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12, 2024
1. On the first day of my internship, the preparation I did today was to prepare reading
material provided by my CT for my students. I am in charge of the reading class for this
2. The first thing I did was do morning greetings and asked my students how their day
was before going to school. We also have an energizer before we start our class.
3. My CT has already grouped the class into those improving in reading and those who
still do not know how to read. I used Fuller reading material for the groups that are
improving in reading and Marungko Approach reading material for those learners who
still do not know how to read. The strategy that I used was to read aloud to students
4. The problem that I encountered with the students was their behavior because some
of them are so hard-headed. I always remind them of our classroom management
during our reading class.
5. I think the things that I need to improve for the next day are to prepare engaging
activities in reading and to improve my handling of the learners' behavior during the
reading class.
Feb. 13, 2024
1. On the second day, the preparation I did today was to prepare again the reading
material provided by my CT for my students. I also prepared a game activity that was
done during the reading class.
2. The first thing I did was the same as my first day which was to do morning greetings
and ask my students how their day was before going to school. We also have an
energizer again before we start our class.
3. I again used Fuller reading material for the groups that are improving in reading and
Marungko Approach reading material for those learners who still do not know how to read.
I was still reading to them aloud. After reading, I prepared a game activity for them called
Dance Freeze. The punishment for those who lost the game was reading the words I
4. The problem I encountered with the students today was their behavior again
because, during our game activity, some were not participating, so I handled them as I
gave awards to winners and punishment to those who lost.
5. I need to improve for the next day by preparing engaging activities in reading again
and improving my handling of the learners' behavior during the reading class.
1. On the third day, the preparation I did today was to prepare again the reading
material provided by my CT for my students. Also, this day was Valentine’s Day, so I
prepared an art activity for them anchored to the celebration.

2. The first thing I did was the same as the second day which was to do morning
greetings and ask my students how their day was before going to school. I also tell We
also have an energizer again before we start our class.

3. I again used Fuller reading material for the groups that are improving in reading and
Marungko Approach reading material for those learners who still do not know how to read.
This time, I focused on those learners who are improving already in reading. After our
reading class, I gave them an art activity since it was Valentine's Day. I tasked them to
make a Valentine's card for their loved ones.

4. I don’t have any problem that I encountered with the students today because they
enjoy their activity. I discovered that they want that kind of activity.
5. I need to improve for the next day by preparing engaging activities in reading again
and another strategy in my reading class.
1. On the fourth day, the preparation I did today was to prepare again the reading
material provided by my CT for my students. I also prepared a mathematics activity for
them to answer after reading.

2. The first thing I did was the same as the second day which was to do morning
greetings and ask my students how their day was before going to school. We also have
an energizer again before we start our class.

3. I again used Fuller reading material for the groups that are improving in reading and
Marungko Approach reading material for those learners who still do not know how to read.
I was still reading to them aloud. This time, I focused on those learners who still do not
know how to read. After reading, I gave them mathematics activity to enhance their
learning in solving division.

4. The problem I encountered with the students today was their lack of focus during our
reading class. Some were distracted due to their very short attention spans. As a
solution, I provided a mathematics activity for those who had finished reading.
5. I need to improve for the next day by preparing engaging activities in reading again
and improving my handling of the learners' behavior during the reading class.
1. On the fourth day, I didn’t have any preparation I did today because my cooperating
teacher handled the catch-up Friday. I assisted her in their activity that day.

2. The first thing I did was the same as the third day which was to do morning greetings
and ask my students how their day was before going to school. We also have an
energizer again before they start their class.

3. My cooperating teacher do their catch-up Friday lesson which is about family. They did
an art activity where they draw their own family and I just assist the students with their

4. I don’t have any problem that I encountered with the students today because they
enjoy their activity and my cooperating teacher handled them that day.
5. I need to improve for the next day by preparing engaging activities in reading again
since we have reading class again on Monday and improving my handling of the
learners' behavior during the reading class.
Feb 19, 2024
1. the preparation I did today was to prepare again the reading material provided by my
CT for my students. I also prepared a writing activity that was done during the reading
2. After the flag ceremony, the first thing I did was morning greetings and ask my
students how their weekend and their day before going to school. We also have an
energizer again before we start our class.
3. Same as last week, I used Fuller reading material for the groups that are improving in
reading and Marungko Approach reading material for those learners who are still slow
reading. I was still reading to them aloud. After reading, I prepared a writing activity for
them to practice at home, and they will read it to me individually.
4. So far, I had no problem with the students today because I always made them
remember our classroom rules when we have a class.
5. I need to improve for the next day by preparing engaging activities in reading again.
Feb 20, 2024
1. the preparation I did today was to prepare again the reading material provided by my
CT for my students. I also reminded them to also read what they wrote yesterday. I also
prepared a mathematics activity again that was done after the reading class.
2the first thing I did was morning greetings and ask my students how their day was
before going to school. We also have an energizer again before we start our class.
3, I used Fuller reading material for the groups that are improving in reading and
Marungko Approach reading material for those learners who are still slow reading. This
time, I did a one-on-one reading and had a chance to read what they wrote yesterday.
After reading, I gave them mathematics activity to enhance their learning in solving
4. So far, I had no problem with the students today because I always made them
remember our classroom rules when we have a class.
5. I need to improve for the next day by preparing engaging activities in reading again.
1. I didn't have any preparation I did today because my cooperating teacher handled the
catch-up Friday. After their lesson, I was in charge of entertaining the learners that day.
We sang Filipino children's songs and watched children's Filipino stories.

