Vjezba 4 Vidakovic Et Al 2012

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Fundam. Appl. Limnol. Vol.

181/1, 59–72Article
Stuttgart, June 2012

The influence of different hydrological conditions on

periphytic invertebrate communities in a Danubian

Jasna Vidaković 1, *, Ivana Turković Čakalić 1, Filip Stević 1 and Dubravka Čerba 1, 2

With 6 figures and 2 tables

Abstract: Changes in the hydrologic regime have been a driving force for maintaining biodiversity of floodplain
communities. Recent studies have shown that periphytic biomass is closely related to the hydrologic cycle and
disturbances caused by flood pulses. This study was conducted in Lake Sakadaš which is a part of one of the largest
conserved Danube floodplains, Kopački Rit in Croatia. The aim of our study was to determine colonization pat-
terns, invertebrate abundance and community structure within the periphyton community that developed on artifi-
cial substrates during two hydrologically different years. Low connectivity of the floodplain was present in 2008
while high connectivity of the floodplain and extreme flooding characterized 2009. There were two distinct phases
in the invertebrate colonization process. The early phase of colonization, which included the first four sampling
dates of both years, was characterized by Crustacea. The late phase of colonization differed between the research
years. Bivalvia (Dreissena polymorpha) was the most dominant taxonomic group in the late phase of colonization
in 2008, while Oligochaeta was the representative taxa in late phase of 2009. In 2008, food source and water tem-
perature were the most important factors influencing the late periphytic invertebrate community, while the most
important parameters influencing fauna in 2009 was the Danube water level, indicating the influence of the flood
pulse on the invertebrate community. Generally, the invertebrate community differed between the two years in both
composition and abundance. One of the most important differences was a substantial development and the domi-
nance of an invasive bivalve species, Dreissena polymorpha indicating a possible threat to the lake’s ecosystem
suggesting the need for further monitoring.

Key words: Flood pulse, floodplain connectivity, periphyton, invertebrate community, Dreissena polymorpha.

Introduction velopment and function in many lentic and lotic eco-

systems (Vadeboncoeur & Steinman 2002, Azim et al.
Periphyton is a complex community of bacteria, fungi, 2005). Different materials can be used as an artificial
algae, invertebrates, and associated organic and inor- substrate such as glass and ceramic plates, artificial
ganic detritus, developing on both natural and artificial plants and polyurethane foam. There are drawbacks
substrates immersed in the water (Wetzel 2001, Azim to using artificial substrates due to size restrictions,
et al. 2005). The importance (primary production, food avoidance of artificial substrates by some species and
source, habitat, energy and nutrient transport) and lack of direct interactions between organisms and the
complexity of this type of community has driven many surface. Despite this, artificial substrates are often
scientists to study different aspects of periphyton de- used because we can determine the size and type of

Authors’ address:
  University of J. J. Strossmayer in Osijek, Department of Biology, Trg Ljudevita Gaja 6, HR-31000 Osijek, Croatia.

  Corresponding author; dcerba@biologija.unios.hr


* All authors have equally contributed to the realization of the manuscript.

© 2012 E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, Germany www.schweizerbart.de

DOI: 10.1127/1863-9135/2012/0290 eschweizerbart_XXX

1863-9135/12/0290 $ 3.50
60 Jasna Vidaković, Ivana Turković Čakalić, Filip Stević and Dubravka Čerba

