Laser Cutting of Metallic Coated Sheet Steels: G.V.S. Prasad, E. Siores, W.C.K. Wong

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Journal of Materials Processing Technology 74 (1998) 234 – 242

Laser cutting of metallic coated sheet steels

G.V.S. Prasad, E. Siores, W.C.K. Wong *
School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Queensland Uni6ersity of Technology, G.P.O. Box 2434, Brisbane,
Qld. 4001, Australia
Received 1 June 1996


This paper discusses the laser-beam machining of metallic coated sheet steels such as ZINCALUME, ZINCANNEAL and
GALVABOND of 1 mm thickness. These materials are essentially zinc and aluminium coatings of varying skin thickness on steel.
The experimental work explores some methods for reducing thermal damage of the coatings vis-a-vis the parent/base metal which
impose severe machining restrictions by virtue of their high reflectivity and thermal conductivity. A 500 W continuous-wave, 10.6
mm CO2 CNC laser centre was used to improve the cut quality in terms of good surface finish, reduced kerf width and dross. An
analytical model was developed to establish the finite-element characteristic of the cutting process and it has been clarified that
an efficient choice of the process parameters is a pre-requisite for minimum thermal damage of the coatings. The topographical
characteristics of the uncut-through kerf and surface roughness are discussed. Some visualisational experiments were also
performed for further understanding of the micro- and macro-mechanics of the cutting process. It is proven that the cutting speed
is a function of the input power and that the laser processing of these materials is a commercially viable option. © 1998 Published
by Elsevier Science S.A.

Keywords: Laser centre; Metallic coated sheet steels; Process parameters

1. Introduction The basic cutting mechanism is dependent upon the

formation of the radiation trap giving rise to a molten
Lasers are used in many industrial machining opera- pool at a localised spot that is then ejected through the
tions, especially for processing the ‘difficult-to-machine’ root of the workpiece using a suitable assist gas jet.
materials. Laser machining has several advantages over Previous studies on the laser–material interactions at
conventional methods. First, it is a non-contact process the cutting zone for metals indicate that properties such
that eliminates such effects as tool wear, machine vibra- as reflectivity and thermal conductivity dictate the effi-
tion and mechanically induced thermal damage. Sec- ciency of the cutting process, as most metals are highly
ond, laser machining is a thermal process and materials reflective at the laser wave lengths. Due to this, the
with favourable thermal properties can be successfully coupling of the beam and the workpiece is often ineffi-
processed regardless of their mechanical properties. cient and very low.
Third, laser machining is a flexible process.
However, the absorption coefficient of the material is
Metallic coated sheet steels have been machined suc-
a function of temperature, which changes during the
cessfully using conventional equipment such as presses
transient phase of the process. The initial weak absorp-
and guillotines for quite some time now but these
tion at the surface of the workpiece begins to increase
methods have brought with them problems like low
productivity and rapid tool wear although they too are the workpiece temperature directly under the optical
chipless machining methods. This paper examines the beam and thus decreases the reflectivity quite rapidly.
application of a high energy laser beam as a potential Temperature and absorption increase until melting and
tool for processing these materials. evaporation temperatures are reached that permit a
keyhole or radiation trap to form at the localised spot.
The laser beam acts as an energetic line heat source
* Corresponding author. Fax: +61 7 38641529. within the material and initialises the cutting process.

0924-0136/99/$19.00 © 1998 Pubished by Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.