2. The first thing I did was the same as the third day: I did morning greetings and asked
my students how their day was before school. We also have an energizer again before
they start their class.

3. My cooperating teacher does their catch-up Friday lesson. After the lesson, we sang
Filipino children's songs and watched children's Filipino stories. I ask them questions
about the story they have observed and let them realize the moral lesson of the story.

4. I didn't encounter any problems with the students today because they enjoyed their
activity, and my cooperating teacher handled them that day.
5. I need to improve for the next day by preparing my first demonstration since I have a
teaching demonstration on Monday and improving my handling of the learners'
Feb 22 2024
1. I prepared today to prepare the reading material provided by my CT for my students
again. After reading class, the learners take their summative test in Araling Panlipunan.
2. I first did morning greetings and asked my students how their day was before going to
school. We also had an energizer again before we started our class.
3, I used Fuller reading material for the groups that are improving in reading and
Marungko Approach reading material for those learners who are still slow reading. This
time, my focus was on the learners who were already improving. After reading, the
learners take their summative test.
4. So far, I have had no problem with the students today because I always make them
remember our classroom rules when we have a class.
5. I need to improve for the next day by preparing engaging reading activities again.
Weekly journal:
My goal this week:
My goal this week was to fulfill the responsibility that my cooperating teacher gave to me,
which was to take over the reading class. To achieve this, I did my best to improve the
learners' reading comprehension.
1. The thing that worked well this week was I used the Fuller and Marungko approach to
improve the learners' reading comprehension. Some were already improving and did their
best to learn how to read.
2. I could have done better to make my reading class more engaging because I Lacked
various Materials, so students lost interest quickly.
3. My phrase for this week could be 'Trying my best' because I'm still adjusting, and I'm
doing my utmost to ensure that my learners have the best experience in learning.
Week 2
My goal this week was to improve my teaching in my reading class. I want to ensure that
even though it is a reading class, it must still be effective and engaging
1. What worked well this week was I still used the Fuller and Marungko approach to
improve the learners' reading comprehension. Engaging in activities during reading
class was also practical since the learners participated and enjoyed.
2. I could have done better to tighten my classroom management because there are still
learners who are hard-headed, and sometimes I cannot control them.
3. My phrase for this week could be “I can do this”.
1.Since I conducted my rated teaching demonstration today, I have
prepared the teaching materials for the activity as well as a PowerPoint
presentation for the discussion. Additionally, I have prepared a reward
system to facilitate classroom management.
2. Before I started the lesson, I prepared an engaging activity to motivate
the students, which was directly related to the lesson. I hid pictures around
the classroom, and all they needed to do was find them and guess what
each picture depicted.
3. The strategy I employed was to keep my activities creative and engaging.
I utilized a creative PowerPoint presentation to capture my students' interest
and encourage participation. I believe it was effective, as I observed my
students enjoying themselves throughout the entire lesson.
4. I encountered some problems with the students, particularly regarding
their behavior during our activity. The more they enjoyed themselves, the
more hyper they became, making it difficult for me to control them at times.
Consequently, I implemented a reward system. For students who weren't
obeying the rules, I took back from them the rewards they had received.
5. The aspect I need to improve for my next teaching demonstration is how
well I can handle the behavior of my students during our lesson.
1. the preparation I did today was to prepare again the reading material
provided by my CT for my students. I also prepared an assessment of their
lesson in MTB-MLE that was done after the reading class.
2. the first thing I did was morning greetings and ask my students how their
day was before going to school. We also have an energizer again before
we start our class.
3. Similar to last week, I utilized Fuller reading materials for the groups
showing improvement in reading, and Marungko Approach reading
materials for learners who are still struggling with reading pace. Following
the reading session, I administered an assessment for them to answer. After
they answered the assessment, I provided a further explanation of how to
4. So far, I had no problem with the students today because I always made
them remember our classroom rules when we have a class.
5. I need to prepare for my first demonstration since I have a teaching
demonstration tomorrow and focus on improving my management of the
learners' behavior.
1. Since I conducted my rated teaching demonstration today, I have
prepared again the teaching materials for the activity as well as a
PowerPoint presentation for the discussion. Additionally, I also improved
the reward system to facilitate classroom management.
2. Before I started the lesson, I did morning greetings and asked my
students how their day was before going to school. I also reminded them
again of our classroom rules I prepared an engaging activity again.
3. The strategy I employed was to keep my activities creative and engaging
again. I utilized a creative PowerPoint presentation again to catch their
attention. Today, I didn’t do a differentiated activity, perhaps, I let them do
individual work which is drawing that was still connected to our lesson.
4. I don’t have any problem with my students today because of what I
implemented which is the reward system. For students who weren't obeying
the rules, I took back from them the rewards they had received.
5. The aspect I need to improve for my next teaching demonstration is more
engaging activities.
Weekly journal:
Note: I was successfully done with two teaching demonstrations this week. I am
pleased with the feedback from my cooperating teacher, who mentioned that I am
improving in managing my students' behavior. Effective management in this
section is very crucial, so it was reassuring to hear from my cooperating teacher
that I am already quite good at handling them.
My goal this week:
My goal this week was to successfully do my two-rated teaching demonstrations.
Also, the thinking of some strategies to improve classroom management
1. The strategy I implemented in my teaching demonstration activities worked well
this week, as the students were engaged and enjoyed our discussion. I’m also glad
to hear from my cooperating teacher that I am already quite good at handling my
2. I think I am satisfied with my performance this week.
3. My phrase for this week could be 'job well done' because I am pleased with my
work this week, and I remain committed to further improvement.

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