the substrate, time and depth of immersion, and can D. polymorpha is usually early in the growing season
avoid negative influence of the substrate e.g. where and corresponds with a peak in phytoplankton abun-
some macrophytes produce allelopathic substances dance. The growth rates of D. polymorpha in the same
(Moschini-Carlos et al. 2000, Czerniawska-Kusza water-body vary significantly across years. Zebra
2004). Also, Pieczyńska & Spodniewska (1963) found mussels are prolific filter-feeders and can effectively
no significant differences in the dominance and com- filter a wide size range of particles (Ten Winkel &
position structure of periphytic fauna on natural and Davids 1982). Due to their high filtration rate, high
artificial substrate, with Nematoda, Oligochaeta and densities of zebra mussels can significantly decrease
Chironomidae the main representatives in both cases. plankton densities and increase water clarity (Strayer
Artificial substrates allow algae and fauna to be sam- et al. 1999, Pillsbury et al. 2002) which can influence
pled where it is difficult to access natural substrata and invertebrate composition and abundance in the peri-
cause less disturbance to benthic and periphytic com- phyton (Ricciardi et al. 1997).
munities (Borcherding & Strum 2002). Both abiotic In this paper we present the data on invertebrate
and biotic parameters influence the appearance and communities in periphyton, developed on artifi-
development of periphyton, but in floodplain areas one cial substrate during two hydrologically contrasting
of the most important influences is the change between years, in the river-floodplain ecosystem (Nature Park
dry and flood periods. Some recent studies (Leandrini Kopački Rit). The aim of our study was to determine
et al. 2008) showed that the periphytic biomass of dif- the influence of lake’s connectivity on periphytic in-
ferent types of aquatic habitats along the floodplain is vertebrate community. The specific issues addressed
closely related to the hydrologic cycle and disturbanc- in this paper are: (1) can the differences in coloniza-
es caused by flood pulses (Rodrigues & Bicudo 2001). tion patterns during two years be related to different
The direct and indirect influence of the limno- and water-levels; (2) will the differences in invertebrate
potamophase on the floodplain biocenosis has been re- abundance and community structure be visible and as-
corded at different trophic levels in Kopački Rit (Pali- sociated with changes of the water-level; (3) what is
jan & Fuks 2006, Mihaljević et al. 2009, 2010). the relationship between biotic and abiotic factors and
Studying the colonization process of periphyton is periphytic invertebrates; and (4) were there temporal
an important first step towards our understanding of variations within invertebrate communities and meas-
its functional role in aquatic ecosystems. Generally, ured biotic and abiotic parameters.
colonization of substrates starts with the deposition of
organic substances and attraction of bacteria followed
by colonization of algae and invertebrates (Azim et al. Material and methods
2005). Representatives of invertebrate fauna are very
Study area
diverse and can differ depending on the water quality,
season or the substrate on which the periphytic com- This study was carried out in a floodplain lake, Lake Sakadaš
munity is developed. In eutrophic lakes, Rotatoria, within Kopački Rit Nature Park, one of the Danube’s largest
conserved floodplains (Fig. 1). Kopački Rit is situated in the
Nematoda, Oligochaeta, Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Bryo- north-east of Croatia between the River Drava and the Danube.
zoa, Crustacea and Insecta larvae, especially Chirono- It is included on the list of Important Bird Areas and on the
midae, can be very abundant in different periphytic RAMSAR List of Wetlands of International Importance. The
communities (Dvořák & Imhof 1998, Čerba et al. protected floodplain area is located between 1383 and 1410
2009, Bogut et al. 2010). In every ecosystem, invasive river km of the Danube. As the parent river, the Danube hy-
drologic regime has the prime influence on the floodplain eco-
species can play an important part in all communities system. Lake Sakadaš is an open water system and exchanges
influencing autochthonous flora and their fauna. The water with the Csonakut Channel in the east, the Novi Channel
zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha Pallas, 1771) is in the south and through the dam in the west. The lake is in di-
a Ponto-Caspian invasive species of temperate fresh- rect hydrologic connection with the main river channel through
the Hulovo and Csonakut Channels (total length ca. 10 km)
water ecosystems (Qualls et al. 2007). Since this spe- (Fig. 1). When the Danube water-level is 1.67 m (measured
cies originated in the Balkan Peninsula, Poland and the at Apatin station at 1401.4 river km) its waters start to enter
former Soviet Union (Çağlar 1952), but was stranded the floodplain thus creating the flow pulse, but water-levels of
in the Ponto-Caspian area after the last glaciation, we 3.0 – 3.5 m mark the beginning of the flood pulse (Bognar 1990,
can ask ourselves if we should call its dispersion to Palijan 2010). The lake has an average depth of about 5 m and
maximum depth of ca. 12 m, with a surface water area of about
East and Middle Europe invasion or re-colonization of 0.15 km2. During the past few decades, the lake has been in
old habitats. According to several authors (e.g. Walz a eutrophic/hypertrophic state (Vidaković et al. 2002, Stević
1978, Garton & Johanson 2000) maximum growth of et al. 2005, Mihaljević & Stević 2011). The first research of

Influence of hydrological conditions on periphytic invertebrate communities 61

Fig. 1. Study area – Lake Sakadaš, a part of the Danube floodplain area of the Kopački Rit Nature Park (Croatia). Dashed line
represents the border of Nature Park Kopački Rit.

