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IPI 410 Questions

STUDY GUIDE 1. What is the critical awareness that a student 6. Can an engineer stay abreast by not maintaining his
successful in this module needs to demonstrate? or her competence?
1. What are the consulting hours for this course? Act ​professionally​ and ​ethically​, exercise ​judgement​ and take No
Tuesday 13:00 - 15:00 responsibility​ within own limits of competence.
7. How can competence be maintained?
2. Can the assignment be ring bound? Justify your Competence​ - the ability to do something successfully or 1. Post-graduate study/courses
answer. efficiently 2. Participate in conferences & congress
No, only stapled on top left hand corner 3. Publication of peer reviewed articles
2. How is ELO10 related to NQF8?
3. Can any cover page be used for the assignment? Cross-linking between the ELO10 and NQF8 is done by ​ECSA: 8. What are the main steps in making a decision?
Document may not contain any plastic or other type of cover Responsible Citizen. 1. Obtain​ information to understand
sheet, except for the cover sheet provided in 2. Evaluate​ the information
Appendix A. ELO10​ - Exit Level Outcome 10: Engineering 3. Decide​ the decision/judgment
NQF8​ - National Qualifications Framework level 8: Professional
4. Can you submit an assignment that does not comply qualifications 9. How is decision making relevant to being
with all the requirements and expect it to be ECSA​ - Engineering Council of South Africa professional?
accepted? 1. Recognised
No, submissions that do not comply with requirements will be 3. What are the requirements to exhibit 2. Addressed
rejected. professionalism? How problems should be addressed not only in daily life but
1. Maintain competence, keep up-to-date also problems addressed by professionals.
5. How many special/sick tests will there be? 2. Display understanding of professional
One special/sick test, on all the work up to that date. development system 10. What defines ethics for professional engineers?
3. Accepts responsibility of own actions The Code of Conduct of registered persons with ECSA
6. It is common knowledge that one can bypass TurnItIn 4. Displays judgement in problem solving & design
by submitting a graphics file. What will the result 5. Limits decision making to competence
thereof in this course? 6. Ethical judgements in context
The digital file will be rejected and the printed file will 7. Discerns boundaries of competence.
therefore not be assessed.
4. What are the core areas of ELO10?
7. How many opportunities will there be to submit the 1. Competence​ in relation to professionalism
digital version of the assignment? 2. Accepting ​responsibility​ for own actions
Several times. 3. Judgement​ in decision making & problem
8. Where will one find the problem statement of the 4. Code of Conduct​ knowledge of registered
Exam assignment? persons and CPD
It can be found in the Preliminary Notes for IPI 410.
CPD​ – Continued Professional Development
9. What is the common topic of most of the references
in the Study Guide? 5. What are the core aspects of competence?
Plagiarism, and how to avoid it. 1. Continued competence maintenance
2. Keeping up to date with tools & techniques THEME 2: ECSA
10. Of how many themes does this course consist of, the 3. Limit decision making to area of competence
Introduction included? 4. Distinguish boundaries of competence in 1. Where has engineering as a science made major
10 themes. problem solving & design contributions?
5. Understanding system of professional Contributing to improvement of human health, safety and
THEME 1: INTRODUCTIION development (CPD) comfort.
IPI 410 Questions

