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[NCM117] Domestic Violence and Abuse

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE & ABUSE 5. Child Sexual Abuse – use of persuasion, enticement or coercion of a
child to engage in sexual intercourse, or the commission of incestuous
6. Child Labor- forceful employment of children below 15 years of age
Dysfunctional Family
7. Abandoned – failure to provide for the care & support of a child for at
• Grow up a changed person different from other least 6 consecutive months for no valid reasons, said failure is due to
• Attempt to flee the pain of their past reasons beyond the control of parents or due to financial reasons
• Repeat abuses to children, spouse & others Causes of Child Abuse
• Trauma & pains from parent’s actions, words, attitudes
• Feeling of Anxiety/ Rage 1. Parent factors- history of parents; Individual who have not met their
own developmental needs may find it difficult to meet the needs of
Characteristics of Healthy Family their children
2. Characteristics of identified in maltreating parents – low self-esteem,
1. Reassuring & supportive by helping each other in developing
low intelligence, ego deficiency impulsive, fear of rejection, low
frustration tolerance, narcissism, immaturity, dependency
1. Sets clear boundaries between the elder & younger family member
3. Lack of parenting skills- in cases of overuse of physical punishment
2. Allows each family member to express disagreement but still be
4. Problems with coping & self-control
accepted & loved
4. Give realistic expectations & values the contribution of each family
members • Difficulty w/ becoming independent
5. Reality is focused, recognized each member’s contribution in • Depressed- eating or sleep disorder, frequent headache, susceptible to
dysfunctional problem, not blaming the individual illness
• Lag on social & academic development
Types of Dysfunctional Families
• Rigid ideas; “male to female”, “Parents to children” “world to live- safe
1. Alcoholic or chemically –dependent family system /dangersous”
2. Emotionally or psychologically disturbed family system • Grow as teenagersabuse/abusive, use drugs/alcohol.
3. Physically or sexually abusing family system • School drop-out, attempt suicide
4. Religious fundamentalist or rigidly dogmatic family system • Interpret innocent remarks& normal peer interactions as hostile attacks
• “ Breeding ground for codependency” & react w/ fear or get into fight Blame self for causing adult behavior
• “ Troubled family system”
“ The special Protection for a child Againts Abuse, Exploitation and
• Express through typical strategies : minimizing, projection,
Discrimination Act “
intellectualizing, denial
• Defines child abuse as maltreatment… to children below 18 years of
• Minimizing – acknowledge there maybe problems, but makes light of it age…. gravely threaten or endanger the survival & normal development
• Projection- blame the problem to others, bear scapegoat to bear of children
family’s shame
• Intellectualizing- tries to explain the problem, believing that by offering • Domestic violence- occurs between partner in an ongoing relationships
a convenient excuse/explanation, problem will be resolved • Battering- nor a simple physical violence, a systematic pattern of
• Denial- demands that other people including self believe that there is domination & control
no problem • Battered woman- over the age of 16 w/ evidence of physical abuse on
at least one occasion at the hands of intimate male partner
• Battered Wife syndrome- complex syndrome, repeated patterns of
Domestic Violence abuse

• Inappropriate use of power or abuse of power within the family PATTERNS OF ABUSE

Child Abuse • Psychological- abusers establish total control over what woman can do,
who she sees & talk to, where she goes. Victim soon to believe the
• An act that inflicts physical or psychological injury cruelty or neglect, reality that her partner creates for her
sexual abuse & exploitation to a child • Physical- act results to non-accidental physical injury to nay member of
the family. Includes- destroying personal property, punching, biting,
1. Cruelty – any word or action , which degrade the dignity of a child as a kicking, etc.
human being • Financial/ Economic Abuse
2. Child Exploitation – hiring, employment, coercion of child to perform in o Unilateral restricting her access to financial resources by forcing
obscene exhibitions & incident show, whether live, video, or film, or to her to ask for money, giving her allowance & taking her own
pose as a model in obscene or pornographic materials ( to sell or money
distribute) o Making her accountable for every peso spent
3. Child Neglect- Failure of a parent or legal guardian to provide the basic o Not allowing her to have bank account or to be gainfully employed
4. Child Trafficking- act of trading or dealing w/ children, including but not
limited to, buying & selling children for favor or money
[NCM117] Domestic Violence and Abuse

• Sexual Abuse
o Forcing a woman to perform sexual acts against her will
o Treating the woman like a sex objects
o Not permitting any means of birth control
o Forcing a decision to have abortion

Cycle can happen hundreds of times in an abusive relationship

Each cycle last a different amount of time in a relationship

The total cycle can take anywhere from a few hours to a year or more to

• Incident/ VIOLENCE
o Any type of abuse occur (sexual/physical/emotional)
• Make-up “Honeymoon”
o Abuser may apologize for the abuse done
o Abuser may promise it will never happen again
o Abuser may blame the victim for causing the abuse
o Abuser may deny abuse took place or say “ it was not as bad as
the victim claims
• Calm
o Abuser acts like he’s the one abused
o It never happened
o Physical abuse may not taken place
o Promises made during “ make-up” period may be met
o Victim may hope that the abuse is over
o Abuser may give gifts to the victim
• Tension Building
o Abuser starts to get angry
o Abuser may begin
o There is breakdown of communication
o Victim feels the need to keep the abuser calm
o Tension becomes unbearable
o Victim feels like she is “ walking on egg shell”


1. Call the police

o They can arrest the abuser if personal protection order (PPO) has
o violated
o If abuser has broken any property, show it to the police
o Police reports can be used in court
2. Get support from friends & family
o Tell them what had happened
3. Get medical attention
o Seek medical management
o Domestic violence advocates are present in hospitals
o Medical records can be used in court
4. Create a safety plan
o Plan what to do before or when you feel unsafe
5. Have important phone numbers nearby for you & your children
o Inform friends & neighbors about the abuse
o Allow them to call the police if they hear angry or violent noises
6. Practice ways to get out safely
o Create an escape plan for you & children


1. To be treated with respect & dignity

2. To vail of legal assistance from designated gov’t agencies
3. To avail of support services from DSWD and LGUs
4. To exhaust all remedies & support under the Family Code
5. To be informed of their legal rights & priveleges

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