the periphyton communities within the Kopački Rit floodplain in situ with the 4 % formaldehyde. Three slides were taken for
was conducted on natural substrata (submerged macrophytes) chlorophyll analysis and the next three slides were used to iden-
(Vidaković & Bogut 2007, Bogut et al. 2010, Čerba et al. 2009, tify periphyton biomass. The data gathered from the three slides
2011). Preliminary in situ experiments with glass plates as a were pooled and average values have been used for statistical
substrate were carried out in 2007 in the littoral area of Lake analysis of each parameter. Slides were transported to the labo-
Sakadaš, when nematodes dominated the periphytic inverte- ratory for further analysis. Samples of water were collected to
brate community (Vidaković et al. 2011). determine ammonia (NH4), nitrates (NO3), nitrites (NO2), total
nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) (APHA 1985). Con-
Sampling centration of dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, electrical conductiv-
ity (COND) and water temperature (WTEMP) were determined
Colonization of periphyton developed on microscopic glass in situ with a portable multimeter (Multi 340 i/SET, WTW,
plates was investigated during two hydrologically contrasting Weilheim, Germany). Transparency (SD) was measured with a
years (from April till August 2008 and 2009). Sampling began Secchi disc. The Danube water-level (DWL) was measured at
on April 22nd in 2008 and April 28th in 2009. Samples were taken the Apatin gauge measuring station (at 1401.4 river km). Con-
after 7 days of exposure and then every two weeks till August centrations of chlorophyll-a in water (WCHLa) and periphyton
19th 2008 and August 25th 2009. Prior to submergence, slides chlorophyll-a (PCHLa), -b (PCHLb) and -c (PCHLc) were de-
were washed with detergent and soaked in 1 M HCl overnight. termined according to Komárkova (1989) and expressed in μg
They were positioned vertically within the water column at the per cm2. Periphyton biomass (mg per cm2) was determined as
fixed depth of 25 cm in modified plastic slide-boxes. Sampling follows; periphyton was scraped off the slide with a razor blade,
was performed by taking nine slides on each sampling occasion dried at 105 °C for 24 h, weighed, placed in an oven at 500 °C
at the research site. Three slides were for fauna analyses fixed for an hour and then weighed again.

