Drills and Ceremony

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(Drills and Ceremonies)

T w o t y p e s of C O MMA N D
Pr e p ar a t or y c om m an d C omm a nd of e x e c u t ion

Pasulong Liko sa kanan • Kad (lakad)

Liko sa kaliwa Pabalik • Rap (harap)

Kaliwang panig Palit hakbang • To (hinto)

Kanang panig Pao • Ta (sandata)

Pa su lon g , K a d

• Pasulong is normal walk or marching while

swinging your arm in a 45 degree angle.

• If you are in marching position you should start with

a 1,2 count after the command of execution of your
flight leader.
L ik o sa k a liw a , K a d

• Liko sa kaliwa is a command which you

change your direction to the left and
execute a 21 high knees while your toe’s
Are pointing on the ground without
swinging your arm And proceed to
proper marching.
L ik o sa k a n a n , K a d
• Liko sa kanan is a command which you
change your direction to the Right and
execute a 22 high knees (Start
Counting on your right foot )while your
toeS Are pointing on the ground
without swinging your arm And Back to
proper marching.
K a liw a n g p a n ig , K a d

• Kaliwang panig is an execution which

you change your direction while locking
your arms in your torso while turning to
your left and back to proper marching.
K a n a n g p a n ig , K a d
• Kanang panig is an execution which
you change your direction while locking
your arms in your torso while turning to
your Right and back to proper marching.
Pa b a lik , K a d
• Pabalik is a marching execution that
change your direction to 180 degree Or
to reverse with a 1,2 count only and
back to the proper marching.
Pa lit h a k b a n g , K a d
• Palit hakdang or change step is a tricky
execution which you change your step
while marching.
• Your front foot stays in front, your back
foot stays at your back and do a little
forward hop.
• While you are marching in one place
you change your step of the given
Pa o, T o

• Pao to or halt is command to stop your

flight .

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