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Document Name : Waste Water Online Monitoring System Architecture Drawing

Document No.: 21071-S-1840-3790-5001

Revision No. : A


No. Reviewer Page No. Comment by Date Clarifiaction Remark

To be cross checked with HEC, are there only MCR in TPPI project? Or
HEC confirm that for this FEED, only MCR will be considered. So WWOMS will be
1 Yatrizal 1 there will be UCR (utilities) & OCR (offsite) also? If any, then shouldn't KPI 6 Oct 2022
monitored from MCR
this will be better to be installed in UCR?
revised and incorporated.
KLHK server is owned and operated by KLHK. Data logger shall send the data directly
To be explained, this Server is by other (KLHK)? Add note-2 to describe the
2 Yatrizal 1 KPI 6 Oct 2022 to KLHK server as per communication regulation stated by KLHK. Contractor/Vendor to
Contractor's scope here
perform the interconnection between WWOMS and KLHK server and provide any
additional software or hardware required.
By Other (ICSS Vendor).
3 Yatrizal 1 KPI 6 Oct 2022 revised and incorporated in document.
Add note-3 to describe the Contractor's scope here.
To be explained if this FO network is by other (not
4 Yatrizal 1 KPI 6 Oct 2022 FO network will utillize BPCS FO which will be supplied by BPCS Vendor.
include in WWOMS Vendor scope) or not..?
5 Yatrizal 1 JBA KPI 6 Oct 2022 revised and incorporated
6 Yatrizal 1 Add JBD, Horn and Strobe Light KPI 6 Oct 2022 revised and incorporated

7 Yatrizal 1 Add Firewall KPI 6 Oct 2022 revised and incorporated


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