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General Chemistry 1 Final Exam Spring, 2011 (1/2)

계열/학부/학과: 학번: 고유번호: 성명:
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H He <주의 사항>
Li Be B C N O F Ne 1. 답은 지정된 자리에 반드시 영문(English)으로 기입할 것.
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar 2. 시험 시간은 60분임. 400점 만점 (full score = 400 pt).
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr 3. 문제지는 1장(2면)임. 연습지 및 영한사전 사용 불가.
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe 4. 12-15번은 풀이과정을 반드시 밝힐 것. (단위, 유효숫자에 유의)
Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn 5. 계산기 사용 무방하나 빌려 쓰지는 못함.
Fr Ra Ac

1. Write ‘T’ for true statement or ‘F’ for false statement in ( ). 3. Choose the correct answer for each question. [10 pt each]
[7 pt for right answer, -3 pt for wrong, and 0 pt for no answer] ( E) Which of the followings is paramagnetic?
( T) Surface tension and viscosity of liquid generally decrease with (A) Li2 (B) N2 (C) NO+ (D) N22+ (E) F2+
increasing temperature.
( E) The average kinetic energy of ideal gas molecules is directly
( T) When compared to insulators, semiconductors have a smaller proportional to the ________.
energy gap between the valence band and the conduction band.
(A) volume of the sample (B) pressure of the sample
( F) When the adhesive force is larger than the cohesive force,
(C) mass of the molecule (D) density of the sample
a capillary fall occurs.
(E) absolute temperature of the sample
( F) The density of a gas is constant as long as its temperature remains
constant. ( B) Which of the following gases would be expected to behave most
( T) A real gas behaves more nearly as an ideal gas at high temperatures
and low pressures. (A) F2 (B) Ne (C) PCl3 (D) NH3 (E) N2
( F) The solution 1.0×10 M HCl is basic, because concentration of ( D) Which of the following compounds would be expected to
+ -8
H3O is 1.0×10 M (pH = +
log[H3O ] = 8). have the highest boiling point?

( F) HClO4 is the strongest acid that can exist in aqueous solution. (A) AsH3 (B) C2H6 (C) CO (D) NH3 (E) Ar

( F) HF is not a Lewis acid, but a BrØnsted-Lowry acid. ( D) What volume of 0.750 M NaOH solution would be required
( F) It is possible for a molecule or polyatomic ion in its ground to completely neutralize 100 mL of 0.250 M H3PO4?
state to have a negative bond order. (A) 25 mL (B) 33.3 mL (C) 50 mL (D) 100 mL (E) 300 mL
( T) In the valence bond theory, chemical bond is formed by 4. Balance the following ionic equation for a reaction: [12 pt each]
an overlap of atomic orbitals (AOs).
Mn2+ + SO4
(1) MnO4 + SO2 (in acidic solution)
( T) The F-N-F bond angle in NF3 is smaller than the H-N-H
bond angle in NH3.
( T) Acid strengths of most ternary acids containing the same -
2MnO4 + 5SO2 + 2H2O 2Mn2+ + 5SO4
+ 4H+
central elements increase with increasing oxidation state of the
(2) MnO4 + I MnO2 + I2 (in basic solution)
central element (e.g., S, Se, Cl, or Br).
2. Refer to the figure below and answer. A bell jar full of O2 is brought
down over a porous cup full of CO2, and then bubbles appear in the -
2MnO4 + 6I- + 4H2O 2MnO2 + 3I2 + 8OH-
water in the beaker. [Atomic mass (g/mol): H=1.0, C=12.0, O=16.0]
(1) Explain why bubbles are produced in the 5. What is the oxidation state of the following? [4 pt each]
water in the beaker. [10 pt] (1) Fe in FeO ( +2) (2) S in H2SO3 ( +4) (3) N in N2O5 ( +5)
O2 effuses into the cup faster than the CO2 6. Shown below is the chemical structure of vitamin B6 phosphate.
that effuses out of the cup. This causes an What is the hybridization of each of the indicated central atoms
increase in pressure in the cup sufficient to in vitamin B6 phosphate? [4 pt each]
produce bubbles in the water in the beaker. Position & Hybridization(e.g., sp)
central atom of the central atom
1, P ( sp3 )
(2) How many times faster or slower are bubbles produced when H2 gas 2, C ( sp3 )
is in the bell jar instead of O2 gas? [8 pt] 3, N ( sp
 4, O ( sp )
Rate of effusion  




   4 times faster 5, C ( sp2 )

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Total
84 18 50 24 12 20 24 60 21 9 9 14 16 15 24 400
General Chemistry 1 Final Exam Spring, 2011 (2/2)

7. The following is the MO energy level diagram for a

11. Arrange the following gases in order of increasing van der Waals
heteronuclear diatomic molecule, XY, in which both X and Y are
constant "a". H2, N2, NH3, CO2 [9 pt]
the second-row atoms in the periodic table and Y is slightly more
electronegative. [6 pt each] ( H2 ) < ( N2 ) < ( CO2 ) < ( NH3 )

