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Related Learning Experience

Name of the drug Classification Indication Side Effects Nursing Implications
Therapeutic Class: To reduce postpartum Some side effects can be All patients receiving
Oxytocin Oxytocics bleeding after expulsion of serious. If you experience oxytocin IV must be under
placenta any of these symptoms, call continuous observation by
your doctor immediately: trained personnel who have a
Brand name: Pharmacologic Class: nausea thorough knowledge of the
vomiting drug and are qualified to
Pitocin Exogenous hormones
rash identify complications.
itching Discontinue oxytocin infusion
difficulty breathing or immediately if uterine
swallowing hyperactivity or fetal distress
swelling of the face, throat, occurs. Administer oxygen to
tongue, lips, eyes, hands, feet, the mother. Mother and fetus
ankles, or lower legs must be evaluated by the
fast heartbeat responsible physician.
unusual bleeding
Dosage Mechanism of Action Contraindications Adverse Effect Drug is used to induce or
reinforce labor only when
Adult: 10 to 40 units IV Causes potent and selective Contraindicated in patients Maternal
pelvis is known to be
infused to sustain uterine stimulation of uterine and hypersensitive to drug. CNS: subarachnoid
adequate, when vaginal
contraction or 10 units IM mammary gland smooth Contraindicated when vaginal hemorrhage, seizures, coma
delivery is indicated, when
after delivery of placenta muscle delivery isn't advised CV: arrhythmias, HTN,
fetal maturity is assured, and
(placenta previa, vasa previa, PVCs, hypotension,
when fetal position is
invasive cervical carcinoma, tachycardia
favorable. Use drug only in
genital herpes), when GI: nausea, vomiting
hospital where critical care
cephalopelvic disproportion is GU: abruptio placentae,
facilities and prescriber are
present, or when delivery tetanic uterine contractions,
immediately available.
requires conversion, as in postpartum hemorrhage,
transverse lie. uterine rupture, impaired
Contraindicated in fetal uterine blood flow, pelvic
distress when delivery isn't hematoma, increased uterine
imminent, in prematurity, in motility
other obstetric emergencies, Hematologic:
and in patients with severe afibrinogenemia, possibly
toxemia or hypertonic uterine related to postpartum
patterns. bleeding, pelvic hematoma
Other: anaphylaxis, death
from oxytocin-induced water
intoxication, hypersensitivity
Fetal or neonate
CNS: brain damage, seizures
CV: bradycardia, arrhythmias,
EENT: neonatal retinal
Hepatic: neonatal jaundice
Other: low Apgar scores at 5
minutes, death

Name of Student: ___________________________________________________ Clinical Instructor: ____________________________________________

Level & Section: ___________________________________________________ Date: ___________________________________________________________

Related Learning Experience

Name of the Drug Classification Indication Side Effects Nursing Implications
Bethamethasone Used to prevent inflammation sleep problems (insomnia) If antifungal or antibiotic
Corticosteroid and to treat conditions such as mood changes combined with corticosteroid
allergic disorders, skin acne fails to provide prompt
Brand name: conditions, ulcerative dry skin improvement, stop
Celestone colitis, arthritis, lupus, thinning skin corticosteroid until infection
breathing disorders and more bruising or discoloration is controlled.
skin problems Enter
slow wound healing
increased sweating Systemic absorption is likely
headache with prolonged or extensive
dizziness, spinning sensation body surface treatment. Watch
nausea, stomach pain, for symptoms of HPA axis
bloating suppression, manifestations of
Dosage Mechanism of Action Contraindications Adverse Effect Cushing syndrome,
Adult: 6mg/mL Potent glucocorticoid with Hypersensitivity to Blurred Vision hyperglycemia, and
minimal to no betamethasone Idiopathic Increase Appetite glucosuria. If HPA axis
Children and adolescents: mineralocorticoid activity thrombocytopenia purpura Indigestion suppression occurs, attempt to
0.02-0.03 mg/kg/day IM Controls or prevents Live or live, attenuated Nervousness withdraw drug or substitute a
divided q8-12hr inflammation by controlling vaccines, when Itching less potent steroid. Withdraw
rate of protein synthesis, immunosuppressive doses of gradually.
suppressing migration of corticosteroids required
PMNs and fibroblasts,
reversing capillary
permeability, and stabilizing
lysosome at cellular level

Name of Student: ___________________________________________________ Clinical Instructor: ____________________________________________

Level & Section: ___________________________________________________ Date: ___________________________________________________________

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