PII S 0 9 2 4 - 0 1 3 6 ( 9 7 ) 0 0 2 7 6 - 8
G.V.S. Prasad et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 74 (1998) 234–242 235

Thus, it is evident that for this keyhole-cutting process thermal conductivity. As a result of the low thermal
to be initiated, it is essential that the power density be input and the rapid dissipation of the heat, a highly
high enough to overcome the reflection barrier. Once absorptive, localised hot spot is established less readily
this is achieved, the process can be controlled using the that in the case of other metals. Continuing the com-
melting and evaporation relationships. parison with steels, the aluminium exothermic reaction:
The goal in any laser machining process is to max-
(4)Al+ (3)O2 = (2)AL2O3 + 1670 kJ/mol (1)
imise the material removal rate whilst minimising the
heat affected zone (HAZ). The objectives of this exper- is far less effective as a heat source in the cut zone than
imental study are: (i) to identify the parameters that the similar reaction employed when cutting steels:
have detrimental influence on the outcome of the cut- (4)Fe+(3)O2 = (2)Fe2O3 + 822 kJ/mol (2)
ting process; (ii) to establish a relationship between
traverse speed and input power; (iii) to examine the The aluminium oxidation reaction is capable of gen-
surface quality aspect through an analysis of the HAZ erating more energy than the iron reaction but the
formed during the laser – material interaction by virtue oxide generated forms an impermeable seal on the
of the oxidation of the coatings directly under the surface of the underlying aluminium and thereby sup-
optical beam; and (iv) to analyse the trade-off between presses any further reaction with oxygen. During laser
the material removal rate and the HAZ. cutting, this seal is continuously fractured due to the
turbulent nature of the melt flow out of the cut zone.
Consequent to this turbulence, the oxidation reaction
2. Laser–metal interactions can act as a substantial thermal input to the cutting
process although its contribution is not of the same
Although the CO2 laser cutting of metals has become order of magnitude as that of the oxidation of iron
a well established manufacturing process, the process- during the cutting of steels.
ing of metallic coated sheet steels is considered as The foregoing theoretical aspects were considered in
‘difficult’. These materials are cut at lower speeds and the experimental investigations conducted on the speci-
at thinner maximum sections than for most other mens. The work was carried out using a Cincinnati
metals. The reasons behind this reduction in the cutting CL-5 CNC Laser Centre with the combination of high
efficiency as compared with, for example steels, can be power modulation and good mode, attaining extremely
accounted for by examining the physical properties of high energy densities, so that the problems of high
these materials: (i) their reflectivity to the 10.6 mm CO2 reflectivity and thermal conductivity could be over-
laser radiation is very high, up to 99% at room temper- come.
ature; and (ii) their thermal conductivity is approxi-
mately thrice that of other metals such as mild steels.
The principles of laser processing of metals suggest 3. Experimental methodology
that the cutting process depends upon the establishment
of a localised area of melting and/or evaporation These series of experiments were carried out using
throughout the depth of the workpiece. The melt thus the Cincinnati CL-5 CNC Laser Centre at different
generated by the focused beam is removed from the cut power inputs with a view to optimise the cut quality.
zone by the incident gas jet, which is also chemically The machine produces a beam with a wave length in
reactive with the melt. The chemical reaction most the range of 3×10 − 7 –3× 10 − 3 mm. The beam was
often employed is the exothermic oxidation of the focused using a 127 mm focal length lens and a simple
metallic surface under the heat of the laser radiation. conical cutting nozzle that had a exit diameter of 1.7
The melt is chemically degraded and the reaction forms mm with the nozzle–workpiece standoff distance being
a secondary heat input to the cut zone. 1 mm.
The high reflectivity and thermal conductivity makes The cutting head assembly of the machine is designed
it very difficult to establish a localised molten zone. At such that turning the materials follower changes the
ambient temperatures, all metals have high reflectivity distance from the lens to the workpiece. Adjusting the
( \ 99%) to the incident laser beam. The small propor- material follower thus moves the beam focal point
tion of the absorbed light has the effect of heating the above or below the material surface. The material
area under the beam and the subsequent rise in temper- follower rotates (relative to the lens assembly) on
ature is accompanied by a reduction in reflectivity. This threads that move it vertically 0.05 in. (1.27 mm) per
reduction in reflectivity results in further heating until a revolution, over a total range of 0.4 in. or eight full
highly absorptive molten pool is established. turns.
The small percentage of heat that is absorbed by the
material is converted into heat but is quickly dissipated
across the surface of the sheet by virtue of its high 1
Enthalpies of formation at 293 K (for comparison only).
236 G.V.S. Prasad et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 74 (1998) 234–242