62 Jasna Vidaković, Ivana Turković Čakalić, Filip Stević and Dubravka Čerba

Fauna samples Nematoda, Gastropoda, Oligochaeta, Crustacea, Insecta larvae

and Paludicella articulata. Correlations were considered to be
In the laboratory, periphyton for faunal analysis was scraped significant when p < 0.05. Calculations were performed using
off from both sides of the glass slide using a razor, stained with Statistica v. 7.1 (StatSoft, Tulsa).
Rose Bengal and washed through a 24 µm aperture sieve, prior
to inspection under stereoscopic microscopes (Carl Zeis Jena
and Olympus SZX9), under different magnifications (1.5 – 20×).
Fauna were identified using several standard taxonomic keys Results
for invertebrates such as Magda (1979), Nilsson (1996, 1997),
Pfleger (1999), Engelhardt (2003) and Wood & Okamura Environmental parameters
(2005). Abundance was expressed as the number of individuals
per cm2 of glass slide except for Spongia and Bryozoa where During the investigation period (April to August) in
the numbers represent percentage per cm2 of the glass covered. 2008, the Danube water level was higher than 3.0 m
for 73 days but never reached 5.0 m; in 2009 during
Statistical analysis the same period, Kopački Rit was flooded for 122
Several multivariate methods were used to explain the varia- days with the highest recorded value of 6.25 m on the
tions in the periphytic invertebrate communities and to assess 84th day of periphyton exposure. In general, 2009 was
the relationship between invertebrate abundance and the meas- a year with long periods of flooding in Kopački Rit
ured environmental variables. (Fig. 2). Apart from the differences in the Danube and
A clustering technique was used to join the samples in
hierarchical groups based on the similarity in invertebrate Sakadaš water-level, the t-test indicated statistically
abundance and is presented using a dendrogram. Non-metric higher oxygen concentration (t = 3.065) and conduc-
multidimensional scaling (nMDS) analysis was used to dis- tivity (t = 2.04) at p < 0.05 in 2008. Due to the higher
play invertebrate community similarity and temporal dynam- water level of the Danube in 2009, the mean value of
ics in both investigated years in multivariate ordination space.
the Sakadaš water level, as well as transparency, were
NMDS is an iterative ordination method which uses the ranks
of similarities between samples for a low-dimensional ordina- higher than in 2008. The surface lake water was well
tion. Clustering and nMDS were applied on the Bray-Curtis oxygenated in both years reaching the lowest value of
similarity matrix based on the invertebrate abundance. To bal- 5.26 mg l–1 on the 14th day of periphyton exposure in
ance the contribution of common and rare taxa, invertebrate 2009. The highest value of conductivity in 2008 was
abundance was square-root transformed prior to calculating
sample similarities. The contribution of different invertebrate
803 µS cm–1, while in 2009 values above 475 µS cm–1
taxa to the average dissimilarity between the investigated years were not recorded. The water temperature was similar
was elucidated using the SIMPER routine. Hierarchical cluster- during both years with maximal values being recorded
ing, nMDS analyses and the SIMPER routine were performed in June, 28.4 °C and 26.6 °C (on the 70th day in 2008
using the statistical program PRIMER version 5.0 (Clarke & and 56th day in 2009). Chlorophyll-a concentration
Warwick 2001).
Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) was used to
in water varied between 7.2 – 42.4 µg l–1 in 2008 and
determine whether the linear or unimodal statistical technique 3.1– 38.4 µg l–1 in 2009. High concentrations of TP
would be most appropriate for the modelling of responses. DCA (mean value 203.7 µg l–1 in 2008 and 176.1 µg l–1 in
suggested the use of the linear method (Redundancy analysis, 2009) and TN (mean value 723.7 µg l–1 in 2008 and
RDA) since the value of the longest gradient did not exceed 3.0 691.9 µg l–1 in 2009) were found. pH values (7.4 – 8.7)
(Lepš & Šmilauer 2003). This method was used to assess the
relationship between invertebrate abundance and the measured indicated slightly alkaline conditions (Fig. 3).
environmental variables (Ter Braak & Šmilauer 2002). The
invertebrate abundance data was log-transformed to meet the Periphyton biomass and chlorophyll
normality requirements. The forward selection option using the concentrations
Monte Carlo unrestricted test involving 499 permutations iden-
tified the significant subset of environmental variables, retain- There was a difference in both the periphyton bio-
ing only variables significantly (p < 0.05) contributing to the mass and chlorophyll concentrations between research
total variance of each taxa. Environmental variables are repre- years. The highest values of dry weight recorded in
sented by arrows with the maximum value located at the arrow 2008 were 138.9 mg cm– 2, while in 2009 the peri-
head. DCA and RDA were performed with the CANOCO for
Windows version 4.5 (Biometrics-Plant Research International,
phyton biomass was lower and maximal values for
the Netherlands). dry weight were 46.6 mg cm– 2. During both years,
The t-test was used to test for significant differences be- the minimum dry weight, found on the first sampling
tween two sampling seasons in environmental variables (Zar date, did not exceed 0.04 mg cm– 2. The ash weight
1999). Correlation analysis was used to compare most frequent and ash free weight followed the same trend during
and most abundant invertebrate taxa in both years. For the
analysis of fauna in 2008, Dreissena polymorpha, Nematoda, the research periods (Fig. 3). Periphyton chlorophyll-a
Oligochaeta, Crustacea, Insecta larvae and Insecta pupae were concentrations in 2008 ranged from 0.051 µg cm– 2 to
correlated, and in 2009, Hydra sp., D. polymorpha, Turbellaria, 4.38 µg cm– 2 and in 2009 from 0.59 µg cm– 2 to 6.19 µg

Influence of hydrological conditions on periphytic invertebrate communities 63

Fig. 2. Water level of the Danube in 2008 and 2009, with extracted data for the research periods.