2. What are the dimensions of a profession? 9. What are the characteristics of a true professional 15. What are the two main requirements to be met for
1. Learned calling, requiring advanced knowledge, engineer? professional registration?
understanding and abilities 1. Recognition title Pr. Eng 1. Academic entry level requirement
2. Limit activities to their area of knowledge 2. Confirms registered person has been assessed 2. Three years of practical training post
3. Maintain confidence 3. Confirms engineer’s ability to accept qualification
professional responsibility
3. Is there legal justification for the existence of ECSA? 16. Name the aspects of the development of professional
Yes 10. Does ECSA have any influence over the training and competence.
ECSA: A statutory body created by Acts of 1968, 1990, 2000 experience of engineers in South Africa? Justify your 1. Candidate works with supervision of qualified
answer. engineers
4. Which measures does ECSA use to regulate Yes, ECSA set and audits academic programs that the engineers 2. Training process with structured activities
engineering in South Africa? in South Africa undergo. 3. Develop relationships with supervisors
1. Registration 4. Direct or indirect supervision of Engineering
2. Accreditation​ of academic programmes 11. Who are the current members of the engineering Profession
3. Regulation​ Professional conduct family? 5. Mentor guides development
4. Setting ​standards​ for education & registration Engineers
Certified Engineers 17. What are the main levels in the training progression
5. What is the prime focus of ECSA? Engineering Technologists of a candidate engineer?
1. Statutory body in terms of the Engineering Engineering Technicians 1. Being exposed
Professions Act 46 of 2000, which regulates 2. Assisting
engineering in SA. 12. What are good reasons to register professionally? 3. Participating
2. Principle focus: Public Health, Safety & Interest 1. Engineering Risk, therefore carry work out: 4. Contributing
3. Sets & audits Academic & Professional Responsibly & ethically 5. Performing
development standards. Economically
4. Sets & enforces Standards of Professional Resource conservatively 18. How does the nature of the work change as a
conduct. Interest of public health and safety candidate engineer progresses?
5. Builds international relationship for international Sustain environment 1. Observing
recognition Life-cycle risk analysis 2. Performs under close supervision
2. Regulated profession 3. Performs under limited supervision
6. Does ECSA have any partners? Name one that should 3. Peer recognition of qualification & experience 4. Performs with approval of work
be of particular interest to you? 4. Public confidence in engineer’s competence 5. Performs without supervision
Yes, and voluntary associations 5. Professional societies membership
Concrete Society of Southern Africa 6. International recognition 19. From which stage does a candidate engineer start to
… Cause… I like concrete ‘_’ 7. Marketability have full responsibility for the work allocated to him
or her?
13. Although many people call themselves engineers, At the participating stage with performing under limited
professional engineers may distinguish themselves supervision.
7. Is regulation of engineering only localised to South from these people. How is that done?
Africa? If not what is the implication of that? Reserved names - Pr. Eng 20. How does the level of support change as a candidate
Yes, primarily regulated within South Africa. However, the Professional Registration engineer progresses through training?
standard is recognised internationally. 1. Explains challenges/solutions
14. After registration what is the professional 2. Coaches & feedback
8. Is Engineering the only regulated profession? Justify requirements for an engineer? 3. Reduces support
you answer. Training: Mentorship 4. Candidate should articulate own reasoning
No, other professions such as the medical profession and Experience 5. Candidate takes on without support
charted accountants are also regulated. Commitment and Undertaking (C&U)
IPI 410 Questions

5. Encourage excellence
6. Do not prejudice public health & safety 11. How would one expect the decisions of registered
persons to be? Name the characteristics.
3. How does a registered person demonstrate 1. Honest
competency in terms of the CoC? 2. Objective
1. Discharge duties with ​care​, ​skill​ & ​diligence 3. Based​ on ​facts
2. Undertake work according to ​education​,
training​, ​experience​ & ​within category​ of 12. Can a registered person directly or indirectly sweeten
registration the process of obtaining work? If not, why?
3. Adhere to norms of profession No.
Cannot ​improperly​ seek to obtain work or by ​payment​ to client
4. What are characteristics that the discharging of a to obtained work.
registered person must uphold? Towards whom must
this be? 13. If a registered person approved or certified work,
Characteristics: ​Integrity​, ​fidelity​, & ​honesty what is the implication that this has in terms of the
To whom: Employers, clients, associates, & public work?
Work has been ​reviewed or inspected​ to ​confirm correctness
5. Under what conditions should a registered person of certification.
not undertake work in terms of the profession?
Conditions that would ​compromise​ their ability with the ​norms
of the profession
14. A retired registered person decides to write his
6. If a registered person engages in certain acts it is in biography. Are there limits on the detail in the
contravention of the CoC, what are they? biography?
Under ​dishonesty​, ​corruption​ or ​bribery Yes.
May not, required by law​, divulge any information of
7. What must a registered person disclose to their confidential nature​ that was obtained during duties.
employers and clients? What is the required method
of disclosure? 15. If a registered person should become insolvent,
Disclose: Any interest related to the work under which conditions must the council be
THEME 4: RULES OF CONDUCT FOR REGISTERED PERSONS Particulars of ​royalty​ or ​benefits​ as a result of the work informed?
Status of ​indemnity insurance cover When insolvency has been caused by ​negligence​ or
incompetence​ in engineering duties.
1. Is the Code of Conduct (CoC) a desired or required
Method: Disclosed in writing
aspect of professional engineering? Justify you
16. When a registered person becomes subject to certain
8. For what and under what condition may a registered situations, the Council must be informed without
person not receive any gratuity or similar? delay. On what are these situations based? (Excluding
The Code of Conduct is subject to an Act, which binds it to the
For any ​article​ or ​process​ used for the work they are employed insolvency.)
law making it ​Regulatory​ and not optional.
for. 1. Removal of office from improper conduct
2. Convicted of offence or sentenced to
2. What are the main objectives of the CoC?
9. What situations must be avoided? imprisonment without “fine” option OR fraud
1. Apply interest & knowledge in the interest of the
Situations that lead to ​conflict of interest with fine option
public & environment
2. Execute work with ​integrity​ & according to the
10. Can registered person or candidate engineer colour 17. What must a registered person have due regard for
norms of professional conduct
his CV? Justify your answer. and give priority to?
3. Respect interest of public & honour standing
No. The public
May not ​knowingly misrepresent qualifications​ or ​competency Give priority to the health, safety and interest of the public
4. Strive to improve skill & their subordinates
IPI 410 Questions