Oxygen was employed as the assist gas which is also 4. Results and discussion
the primary assist gas specified for the machine, whilst
up to eight different gases can be incorporated into the The basic philosophy behind the discussion is that
experimental design. The flow rates and the operating the wasted energy, which does not contribute to the
pressures of the assist gas generally depend on each cutting process, should not be viewed as an aspect of
specific application. Three process parameters were the laser–material interaction. Ignoring the reflected
identified as important in the cutting of the specimens energy which is not, by definition, an input to the
under study viz., input power, cutting velocity and the cutting process, the losses by conduction, convection
assist gas pressure. and radiation can be treated solely as a function of the
melt on its surroundings.
A simple analytical model of the above can be inter-
3.1. Input power preted with the help of the following energy balance
The drastic fluctuation in the melting and evapora-
tion temperatures of the coatings and the parent/base Input energy= (energy used in cutting)+
metal renders the input power one of the crucial factors (losses by conduction, convection and radiation)
in achieving optimum machining quality. The initial set
of experiments conducted for varying power input in As an initial approximation, assume that the specific
the range 450–700 W produced deteriorating quality of cutting energy used to remove a unit volume of cut
cuts in all of the specimens. It was decided to modulate material is independent of the material thickness. The
the power at 500 W and vary the cutting velocity and energy used in cutting is, therefore, a function of this
the assist gas pressure. specific cutting energy multiplied by the volume of the
material removed during the cutting. The losses by
conduction, convection and radiation are a function of
3.2. Cutting 6elocity the temperature of the cutting front and its surface area
in contact with its surroundings. Under these condi-
Most laser systems are based on a low pressure tions, the energy balance equation can be written as
cutting head that means that the maximum cutting follows.If a laser power P can cut a line L in time t,
pressure is limited by the optical system in the cutting then:
head. Lenses normally made of GaAs or ZnSe are
specified to withstand a maximum pressure of about 5 (P− b)t(x/100)=Ecutldk+ tBdk/2(A + B+C) (3)
bar. It is generally known that the cutting velocity
increases with increasing gas pressure. There is a partic- where b is the laser power transmitted to the cut zone;
ular area in which high quality cuts appear. The maxi- x is the absorptivity of the cut zone; Ecut is the specific
mum velocity is found at pressures of around 5 bar. energy needed to melt and remove a unit volume of
Investigations indicate that there is a gap between the material from the cut zone; d is the material thickness
theoretically calculated and the experimentally obtain- and A, B and C are the conductive, radiative and
able cutting velocities, which indicate more scope for convective loss functions.
improvements. Theory suggests that during cutting, it is often the
case that the trailing edge of the cut front does not
extend to the full diameter of the incident beam. A
3.3. Assist gas pressure proportion of the light therefore passes straight through
the kerf without interacting with the cut front. Conse-
The oxygen pressure was increased in the range 5–20 quently, the absorptivity will partially be much higher
bar. At levels of 20 bar, the material begins to act like than the theoretical values at ambient room tempera-
a mirror and there is no interaction between the mate- ture. This is because the cut zone has its absorptivity
rial and the incident beam. This implies that for a increased as a result of the high temperature, the pres-
specific laser power, there is a particular pressure range ence of oxides, the shallow angle of incidence of the
within which the material can be processed. The gas laser beam, the roughness and the absorptive layer of
pressure variation was thus limited to a maximum of 14 vapour.
bar. The cutting rate as a function of input power was The specific cutting energy can be assumed constant
investigated. for any given material as all cuts appear similar and
The cuts were evaluated in terms of fine, good, thus can be thought of as being produced by similar
acceptable and poor quality. The qualities were opti- mechanisms. Based on this assumption, the average
mised by optimising the focal point position of the cutting temperature can also be assumed to remain
focusing optics of the laser system. constant for a given material. Considering the losses
G.V.S. Prasad et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 74 (1998) 234–242 237