Table 1. Results of the SIMPER routine: contribution of invertebrates to average dissimilarities between investigated years based
on invertebrate abundance.
Species Average abundance Average Dissimilarity/ Species Cumulative
(ind. cm– 2) dissimilarity SD contribution (%)
Group 1 Group 2
Years 2008 and 2009
Average dissimilarity = 59.71
Bivalvia 4.93 0.31 16.23 1.54 27.18 27.18
Crustacea 1.39 1.89 11.94 0.98 20.00 47.18
Oligochaeta 1.69 2.73 11.74 1.28 19.67 66.85
Nematoda 0.82 0.08 5.98 1.23 10.01 76.86
Insecta larvae 0.58 0.34 5.57 1.34 9.33 86.18
Turbellaria 0.03 0.06 2.33 1.09 3.90 90.08

Note: Cut-off at 90 %; SD – standard deviation.

cm– 2. Higher values in 2009 were also recorded for contributed most to the differences between the inves-
chlorophyll-c, 4.55 µg cm– 2 in relation to 4.80 µg cm– 2 tigated years (Table 1, Fig. 4).
(Fig. 3). Macrostomum tuba (Leidy 1851) was recorded in
both years, while Microstomum caudatum (von Graff
Fauna 1882) and Planaria torva (Müller 1774) were Turbel-
In total, 14 invertebrate taxonomic groups were re- laria representatives in 2009. We found no Gastro-
corded during this study: Spongia, Cnidaria, Turbel- poda in 2008, but in 2009 they were represented with
laria, Nematoda, Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Oligochaeta, four species (Bithynia tentaculata (Linnaeus 1758),
Hirudinea, Hydracarina, Crustacea, Tardigrada, Insec- Acroloxus lacustris (Linnaeus 1758), Planorbarius
ta larvae and pupae, and Bryozoa. Six of these groups corneus (Linnaeus 1758) and Physa sp.) and juvenile

64 Jasna Vidaković, Ivana Turković Čakalić, Filip Stević and Dubravka Čerba

Fig. 3. Variations in a) Danube water level (data source: daily recordings during the experiment period at river 1,401.4 km); b)
Lake Sakadaš water level; c) transparency; d) water temperature; e) dissolved oxygen; f) concentration of chlorophyll-a in the
water; g) pH; h) conductivity; i) total phosphorus; j) total nitrogen; periphyton biomass – k) dry weight, l) ash weight, m) ash free
weight; periphyton chlorophyll concentration – n) chlorophyll-a, o) chlorophyll-b, p) chlorophyll-c in the floodplain lake during
the experiment. Box-plots represent the median, the 25 and 75 % quartile and the range of the values; open circle outliers; open
square extremes.

Influence of hydrological conditions on periphytic invertebrate communities 65

Fig. 4. Changes in the invertebrate abundance of the most abundant and frequent groups, and pointed out by SIMPER analysis,
measured as number of individuals per cm2 during the research years.
Note: Data represent the mean value of three glass slides ± standard deviation. The abundance of given invertebrate taxonomic
groups is a sum of abundances of all its representatives (in brackets): Crustacea (Cladocera, Copepoda, Ostracoda), Bivalvia
(Dreissena polymorpha), Oligochaeta, Insecta larvae (Chironomidae, Ephemeroptera, Odonata, Ceratopogonidae, Polycentropodi-
dae), Nematoda and Turbellaria (Microstomum caudatum, Macrostomum tuba, Planaria torva).

stages. Bivalvia were represented with only one spe- Ceratopogonidae in 2008. In 2009, in addition to these
cies – Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas 1771). Two dif- taxa groups, Odonata and Polycentropodidae were
ferent species of Hirudinea were recorded, Helobdella also recorded.
stagnalis (Linnaeus 1758) in 2008 and Erpobdella oc- The first samples were taken a week after immer-
toculata (Linnaeus 1758) in 2009. Beside Cladocera sion of the glass slides when representatives of Cla-
and Copepoda, Ostracoda were also recorded. Insecta docera, Chironomidae larvae and Oligochaeta were
larvae were mostly represented by Chironomidae, al- found as the first colonizers. Only chironomid larvae
though we also found larvae of Ephemeroptera and displayed almost 100 % constancy in both sampling

66 Jasna Vidaković, Ivana Turković Čakalić, Filip Stević and Dubravka Čerba

Fig. 5. Dendrogram (a) and nMDS plot (b) based on invertebrate abundance. Numbers 7–126 represent number of days, 08 and 09
years, when slides were submerged in the water. Open circles (○) indicate 2008 samples and solid circles (●) indicate 2009 samples.

