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Validation of predictors of extubation success and failure in

mechanically ventilated infants and children

Shekhar T. Venkataraman, MD, FAAP; Nadeem Khan, MD; Andrew Brown, RRT

Objective: To validate predictors of extubation success and calculated. A regression test for a linear trend in proportions was
failure in mechanically ventilated infants and children by using performed with preselected ranges and the corresponding failure
bedside measures of respiratory function. rates. The failure rates from this study (validation group) were
Design: Prospective, descriptive study. compared to those published previously (prediction group) by the
Setting: A university-affiliated children’s hospital with a 51- chi-square test for proportions. The distribution of categorical
bed critical care area. variables between groups was analyzed by using the chi-square
Patients: All infants and children who were mechanically ven- test or the Fisher’s exact test, and p < .05 was considered
tilated for >24 hrs except neonates <37 wks gestation and significant.
patients with neuromuscular disease. Main Results: The study involved 312 patients. There were no
Interventions: None. differences in any of the clinical characteristics between the
Measurements and Methods: Extubation failure was defined as prediction and validation groups. The reasons for reintubation
reintubation within 48 hrs of extubation in the absence of upper were similar in both groups. Preextubation data were also similar
airway obstruction. Failure rates were calculated for different between the two groups. There were no differences between the
ranges (selected a priori) of preextubation measures of breathing prediction and the validation groups in failure rates with different
effort, ventilator support, respiratory mechanics, central inspira- ranges. There were no differences in the failure rates for any of
tory drive, and integrated indices useful in adults. Effort of spon- the cutoff values for peak ventilatory inspiratory pressure, mean
taneous breathing was assessed by the respiratory rate standard- airway pressure, FIO2, oxygenation index, dynamic compliance,
ized to age, the presence of retractions and paradoxic breathing, tidal volume indexed to body weight of a spontaneous breath,
inspiratory pressure, maximal negative inspiratory pressure, ratio fraction of total minute ventilation provided by the ventilator, and
of inspiratory pressure to maximal negative inspiratory pressure, mean inspiratory flow.
and tidal volume indexed to body weight of a spontaneous breath. Conclusions: Bedside measures of respiratory function can
Ventilator support was measured by FIO2, mean airway pressure, predict extubation success and failure in infants and children.
oxygenation index, and the fraction of total minute ventilation Both a low risk and a high risk of failure can be determined by
provided by the ventilator. Respiratory mechanics was assessed using these measures. Integrated indices useful in adults do not
by peak ventilatory inspiratory pressure and dynamic compliance. reliably predict extubation success or failure in infants and chil-
Central inspiratory drive was assessed by mean inspiratory flow. dren. Our study validates our previously published study. (Crit
Frequency to tidal volume ratio and the CROP (compliance, rate, Care Med 2000; 28:2991–2996)
oxygenation, and pressure) indexed to body weight, the integrated KEY WORDS: extubation failure; mechanical ventilation; infants;
indices useful in predicting extubation failure in adults, were also children

M echanical ventilation is dis- solved and patients are judged to be the first study, we found that the use of
continued and patients are capable of sustaining spontaneous venti- pressure support and other forms of as-
extubated when the under- lation. Extubation failure, defined as re- sisted ventilation such as volume support
lying reasons for intuba- intubation and reinstitution of mechani- was not widespread. Since our first study,
tion and mechanical ventilation have re- cal ventilation, has been reported to we have observed that the use of assisted
occur at rates of 17% to 19% in adults, ventilation such as pressure support and
22% to 28% in premature neonates, and volume support has increased consider-
From the Departments of Anesthesiology/Critical 16.3% in infants and children (1–5). A ably during weaning in children. There
Care Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, and the De- number of variables have been validated are currently no studies that show
partment of Respiratory Care, Children’s Hospital of to predict weaning and extubation suc- whether using assisted ventilation affects
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA. cess in adults (6 –17). We recently pub- weaning outcome. We conducted a sec-
Presented, in part, at the Annual Meeting of the
Society of Critical Care Medicine, 1998, San Antonio, TX. lished the relative risk of extubation fail- ond prospective study in mechanically
Supported, in part, by grant 5M01 RR00084 from ure in children based on measures of ventilated infants and children to validate
General Clinical Research Center, National Institutes of respiratory function (5). We identified the relative risk of extubation failure that
Health. threshold values for certain simple bed- we observed in our previous study. We
Address requests for reprints to: Shekhar T.
Venkataraman, MD, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh,
side measures of respiratory function that hypothesized that the relative risk of ex-
3705, Fifth Avenue, Rm 6840, Pittsburgh, PA 15213. defined a low risk (ⱕ10%) and a high risk tubation failure and the threshold values
Copyright © 2000 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (ⱖ25%) of extubation failure (5). During for low and high risk of extubation failure

