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Master in Quality Management

Global Competitiveness Course
Mid-Term Exam

Duration: 1.30 hr Dr.

Ibrahim Rostom
Question 1: Choose the correct answer:
1. Which of the following best describes low-income
a. heavy reliance on foreign aid
b. political instability
c. high birth rates
d. all of the above

2. The World Trade Organization was founded in 1947.

a. True
b. False

3. Germany has the largest economy (as measured by

GDP) of the nations in the European Union.
a. True
b. False

4. McDonald’s successful global expansion has been

made possible in part because of the growing
worldwide acceptance of “fast-food culture.”
a. True
b. False

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5. Global growth for Visa, American Express, and
MasterCard will be limited because, in many cultures,
the prevailing attitude is that credit cards are inferior to
a. True
b. False

6. To speed adoption of a new product, the marketing

team should:
a. ensure that features and benefits can be
communicated or demonstrated
b. design the maximum amount of complexity into
the product
c. discourage limited use on a “trial” basis

7. Engineers at a company in a developing country study

an American computer chip design, copy it, and
produce identical chips that are then sold to local
computer makers. What form of intellectual property
has been wrongly appropriated?
a. patent
b. copyright
c. trademark

8. In many parts of the world, sales of unauthorized videos

of Hollywood movies cost the movie studios billions of
dollars. When illegal copies of movies are made, what
form of intellectual property has been wrongly
a. patent
b. copyright
c. trademark
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Question 2: Match the Term with its definition.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
1. a. international treaty that
committed signatories to
Globalization of lowering barriers to the free
markets flow of goods across
national borders; led to
2. b. occurs when a firm exports
goods or services to
Factors of production
consumers in another
3. c. an economic system in
which the interaction of
General Agreement
supply and demand
on Tariffs and Trade
determines the quantity in
which goods and services
are produced

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4. d. any business that has
World Trade
productive activities in 2 or
Organization (WTO)
more countries
5. e. the merging of historically
distinct and separate
International Trade
national markets in to one
huge global marketplace
6. f. a political system in which
government is by the
Foreign Direct
people, exercised either
Investment (FDI)
directly or through elected
7. g. components of production
such as labor, land,
Enterprise (MNE)
energy, and capital
8. h. Occurs when a firm invests
resources in business
Communists activities outside its home
9. i. the organization that
succeeded the GATT and
now acts to police the
world trading system
10. j. those who believe that
socialism can only be
realized through violent
revolution and totalitarian

Question 3: State the difference between:

a. Inflow / In stock of Foreign Direct Investment.
b. Innovation / Creativity

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