years. Taxa that were present on 70 % or more of the but without gemmules we could not determine the spe-
sampling dates in both years were: Oligochaeta, Cla- cies. In 2008, only one species of Bryozoa was found
docera, Nematoda, Dreissena polymorpha and Co- – Plumatella emarginata (Allman 1844), on the 56th,
pepoda (Fig. 4). During both years, we recorded the 70th and 112th day, whereas in 2009 we found three
presence of Spongia and Bryozoa but with different species: Paludicella articulata (Ehrenberg 1831),
percent cover on the slides. In 2008, the sponge Ephy- Plumatella fungosa (Pallas 1768) and P. emarginata.
datia fluviatilis (Linnaeus 1759) was found on the P. articulata appeared on the 56th day and was present
112th and 126th day while in 2009 Eunapius fragilis until the end of the trials.
(Leidy 1851) was present on the 84th and 98th day. We In 2008, 98.5 % of the total fauna (excluding
also found traces of Spongia on the 56th day in 2009, Spongia and Bryozoa) was represented by five taxa:

Influence of hydrological conditions on periphytic invertebrate communities 67

Fig. 6. Fauna ordination results from redundancy analysis (RDA) of invertebrate abundance data of the both years (2008 and 2009).
The plot shows the taxa scores along the first and second axes in relation to the statistically significant environmental variables:
DWL (Danube water level), WTEMP (water temperature), WCHLa (chlorophyll-a in water), COND (conductivity), DW (dry
weight) and PCHLa (periphyton chlorophyll-a). Environmental variables are represented with solid arrows and invertebrate taxa
vectors are represented with thick dashed arrows. The directions and lengths of the arrows indicate importance and correlation to
the respective axes. Arabic numbers indicate sampling day. Open circles (○) indicate 2008 samples and solid circles (●) indicate
2009 samples.

D. polymorpha, Oligochaeta, Cladocera, Nematoda on the 70th day, although on day 14 in both years there
and Chironomidae larvae with the dominance of were high densities of cladocerans, and on the 112th
D. polymorpha (52 %). In 2009, these taxa composed day in 2008 the abundance of D. polymorpha and Oli-
88.2 % of the total fauna with a change in dominance gochaeta was rather high.
– Oligochaeta were the most abundant (49.4 %) while In 2008 there was a positive correlation between
D. polymorpha was not well-represented (5.6 %); sec- D. polymorpha and Insecta larvae (r = 0.80, p = 0.006),
ond in dominance in 2009 were Cladocera (27.5 %). Insecta larvae and pupae (r = 0.82, p = 0.014), and
The highest diversity was found on the 70th day in Nematoda and Oligochaeta (r = 0.81, p = 0.016). In
2008 and the 84th day in 2009 and although diversity 2009, D. polymorpha and Insecta larvae were corre-
was greater in 2009 (28 vs. 14 taxa), the difference lated again (r = 0.80, p = 0.005). Turbellaria and Crus-
was mostly due to representatives of Gastropoda and tacea (r = 0.84, p = 0.003), Nematoda with Gastro-
Insecta larvae, despite invertebrate abundance being poda (r = 0.63, p = 0.049) and Palludicella articulata
1.7 times lower in 2009 than in 2008. Abundance (r = 0.95, p = 0.0001), Gastropoda and P. articulata
gradually increased in both years with the maximum (r = 0.70, p = 0.024) were correlated as well.