indicated in the above equation, the conductive losses that the proportion of the useful and the wasted energy
per unit area of cutting front can again be assumed to will change if the cutting speed is changed in order to
be constant for a given material, so that while the cut materials of different thickness.
conductive heat loss is generally determined by the
temperature of the heat sink and the heat source, this 4.1. Effect of material thickness on cutting speeds
factor will not interfere with the central idea of this
discussion. In the equation, suppose that d is halved at the same
The foregoing will also conveniently imply that the laser power input:
convective and radiative heat losses per unit area can be
approximated to be proportional to the surface area of (P −b)(t/2)(x/100)=Ecutlk(d/2)+tBdk/4(A + B+C)
the front. It follows that in the equation, the energy (4)
used in cutting is independent of the cutting time. The
For the sake of comparison, let everything be doubled
losses will then be proportional to the cutting time, so
in Eq. (4):

(P− b)t(x/100)=Ecutldk+ (t/2)Bdk(A+ B+C) (5)

It is clear that the imbalance in the equation with

respect to Eq. (3) is that the losses have been halved.
Thus, the equation can be balanced by simply manipu-
lating t.
The foregoing clearly implies that there is a specific
limit to the material thickness beyond which the cutting
mechanism breaks down and cannot be re-established
at any cutting speed. The reason for this is the relative
increase in thermal losses from the cut zone as the
cutting speed is decreased. In the case of the machining
of the materials under study, the thermal conductivity
of the coatings dictates the cutting speed although the
material thickness is not the primary concern.
The effects of the rapid oxidation reactions have to
be considered in determining the optimum selection of
the input power and the proportional increase in the
cutting speeds. In this case, it follows that with an
increase in the material thickness, there is a propor-
tional increase in the energy wasted, but this is more
gradual, due mainly to the dissipation of the energy
across the material surface by virtue of high thermal
conductivity. In other words, there is less concentration
of energy absorbed in any particular region across the
material surface.

4.2. Impact of the incident beam on the surface of the


Fig. 1 shows graphs plotted for input power versus

cutting rates. It can be inferred that GALVABOND
specimens are cut faster than the ZINCALUME and
ZINCANNEAL specimens. This is due to the alu-
minium coating being highly absorptive at the laser
wavelength of 10.6 mm. The oxides thus formed are
firmly bonded to the substrate and are not vaporised by
the incident beam, owing to their high melting and
boiling points. This highly absorptive and refractory
Fig. 1. Graphs of input power (W) vs. cutting rate (mm min1): (a) surface replaces the original aluminium surface and so
GALVABOND; (b) ZINCANNEAL; (c) ZINCALUME. the problems associated with reflection are minimised.
238 G.V.S. Prasad et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 74 (1998) 234–242

Fig. 2. Comparison of kerf widths: (a) GALVABOND; (b) ZINCALUME; (c) ZINCANNEAL.

