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HOW TO DO IT : upstairs table booth, downstairs table, booth the bar, grill | beverages ask them
for drink `| appetizers | entrees | desserts | ask them for any other assistance


🏮 | Salutations! Warm welcomes to B-A-M-B-O-U, a traditional asian-based restaurant here on

ROBLOX! My signature is eqvieos and I will be your server for today!

🏮 | How many people are in your party?

🏮 | Got it! Where would you like to eat? [Our options are booth, table, b a r or hibachi grill!]

🏮 | Alright! Will it be upstairs or downstairs?

🏮 | With pleasure! Please follow me to your following seating arrangement!

🏮 | Is this alright for you?

🏮 | Great! Before I start serving you, I’d like to state up some information about our Restaurant.

🏮 | Would you like to skip it?

🏮 | Awesome! Firstly, we have 4pesos sections; Beverages [Drinks] , Appetizers, Entrees and
finally, Desserts!

🏮 | If you would like to skip any of those sections, please let me know once I present this section.

🏮 | And lastly, our Menu is located in your inventory for you to see what types of foods we have!

🏮 | Did everybody understand?

🏮 | Perfecto! We will start off with beverages. What do you wish for?

🏮 | If you’re not sure of what to choose, I’d definitely recommend my favorite: a nice fresh Iced

🏮 | Are you sure you’re willing to skip this section?

🏮 | Sure! Will that be all? [Please be remindful that you can have 3pesos items per person, per

🏮 | Excellent choice/s! Please give me a moment to prepare your beverage/s.

🏮 | Here is your delicious beverage/s. Bon appetit!

🏮 | If you’re ready to move on, please say «Yes!»

🏮 | We will move onto Appetizers. What do you wish for?

🏮 | If you’re not sure of what to choose, I’d definitely recommend my favorite: mouth-watering
Chicken Potstickers!

🏮 | Are you sure you’re willing to skip this section?

🏮 | Sure! Will that be all? [Please be remindful that you can have 3pesos items per person, per

🏮 | Excellent choice/s! Please give me a moment to prepare your appetizer/s.

🏮 | Here is your delicious appetizer/s. Bon appetit!

🏮 | If you’re ready to move on, please say «Yes!»

🏮 | Next up is Entrees! What do you wish for?

🏮 | If you’re not sure of what to choose, I’d definitely recommend my favorite: healthy Broccoli

🏮 | Are you sure you’re willing to skip this section?

🏮 | Sure! Will that be all? [Please be remindful that you can have 3pesos items per person, per

🏮 | Excellent choice/s! Please give me a moment to prepare your entree/s.

🏮 | Here is your delicious entree/s. Bon appetit!

🏮 | If you’re ready to move on, please say «Yes!»

🏮 | And last but not least, desserts! What do you wish for?

🏮 | If you’re not sure of what to choose, I’d definitely recommend my favorite: soft Mango Mochi!

🏮 | Are you sure you’re willing to skip this section?

🏮 | Sure! Will that be all? [Please be remindful that you can have 3pesos items per person, per

🏮 | Excellent choice/s! Please give me a moment to prepare your dessert/s.

🏮 | Here is your delicious dessert/s. Bon appetit!

🏮 | Would you like any assistance before I conclude your experience?

🏮 | Alright, then I’m afraid I will need to conclude myself serving you for today. Hope you enjoyed
your food and hope to see you soon back at B-A-M-B-O-U!

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