68 Jasna Vidaković, Ivana Turković Čakalić, Filip Stević and Dubravka Čerba

Statistical analysis of the late colonization phase in two different phases

for each year. Thus, in 2008 (day 56 –126), the inver-
The results of hierarchical clustering and nMDS anal-
tebrate community was influenced by a high periphy-
yses based on invertebrate abundance indicate differ-
ton biomass, a high concentration of chlorophyll-a in
ences between the two sampling years (Fig. 5). The
water, a higher water temperature and a lower water
degree of similarity between invertebrate abundance,
level of the Danube. Bivalvia (D. polymorpha) and
at Bray-Curtis similarity level of approximately 50 %,
Nematoda were positively correlated with the first
revealed two distinctive groups. Group 1 represents
three and negatively with Danube water level (Fig. 6).
the early phase of colonization (April and May) of
On the other hand, in 2009 (day 70 –112), the inver-
both years (the first four sampling dates in 2008 and
tebrate community was influenced by a higher water
2009, with the exception of the fourth sampling date in
level of the Danube as well as higher concentrations of
2009). This period was mostly characterized by Crus-
periphyton chlorophyll-a. The most abundant inverte-
tacea. The other group (Group 2) was divided into two
brate taxa, Oligochaeta, was positively correlated with
subgroups, 2 a – late phase of colonization of 2008 and
water-level of the Danube (Fig. 6).
2 b – late phase of colonization of 2009, representing
the second part of the season (June, July and August).
Bivalvia (Dreissena polymorpha) were the most dom-
inant in the late phase of colonization in 2008, while
Oligochaeta characterized the invertebrate community
Our study suggests that water temperature, conductiv-
in the late colonization phase in 2009. Dreissena poly-
ity, available food (periphyton chlorophyll and bio-
morpha, Crustacea and Oligochaeta contributed most
mass) and different hydrological conditions in this
to the differences between the investigated years (2008
floodplain lake were the most important factors in-
and 2009) with regard to invertebrate abundance (Ta-
fluencing and structuring the invertebrate community
ble 1). These three taxa accounted for a 66.85 % of
and this finding is in agreement with previous studies
cumulative species contribution, while the next three,
showing that the hydrologic regime of the Danube has
Nematoda, Insecta larvae and Turbellaria, contributed
a great influence on the communities within the flood-
23.23 % (Table 1).
plain area of Kopački Rit (Mihaljević & Stević 2011,
The species-environment correlations for RDA
Palijan 2010, Vidaković et al. 2011). Generally, low
axes 1 and 2 indicate a significant relationship between
connectivity of the floodplain characterized the year
environment variables and invertebrate abundance
2008, while high (almost permanent) connectivity
(Table 2). In the analysis based on both years’ data,
of the floodplain and extreme flooding characterized
the forward selection process identified 6 significant
2009. According to Ward et al. (1999), one of the most
environmental variables (Fig. 6). Dates representing
important factors structuring aquatic communities in
the early colonization phase of both years (day 7– 42
floodplains is connectivity since it is essential for the
of 2008 and 7– 56 of 2009) were grouped on the left
biodiversity of the floodplains.
side of the triplot. This period was characterized by in-
Periphyton growth and development can be influ-
creasing the conductivity and low periphyton chloro-
enced by different parameters such as temperature,
phyll-a concentrations. There was also a positive cor-
light, nutrients or a combination of these (Kiffney &
relation between Crustacea and conductivity (Fig. 6).
Bull 2000, Moschini-Carlos et al. 2000). The distinc-
The ordination of invertebrate taxa showed separation
tiveness of the two research years can be seen in the
importance of the environmental parameters influenc-
Table 2. Summary statistics (eigenvalues, species-environment ing invertebrate communities. The most important pa-
correlations, cumulative percentage variance of species data rameters were periphyton biomass, chlorophyll-a con-
and cumulative percentage variance of species-environment centration in the water and water temperature in 2008
relation) of redundancy analysis (RDA). (Fig. 6), whereas in 2009, the Danube water-level and
RDA axes 1 2 3 4 concentration of periphyton chlorophyll-a were the
Eigenvalues 0.509 0.138 0.051 0.029 most important (Fig. 6). Algal and invertebrate com-
position and richness in the periphytic communities
Species-environment correlations 0.937 0.795 0.625 0.860
are affected by floods due to physical disturbance, the
Cumulative percentage variance presence/absence of allochthonous particulate organic
– of species data 50.9 64.7 69.9 72.8 matter, the presence of predators or the appearance
– of species-environment relation 69.5 88.4 95.4 99.4
of new species (Algarte et al. 2009, Vidaković et al.

