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Nama : Anak Agung Ngurah Kresnaningrat Daneswara

NIM : 2304551334



The state is a full legal subject in interstate life. The state is called a full legal subject
because the state has rights and obligations within the framework of international law, has the
legal capacity to take action or the ability to prosecute rights obtained by international law
through international courts, file an international case, enter into agreements between states and
have various obligations in life between states such as maintaining world order and opposing war
or oppression. International law exists as a goal to maintain peace, tranquility and prosperity of
the world. Without international law, harmony is impossible. This is reasonable because each
member state has its own interests and views, sometimes these interests are conflicting or
opposite, therefore international law is present as a solution in resolving these problems.
According to article 1 paragraph 3, Indonesia is a state of law in the preamble of its constitution,
Indonesia respects world peace, besides that the Indonesian state is a member of the United
Nations, therefore Indonesia is obliged and obedient to international law. However, despite the
existence of international law, the state of the world has not been fully justified. There are many
international problems such as in trade or in war, such as the example of the war between Iraq
and the United States. The United States invaded Iraq and toppled Saddam Hussein on the
grounds that Iraq was producing weapons of mass destruction. The war between Iraq and the US
resulted in hundreds of thousands of civilian and military casualties, as well as economic losses
and disruptions in Iraq. But until now, the weapons of mass destruction referred to by the United
States have not been found. Until now the UN has closed the case and is reluctant to discuss the
trial. Similarly, the war between Israel and Palestine until now the UN cannot resolve the
International law is a pillar in upholding justice. Justice in international law must be
objective and not prioritize the subjective. In resolving the handling of war issues that cause
many human rights violations, international law enforcers must be equipped with moral sciences.
The UN Council should abolish the five-state veto. The five-state veto should be equalized with

other member states so that there are no vested interests between the five states alone. The UN
Council should provide a specialized oversight management body for international tribunals
whose members rotate each year. By providing a separate and special international law oversight
management body can at least minimize the occurrence of injustice in deciding international


Qc, M.N.S., 2019. Hukum Internasional. Nusamedia.

Latipulhayat, A., 2021. Hukum internasional: Sumber-Sumber Hukum. Sinar Grafika.

Agustina, A., 2016. The Legitimacy of Veto Power for the Permanent Members of the United Nations
Security Council (Doctoral dissertation, Universitas Gadjah Mada).

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