort.
He made delegates feel at ease but
maintained a stern undertone when the
situation demanded. He was like a cool
breeze that softened the edges. He
encouraged delegates to embrace
their mistakes, and he fostered an
environment where rules were clear but
smiles were never amiss.
Their opposite personalities turned out to be the perfect blend,
this proved that a touch of strictness and a dash of chill can
conduct a committee without missing a beat. Even though, they
both had opposite personalities, they were still equally deserving
of the role they were given as they both were articulate,
exceptional leaders and remarkable mentors.


Reported By-Kavya Ruchi Singh
The United
HAZARDS General Assembly gathered together to
contemplate prevention of proliferation of nuclear weapon with
special emphasis on reduction of military expenditure and use of
biological weapon. The committee began as delegates quickly
stated their country’s stance on the topic and offered solutions to
the problem at hand. “In the advancement brought forth by this
generation, It has become imperative to devise peaceful
solutions.” Asserted the delegate of India placing emphasis on the
interrelation between cyber attacks and proliferation ofnuclear
Delegates actively participated in discussions aimed at
developing measures to prevent the development, production,
and use of biological weapons. The emphasis was on establishing
international frameworks and legal instruments to solve
theproliferation of these destructive weapons. The delegates
recognized the severe consequence, the problem could inflict on
humanity. On the inaugural day of the committee, The delegates
mulled over strategies to augment the efficacy of prevailing non-
proliferation treaties and agreements, with a specific focus on the
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), addressed the menace of
biological weapons while formulating measures to prevent their
development, production, and utilization and examined the
creation of new legislative frameworks and international
mechanisms aimed at reducing the utilization of both Nuclear and
Biological Weapons.
The committee, consisting of representatives from diverse
nations, engaged in thoughtful discussions which aimed at
fostering global security and stability where United Kingdom
raised a compelling point by stating that possession of nuclear
facilities can protect the national security of a country which
sparked a fruitful deliberation in the committee.
The subsequent day commenced with addressing the Nexus
between Covid 19 and biological weapon emphasizing the
strategies to mitigate and conduct International cooperation
which provoked a heated debate between the delegate of India
and Israel where Israel was quick to point out India’s inefficiency
to collaborate with its neighbouring countries. This formulated an
atmosphere of intellectual tension.
The delegates also addressed the Nexus between emerging
viruses and potential misuse of biotechnology weapons with on
usage of biological weapon. This paved the way for delegates to
devise collaborative methods to get rid of biological weapons
that cause a catastrophe and underscored the importance of
fostering international collaboration to address the root causes
of conflicts and promote lastIng peace. Overall, The UNGA
was a place
where the
engaged in
debates which contributed to dynamic and intellectually
stimulating environment where formidable solutions were

About the executive board: AIPPM

The committee consisted of two EB’s, one was the Chair, her
name was Sakshi Garg and the other person was the Vice Chair
of the committee named Shishir Srivastav.
The committee took off with only one EB member, at the start of
the committee the Chair informed that our
Vice Chair will be joining from
second session. Maybe the vice chair
overslept or had something far more
important to do. The Chair was
precise and professional. She
sticked to making committee as
much formal as she can and kept the
delegates in check. She was firm
with her words and allowed a healthy
discussion in the committee.
The Vice Chair finally showed his face in the second session.
Both the EB’s were open in making suggestions or
pointing out some delegates mistakes if there
is a room for improvement. Both the EB’s
gave sensible and accurate opinions and
looked experienced with past MUN’S . But
even there experience came crashing down
when the delegate with the portfolio of
Prashant Kishore debated and agued with
both the EB’s till the end, coiling them around
his words and admitted no defeat nor the EB’s
explanation. His persistent nature was sure beyond EB’s
expectation, but a little surprise like this makes committee fun
for EB’s too and they handled it very professionally. EB’s
also had good humor and weren’t too strict about jokes
commencing in the committee at times.
Glimpses of the conference!
Hope to see you at the next edition!
Journalists :
Jyotishman Gogoi
Ayati Anand
Jahanvi Chaturvedi
Aishmeet Kaur
Kavya Ruchi Singh

Head of press/ Editor in chief:

Dilisha Rajput

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