Influence of hydrological conditions on periphytic invertebrate communities 69

2011). The impact depends on the frequency, magni- and other mussels can influence invertebrate commu-
tude and duration of the flood (Thoms 2003, Whited nities through the increase of organic content by depo-
et al. 2007). sition of its faeces and pseudofaeces (Griffiths 1993),
Spongia, Nematoda, Rotatoria, Oligochaeta, Crus- but this depends on the mussel size-frequency (Young
tacea, Bryozoa and Insecta larvae (mainly Chirono- et al. 1996). Ricciardi et al. (1997) noted the enhanced
midae), are the main representatives of periphytic in- macroinvertebrate abundance in the presence of ze-
vertebrate fauna of temperate freshwaters (Dvořák & bra mussels, but also changes in composition of the
Imhof 1998). Dendrogram and nMDS plots of inverte- invertebrate community depending on the density of
brate abundance illustrate two separate periods of the colonized mussels. According to Wisenden & Bailey
colonization and there is a difference in invertebrate (1995) and Ricciardi et al. (1997), dense communi-
composition and abundance between the early (Group ties of D. polymorpha on hard surfaces can have direct
1) and the later phase of the periphytic community or indirect negative effects on Gastropoda by fouling
development (Groups 2 a and 2 b, Fig. 5). The repre- them or competing for space or food, or by increasing
sentative taxa for these phases were Crustacea, D. pol- the number of smaller gastropods. When studying pe-
ymorpha and Oligochaeta (Fig. 5). SIMPER analysis riphytic communities on natural substrates, we found
indicates the mentioned taxa as most important in con- D. polymorpha on different macrophytes, but its abun-
tributing to the dissimilarity between the years inves- dance was rather low in comparison with glass slides.
tigated. Cladocera, were often found in the periphyton According to Lewandowski (1982) and Van Diepen
and successfully used periphytic algae as a primary or & Davids (1986), immersion and later coverage with
alternative food source (e.g. Siehoff et al. 2009). The bacteria and algae of artificial substrates may be a
initial phase of colonization is characterised by higher stimulating factor for the attachment of the postveliger
densities of crustaceans and rotifers due to their swim- stage. We suspect that the larvae were brought from
ming ability compared to other invertebrates (Peters the Danube and Hulovo channel and suitable condi-
et al. 2007). tions allowed the abundant development of D. poly-
Oligochaetes are often very abundant in periphytic morpha. The hydrodynamic and environmental con-
communities developed on natural (e.g. macrophytes, ditions in 2009 could have been less favourable for
sediment) or artificial substrates (e.g. glass slides, Dreissena larvae and adults. The cover by D. polymor-
plexiglass plates, plastic rubbish) (Mihaljević et al. pha could have negatively influenced the development
1998, Dumnicka 2007, Bogut et al. 2009). During this of Bryozoa even though it can utilize zebra mussels
study, Oligochaeta were mostly influenced by peri- as a colonizing substrate (Ricciardi et al. 1997). Small
phytic chlorophyll-a concentrations, indicating food spaces between the mussels and competition for food
as an important factor, and by changes in the Danube could have prevented considerable development of
water-level (Fig. 6). In periphytic communities, oli- Bryozoa in 2008. Bryozoa are a very important part
gochaetes can be influenced by the developed algae, of periphytic invertebrate communities since they in-
the amount of periphyton, or macrophyte architecture crease substrate complexity, represent an alternative
(Botts & Cowell 1992, Alves & Gorni 2007). Eutroph- source of food and refugia for nematodes, Chironomi-
ic lakes or organically enriched water-bodies can sup- dae and other invertebrates (Wood & Okamura 2005,
port high numbers of Oligochaeta (Mihaljević et al. Vidaković et al. 2011). The positive correlation be-
1998, Hirabayashi et al. 2011). tween periphyton biomass and nematodes (Fig. 6) was
The change in the abundance of D. polymorpha was consistent with a previous study, conducted in 2007
most likely because of hydrologic differences in 2008 at the same site (Vidaković et al. 2011). Also, in 2009
and 2009. According to RDA, in 2008D. polymorpha an increase in cover by bryozoans was followed by an
abundance was directly proportional to water tempera- increase in Nematoda abundance, possibly as a result
ture, chlorophyll-a concentrations in water and peri- of higher habitat complexity created by Paludicella
phyton biomass (Fig. 6). Mussels play a special role in articulata, Plumatella fungosa and P. emarginata. Re-
the cycling of elements in aquatic environments and as corded, but not often found in Kopački Rit floodplain,
filter feeders they remove suspended matter and plank- were representatives of Spongillidae. Eunapius fragi-
tonic algae from the water column (Stańczykowska lis and Ephydatia fluviatilis have also been recorded in
1977, Lewandowski & Stańczykowska 2000). One of the Danube floodplain in Austria, together with several
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mation of complex 3 D-structures composed of their and Trochospongilla horrida (Dröscher & Waringer
shells, which create a new type of habitat. Dreissena 2007). Sponges are active filterers and can filter large

70 Jasna Vidaković, Ivana Turković Čakalić, Filip Stević and Dubravka Čerba

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Submitted: 19 December 2011; accepted: 29 June 2012.


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