(1) Compare the bond lengths of NO+, 12. Water undergoes electrolysis to produce hydrogen and oxygen gases
σ∗2p NO, and NO . (Refer to the left at 14 C and 1 atm which were collected over water. The vapor pressure
π∗2p diagram.) of water at 14 C is 12.0 torr. The total pressure is 740. torr.
2p +
(1) What is the pressure (in torr) due to the electrolysis products
π2p 2p ( NO ) < ( NO ) < ( NO )
(2) Is HeH+ paramagnetic or hydrogen gas plus oxygen gas)? [6 pt]
σ2p 740 torr - 12.0 torr = 728 torr
diamagnetic? ( diamagnetic )
(3) For the MO description for CN,
2s assume the π2p bonding orbital is (2) If the partial pressure of oxygen gas is 242.7 torr, what is the mole
lower in energy than σ2p bonding fraction of hydrogen gas? [8 pt]
orbital. Which of CN+, CN, CN , CN2 The partial pressure of hydrogen is 728 torr 242.7 torr = 485.3 torr.
1s would be the most stable? ( CN ) The mole fraction of hydrogen gas is XH2 = 485.3 torr/740 torr = 0.656.
X Y (4) What is the bond order of CN ?
( 3 ) 13. A gaseous compound is 78.26% boron and 21.74% hydrogen by
8. Complete the following table. [12 pt each] mass. A 0.600-g sample of it occupies 487 mL at STP. What is the
Type L for linear; B for bent (or angular); molecular formula for the gas? [ R = 0.0821 L atm/mol K ]
TP for trigonal planar; SP for square planar; [ Molar atomic mass (g/mol): H=1.01, B=10.8 ] [16 pt]
Td for tetrahedral; Oh for octahedral;
SS for seesaw; T for T-shaped;
78.26 g of B and 21.74 g of H in 100 g sample.
TBP for trigonal bipyramidal; SPy for square pyramidal;
TPy for trigonal pyramidal (or pyramidal). 78.26/10.8 = 7.25 for B, 21.74/1.01 = 21.5 for H

Molecule Electronic Molecular Hybridization (e.g., sp) H/B = 21.5/7.25 3, The empirical formula of this compound is BH3.
or Ion Geometry Geometry of the Central Atom n = PV/RT = (1 × 0.487)/(0.0821 × 273) = 0.0217 moles in 0.600 g.
BeCl2 ( L ) ( L ) ( sp ) 1 mole of the compound is 0.600 g /0.0217 mol = 27.6 g/mol
NO3 ( TP ) ( TP ) ( sp ) M.W. of BH3 is 13.8. 27.6/13.8=2. Thus, B2H6
XeF2 ( TBP ) ( L ) ( sp d )
PF5 ( TBP ) ( TBP ) ( sp3d ) 14. A sample of 0.1276 g of an unknown monoprotic acid was
3 2
XeF4 ( Oh ) ( SP ) ( sp d ) dissolved in 25.0 mL of water and titrated with 0.0633 M NaOH
solution. The volume of NaOH required to reach the end point
9. The normal melting and boiling points of O2 are -218 oC and
was 18.4 mL. Calculate the molar mass (g/mol) of the acid. [15 pt]
-183 oC, respectively. Its triple point is at -219 oC and
-3 o
1.3×10 atm, and its critical point is at -119 C and 50 atm. MV = M'V'
(1) Sketch the phase diagram for O2. [12 pt] M of the acid = (0.0633 M) × (18.4 mL) / (25.0 mL)
= 0.0466 M = 0.0466 mol/L
50 - Molar mass = (0.1276 g/25.0 mL)×(1000 mL/1 L)/(0.0466 mol/L)
= 110. g/mol

P(atm) 15. An element with a density of 11.35 g/cm3 crystallizes

in a body-centered cubic (bcc) lattice whose unit cell edge length
-8 23
1- is 4.95 × 10 cm. [ Avogadro's number = 6.02 × 10 ]
(1) Calculate the element's atomic weight in g/mol. [16 pt]
-8 3 -22 3
1.3×10 --3 Unit cell volume = (4.95 × 10 cm) = 1.21 × 10 cm
Unit cell mass = (1.21 × 10-22 cm3) × (11.35 g/cm3)
-183 -119 = 1.38 × 10-21 g/one unit cell
One atom mass = 1.38 × 10-21 / 2 = 6.90 × 10-22 g/atom
(2) As it is heated, will solid O2 sublime or melt at a pressure of
1.0×10-3 atm? ( sublime ) [3 pt] Mass of 1 mole of these atoms
(3) Specify the ranges of temperature (T) and pressure (P) when = (6.90 × 10-22 g/atom) × (6.02 × 1023 atoms/mol) = 415 g/mol
O2 exists as a form of supercritical fluid? [6 pt]
T > -119 C and P > 50 atm (2) What is the atomic radius of this element in cm? [8 pt]
10. Arrange the following molecules in order of increasing [9 pt] 1/2
In bcc, body diagonal = 3 × (edge length) = 4 atom radii
polarizability(or dispersion force): GeCl4, CH4, SiCl4, SiH4, GeBr4 The radius = 31/2 × (4.95 × 10-8 cm) / 4 = 2.14 × 10-8 cm
( CH4 ) < ( SiH4 ) < ( SiCl4 ) < ( GeCl4 ) < ( GeBr4 )

copyright - Department of Chemistry, Sungkyunkwan University®

Solution for 9(1)

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