Crit Care Med 2000 Vol. 28, No. 8 2991

would be similar to our first study despite adjusted so as not to produce any positive Table 1. Threshold values for a low (ⱕ10%) and
the change in clinical practice of wean- pressure in the airway. Once the breathing was a high (ⱖ25%) failure
ing. stable off the ventilator, inspiratory pressure
(Pi), inspiratory time (Ti), total respiratory Low-Risk High-Risk
cycle time, and the respiratory rate of sponta- Value Value
MATERIALS AND METHODS neous breathing were measured from the Variable (ⱕ10%) (ⱖ25%)
pressure-time tracings obtained from a cathe-
ter with the tip at the end of the ETT by using VTspont (mL/kg) ⱖ6.5 ⱕ3.5
This study was approved by the hospital
a Ventrak respiratory monitor (Novametrix, FIO2 ⱕ0.30 ⬎0.40
institutional review board, and the need for Paw (cm H2O) ⬍5 ⬎8.5
informed consent was waived. All infants and Wallingford, CT). Tidal volume of a spontane-
OI ⱕ1.4 ⬎4.5
children admitted to the Pediatric Intensive ous breath was measured at the hub of the FrVe (%) ⱕ20 ⱖ30
Care and the Neonatal Intensive Care Units of ETT by using a pneumotachograph and was PIP (cm H2O) ⱕ25 ⱖ30
indexed to body weight. The maximum nega- Cdyn (mL/kg/cm H2O) ⱖ0.9 ⬍0.4
the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh from
tive inspiratory pressure (Pimax) for a sponta- Vt/Ti (mL/kg/sec) ⱖ14 ⱕ8
July 1994 to June 1996 who required mechan-
neous breath was measured as described by
ical ventilation for ⱖ24 hrs were eligible for
Marini et al. (18). VTspont, spontaneous tidal volume indexed to
the study. All patients were weaned using syn- Indices that incorporated more than one body weight; FIO2, fraction of inspired oxygen;
chronized intermittent mandatory ventilation, measure of respiratory function were the ratio Paw, mean airway pressure; OI, oxygenation in-
assisted mechanical ventilation using pressure of Pi to Pimax (Pi/Pimax), oxygenation index dex; FrVe, fraction of total minute ventilation
support, or a combination of synchronized (OI), dynamic compliance of the respiratory provided by the ventilator; PIP, peak ventilatory
intermittent mandatory ventilation with pres- system, the fraction of the total minute venti- inspiratory pressure; Cdyn, dynamic compliance;
sure support. Synchronized intermittent man- lation that was provided by the ventilator ex- Vt/Ti, mean inspiratory flow.
datory ventilation breaths were volume regu- pressed as a percentage (FrVe), mean inspira- SI unit conversion: 1 cm H2O ⫽ 0.098 kPa.
lated and time cycled ventilation with no tory flow, frequency to tidal volume ratio (f/
control or limitation of peak ventilatory in- VT), and CROP (compliance, rate, oxygenation,
spiratory pressure (PIP). The decision to extu- and pressure). These indices were calculated Table 2. Clinical characteristics of patients
bate was made by the primary physician and as previously described (5). Postextubation
data consisted of whether reintubation oc- Prediction Validation
was based primarily on clinical examination,
curred within 48 hrs and the reason for rein- Group Group
blood gases, and available ventilatory parame-
tubation. Factor (n ⫽ 208) (n ⫽ 312)
ters. Some patients were weaned off all venti-
lator support before extubation, whereas some Data Analysis. The extubation failure rate
was calculated for each variable and index of Age, yrs (%)
were extubated from a low level of ventilator ⬍1 50.5 50
support. The primary physician was responsi- respiratory function. Failure rates are ex-
1–5 24 25
pressed as percentages with 95% confidence ⬎5 25.5 25
ble for the weaning process and was blinded to