4.3. Influence of the assist gas on cutting the overall melt surface tension. Also, experience from
brazing has shown that a hotter surface tends to attract
The photographs in Fig. 4 show the effect of the the melt more efficiently hence the hotter, the lower the
cutting gas on the surface of the various specimens. surface tension.
There is greater/pronounced surface disintegration in High surface tension forces tend to restrict the sur-
the case of GALVABOND specimens as compared face geometry of fluid to large radii. This reduction in
with the others. This is indicated by the distinct oxide the melt surface tension might have been expected to
formation along the length of the cut. The cut edge accelerate the cutting process. The gas moving through
surfaces represent the extreme edge of the molten cut the cut zone acts primarily as a mechanical propellant
zone which is then left behind by the cutting process. In of the liquid metal out of the cut zone. Chemically, it
this region, the melt is in contact with the parent/base can possibly also act as a source of energy if oxygen is
metal, where the temperature is not greatly in excess of input to the cutting process but it must be borne in
the melting point of the base metal. mind that the gas also serves to refrigerate the cutting
This low temperature melt has a higher surface ten- zone by forced convective cooling. Using this interpre-
sion than the much hotter top surface of the coating at tation, it can be predicted that the higher specific heat
the centre of the laser – material interaction zone. This and thermal conductivity of some other assist gas such
surface tension gradient acts to draw the molten mate- as nitrogen or helium should render it more effective as
rial towards the sides of the cut whilst it is at the same a means of cooling the laser melt zone.
time being propelled vertically downwards by the im-
pinging gas jet. In this way, the molten materials can 4.4. Kerf width analysis
accumulate on the bottom of the cut edge and will
thereafter solidify as dross. Further, the melt zone is The kerf width of all the cuts carried out for this
covered with the oxide coating, which tends to increase experimental programme varied only slightly about an
G.V.S. Prasad et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 74 (1998) 234–242 239

Fig. 3. Microphotographs of the transverse edge: (a) GALVABOND; (b) ZINCANNEAL; (c) ZINCALUME.

average value of 250 mm with the ZINCANNEAL and (HAZ) while GALVABOND exhibited a little wider
ZINCALUME specimens occupying the range 220–250 HAZ. The cutting velocity increased with increasing gas
mm and the GALVABOND specimens in the 250–270 pressure by about 60% as the gas pressure moved from
mm range (see Fig. 2). This is in close conformity with 5 to 20 bar. Repeat experiments for GALVABOND
the studies undertaken by other researchers for similar revealed that the parameter area in which good quality
metals and most of the results reported thus far exhibit cuts are obtained narrowed compared to low gas pres-
this tendency towards uniformity of the kerf width. sure parameters. At low cutting velocities, the high O2
This almost independence of the kerf width with respect pressure resulted in a strong burring effect that was
to cutting speed, material thickness or the type of assist uncontrollable and produced a wide irregular kerf.
gas used, is reminiscent of mechanical cutting methods It can be inferred that this is due to the high pressure
and it can be postulated that for a particular combina- of pure oxygen that reacts with zinc and steel, forming
tion of laser–lens–metal, the focused laser assumed an zinc and chromium oxides along the edges of the cuts.
effective width which is not necessarily changed by End results indicated that at higher O2 pressures, the
altering the process parameters. The metal itself deter- cutting velocities increased in the range of 40–70%,
mines this width as a result of its high thermal conduc- proving machining profitable for these specimens using
tivity, which effectively cools all the material not the high energy laser.
directly irradiated by the beam and thereby prevents
lateral expansion of the kerf width. 4.6. Metallographic in6estigation

4.5. Influence of assist gas pressure on the cutting The micrographs in Fig. 5 show the front views of
the specimens. While the HAZ is very narrow in ZIN-
At pressure of around 5 bar, good quality cuts were CALUME and ZINCANNEAL specimens, it is more
obtained for ZINCALUME nad ZINCANNEAL, (see pronounced in the case of GALVABOND. This is also
Fig. 3) with insignificant burr and heat-affected zone true for the case of oxide deposition across the length
240 G.V.S. Prasad et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 74 (1998) 234–242

of cut. The figure covers the area towards the bottom of 4.7. Control of dross
the cut edge, and clearly shows the adhesive dross and
the porous nature of the resolidified molten zone. The While the deposition of dross on the lower edge of
angularity of most of the pores implies that they are the the cut is an undesirable effect, it is rather easy to
result of the entrapment of the gas from the top to the remove mechanically in the case of these specimens by
bottom of the cut. Also, a kind of folding mechanism is either scraping or abrasion. To minimise the dross,
revealed in the lines parallel to the cut edge. During the there are numerous techniques available. One option
fluid flow from the central hot spot to the side of the could be the use of a pulsed laser beam rather than a
cut zone, it could be possible that the two adjacent, CW mode. This is because the peak energy of a pulsed
oxidised surfaces can come into contact and become laser beam is much higher than the CW output but the
average output is generally lower.
trapped as a linear inclusion of the type shown in the
The high peak powers of each pulse should act to
rapidly melt and vaporise these metallic coatings. A cut
can be carried out in this way with minimum surplus
melting by conduction effects. This reduction in the
surplus melting could further inhibit the generation of
dross although the cutting speeds tend to be lower than
for the higher power CW mode.

