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Pintek as one of Fintech in Indonesia, whose mission is to drive business transformation

through financial service innovation. Pintek’s target market is potential business that
unbankable and cannot be reach by Bank requirement. Pintek offers 2 products that
quite common in the market, which are Invoice Financing and PO Financing. Please
elaborate how do you will calculate or analyze client’s financial with required TnC! (i.e
what point do you see, where you can get the data, and what method do yo use to
assess the worthiness)

a. Length of business: 1 years
b. Industry category: FMCG – Daily Product
c. Business Location: Bandung
d. Facility purposed: PO Financing
e. Revenue based on Financial Statement Per June 2023 IDR 100 Bio, COGS IDR 60 Bio,
f. Bank Statement:
Debit Credit
Jan 2023 15 Bio 15 Bio
Feb 2023 17 Bio 16 Bio
Mar 2023 16 Bio 20 Bio
Apr 2023 15 Bio 18 Bio
May 2023 17 Bio 15 Bio
Jun 2023 15 Bio 17 Bio
g. Verification result:
- No negative news
- No result on the company’s credit history by a credit bureau

How do you review these companies and what are you going to propose (the terms and

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