intervals (19). To determine whether there Duration of intubation,
the results of the study. The decision to rein-
was a linear trend in extubation failure rate as days (%)
tubate also was made by the primary physician
each variable or index increased or decreased, ⬍3 39.9 38.5
and was based on clinical examination, blood we performed a regression test for a linear 3–7 37.5 37.5
gases, or both. The aspects of clinical exam trend in proportions with preselected ranges 7–14 16.8 18.3
that were used to assess readiness to extubate and the corresponding failure rates (19). The ⬎14 5.8 5.8
included respiratory rate, air entry, and a clin- ranges for each variable and index were se- Male:Female 81:127 120:192
ical judgment about the work of breathing. lected a priori, as described previously (5). A Z Extubation failure (%) 16.3 16.0
Extubation failure was defined as the require- statistic of ⱖ1.96 corresponding to p ⱕ .05
ment for reintubation within 48 hrs of extu- was considered statistically significant (19). In
bation. Patients with neuromuscular disease, our previous study, we were able to identify
neonates ⬍ 37 wks of gestational age, and cutoff values for selected variables that defined in Table 3. Preextubation data were also
those who were reintubated for upper airway a low risk or a high risk of extubation failure similar between the two groups, as shown
obstruction were excluded from the study. (5). Low risk was defined as a failure rate ⱕ in Table 4. The Z scores and the p for the
Data Collection. Data collected included 10% and a high risk of failure was defined as a test for linear trend in proportions are
age, weight, gender, admitting diagnosis, and failure rate ⱖ 25%; the cutoff values are
shown in Table 5. There were no differ-
duration of intubation. All measurements shown in Table 1. We compared the failure
rates from this study (validation group) with
ences between the prediction and the val-
were made immediately before extubation.
those published previously (prediction group) idation groups. There were no differences
Ventilator rate, PIP, mean airway pressure
(Paw), and FIO2 before extubation were re- by using the chi-square test for proportions. in the failure rates for any of the cutoff
corded. The level of positive end-expiratory We analyzed the distribution of categorical values for PIP, Paw, FIO2, OI, dynamic
pressure or continuous positive airway pres- variables between groups by using the chi- compliance, spontaneous tidal volume,
sure also was recorded. Tidal volume delivered square test or the Fisher’s exact test, with p ⬍ FrVe, and mean inspiratory flow (Vt/Ti)
by the ventilator to the patient was measured .05 considered significant. (Figs. 1 and 2).
at the hub of the endotracheal tube (ETT) by a
pneumotachograph and was standardized to
body weight. While the patient was still on the
ventilator, variables recorded were heart rate,
We enrolled 312 patients in the study. Discontinuation of mechanical venti-
respiratory rate, blood pressure, and blood
gases. We also noted the presence or absence There were no differences in any of the lation will be successful if the patient has
of retractions and paradoxic breathing before clinical characteristics between the pre- the capacity to sustain spontaneous
extubation. The ventilator was disconnected diction and validation groups (Table 2). breathing without undue effort, if the pa-
from the ETT and attached to a Mapleson bag The reasons for reintubation were similar tient has a normal inspiratory drive, and
with supplemental oxygen. The flow rate was in both groups, and the results are given if the patient does not have an increased