person disregard any correspondence that relates to

18. Must a registered person always inform Council if his 25. A registered person gets wind of a work opportunity. work or the CoC during that time?
or her advice is disregarded? Justify your answer. What requirements must be met by the registered No, as there is 30 days to respond to correspondence received.
Yes person to establish a contract on behalf of his or her
CYA – Cover Your Ass employers?
This will insure the person is justified if something happens Written authority​ of the employers and clients HEADING

19. What are the requirements for the effect of 26. A candidate engineer is very excited about the [Text]
engineering activities as prescribed by the CoC? state-of-the-art project in which he or she is involved
Regard for the environment and meet development ability to and wants to write an article about it for the
meet future generation needs. newspaper. What are the requirements that must be
fulfilled during this process?
20. How must a registered person’s conduct be in May not issue any information unless bears name of
relation to the profession? organisation concerned, name of Registered person
Uphold ​dignity​, ​standing​ & ​reputation and date of preparation.

21. The world of engineering is currently very 27. Does a registered person only sign, when required, in
competitive and the economic circumstances are not ink? Justify your answer.
very appealing. So should a registered person sow Electronic signatures​ may be used, as approved by the
seeds of doubt about the reputation of other Electronic Communications and Transaction Act 2002
competing registered persons? Justify your answer.
No. 28. Can a registered person shift blame for any work
The CoC specifies that no ​maliciously or falsely​ accusations can done by his or her subordinates? Justify your answer.
be made to the professional reputation of other No.
Registered Persons​, the ​Council​ or others. Takes full responsibility for all subordinates including
candidates that are registered.
22. What are the requirements for the advertising of the
services of a registered person? 29. Can a registered person, as the director of an
May not advertise in a ​misleading​ or ​exaggerated manner engineering concern, merely delegate work to
subordinate? Justify your answer.
23. When and under what conditions may a registered No.
person review the work of another registered Control work that is exercised and responsibility thereof.
1. Review carried out for ​different client 30. A suspicion of improper conduct is investigated. Can
2. Prior knowled​ge with other ​Registered Persons a registered person refuse to provide information if
3. Engagement of other Registered Person has requested by Council.
been ​terminated​ in writing No.
4. Intended for ​dispute resolution​ or ​legal Must provide all the information
5. Routine​ or ​statutory checks 31. How many days after change of physical address
must a registered person notify Council of such
24. Office space is becoming scarce and expensive, old change?
historical documents and plan take up space. What Without delay
are the criteria that may be applied to discarding
information? 32. A project is in its final stages. The last 40 days would
May not destroy or dispose information within a period of ​10 require long hours and total focus. Can a registered

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