5. Conclusions

The metallic coated sheet steels under study, i.e.

can be cut at commercially acceptable rates in the
observed thickness range of 0.5–1.0 mm at high laser
powers. While the cutting speed is same in the case of
ZINCALUME and ZINCANNEAL, it is slightly
higher (about 20%) in the case of GALVABOND. The
input power, cutting velocity and the assist gas pressure
dictate the quality of cuts obtainable in the machining
of these materials.
Oxygen is quite effective as an assist gas for the
cutting process as far as the cutting speeds are con-
cerned. However, difficulties associated with localised
overheating, particularly in the case of GALVABOND
specimens, may be encountered if detailed work is
required. In the laser cutting of GALVABOND speci-
mens, the oxidised edges can be totally eliminated by
using some other assist gas such as nitrogen or helium,
which should render totally oxidised-free cut edges.
If two different laser powers are compared, it is
probable that the higher power will have an inferior
mode quality which will not focus to as small spot as
the lower power. This larger focal spot will produce a
wider cut, thus rendering the process less efficient, as
more material will have to be removed to generate the
The fluid dynamics of the cut zone play a very
important role in determining the material removal
rate. Increase in power input changes the inclination
and the geometry of the cut front, which will in turn,
induce changes in the material removal rates. Thus,
Fig. 4. Microphotographs of the top surface: (a) ZINCALUME; (b) above a limiting cutting speed, the viscosity of the melt
ZINCANNEAL; (c) GALVABOND. may become the rate determining factor.
G.V.S. Prasad et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 74 (1998) 234–242 241

Fig. 5. Microphotographs of the front view: (a) GALVABOND; (b) ZINCALUME; (c) ZINCANNEAL.

As a result of the reduction in thermal losses to the of the cutting speed or probably by the use of a dross
workpiece when cutting at higher speeds, the thermal jet which directs all the dross onto the waste-material
gradients around the cutting zone become more severe side of the cut.
as the material along the cut line is not preheated by
the moving cut front and therefore requires more en- 5.1. Implication of the arguments
ergy to become melted and ejected.
Slag-free cuts are obtainable in the cutting of ZIN- It is evident from the foregoing results and discussion
CALUME and ZINCANNEAL but in the case of that the analytical model thus developed exhibits a
GALVABOND, the oxides formed are concentrated in finite-element character, when applied to the materials
the slag. Owing to the high thermal conductivity and under consideration. This is due to the presence of
melting point, the slag solidifies before it leaves the different materials of various thicknesses and their
kerf. sandwiching influence. The simplified model precludes
It is observed that the slag is partly pressed into the the possibility of studying the laser–material interac-
melt zone in the cut kerf, which could cause problems tions at the various interfaces, where the real time
when these specimens are subjected to further process- interactions continue to remain drastic and intricate, by
ing. virtue of different expansion rates of the metals, viz.
Adherent dross is generally formed at the lower edge zinc, aluminium and steel, as the beam power travels
of the cut as a result of high surface tension forces and down the sandwich, thereby giving rise to different
surface tension gradients within the melt. While dross temperature gradients at the interfaces.
can be easily removed, it can also be minimised by Although it is intended to amplify the model to
pulsed laser cutting, which is of course, at the expense investigate the laser cutting of metallic coated sheet
242 G.V.S. Prasad et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 74 (1998) 234–242

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