2992 Crit Care Med 2000 Vol. 28, No. 8

Table 3. Reasons for reintubation

Prediction Validation his study validates
Group Group
(%) (%) our previous study
(n ⫽ 34) (n ⫽ 50) Z Statistic p Value
showing that pre-
Poor effort (apnea/decreased air entry) 24 22 ⫺0.03 .98
Excessive effort (severe retractions and tachypnea) 42 40 ⫺0.01 .99 extubation variables easily
Neurologic (absent airway reflexes) 6 2 0.39 .70
Cardiovascular insufficiency 9 12 0.06 .95 obtained at the bedside can
Inadequate oxygenation (PaO2/FIO2, ⬍100) 9 12 0.06 .95
Respiratory acidosis (PaCO2, ⬎60 torr, with pH ⬍7.30 9 12 0.06 .95 predict the relative risk of
There were no significant differences between the two groups. The two groups were compared by reintubation.
the chi-square test for proportions. To convert torr to kPa, multiply values by 0.133.

Table 4. Pre-extubation data

higher when patients are extubated from
Successfully Failed
a high level of ventilator support as
Variable Extubated Extubation p Value
shown by a higher FIO2, Paw, OI, and
Age (months) 37.6 ⫾ 5.2 52.8 ⫾ 12.1 .14 FrVe, suggesting that the patient’s ability
pH 7.41 ⫾ 0.01 7.39 ⫾ 0.01 .38 to sustain spontaneous breathing after
PaO2 (torr) 100.3 ⫾ 5.3 101.8 ⫾ 5.8 .6 extubation was overestimated. Con-
PaCO2 (torr) 39.5 ⫾ 0.6 41.3 ⫾ 1.4 .23 versely, a spontaneous tidal volume that
HCO⫺ 3 (mmol/L) 27.4 ⫾ 0.3 26.5 ⫾ 0.8 .9
BE (mmol/L) 2.4 ⫾ 0.4 2.5 ⫾ 0.7 .9
is at least normal, a low FIO2, a low Paw,
Duration of intubation (days) 5.0 ⫾ 0.4 5.2 ⫾ 0.6 .8 a low OI, a low PIP, a high dynamic
Ventilator rate (breaths/min) 4.7 ⫾ 0.2 4.4 ⫾ 0.3 .4 compliance, a low FrVe, and a normal or
high Vt/Ti are associated with a low risk
HCO⫺3 , bicarbonate; BE, base deficit/excess. of failure. As in our previous study, we did
Data presented as mean ⫾ SEM. The groups were compared by unpaired t-test. To convert torr to not find Pi, Pimax, or Pi/Pimax to be useful
kPa, multiply values by 0.1333.
predictors of extubation outcome. The
Table 5. Results of the regression test for a linear trend in proportions
relative risk of extubation failure and the
threshold values for low and high risk
Prediction Group Validation Group were not different from our previous
study. Not only did the patients in our
Variable Z Statistic p Value Z Statistic p Value study vary in age, diagnoses, duration of
intubation, and the use of neuromuscular
RRstd 0.29 .768 0.32 .7
blockade, but there was considerable
Pi 0.82 .412 0.8 .45
Pimax 0.62 .536 0.65 .5 variation among physicians’ judgments
Pi/Pimax 0.27 .791 0.32 .7 concerning the readiness for extubation,
VTspont 2.6 .01 2.63 .011 and there was a change in clinical prac-
FIO2 2.35 .018 2.5 .01 tice since our first study. We did not
Paw 2.51 .012 2.5 .01
OI 2.53 .012 2.5 .01 examine the impact of these factors on
FrVe 3.149 .002 3.2 .002 the predictive capacity of these variables.
PIP 3.7 ⬍.001 3.65 ⬍.001 A much larger study would be needed to
Cdyn 1.57 .116 1.54 .11 examine the independent effects of these
Vt/Ti 2.86 .004 2.9 .004
factors in predicting extubation success
f/Vt 0.96 .34 1 .38
CROP index 0.83 .41 0.8 .4 and failure. Despite these confounding
factors, our study shows that the esti-
RRstd, respiratory rate standardized to age; Pi, spontaneous inspiratory pressure; Pimax, maximum mated risk of extubation indicated by the
negative inspiratory pressure of a spontaneous breath; VTspont, spontaneous tidal volume indexed to measures of respiratory function is ro-
body weight; Paw, mean airway pressure; OI, oxygenation index; FrVe, fraction of total minute bust and objective. The variables exam-
ventilation provided by the ventilator; PIP, peak ventilatory inspiratory pressure; Cdyn, dynamic ined in our study can be measured easily
compliance; Vt/Ti, mean inspiratory flow; f/Vt, respiratory rate to tidal volume ratio indexed to body
and quickly at the bedside with simple
weight; CROP index, dynamic compliance, respiratory rate, oxygenation, and maximum negative
instruments present in most intensive
inspiratory pressure.
care units.
Adult studies indicate that not all pa-
load on the respiratory muscles. This tidal volume, there is an increased load tients need a gradual reduction of me-
study confirms our previous observation on the respiratory muscles as indicated chanical ventilation (22–24). These stud-
that in mechanically ventilated infants by a high PIP or a low dynamic compli- ies on weaning were conducted only on
and children, there is a higher risk of ance, or there is decreased central in- patients who failed an initial trial of spon-
failure when the effort of breathing re- spiratory drive as shown by a low Vt/Ti taneous breathing without extubation
sults in a lower than normal spontaneous (5). Additionally, the risk of failure is (22–24). If the patients failed this trial,

Crit Care Med 2000 Vol. 28, No. 8 2993

Figure 1. Top left, comparison of low and high risk of extubation failure for spontaneous tidal volume (VTspont). Top right, comparison of low and high risk
of extubation failure for fraction of inspired oxygen (FIO2). Bottom left, comparison of low and high risk of extubation failure for mean airway pressure
(Paw). Bottom right, comparison of low and high risk of extubation failure for oxygenation index (OI).

they were then subjected to a weaning ability to sustain spontaneous breathing and premature extubation, both of which
protocol. There are no studies on wean- after extubation. The observation that a can increase morbidity and health care
ing protocols in children. Currently, de- high preextubation FrVe can be associ- costs. The threshold values also may be
termining the optimal time for extuba- ated with a higher extubation failure rate applied in any prospective study of wean-
tion is based on a clinical evaluation of is supported by studies in neonates and ing protocols. The time required to reach
the patient’s ability to sustain spontane- adults (4, 12) and suggests a need to a certain threshold would be a useful and
ous breathing when mechanical ventila- evaluate the patient’s ability to breathe objective outcome measure to compare
tion is discontinued. Ideally, a child’s spontaneously at a lower level of support. weaning protocols.
ability to sustain spontaneous breathing Similar to the adult experience, it should Our observation that a low spontane-
should be tested without any ventilator be possible for many children to be extu- ous tidal volume is associated with a high
support. The current practice of extuba- bated with minimal or no weaning by risk of extubation failure is similar to that
tion generally follows a period of weaning using the threshold values from this reported in adults (1, 11). This suggests
to what the clinician considers a low level study. Any patient with a low risk of fail- that it may not be so much the effort of
of ventilator support. There is a general ure based on the threshold values shown breathing but rather the outcome of that
reluctance to evaluate mechanically ven- in Table 1 can be extubated immediately. effort that determines the ability to sus-
tilated infants and young children on If a patient has a high risk of failure as tain spontaneous breathing. A low dy-
continuous positive airway pressure, be- judged by the threshold values given in namic compliance or a high airway resis-
cause of the concern that the endotra- Table 1, one must determine its reason. tance, reflecting an increased imposed
cheal tube and the ventilator circuit im- All patients must have a normal inspira- load on the respiratory muscles, in-
pose an undue burden on the respiratory tory drive, and if it is low, oversedation creases PIP with volume-regulated time-
muscles. Therefore, it is not uncommon should be suspected and corrected. If the cycled ventilation and is associated with
for infants and children to be extubated reason for the high risk of failure is inef- extubation failure in neonates (3, 20, 21).
from a low ventilator rate of 4 –5 breaths/ fective spontaneous efforts, as suggested This observation is similar to that seen in
min. More recently, it has become a com- by spontaneous tidal volume ⱕ 3.5 mL/ our study. A low inspiratory drive can
mon practice to apply a low level of pres- kg, it might be prudent to continue me- result in hypoventilation after extuba-
sure support, designed to overcome the chanical ventilation until the spontane- tion. Adults who fail extubation do not
respiratory system resistance. If the ven- ous tidal volume improves. An increased have a decreased Vt/Ti but have rapid
tilator breaths are large, especially when load on the respiratory muscles (a high shallow breathing with an increase in
coupled with a low spontaneous tidal vol- PIP and a low dynamic compliance) also Vt/Ti (1). This is caused by a more pro-
ume, the ventilator may provide a sub- may indicate continuing mechanical ven- nounced decrease in Ti compared with
stantial fraction of the total minute ven- tilation. This approach may avoid both the decrease in spontaneous tidal volume
tilation and may mask the patient’s unnecessary prolongation of ventilation (1). Our study shows that when the Vt/Ti

2994 Crit Care Med 2000 Vol. 28, No. 8

Figure 2. Top left, comparison of low and high risk of extubation failure for fraction of total minute ventilation provided by the ventilator (FrVe). Top right,
comparison of low and high risk of extubation failure for peak ventilatory inspiratory pressure (PIP). Bottom left, comparison of low and high risk of
extubation failure for dynamic compliance (Cdyn). Bottom right, comparison of low and high risk of extubation failure for mean inspiratory flow (Vt/Ti).

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